CCFS Abstracts

The CCFS Whole-of-Centre Meeting Abstract Volume ISSN:2208-7230 is available for download here.
2011 I 2012 I 2013 I 2014 I 2015 I 2016 I 2017 I 2018 I 2019 I 2020 I 2021
Australia Earth Sciences Convention Conference: Core to Cosmos', 9-12 February 2021
The AuScope Geochemistry Network and AusGeochem
H. Dalton, A. Prent, S. Boone, G. Florin, Y., Greau, B. McInnes, A. Gleadow, S.Y. O’Reilly, B. Kohn, E. Matchan, O. Alard, T. Rawling, F. Kohlmann, M. Theile and W. Noble
H. Gamal EL Dien, L.-S. Doucet, J.B. Murphy and Z.-X. Li Chasing lower crustal tectonic domains in the Yilgarn Craton.
K. Gessner, R.H. Smithies and Y. Lu Composition and evolution of the southern African lithosphere from combined xenocryst and magnetotelluric data
S. Özaydin and K. Selway Lithospheric-scale magnetotellurics over the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane, Yilgarn Craton
K. Selway, M. Dentith and K. Gessner Assembly of proto-Australia prior to the formation of the Nuna supercontinent in the Paleoproterozoic
U. Kirscher, R. Mitchell, Y. Liu, A. Nordsvan, L. Wu, S. Pisarevsky an Z.X. Li Structural evolution of a 1.6 Ga orogeny related to the final assembly of the supercontinent Nuna: coupling of episodic and progressive deformation
S. Volante, W.J. Collins, A. Pourteau, Z.-X. Li, J. Li and A. Nordsvan Keynote
EGU General Assembly 2021: Gather Online 19-30 April 2021
Thermochemical structure of the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath Superior craton: Results from multi-observable probabilistic inversion
R. Dave, F.A. Darbyshire, J.C. Afonso and K. Ali
M. Kirilova, V. Toy, K.Sauer, F. Renard, K. Gessner, R. Wirth, R. and X. Xiao Receiver Function mapping of mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath Western Alps using scaled 3-D velocity corrections
D. Liu, L. Zhao, A. Paul, H. Yuan, S. Solarino, C. Aubert, T. Dumont, E. Eva, S. Guillot, M.G. Malusà, S. Pondrelli, S. Salimbeni and S. Schwartz The AuScope Geochemistry Network and the AusGeochem geochemistry data platform
B. McInnes, A. Gleadow, S. O'Reilly, S. Boone, B. Kohn, E. Matchan and T. Rawling Managing Geochemical Data from Field to Lab to Publication to Archive
A. Prent, H. Dalton, S. Boone, G. Florin, Y. Greau, B. McInnes, A. Gleadow, S.Y. O’Reilly, B. Kohn, E. Matchan, O. Alard, T. Rawling, F. Kohlmann, M. Theile and W. Noble Basaltic mantle reservoirs from seismic inversion of reflection data
B. Tauzin, L. Waszek, J. Yan, M. Ballmer, N. Schmerr, J.C. Afonso and T. Bodin A combined Reduced Order-Bayesian scheme to drastically accelerate stochastic inversions
S. Zlotnik, O. Ortega, P. Díez, and J.C. Afonso
Goldschmidt Virtual 2021, Online, 4-9 July 2021
Calcium isotope compositions and fractionation in the mantle and oceanic crust
C. Chen, S.F. Foley, Z. Wang and Y. Liu
I.S. Ezad and S.F. Foley A glimpse into the secular change of mantle-derived magmatism at the transition between Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic
M. Fiorentini, S. Caruso, A. Giuliani Keynote Is Fe-Ni alloy in Ordinary Chondrites formed by precursors partial melting?
G. Florin, O. Alard, B. Luais and T. Rushmer Compositions of partial melts of hydrous pyroxenites in the cratonic mantle lithosphere and their implications for alkaline magma sources
S.F. Foley and I.S. Ezad Oxidization of the mantle caused by recycling of sedimentary carbonates may contribute to the formation of iron-rich mantle melts
D. He, Y. Liu, C. Chen, S.F. Foley and M. Ducea Petrology and geochemistry of the eastern Australian leucitites
A.W. Lanati, J.J. Shea, S.F. Foley, S. Klemme and J. Berndt A new duo for mineral exploration: apatite and zircon in granitoids from Mt Isa, Australia
M. Moxey and E. Belousova Photo-induced Force Microscopy (PiFM): A new technique at the (bio)mineralogist’s fingertips
L.M. Otter, M.W. Förster, E. Belousova, P. O’Reilly, D. Nowak, S. Clark, S.F. Foley and D.E. Jacob In situ Rb-Sr dating of glauconite in partially altered Cambrian sedimentary sequences
M. Rafiei, S. Löhr, O. Alard, J. Farkas, A. Baldermann and G. Brock The mantle source of the eastern Australian leucitites: evidence from whole rock and olivine compositions (and why the olivine compositions do matter
J.J. Shea, A.W. Lanati, I.S. Ezad, S. Özaydin, S. and S.F. Foley Petrological confirmation of lithosphere thermally eroded by asthenospheric flow beneath the NE margin of the Tibetan plateau
C. Shu, X. Long, S.F. Foley and Y. Kaizhang LA-ICP-MS Signal Enhancement by Hydrogen Gas Addition to Carrier Gasfor the Analysis of Ultra-trace Elements in Olivine and Orthopyroxene
M. Veter, O. Alard and S.F. Foley
3rd European Mineralogical Conference, Krakow, Poland, 29 August-2 September 2021
Comparing Eoarchean records of crustal growth in the North Atlantic Craton between the Saglek Block of Labrador, Canada and the Itsaq Gneiss, SW Greenland
D.J. Dunkley, M.A. Kusiak, M.J. Whitehouse, S.A. Wilde and M. Mieszcak Invited
M.J. Whitehouse, D.J. Dunkley, M.A. Kusiak, S.A. Wilde and T.T. Keluskar Invited Evaluating radiogenic lead nanoscale inclusions and clusters in zircon
S.A. Wilde, M.A. Kusiak, D.J. Dunkley, M.J. Whitehouse and R. Wirth Invited
AuScope Research Conference 2021, 12-13 October 2021
AusGeochem Launch: the AuScope Geochemistry Network’s laboratory data platform goes live
B. McInnes, A. Gleadow, S. O'Reilly, B. Kohn, D. Phillips, O. Alard, S.-A. Hodgekiss, A. Prent, S. Boone, E. Matchan, H. Dalton, Y. Greau, G. Florin, B. Ware, T. Rawling, T. Down, J. Condon, F. Kohlmann, M. Theile and W. Noble
G. Florin, A. Prent, P.Golodoniuc, V. Fazio, Y. Li and the AGN Team
EResearch Australasia 2021 Conference 11-15 October 2021
Launching AusGeochem: the AuScope Geochemistry Network’s laboratory data platform
B. Ware, A. Prent, S. Boone, H. Dalton, G. Florin, Y. Greau, F. Kohlmann, M. Theile, W. Noble, E. Matchan, B. Kohn, A. Gleadow and B. McInnes
DEEP 2021, Virtual Meeting and International Everywhere, 1-2 November 2021
Probing the physical state of the Earth’s interior with thermochemical tomography
J.C. Afonso, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, W. Ben-mansour, F. Salajeghegh, I. Fomon, S. Foley, G. Begg, K. Selway. A Macdonald and A. Nyblade Keynote
O. Alard, Y. Greau, M. Veter and S. Foley Keynote The architecture and evolution of continental lithosphere: Outcomes from multi-disciplinary mapping
G.C. Begg, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly Plenary Deep lithosphere of the North China Craton archives the fate of the Paleo-Asian Ocean
H.-K. Dai, J.-P. Zheng, Q. Xiong, S.Y. O’Reilly and W.L. Griffin Continental breakup-driven mantle growth: insights from the circum-Ordos mantle underneath the northern North China Craton
H.-K. Dai, Q. Xiong, Y. Xu, J.-P. Zheng, W.L. Griffin, J. Liu and S.Y. O’Reilly Tracking upper mantle heterogeneities using seismic anisotropy: the case of pyroxenite-rich domains
H. Henry, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin and G. Begg The evolution and power of 4D lithospheric mapping
S.Y. O’Reilly and W.L. Griffin Plenary Geodynamic and Geophysical consequences of stealth(y) mantle metasomatism: Craton evoluion and fluid pathways
S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson and collaborators Keynote When the mantle hides its (magmatic) sources: disequilibium, volatiles and other tricks affecting lithosphere composition
R. Tilhac and B. Oliveira Mantle dunitic melt plumbing system under oceanic slow-ultraslow spreading centres: Tibetan ophiolitic evidence
Q. Xiong, J.-P. Zheng, L. Wang, L.-R. Tian, X. Zhou, Z.-Y. Li, S.Y. O’Reilly and W.L. Griffin Cenezoic lithosphere architecture and metallogenesis in Southeastern Tibet
B. Xu. Z.-Q. Hou, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
AGU Fall Meeting New Orleans, LA and Online Everywhere, 13-17 December 2021
Seismic imaging of layered crust in the Pilbara Craton: A challenge for Paleoarchean crustal overturn
K. Gessner, A.J. Calvert, M.P. Doublier, L. Brisbout, H. Yuan and R.E. Murdie
P. Ajourlou, F. Salajegheh, G.A. Milne, J.C. Afonso, A. Schaeffer, P. Audet, C. Civiero and S. Lebedev Continental orogens and role in lithosphere evolution–Examples from the South China Block
T. Li, M. Jiang, L. Zhao, W. Yao, L. Chen, Y. Chu, B. Sun, Y. Ai, B. Wan and H. Yuan Development of William’s Ridge (Kerguelen Plateau) and Broken Ridge: Tectonics, hotspot magmatism, microcontinents, and Australia’s extended continental shelf
M.F. Coffin, J.M. Whittaker, N.R. Daczko, J. Halpin, G. Bernardel, K. Picard, R. Gardner, D. Gurer, S. Brune, S.A. Gibson, K. Hoernle, A. Koppers, M. Storey, G. Uenzelmann-Neben, L. Magri, D.J. Neuharth, S.H. Christiansen and L. Easton Preliminary earthquake catalogue for an ongoing temporary seismic network in SW Australia derived using machine-learning phase picker and an automated workflow
R.C. Pickle, M.S. Miller, R. Murdie, T. Allen, H. Yuan, K. Gessner and B.L.N. Kennett Greenland’s lithospheric structure based on integrated modelling with multiple geophysical datasets
A. Wansing, J. Ebbing, M. Moorkamp, B.H. Heincke and J.C. Afonso Zircons as tracers for ignimbrite flare-ups in the Central Andes: Sources and processes of magma generation
G. Worner, E.A. Belousova, S. Turner, J. Keeman, A.K. Schmitt, A. Gerdes and S.L. de Silva
Australia Earth Sciences Convention Conference Abstracts, Tasmania, Australia, 21 February 2020
Proterozoic crustal evolution of NE Australia during Nuna assembly: insights from geophysical and radiogenic isotope data
J.Y. Li, H.K.H. Olierook, Z.-X. Li, A.R. Nordsvan, W.J. Collin, A. Pourteau, S. Volante, C. Elder and L.S. Doucet
Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Convention, Toronto, Canada, 1-4 March 2020
Scale integrated approach to understanding architecture and fertility in Archean cratons: Examples from Western Australia
K. Gessner
International Geological Conference Abstracts, Delhi, India, March 2-8 2020
Proterozoic tectonic evolution of NE Australia during the supercontinent Nuna assembly: new insights from geophysics and Nd isotope data reinterpretation
J.Y. Li, H.K.H. Olierook, Z.-X. Li, A.R. Nordsvan, W.J. Collin, A. Pourteau, S. Volante, C. Elder and L.S. Doucet
EGU General Assembly, Online, 4-8 May 2020
New constraints on the Sulfur isotope signature of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle wedge: In situ δ34S analyses of pentlandite from the exhumed orogenic garnet-bearing peridotite of the Ulten Zone, Eastern Italian Alps
G. Consuma, R. Braga, M.L. Fiorentini, L. Martin, P. Tropper and S. Aulbach
Advances on multiobservable thermochemical tomography for the physical state of the upper mantle
I. Fomin and J. Afonso
From Rodinia to Pangea: an extroversion process driven first by plume push followed by downwelling pull, absorption and merging
Z.-X. Li, W. Collins, L. Wu and S. Pisarevsky
Modern plate tectonic cycles are inherited from Hadean mantle convection
R. N. Mitchell, J.C. Spencer, U. Kirscher and S.A. Wilde
The AuScope Geochemistry Laboratory Network
A. Prent, B. McInnes, A. Gleadow, S. O‘Reilly, S. Boone, B. Kohn, E. Matchan and T. Rawling
Reconciling zircon and monazite thermometry constrains H2O content in granitic melts
S. Volante, W. Collins, C. Spencer, E. Blereau, A. Pourteau, V. Barrote, A. Nordsvan, Z.-X. Li, N. Evans and J. Li
Ignimbrite flare-ups in the Central Andes: Crustal sources and processes of magma generation
G. Wörner, E. Belousova, S. Turner, J. Kemann, A. K. Schmitt, A. Gerdes and S. de Silva
The South China and Indochina neighbourhood in the assembled Gondwana
W. Yao, J. Wang, C. Spencer, E. Martin and Z.-X. Li
Goldschmidt Virtual 2020, 21-26 June 2020
Sampling the C of the deep earth: In situ C-O-Sr isotopes of kimberlitic carbonates worldwide
M. Castillo-Oliver, A. Giuliani, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, R. Drysdale and X.-H. Li
Pyroxenite xenoliths record episodic metasomatism in deep lithosphere, northwestern North China Craton
H.K. Dai, J.P. Zheng, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and Q. Xiong
Incorporation of hydrogen and other atomic impurities in natural olivines
S. Demouchy and O. Alard
Origin and tectonic significance of the serpentinites in the Escambray Complex, Central Cuba: Geodynamic implications
D. Diaz AI, S. Wilde and C.A. Garcia
The petrology and sulphur isotopic composition of sulphide and sulphate in the kimberley kimberlites
A. Fitzpayne, A. Giuliani, N. Magalhaes, A. Soltys, M. Fiorentini and J. Farquhar
Use of EBSD to identify primary magmatic apatite inclusions in zircon
J. Gillespie, A. Cavosie, A. Nemchin and P. Kinny
Sulfur, selenium, tellurium and copper systematics in the manus back-arc basin
L. Gorojovsky, O. Alard and S. Turner
In situ determination of Re-Os isotopes by LA-MC-ICP-MS using daly detectors: Preliminary results
Y. Gréau, O. Alard and S.Y. O’Reilly
Extensive prekimberlitic lithosphere modification recorded in Jericho Mantle xenoliths in kimberlites, Slave Craton
S. Greene, D. Jacob, S.Y. O‘Reilly, H. Henry, Z. Pinter and L. Heaman
The Wet but Dry Mantle
A. Halimulati, O. Alard, S. Demouchy and S.Y. O’Reilly
Longest continually erupting large igneous province driven by plume-ridge interaction
Q. Jiang, F. Jourdan, H.K.K. Olierook, R.E. Merle, M.F. Coffin and J.M. Whittaker
Deformation, metasomatism and seismic anisotropy in the lithospheric mantle beneath Taiwan Straits, Southeast Asian Margin: Constraints from mantle xenoliths
F. Kourim, K.-L. Wang, K. Michibayanchi and S.Y. O’Reilly
Differences in crustal ages between the Tula and Scott Mountains of Enderby Land, East Antarctica
P. Król, M.A. Kusiak, D.J. Dunkley, S.A. Wilde, K. Yi, S. Lee and M.J. Whitehouse
Pb nanospheres in metamorphic zircon
M.A. Kusiak, R. Wirth, D.J. Dunkley, L. Shumlyanskyy, M.J. Whitehouse and S.A. Wilde
Decoding high-K rocks: Linking magma source and metal endowment
A.W. Lanati and S.F. Foley
The AuScope Geochemistry Laboratory Network
B. McInnes, A. Gleadow and S.Y. O’Reilly
Chromitite in a Tibetan ophiolite records deep upper-mantle circulation and episodic subduction
S.Y. O’Reilly, Q. Xiong, W.L. Griffin, H. Henry, J.-P. Zheng and N. Pearson
A disequilibrium reactive transport model for mantle magmatism
B. Oliveira, J.C. Afonso, M. Klöcking and R. Tilhac
The AuScope Geochemistry Laboratory Network
A. Prent, B. McInnes, A. Gleadow, S. O‘Reilly, B.P. Kohn, E. Matchan, S. Boone, G. Florin, H. Dalton, Y. Greau, O. Alard, T. Rawling, F. Kohlmann, M. Theile, D. Phillips and W. Noble
First zircon evidence of Hadean material in the Ukrainian Shield
L. Shumlyanskyy, S.A. Wilde, G. Artemenko, A. Bekker, M. Whitehouse and A. Nemchin
Lithosphere mapping in the south-western margin of the São Francisco Craton
L.B. Takenaka, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, M. Basei, C.E. Ganade and D. Jacob
Hf-Nd isotope decoupling in the mantle: A brief review and new geodynamic perspectives
R. Tilhac, G.C. Begg, S.Y. O’Reilly and W.L. Griffin
Mapping the 4D lithospheric architecture of Zealandia using zircon O and Hf isotopes in plutonic rocks
R. Turnbull, J. Schwartz, M. Fiorentini, R. Jongens, T. Ludwig, N. Evans, B. McDonald and K. Klepeis
An andesitic source for Jack Hills Zircon Argues for a Hadean Onset of Plate Tectonics
S. Turner, S. Wilde, G. Worner, B. Schaefer and Y.-J. Lai
All a matter of scale: The good, the bad and the ugly of zirconology
S. Wilde, M. Kusiak and M. Whitehouse
Ba isotope study on arc lavas and mantle peridotites with the application of 1013 ohm resistor
F. Wu, B. Schaefer, O. Alard and S. Turner
Complex formation processes of the Yarlung Zangbo Ophiolites (Tibet)
Q. Xiong, J.-P. Zheng, H.D. Zheng, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Recycled volatiles determine fertility of porphyry deposits in collisional settings
B. Xu, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, Z.-Q. Hou, Y. Lu, E. Belousova, Z.-Y. Chen and J.-F. Xu
Solubility of Ru, Rh and Ir in spinel and olivine: can the Nugget Effect be Avoided?
I. Zhukova, H. O’Neill, I. Campbell and M. Fiorentini
6th International Archean Symposium, Perth, Australia, 14-16 July 2020
Widespread Archean lithosphere continental foundations - Hidden from view?
G.C. Begg, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and L. Natapov
2020 EResearch Australasia Online Conference, 19-23 October
The AuScope Geochemistry Network
S.C. Boone, A.M. Prent, H. Dalton, G. Florin, Y. Greau, O. Alard, E.L. Matchan, T. Rawling, F. Kohlmann, M. Theile, W. Noble, L. Wyborn, S.Y. O’Reilly, B.P. Kohn, A. Gleadow and B.I.A. McInnes
AGU Fall Meeting, Online Everywhere, 1-17 December 2020
The AuScope Geochemistry Laboratory Network
A. Prent, B. McInnes, A. Gleadow, S. O‘Reilly, B.P. Kohn, E. Matchan, S. Boone, G. Florin, H. Dalton, Y. Greau, O. Alard, T. Rawling, F. Kohlmann, M. Theile, D. Phillips and W. Noble
Tracing the origin and evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Fijian Archipelago — Insights from Koro Island Peridotite Xenoliths
N. Barrett, G. Pearson, H. Sommer, S.F. Foley and N. Kumar
Making use of geological information: a perspective on challenges and opportunities from the Geological Survey of Western Australia
R. Chopping, K. Gessner and S.P. Johnson
The topography of the Iberian Peninsula: Integrated geophysical-petrological multi-data inversion for lithospheric temperature and composition
J. Fullea, A.M. Negredo, M. Charco, I. Palomeras, A. Villasenor and J.C. Afonso
Porosity reduction in post-rupture ultramylonitic fault rocks - implications for fluid transport in Archean granitic shear zones
K. Gessner, I. Zibra, J. Liu, X. Xiao, M.A. Pearce, L. Menegon, V. Markwitz, I. Fielding and F.J. Korhonen
Numerical constraints on heat flux variations and lithospheric thinning associated with passage of the Iceland plume beneath Greenland
B. Heyn, C.P Conrad and K. Selway
Imaging Australia’s lithospheric architecture: Implications for our understanding of mineral systems
M. Haynes, J.C. Afonso, K. Czarnota, D.P. Hasterok, A. Kirkby, F. Salajegheh, I. Fomin and A. Gorbatov
New crustal Vs model along an array in South-east China: Seismic characters and paleo- Tethys continental amalgamation
T. Li, L. Zhao, B. Wan, Z.-X. Li, T. Bodin, K. Wang and H. Yuan
Receiver function mapping of mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath Western Alps using scaled 3-D velocity corrections
D. Liu, L. Zhao, H. Yuan and A. Paul
Mesozoic decratonization of the North China Craton triggered by dehydration of the Pacifc Slab
L. Liu, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, W.L. Griffin, S. Li, S. Tong and J. Ning
A reduced order approach for joint probabilistic inversions of 3D magnetotelluric and surface wave data
M.C. Manassero, J.C. Afonso, F. Zyserman, S. Zlotnik, I. Fomin and S. Özaydin
Craton evolution: a more complex story from thermochemical imaging of the lithospheric and sub-lithospheric mantle
W.B. Mansour, J.C. Afonso, S.F Foley, S.Y. O‘Reilly, W.L Griffin, K. Selway, A. Macdonald, N. Januszczak and F. Salajegheh
Interpretation of conductivity variations in magnetotelluric models of cratonic lithospheric mantle with the new open-source software MATE
S. Özaydin and K. Selway
Integrating magnetotelluric and seismic geophysical observations to improve upper mantle viscosity estimates beneath polar regions
F. Ramirez, K. Selway and C.P Conrad
Thermochemical structure of the Superior craton from multi-observable probabilistic inversion
D. Riddhi, F.A. Darbyshire, J.C. Afonso and K. Ali
How magnetotellurics can aid cryosphere studies: mantle rheology, GIA, surface heat flow and basal melting
K. Selway, C.P Conrad, F. Ramirez, N.B. Karlsson, M. Weerdesteijn and B. Heyn
Seismological evidence for the earliest global subduction network at 2 Ga ago
B. Wan, X. Yang, X. Tian, H. Yuan, U. Kirscher and R.N. Mitchell
An open-source 3D glacial isostatic adjustment modeling code using ASPECT
M.F.M. Weerdesteijn, C.P. Conrad, J. Naliboff and K. Selway
Melt Evolution in Space and Time Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, 14-15 February 2019
Impacts of relative melt ascent through deep arc crust on melt evolution: recognising and investigating melt migration pathways
N.R. Daczko and S. Piazolo
Incipient mantle melts and mantle metasomatism S. Foley
EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2019
The thermochemical structure of central and southern Africa from multi-observable probabilistic inversion
W. Ben Mansour, J.C. Afonso, A. Macdonald and N. Januszczak
Lead on the nanoscale in metamorphosed zircon
M.A. Kusiak, D.J. Dunkley, R. Wirth, M.J. Whitehouse and S.A. Wilde
Decoding Earth’s rhythms: Modulation of supercontinent cycles by longer superocean cycles
Z.X. Li, R. Mitchell, C. Spencer, U. Kirscher, S. Pisarevsky, R. Ernst and B. Murphy
Global Paleomagnetic Database, global 2000-0 Ma paleogeographic animation and Large Igneous Provinces
S. Pisarevsky, Z.X. Li, L. Wu and R. Ernst
The temperature-dependent visibility of the 660-km discontinuity
B. Tauzin, L. Waszek, N.C. Schmerr, M. Ballmer and J.C. Afonso
Tectono-metamorphic record of final Nuna assembly and orogenic collapse in the Georgetown Inlier, NE Australia: Insights from multiple P–T–d–t paths
S. Volante, W.J. Collins, E. Blereau, A. Pourteau, Z.X. Li, C. Spencer, A. Nordsvan, J. Li and M. Smit
Earth’s earliest chemofossils? The importance of getting the geology and geochronology right!
M. Whitehouse, D. Dunkley, M. Kusiak and S. Wilde
A new global full-plate reconstruction model for Phanerozoic time
L. Wu, Z.X. Li and S. Pisarevsky
GACMAC 2019, Quebec, Canada, 11-13 May 2019
Tracking slab sediment devolatilisation using the mass independent fractionation of sulfur signature of Proterozoic magmatic arcs
C. LaFlamme and M. Fiorentini
Super Wilson Cycle: The birth and destruction of superoceans during supercontinent cycles
Z.X. Li
Early Cretaceous sinistral strike-slip faulting in NW Pacific: Implications from the U-Pb dating of detrital zircon in SikhoteAlin, Russian Far East
K. Liu, J. Zhang, S. Wilde and W. Xiao
Laurentia during the mid-Ediacaran: Paleomagnetism and 580 Ma age of the Saint-Honoré alkali intrusion and related dykes, Québec
P. McCausland, M. Higgins, S. Pisarevsky, A. LeCheminant, F. Jourdan, M. Hamilton and J.B. Murphy
Ediacaran supercontinent: Did it exist?
S. Pisarevsky
Tracking hydrothermal fluid evolution of an Archean orogenic gold deposit through multiple sulphur isotope analysis linked to detailed structural paragenesis
D. Sugiono, C. LaFlamme, N. Thébaud, M. Fiorentini, L. Martin and J. Rogers
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Chiba, Japan, 26-30 May 2019
Interaction between volcanisms inland and the spreading center: Example of Galápagos archipelago
W. Ben Mansour, G. Nolet, M. Ruiz and J.C. Afonso
DRT: 22ND Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics Meeting “From Microtectonics to Plate Tectonics”, Tubingen, Germany, 11-14 JUNE 2019
The negative effects of coupled dissolution-precipitation on U-Pb geochronology
N.R. Daczko
Abscicon, Seattle, USA, 24-28 June 2019
Investigating alien life on early Earth: Branching organic-siliceous structures from a c. 2.4 Ga microbialite reef in the Turee Creek Group, WA
G. Soares, M.J. Van Kranendonk and B.L. Teece
Looking for life: Determining biogenicity of ancient organic matter
B.L. Teece, J.-P. Duda, G.G. Soares, E.V. Barlow and M.J. Van Kranendonk
A pyramid of life detection for ancient life, based on deep-time earth experience
M.J. Van Kranendonk, K.A. Campbell, E.V. Barlow, R. Baumgartner, T. Djokic, J.-P. Duda and B.L. Teece
2ND IGCP 662 Workshop And Field Excursion, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 5 - 8 July 2019
Does continental crust grow significantly by collision and/or subduction
S.Y. O’Reilly and W.L. Griffin Invited
XIII International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 22-26 July 2019
Crustal evolution of the Archean Napier Complex
O. Król, M.A. Kusiak, D.J. Dunkley, S.A. Wilde, K.W. Yi and S. Lee
AOGS 16TH Annual Meeting, Singapore, 28 July - 2 August 2019
Interaction between volcanisms inland and the spreading Center: Example of Galápagos Archipelago
W. Ben Mansour, G. Nolet, M. Ruiz and J.C. Afonso
Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona, Spain, 18-23 August 2019
Mobility of Re and Os isotopes in platinum-group minerals during Laterization?
T. Aiglsperger, J.M. González-Jiménez, J.A. Proenza, S. Galí, F. Longo, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O´Reilly
In situ Mantle sulfide geochemistry: A brief review and new perspectives
O. Alard
Os isotope systematics of Ru-Os Sulfides and Ru-Os-Ir alloys from the Verkh-Neivinsk and Kunar Ophiolite-Type Complexes (Russia)
I. Badanina, K. Malitch, E. Belousova, I. Puchtel and V. Murzin
Metalheads of the early Earth: Biologically mediated accumulation of transition metals and metalloids in 3.5 billion–year–old stromatolites
R. Baumgartner, M. Van Kranendonk, P. Anais, D. Wacey, M. Fiorentini and C. Ryan
TerraneChron®’s trajectory 2000-2030
E. Belousova, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly Keynote
Zircon in lithosphere evolution studies: Exploring the weak link
E. Belousova, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Deciphering molecular-scale mechanisms governing scandium dynamics in the critical zone
M. Chassé, M. Blanchard, D. Cabaret, A. Juhin, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and G. Calas
Geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic mafic magmatism in the South Siberian post-collision magmatic belt
T. Donskaya, D. Gladkochub, A. Mazukabzov, E. Demonterova and S. Pisarevsky
The oceanic mantle plume database and the tale of two superplumes
L. Doucet, Z.X. Li, R. Ernst, U. Kirsher and R. Mitchell
Focussed degassing of stored carbon
T.P. Fischer, J. Muirhead, S.F. Foley, Y. Sano, H. Lee, N. Takahata, A. Laizer, E., Kazimoto, S. Oliva, C. Ebinger, J. Van Wijk, C. Werner, A. Aiuppa, P. Allard, T. Lopez, J. Dufek and B. Marty
Metal formation in ordinary chondrite
G. Florin, O. Alard, B. Luais and T. Rushmer
Experimental characterization of mantle wedge-metasomatism by sediment-peridotite reaction in subduction zones
S. Foley, M. Förster, Y. Bussweiler, D. Prevlevic and N. Daczko
Reaction of subducted sediment with peridotite produces saline fluid inclusions in diamonds
M. Förster, S. Foley, H. Marschall, O. Alard and S. Buhre
Mantle-like oxygen isotopes in kimberlites determined by in situ SIMS analyses of zoned olivine
A. Giuliani, L.A.J.Martin, A. Soltys and W.L. Griffin
In situ Laser ablation split-stream (LASS-) MC-ICP-MS/ICP-MS for simultaneous determination of Re-Os isotopes and siderophile-chalcophile elements in sulfides: Ablating away a cornelian dilemma
Y. Gréau,O. Alard and S. O’Reilly
Magmatic and tectonic controls on kimberlite genesis and evolution beneath Slave Craton locations
S. Greene, D.E. Jacob, Z. Pinter, S. O’Reilly and L. Heaman
The lithosphere and metallogeny: A 40-year evolution of concepts
W. Griffin and S. O’Reilly Keynote
Abundance and distribution of volatile elements (C, H, N, S) in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle
A. Halimulati, O. Alard and S.Y. O’Reilly
The evolution of the Archean mantle from combined isotope systematics in Pilbara basalts and komatiites
E. Hasenstab, J. Tusch, C. Schnabel, V. Schmitt, C.S. Marien, M. Van Kranendonk and C. Münker
Deformation mechanisms related to olivine megacrysts in mantle dunite
H. Henry, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
An SCLM control on the metallogenic DNA of the continental lithosphere
D. Holwell, M. Fiorentini, I. McDonald, Y. Lu, A. Giuliani, D. Smith, M. Keith and M. Locmelis Invited
The mantle mega-wedge beneath East Asia formed ~145 million years ago
Q. Ma, Y.-G. Xu, S.-L. Chung, J.-H. Yang and W.L. Griffin
Origin of zircon from the Talnakh Economic Ultramafic-Mafic Intrusion (Noril’sk Province, Russia): Evidence from oxygen isotope data
K.N. Malitch, E.A. Belousova, W.L. Griffin, I.Yu. Badanina, L.A.J. Martin and S.F. Sluzhenikin
Re-Os Dating of sulfide inclusions in Cr-pyropes from the Upper Muna Kimberlites
V. Malkovets, D. Rezvukhin, W.L. Griffin, I. Tretiakova, N. Pearson, A. Gibsher, E. Belousova, D. Zedgenizov and S.Y. O’Reilly
Are modern plate tectonic cycles inherited from Hadean mantle convection?
R. Mitchell, C. Spencer, U. Kirscher and W. Collins
Composition of micrometre-scale zircon grains from the Bunburra meteorite
S.D. Montalvo, S.M. Reddy, G.K. Benedix, D.W. Saxey, W.D.A. Rickard and D. Fougerouse
Multiphase multicomponent reactive transport: Disequilibrium melt-rock processes and geochemical geodynamics
B. Oliveira, J.C. Afonso and R. Tilhac
Extremely low structural hydroxyl contents in upper mantle xenoliths from the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
L. Patkó, N. Liptai, I.J. Kovács, L.E. Aradi, Q.-K. Xia, J. Ingrin, J. Mihály, S. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, V. Wesztergom and C. Szabó
TTG formation: Water-present melting as an alternative to high-pressure melting
A. Pourteau, E.R. Blereau, L.S. Doucet, S. Volante, T.E. Johnson, W.J. Collins and Z.X. Li
Indicators of craton-edge mantle processes in phenocrystic olivines of Eastern Australian basaltic rocks
J. Shea and S.F. Foley
Dating of rutile in diamondiferous eclogites from the Mir Pipe, Yakutia: Evidence for Late Metasomatic origin
Z. Spetsius, W. Griffin, S. O’Reilly,E. Belousova and I. Tretiakova
Lithosphere features from garnet xenocrysts of the western edge of São Francisco Craton, Brazil
L. Takenaka and W. Griffin
Mesozoic–Cenozoic thermal evolution of SE China in response to flat-slab subduction at the proto-Western Pacific Margin
N. Tao, Z.X. Li, M. Danisik and N. Evans
Metasomatic e addition overprints unradiogenic Os in sub-arc mantle R. Tilhac, B.F. Schaefer, G. Ceuleneer, B. Oliveira,W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and M. Grégoire
Evidence for the composition and tectonic affinity of continental crust between 4.3 and 3.0 ga from the trace element composition of detrital zircons from Jack Hills S. Turner, S. Wilde, B. Schaefer and Y.-J. Lai
Long-term preservation of W Isotope anomalies in crustal rocks from the Pilbara Craton, NW Australia
J. Tusch, C. Münker, M. Jansen, E. Hasenstab, C.S. Marien, F. Kurzweil and M. Van Kranendonk
Ediacaran magmatism in the evolution of the transform active continental margin of the Siberian Craton: Geochemistry, geochronology and geodynamics
A. Vernikovskaya, V. Vernikovsky, N. Matushkin, P. Kadil’nikov, Z.X. Li, S. Wilde, I. Romanova and A. Travin
Improved LA-ICP-MS analytical routine for low-concentration chalcophile and siderophile elements in olivine and orthopyroxene
M. Veter, S.F. Foley and O. Alard
Lithospheric mantle of North China Craton is instinctly rich in gold?
Z. Wang, H. Cheng, K. Zong, Y. Liu, J. Yang, F. Wu and S. Foley
Zircon provenance of Cretaceous sandstones in the Perth Basin, Australia: A cautionary tale
S. Wilde
Sulfides in ophiolitic dunite channels cause Os-isotope decoupling between oceanic crust and mantle
Q. Xiong, J.-P. Zheng, Y. Xu, J.-G. Liu, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Mantle metasomatism, oxidation and kimberlite magma genesis
G. Yaxley and S. Foley
2019 Ada Lovelace Workshop on Modelling Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics, Siena, Italy, 25-30 August 2019
How does the interaction between mantle upwelling and lithosphere affect locally the thermochemical structure
W. Ben Mansour, J.C. Afonso, G. Nolet, S. Antipolis and B. Oliveira Bravo
Exploring the limits of in situ Rb-Sr dating by LA–ICP–MS/MS
L. Gorojovsky and O. Alard
Hadean mantle dynamics, tectono-volcanic regimes, and the role of impacts
C. O’Neill Keynote
15TH Biennial Meeting SGA 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 August 2019
Cassiterite as a record of Sn mineral system processes
J.M. Bennett, A.I.S. kemp, S.G. Hagemann, M.L. Fiorentini and M.P. Roberts
Fluorine and PGE-Au elevated signature of alkaline magmas from the Yilgarn Cratin: Insights into mantle fertility
E. Choi, M. Fiorentini, A. Giuliani and S. Foley
Reactivation and enrichment of a Gondwana margin Ni-Cu-PGE - (Te-Au) mineral system during the breakup of pangea
M. Fiorentini,S. Denyszyn G. Dering, D. Howell, D. Blanks, R. Maas, M. Locmelis and C. Laflamme Keynote
Fertilisation of porphyry magmas by Cu-Au sulfide melt mobilisation in the lower crust
D. Howell, T. Knott, D. Blanks, M. Fiorentini, I. McDonald and C. McCuaig
Mineral trace element chemistry in the exploration for magmatic sulfide deposits
M. Locmelis, J. Obrist-Farmer, A. Eckert, M.L. Fiorentini S.J. Barnes, E.J. Hanski, A.F. Kobussen, R.D. Arevalo Jr and I.S. Puchtel
Naturally occurring Au nanoparticles associated with high-grade mineralization at the world-class Callie deposit, Northern Territory, Australia
L. Petrella, N. Thebaud, D. Fougerouse, K. Evans, Z. Quadir, C. LaFlamme S. Occhipinti and S. Turner
Tracking the Archean orogenic gold deposit evolution through multiple sulfur isotopes
D. Sugiono, N. Thebaud, M.L. Fiorentini L. Martin, C.K. LaFlamme, J. Rogers and G. Lorusso
Tracing the S source reservoir of the Tropicana Gold Camp, Western Australia
N. Thebaud, S. Hagemann, L. Martin, S. Caruso, S. Ulrich and D. Allan
The Second Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference (AEGC), Perth, Australia, 2-5 September 2019
AusArray: Toward updatable, high-resolution seismic velocity models of the Australian lithosphere
A. Gorbatov, K. Czarnota, M. Haynes, R. Hassan, B. Hejrani, J. Zhao, M. Salmon, M. Sambridge, H. Tkalčić and H. Yuan
Passive seismic studies of the Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia
R.E. Murdie, H. Yuan, M. Dentith and X. Xu
MT conductivity signatures of mineral systems: 3D MT over the Eastern Goldfields Super Terrane, Yilgarn Craton
K. Selway, M. Dentith and S. Özaydin
Magnetotellurics for resource exploration and monitoring the crust
K. Selway
7th International Large Igneous Provinces Conference 2019, Tomsk, Russia 28 August - 8 September 2019
LIPs and supercontinent reconstructions
S.A. Pisarevsky Keynote
SIMP, SGI, SOGEI Joint Conference, Parma, Italy, 16-19 September 2019
Exotic mineralogy in an ultra-reduced magmatic system beneath Mt Carmel, Israel
W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, F. Camara, L. Bindi, V. Toledo and S.Y. O’Reilly
Crystallographic relationships between diamond and its clinopyroxene inclusions
A. Pasqualetto, F. Nestola, P. Nimis, D.E. Jacob, B. Oliveira, S. Perritt, I Chinn., S. Milani and J.W. Harris
Selwyn Symposium 2019. GSA VICTORIA DIVISION: The Co-Evolution of Life and Precambrian Environments, Melbourne, Australia, 30 September 2019
Localised oxygen and the complexification of life during the great oxygenation event
G.G. Soares, M.J. Van Kranendonk and B.L. Teece
SEG 2019 South American Metallogeny: Sierra to Craton, Santiago, Chile, 7-10 October 2019
Can zircon trace elements correlate whole-rock fertility indicators for porphyry-copper deposits? Application of a new zircon oxybarometer at El Teniente District
G. Javier Henriquez, R.R. Loucks, M.L. Fiorentini and C.M. Allen
Geochemical indicators of orogenic compressive stress in datable igneous rocks, with implications for porphyry copper ore genesis and exploration targeting
R. Loucks and M. Fiorentini
Zircon fingerprinting of magmatic hydrothermal systems in the Archean Yilgarn Craton
Y. Lu, H. Smithies, M.T.D. Wingate, N.J. Evans, T.C. McCuaig, D. Champion and M. Outhwaite
International Symposium on Deep Earth Exploration and Practices Beijing, China, 24-26 October 2019
Government‐funded deep geophysical surveys to encourage mineral exploration: Results from the Western Australian “Exploration Incentives Scheme”
M. Dentith, K. Gessner, S. Johnson, R. Murdie, P. Pina‐Varas, J. Spratt, I. Tyler and H. Yuan
GESSS NSW 2019, UNSW, Sydney, 31 October - 1 November 2019
Mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of ophiolites and associated economic minerals in Waziristan, north-west Pakistan - Implications for mineral exploration models
R. Jalil, B. Schaefer, O. Alard, L. Ali and M. Sajid
Texture-specific trends in stable isotope data from a microbialite reef complex in the c. 2.4 Ga Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
B. Nomchong and M. Van Kranendonk</p>
Phosphogenesis during the Great Oxidation Event
G. Soares, M.J. Van Kranendonk, E. Belousova and S. Thomson
The search for life on Mars: A geological perspective from Earth
M. Van Kranendonk
Evaluating uncertainties of phase velocity measurements from cross-correlations of ambient noise
Y. Yang and Y. Luo
5TH IGCP-649 Diamonds and Recycled Mantle Workshop and Field Trip, Oman, 13-22 November 2019
Evaluating the precise 39Ar/40Ar dating of multiple mineral phases in ultra-alkaline rocks: applications to mantle systematics
S.A. Wilde, F. Jourdan, L. Frewer and M.A. Kusiak
Biennial Meeting of the Specialist Group For Tectonics and Structural Geology and the Specialist Group in Solid Earth Geophysics, Port Lincoln, WA, Australia, 18-22 November 2019
The lithospheric architecture of Australia from multi-observable probabilistic inversion
J.C. Afonso, M. Haynes, A. Gorbatov and K. Czarnota
Tectonic evolution of the forearc mantle reconstructed by dikes in the peridotites of the New Caledonia ophiolite
V. Chatzaras, D. Gürer and O. Alard
The necessity of a Neoproterozoic full plate reconstruction to quantify the global earth system and understand deep time plate tectonics
A.S. Collins, A.S. Merdith, M.L. Blades, S.E. Williams, S. Armistead, D. Archibald, S. Pisarevsky, B.L. Alessio, C. Clark, T. Johnson, J. Foden and R.D. Müller
Rudall Province - Witness to assembly of western and northern Australia cratons, but how did it happen?
W. Gorczyk and F. Kohanpour
Integrating isotopic signatures and geodynamic numerical models to fingerprint geodynamic settings
F. Kohanpour, C. Kirkland, W. Gorczyk, S. Occhipinti and M. Lindsay
Tectonic controls on nickel and gold mineral systems; Halls Creek Orogen, Western Australia
F. Kohanpour, S. Occhipinti, M. Lindsay and W. Gorczyk
New insights into the subglacial geology of interior of Wilkes Land, East Antarctica: Implications for supercontinent evolution
A. Maritati, J.A. Halpin, J.M. Whittaker and N.R. Daczko
Thermal controls on rifting regimes in earth history - Insights from 2-D geodynamic modelling
B. Mi, W. Gorczyk and M. Jessell
Multiscale structural analysis of Boulder Lefroy Shear Zone in eastern goldfields of Western Australia
S. Sumail, N. Thebaud and R. Quentin De Gromard
Experimental alteration of monazite in granitic melt: Pb mobility during melt-mediated coupled dissolution-reprecipitation
J. Varga, T. Raimondo, N. Daczk and J. Adam
GESSS-WA 2019, Perth, Australia, 29 November 2019
Integration of multiple sulfur isotopes with structural analysis in the Kanowna Belle deposit of the Yilgarn Craton unveils the evolution of hydrothermal fluids in the Archean orogenic gold deposit
D. Sugiono, C. LaFlamme, N. Thébaud, M. Fiorentini, L. Martin and J. Rogers
Thermochemical imaging of the lithosphere and upper mantle from geophysical observations: what can we really see?
W. Ben Mansour, J.C. Afonso, N. Januszczak, A. Macdonald, G. Nolet, Y. Aoki and F. Salajegheh
Carbonate transfer from subducting slab to mantle wedge by diapirism and melting
C. Chen, M. Förster, S.F. Foley and Y. Liu
Shear wave splitting observations in the middle and western Australian cratons
A. Chen, H. Yuan and V.L. Levin
The tale of two cratons: Upper mantle anisotropy under the Superior and West Australian Cratons
X. Chen, Y. Li, H. Yuan and V. L. Levin
Relative roles of mantle plumes and orogens in causing the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean
Z. Dang, N. Zhang, Z.X. Li, C. Huang, C.J. Spencer and Y. Liu
Focussed degassing of stored continental deep carbon
T.P. Fischer, J.D. Muirhead, S.F. Foley, Y. Sano, H. Lee, N. Takahata, A. Laizer, E. Kazimoto, S.J.C. Oliva, C.J. Ebinger, J.W. Van Wijk, C.A. Werner, A. Aiuppa, P. Allard, T.M. Lopez, J. Dufek and B. Marty
Ammonium in phlogopite and its effects on the nitrogen budget of Earth’s mantle
M. Forster, S.F. Foley, O. Alard and H. Ananuer
Global geochemical fingerprinting points to a mantle dynamics coupled with the supercontinent cycle
H.M. Gamal El Dien, L.S. Doucet and Z.X. Li
Updatable, high-resolution seismic velocity models of the Australian lithosphere
A. Gorbatov, K. Czarnota, M. Haynes, R. Hassan, B. Hejrani, J. Zhao, M. Salmon, M. Sambridge, H. Tkalcic and H. Yuan
Modeling the inception of supercontinent break-up: Stress state and the importance of orogenies
C. Huang, N. Zhang, Z.X. Li, M. Ding, Z. Dang, A Pourteau and S. Zhong
Quantitative evidence for a Neoproterozoic glacial origin of the Great Unconformity
C.B. Keller, J.M. Husson, R. Mitchell, W.F. Bottke Jr, T. Gernon, P. Boehnke, E.A. Bell, N. Swanson-Hysell and S.E. Peters
Long memory: Structural differences in continental upper mantle at the Grenville Front in Quebec
V.L. Levin, Y. Li and H. Yuan
Reconstructing Earth’s supercycles for the past 2 Ga: Key constraints for global geodynamics
Z.X. Li, S. Pisarevsky, Y. Liu, L. Wu and R.E. Ernst
Crustal Vs model along a transect in south-eastern China: Insights into paleo-Tethys accretion and post- assembly reworking
T. Li, L. Zhao, H. Yuan, K. Wang and T. Bodin
Was the Tethys ocean a legacy of the Nuna and Rodinia superocean? - A new perspective from the point of supercontinent-superocean cycles
Z.X. Li Invited
Roles of south-dipping subduction in southern Tethys in the breakup of Australia from Antarctic
X. Liu, N. Zhang, Z. Dang, C. Huang, P. Yan, Y. Liu and .X. Li
Including 3D magnetotelluric data into joint probabilistic inversions
M.C. Manassero, J.C. Afonso, F. Zyserman and S. Zlotnik
Understanding variations in tectonic degassing of CO2 during continental rifting
J.D. Muirhead, T.P. Fischer, A. Laizer, A. Zafu, H. Lee, S.J.C. Oliva, R. Pik, B. Marty, E.J. Judd, E. Kazimoto, M.W. Broadley, A. Caracausi, Y. Sano, N. Takahata, D. Ayalew, C.J. Ebinger, G. Kianji, C. Tiberi, J. van Wijk, J. Dufek, S.F. Foley and C.A. Currie
Lithospheric and deep mantle structure of the North Atlantic Region from joint probabilistic inversion of seismic, satellite, and geochemical datasets
F. Salajegheh, J.C. Afonso, A. Minakov, C. Gaina, A. El-Sharkawy, T.M. Meier and M. Kloecking
NoLiMit: Software and physics-based catalogs of seismic waveforms for analyses of the Earth’s Mantle Transition Zone
B. Tauzin, L. Waszek, J.C. Afonso, M. Sambridge, H. Tkalcic, T. Bodin and E. Debayle
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, 9-13 December 2019
Numerical investigation of three-dimensional sensitivity kernels of rayleigh-wave ellipticity based on the adjoint-state method
K. Wang, Q. Liu and Y. Yang
Seismic observations of ponding plumes beneath the mantle transition zone
L. Waszek, B. Tauzin, N.C. Schmerr, M. Ballmer, J.C. Afonso Invited
The amalgamation of Pangea: Reappraisal of paleomagnetic and geological data
L. Wu, B. Murphy, C. Quesada, Z.X. Li, J.W.F. Waldron, S. Williams and S.A. Pisarevsky
Tomographic evidence beneath the Indian Ocean for a Mesozoic south-dipping subduction system in Southern Tethys
P. Yan, N. Zhan, H. Yuan, Z.X. Li and X. Liu
New seismic observations in Western Australia from dense array deployments
H. Yuan, X. Xu, R. Murdie, M.C. Dentith, S. Johnson, K. Gessner and L. Zhao Invited
Crustal Vs images of the Canning Basin: Is ancient rifting analog to the Neo-Tethys Ocean opening?
H. Yuan, L. Zhao, R. Murdie, K. Gessner, K. Wang, T. Li and T. Bodin
Pamir lithospheric structure revealed by transdimensional inversion of ambient noise and surface wave dispersion
J. Zhang, K. Wang, H. Yuan, L. Zhao, W. Li, T. Li and T. Bodin
The deep lithospheric structure of the Junggar Terrane, NW China: Implications for its origin and tectonic evolution
A. Zhang, J.C. Afonso, S. Wu, Y. Yang and Y. Xu
CIFALPS seismic experiment reveals high-resolution characteristics of continental subduction channel beneath western Alps, Europe
L. Zhao, A. Paul, S. Solarino, M. Giovanni Malusa, S. Salimbeni, S. Guillot, C. Aubert, S. Pondrelli, E. Eva, H. Yuan and W. Sun
Origins of life, Gordon Research Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, 14-19 January 2018
Insights for origins of life from the earliest convincing record of life on Earth
T. Djokic, M.J. Van Kranendonk, M.R. Walter, K.A. Campbell and C.A. Ward Invited
International Diamond School, Bressanone, Italy, 28 January - 3 February 2018
Mystery mineral in Jericho eclogite: A constraint on mantle metasomatism
S. Greene, D. Jacob and L. Heaman
49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, Texas, USA, 19-23 March 2018
Atomic scale depth profile of space weathering in an Itokawa olivine grain
L. Daly, M.R. Lee, L.J. Hallis, P.A. Bland, S.M. Reddy, D.W. Saxey, W.D.A. Rickard, D. Fougerouse, N.E. Timms and F. Jourdan
U-Pb Chronology of Apollo 17 samples
A.A. Nemchin, M.J. Whitehouse, J.F. Snape, F. Thiessen and R.T. Pidgeon
Apollo 17, Station 2, Boulder 1: Revisiting Consortium Indomitabile
D.A. Kring, D.H. Needham, R.J. Walker, A.A. Nemchin and H.H. Schmitt
Deformation microstructures preserved in zircon and monazite from the Yarrabubba impact structure, Western Australia
T.M. Erickson, C.L. Kirkland and N.E. Timms
Terrestrial hot springs and the origin of life: Implications for the search for life beyond Earth
M. Van Kranendonk, R. Baumgartner, E. Boyd, S. Cady, K. Campbell, A. Czaja, B. Damer, D. Deamer, T. Djokic, M. Fiorentini, A. Gangidine, J. Havig, A. Mulkidjnian, S. Ruff and P. Thordarson
The Royal Society, Earth dynamics and the development of plate tectonics, London, UK, 19-20 March 2018
The inception of plate tectonics on terrestrial planets
C. O’Neill Keynote
EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018
Contributions of microstructure and crystallographic preferred orientation to seismic anisotropy in the lower continental crust
B. Almqvist, D. Cyprych, S. Piazolo and M. Bazargan
Have mantle get crust - Consequences of fluid-peridotite interaction for continental crust composition
A. Beinlich, H. Austrheim, V. Mavromatis, B. Grguric, C. Putnis and A. Putnis Invited
The “hidden” craton in the Adria plate: evidence from geochemistry and Re-Os of mantle xenoliths from Veneto Volcanic Province (North-East Italy)
V. Brombin, C. Bonadiman, M. Coltorti, O. Alard, Y. Gréau, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin and A. Marzoli
Hydrating the Earth’s deep, dry crust
C. Clark, M. Hand, T. Erickson and S. Reddy
Monitoring the evolution and mineralization of porphyry systems by using the geochemical inventory of apatite
J. Hammerli, A. Kemp, M. Fiorentini and P. Blevin
A new melt contamination model for the generation of “I-type” granitic rocks by melting heterogeneous lower crust
J. Hammerli, A. Kemp and T. Shimura
LLSVP survival from an early Earth mantle: analysing stability beneath a stagnant-lid
P. Heron, C. O’Neill, S. Zhang and J. van Hunen
'Water’ poor rock forming constituents in upper mantle xenoliths and their possible implications from the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
N. Liptai, L. Patkó, I. Kovács, L. Aradi, W. Griffin, S. O’Reilly, V. Wesztergom and C. Szabó
Including magnetotelluric data into multi-observable probabilistic inversion: implications for the physical state and water content of the continental lithosphere
M.C. Manassero, J.C. Afonso, F.I. Zyserman, S, Zlotnik, M. Rosas-Carbajal and S. Thiel
Deformation-induced metasomatism of the lower crust: The importance of brittle mechanisms for fluid infiltration revealed by microstructures at a hydration interface
J. Moore, H. Austrheim, A. Beinlich and A. Putnis
Nano-correlative microscopy (TEM/APT) constrains the nature and timing of nanoclusters formation in monazite crystals
A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume, D. Fougerouse, A. Laurent, S. Reddy and D. Saxey
Multi-scale magnetic mapping of serpentinite carbonation and its future application for deep submergence magnetometry
M. Tominaga, A. Beinlich, N. Vento, E. Ortiz, J. Greene, J. Einsle, E. Lima and B. Weiss Invited
Geochemical characteristics of mantle xenoliths from the Khamar Daban Ridge, south Russian Siberia
K.-L. Wang, S. D’ril, S. O’Reilly, M.Kuzmin, W. Griffin and N. Pearson
International Workshop of Deep Earth Dynamics, Nanjing, China, 24 April 2018
Geodynamic processes during heroic collisions: integration of geochemical, microstructural and geodynamic information
S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, Q. Xiong, J.C. Afonso and T. Satsukawa
Imaging lithosphere structures using broadband surface waves from ambient noise
Y. Yang
Super reducing conditions in ancient and modern volcanic systems: implications for the carbon budget of the deep lithosphere
W.L. Griffin, J-X. Huang, E. Thomassot, S.E.M. Gain, V. Toledo and S.Y. O’Reilly
12th General Assembly of the Asian Seismological Commission (ASC), Chengdu, China, 12-14 May 2018
Sensitivity kernels for multi-component ambient noise cross correlation functions: Love wave adjoint tomography in southern California
Y. Yang, K. Wang and Q. Liu
15th AOGS Annual Meeting, Honolulu, 3-8 June 2018
3-D crustal and upper mantle velocity structure beneath the Cenozoic Intraplate Volcanic Belt in Northeast China
A. Guo, K. Wang, Y. Yang and J. Chen
Crustal structure of the Canning Basin, NW Australia: Preliminary results
R. Murdie, H. Yuan, K. Gessner, K. Wang, T. Li and X. Xu
Lithospheric structure underneath the Ordos Block of the North China Craton, revisited using transdimensional inversion of ambient noise and surface wave dispersion
K. Wang, T. Li, L. Yuan, X. Xu, L. Zhao, H. Yuan and T. Bodin
Finite-frequency P Wave tomography of the upper mantle beneath Capricorn Orogen and adjacent areas
X. Xu, L. Zhao, H. Yuan, S. Johnson, M. Dentith, R. Murdie, K. Gessner, F. Korhonen and P. Varas
Refined seismic structure of Southern California by ambient noise adjoint tomography
Y. Yang, K. Wang, P. Basini, P. Tong, Q. Liu and C. Tape Invited
Crustal velocity structure of the Paleoproterozoic Capricorn Orogen in the West Australian Craton
H. Yuan, M. Dentith, P. Varas, S. Johnson, R. Murdie, K. Gessner and F. Korhonen
RFG 2018 Resources for Future Generations 2018, Vancouver, Canada, 16-22 June 2018
New instrumentation for high throughput carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of carbonate minerals
S. Barker, B. Andrew, J. Mering, P. Jarman, G. Dipple and A. Beinlich
Mapping the whole lithosphere: Uncovering metallogenic truths
G. Begg, W. Griffin, S. O’Reilly, J. Hronsky and L. Natapov
A heterogeneous, ancient lithosphere - Constraints for more robust models
G. Begg, W. Griffin, S. O’Reilly and L. Natapov
Defining the carbonate alteration footprint of the Cortez Hills Carlin-Type gold deposit, Nevada Using 13C and 18O stable isotopes and geochemistry
C. Herron, G. Dipple, K. Hickey and A. Beinlich
Iheya North hydrothermal system
C. LaFlamme
Decoding Earth’s rhythms: Modulation of supercontinent cycles by longer superocean cycles
Z.-X. Li, R. Mitchell, C. Spencer, R. Ernst, S. Pisarevsky and U. Kirscher and B. Murphy
Distinctive chemical characteristics, geodynamic settings and petrogenesis of gold-ore-forming arc magmas
R.R. Loucks Invited
CO2 availability controls whether hydrotalcites or hydrated Mg-carbonates act as carbon sinks in serpentinite mineral wastes from the Woodsreef Chrysotile Mine, NSW, Australia
C. Turvey, S. Wilson, J. Hamilton, A. Tait, J. McCutcheon, A. Beinlich, S. Fallon, G. Dipple and G. Southam
Th/U ratios in high-temperature metamorphic zircon
C. Yakymchuk, C. Kirkland and C. Clark
Joint 5th Central European Mineralogical Conference (CEMC) - 7th Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference (MSCC), Banská Štiavnica (Slovakia), 26-30 June 2018
Neogene evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field
N. Liptai, L. Patkó, L.E. Aradi, I.J. Kovács, K. Hidas, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin and C. Szabo
Astrobiology Australasia Meeting (AAM), Rotorua, New Zealand, 25-26 June 2018
Records of early life: Context and preservation are key
E.V. Barlow and M.J. Van Kranendonk
The power of textural biosignatures in the search for life on Mars
T. Djokic, M.J. Van Kranendonk and K.A. Campbell
Links between phosphorus, evolution and astrobiology
G.G. Soares, M.J. Van Kranendonk, E. Belousova and S. Thomson
3rd EMAW, European Mantle Workshop, Pavia, Italy, 26-28 June 2018
In-Situ Re-Os analyses of sulfides in mantle xenoliths: New constraints on the cratonic signature of the Veneto Volcanic Province (North-East Italy)
V. Brombin, C. Bonadiman, M. Coltorti, O. Alard, Y. Gréau, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin and A. Marzoli
Kimberlite carbonate petrogenesis from combined compositional and C-O-Sr isotope analysis: The Benfontein case
M. Castillo-Oliver, A. Giuliani, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, R. Drysdale, E. Thomassot, X. Ling and X. Li
Camping in the Ivrea Zone, Italy
M. Fiorentini, S. Denyszyn, G. Dering and R. Maas
Olivine, kimberlites and the modification of carbonated melts in the deep Earth
A. Giuliani, A. Soltys, E. Lim, H. Farr, D. Phillips, S.F. Foley and W.L. Griffin
Sources and behaviour of carbon-rich fluids in the lithospheric mantle: Insights from off-craton
W.L. Griffin, J. Huang, S. Gain, V. Toledo and S.Y. O’Reilly
Microstructure of layered ultramafic cumulates: case study of the Bear Creek intrusion, Trinity ophiolite, California, USA
H. Henry, G. Ceuleneer, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, M.A. Kaczmarek, M. Gregoire and R. Tilhac
Localization of deformation: The role of metasomatism and mineral mode in an ocean-continent transition
M.A. Kaczmarek, P. Vonlanthen and S. Reddy
Water and its distribution in the upper mantle beneath the Pannonian-Basin: Geodynamical and geophysical implications
I.J. Kovács, V. Wesztergom, L. Patkó, L. Aradi, N. Liptai, G. Falus, C. Szabó and L. Lenkey Keynote
Reconstructing geochemical and deformation events in mantle xenoliths from the Northern Pannonian Basin
N. Liptai, Patkó L., O’Reilly S.Y., Griffin W.L. and Szabó C.
Tracking the sources of metasomatic melts in the Finero Mafic Complex, Ivrea-Verbano zone
J.K. Munnikhuis, N. Daczko, A. Langone and S. Piazolo
Geochemical, microstructural and tectonic evidence for geodynamic processes during heroic collision events
S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, Q. Xiong, J. Afonso and T. Satsukawa
A diffusion-controlled trace-element disequilibrium model for two-phase reactive transport in mafic-ultramafic systems
B. Oliveira, R. Tilhac and J.C. Afonso
Low water content in upper mantle xenoliths from the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin): Geodynamic implications and the role of post-eruptive water loss
L. Patkó, N. Liptai, I.J. Kovács, L. Aradi, Q. Xia, J. Ingrin, J. Mihály, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, V. Wesztergom and C. Szabó
Amphibole as window on the Archean mantle composition
G. Sessa, M. Tiepolo, M.L. Fiorentini, M. Moroni and A. Langone
Evidence of Nb/Ta heterogeneity in the Earth’s mantle
M. Tiepolo, M. Fiorentini, G. Sessa, M. Moroni and A. Langone
Hafnium-neodynium isotopic decoupling during the formation of arc pyroxenites (Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain)
R. Tilhac, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, B.F. Schaefer, Ceuleneer G. and Grégoire M.
Geoanalysis 2018, Sydney, Australia, 8-13 July 2018
Exploring the range of U-containing minerals for geochronological applications
E. Belousova
Li abundances of magmatic zircons in Eocene-Oligocene porphyry Cu mineral systems of Yunnan, China
M.-F. Chu, Y.-Y. Gao, Q.-L. Li, Y.-J. Lu, X.-H. Li and S.Y. O’Reilly
The effect of laserprobe optical path design on laser ablation of minerals with low melting points
L. Danyushevsky, S. Gilbert, J. Thompson, P. Olin and O. Alard
Determination of nitrogen in experimental and natural samples using EPMA and CHNS analyser
M.W. Förster, S. Buhre, O. Alard and S.F. Foley
Assessment of trace-element homogeneity in gem quality zircons from Mud Tank, NT
S.E.M. Gain, E.A. Belousova, N.J. Pearson, I. Dainis and W.L. Griffin
Isotopic heterogeneity of the Pre-Ordovician Earth’s crust of the western part of the Central Asian Fold Belt (CAFB) based on LA-ICP-MS study of detrital zircons
N.B. Kuznetsov, T.V. Romanjuk, E.A. Belousova, K.E. Degtyarev, V.S. Sheshukov, A.S. Dubenskiy, N.A. Kanygina and S.M. Lyapunov
Struggle with inhomogeneously quenched melts
Z. Pintér, S.F. Foley, G.M. Yaxley and T. Rushmer
LA-ICP-MS analysis routine for trace elements in olivine
M. Veter, S.F. Foley and D.E. Jacob
10th International Conference on Analysis of Geological and Environmental Materials, Sydney, Australia, 8-13 July 2018
Struggle with inhomogenously quenched melts - An approach to standardize their major element measurements
Z. Pintér, S.F. Foley, G.M. Yaxley and T. Rushmer
Landscapes, Seascapes and Biota: Unique WA - Past, Present and Future, Royal Society of WA, Perth, Australia, 27-28 July 2018
The Archean of WA: from the earliest crust to the onset of life on Earth
S.A. Wilde and A.H. Hickman Keynote
24th EM Induction Workshop, Helsingor, Denmark, August 2018
Measuring the hydrogen content variations in Southern African mantle
S. Ozaydin and K. Selway
Using MT to constrain Greenland’s glacial isostatic adjustment and ice loss
K. Selway and C. Conrad
Unextractable partial melt in the asthenosphere: Evidence from new geophysical constraints
K. Selway and J.P. O’Donnel
Goldschmidt 2018, Boston, USA, 12-17 August 2018
Heavy δ30Si in Archean granitoids as evidence for supracrustal components in their sources
A. Andre, K. Abraham, S.F. Foley and A. Hofmann
Turee Creek Group microfossils highlight early-Paleoproterozoic diversity and complexity
E.V. Barlow and M.J. Van Kranendonk
Olivine, kimberlites and the modification of carbonated melts in the deep Earth
A. Giuliani, A. Soltys, E. Lim, H. Farr, D. Phillips, S.F. Foley and W.L. Griffin
Mantle recycling of sedimentary carbonate along the northern margin of the North China Craton
Y. Liu, S.F. Foley, C. Chen, D. He and K. Zong
The OCT-Type ophiolite recognized from the Bangong-Nujiang Suture Zone, Central Tibet
R. Shi, X. Huang, W. Griffin, S. O’Reilly, Q. Huang and S. Chen
Phosphogenesis in the wake of the Great Oxidation Event: Evidence from the Turee Creek Group, W.A
G.G. Soares, M.J. Van Kranendonk, E. Belousova and S. Thomson
Tungsten isotope patterns of rocks from the Pilbara Craton, Australia
J. Tusch, M. Jansen, C.S. Marien, M. Van Kranendonk and C. Munker
XXII Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Melbourne, Australia, 13-17 August 2018
Sulfur isotopic composition of the sub-continental lithosphere mantle
O. Alard, L. Martin, E. Thomassot, P. Cartigny and S.Y. O’Reilly
Using μFTIR on Martian meteorites to calibrate spacecraft-collected spectral maps of Mars
G. Benedix, V. Hamilton, L. Forman, N. Timms and S. Reddy
An EPMA, LA-ICPMS and fluid inclusion study on the growth of a single cassiterite crystal from Blue Tier, Tasmania
J. Bennett
Hybrid lithologies in the source of diamonds from Copeton and Bingara, NSW, Australia
A. Burnham, B. Griffin and H. O’Neill
The origin of carbonates in the Benfontein kimberlite sills: An in situ C-O-Sr approach
M. Castillo-Oliver, A. Giuliani, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, R.M. Drysdale, X. Ling and X.H. Li
Petrogenesis of alkaline magmas in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia: Platinum-group element and mineral geochemistry
E. Choi, M. Fiorentini, A. Giuliani and S.F. Foley
Determining the atomic structure of amorphous materials at high-pressure using Monte-Carlo simulations constrained by Synchrotron X-ray Absorption and Scattering data
S. Clark
Mineral chemistry and petrography of Kuusamo Kimberlites and related rocks, Finland
H. Dalton, A. Giuliani, P. O’Brien, J. Hergt and D. Phillips
Nanoscale behaviour of platinum group elements
A. Deditius, F. Barra, J.-M. Gonzalez-Jimenez, M. Reich, S. Sperring, A. Suvorova, M. Kilburn and M. Roberts
Melt evolution of the Finsch orangeite, South Africa
H. Farr, A. Giuliani and D. Phillips
Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotope compositions of MARID and PIC minerals: progressive metasomatism of the mantle by kimberlitic melts processes and diamond prospecting
A. Fitzpayne, A. Giuliani, R. Maas, J. Hergt, D. Phillips and P. Janney
The relationship between alkaline magma generation and the stability of continental lithosphere
S. Foley
Nitrogen partitioning in subduction zone processes
M.W. Förster, D. Prelević, S. Buhre and S.F. Foley
Unusual alluvial sapphires from Orosmayo, Argentina: A multi-analytical approach to decipher their origin and evolution
I. Graham, S. Harris, L. Martin, A. Lay, W. Powell, E. Belousova and E. Zappettini
Super-reducing conditions in a modern volcanic system: Implications for the carbon budget of cratonic lithosphere
W. Griffin, S. Gain, J. Huang, V. Toledo and S.Y. O’Reilly
Modeling the physical properties of multiphase rock assemblage
K. Han and S. Clark
Hydrous melting of labradorite: An electrical conductivity investigation
A. Lanati, G. Amulele and S. Clark
Evolution of the Manuka Mississippi Valley type deposit through its smoky quartz crystals
A. Lay, S. Harris, I. Graham, D. Colchester, L. Martin, K. Privat, J. Bennett, A. Stopic, N. McGowan and L. Spruzeniece
The effect of C-O-H fluids on partial melting of eclogite and lherzolite under reducing conditions
Z. Liu, A. Rohrbach, S. Klemme, S. Foley and J. Berndt
Neutron computed tomography: A new approach to measure grain-boundary proton diffusion in polycrystalline forsterite matrix
S. Patabendigedara, S. Clark and F. Salvemini
The composition of the melts in the incipient melt regime
Z. Pintér, S.F. Foley, G.M. Yaxley and T. Rushmer
Determination of the oxidation state of iron in natural peridotitic and eclogitic garnets by synchrotron Mössbauer spectroscopy
A. Rosenthal,C. McCammon, W. Crichton, V. Cerantola, A. Chumakov, P. Vasilyev, M. Laubier, D. Andrault, D. Jacob, G. Yaxley, A. Woodland, S. Foley, G. Pearson, D. Laporte, R. Njul and H. Schulze
Apatite from southern African kimberlites: Petrography and mineral chemistry
A. Soltys, A. Giuliani, and D. Phillips
Distinguishing coherent kimberlite units of the Ekati Diamond Mine - Implications for emplacement processes and diamond prospecting
M. Tovey, A. Giuliani and D. Phillips
The signature of cratonic lithosphere root formation modes in olivine and orthopyroxene trace element compositions
M. Veter and S.F. Foley
Geographic typing of gem corundum taken a step further via in-situ oxygen isotope and trace element analysis: the example of Paranesti, Greece
K. Wang, I. Graham, L. Martin, P. Voudouris, A. Lay, S. Harris, E. Belousova, G. Giuliani and A. Fallick
European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS 2018), Bristol, UK, 4-7 September 2018
Isotopic imaging of minerals with NanoSIMS
M.R. Kilburn Invited
IMC19, 19th International Microscopy Congress, Sydney, Australia, 9-14 September 2018
A showcase of analytical techniques: V metal in hibonite
S.E.M. Gain, W.L. Griffin, V. Toledo, M. Saunders, J.A. Shaw and S.Y. O’Reilly
Elemental and isotopic imaging using NanoSIMS
P. Guagliardo, H. Jiang, J. Bougoure, L. Martin and M. Kilburn
Stable isotope labelling and imaging mass spectrometry as a tool to investigate mineral-fluid interaction
M. Kilburn, M. Fiorentini, S. Piazolo and T. Rushmer
9th International SHRIMP Meeting, Ochang, South Korea, 10-15 September 2018
Did the Albany-Fraser Province go west?
S. Wilde
First Workshop of Project IGCP-662 Orogenic Architecture and Crustal Growth From Accretion to Collision, Beijing, China, 20-22 September 2018
Crust-mantle interaction in the formation of the Kalmakyr and Muruntau ore giants, Uzbekistan
A. Dolgopolova, R. Seltmann, R. Armstrong, E. Belousova and D. Konopelko
Paleoproterozoic crustal growth of the Siberian craton
T.V. Donskaya, D.P. Gladkochub, A.M. Mazukabzov and S.A. Pisarevsky
UHP versus Super-Reducing parageneses in Tethyan ophiolites
W. Griffin, J.-X. Huang, Q. Xiong, X.-H. Gong and S.Y. O’Reilly Invited
Tracing the final collision of accretionary orogens: New magmatic constraints from the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt
S. Li, T. Wang, W.-J. Xiao, S.-L. Chung and S.A. Wilde
Geodynamic processes during heroic collisions: Integration of geochemical, microstructural and geodynamic information
S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, Q. Xiong, J-C. Afonso and T. Satsukawa Invited
SEG 2018-Metals, Minerals and Society, Keystone, Colorado, USA, 22-25 September 2018
PGE-Au signature of alkaline magmas from the Yilgarn Craton: Insights into the metallogenic architecture of the lithospheric mantle
E. Choi, M. Fiorentini, A. Giuliani and S.F. Foley
Integrating petroleum and minerals systems approaches to sedimentary basins
R. Chuchla and T.C. McCuaig Plenary
The implication of Early Architecture for gold endowment in a low strain environment: The Yaouré Gold Deposit
C. d’Ivoire, N. Mériaud, N. Thébaud and Q. Masurel
New insights into zircon fertility indicators for porphyry copper deposits: Deciphering the adakitic signatures in Patagonia
G.J. Henriquez, R.R. Loucks, M.L. Fiorentini and C.M. Allen
Structural evolution of the El Indio Belt (Chile-Argentina): from Zircons to Gold
C. Jara, M. Fiorentini, H. Jeon, M. Fanning, J. Miller and D. Winocur
3D mineral footprints of an undercover sediment-hosted polymetallic Abra Ore System, Western Australia
H.M. Lampinen, C. Laukamp, S.A. Occhipinti and L. Hardy
Basement architecture controls for sediment-hosted base-metal mineral systems in the Mesoproterozoic Edmund Basin, Western Australia
H.M. Lampinen, S.A. Occhipinti, M.D. Lindsay and M. Fiorentini
Distinctive chemical characteristics, geodynamic settings, and petrogenesis of gold ore-forming arc magmas
R.R. Loucks
Whole-rock and zircon fertility indicator of Archean granites
Y.-J. Lu, R.H. Smithies, M.T.D. Wingate, N. Evans, D. Champion and T.C. McCuaig
The power of a systems approach to minerals and petroleum exploration in sedimentary basins
C. McCuaig Invited
Permian magmatism in an early Andean metallogenic belt, Cordillera Frontal, Argentina
G.H. Poole, S.G. Hagemann, A.I. Kemp, M.L. Fiorentini and E.O. Zappettini
Origin of collision-related porphyry copper deposit at Zhunuo in western Gangdese belt of southern Tibet
A. Sun and Y.-J. Lu
Tethys Dynamics Workshop, Beijing, China, 8-9 October 2018
Crustal structure beneath coastal NW Australia: seismic signature from paleo-collision to modern rifting
H. Yuan and the CWAS Team Invited
AGCC Australian Geoscience Council Convention - Big Issues and Ideas in Geoscience, Adelaide, Australia, 14-18 October 2018
Reappraisal of MORB redox state using both Fe and S speciation
O. Alard, C. Baudouin, M. Chassé, F. Parat and M. Munoz
From geosystem to mineral system: Contextualising ore deposits
G. Begg, W. Griffin, S. O’Reilly and J.M.A. Hronsky Keynote
Multiple sulfur isotopes as indelible tracers of ore-forming processes in magmatic and hydrothermal mineral systems
S. Caruso, M. Fiorentini and C. LaFlamme
Insights into the magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of the Black Swan Succession: Evidence from microchemical and sulfur isotope investigation
S. Caruso, M. Fiorentini, S. Barnes, C. LaFlamme and L. Martin
Fingerprinting mantle plume activities in the oceanic realm through time
L.S. Doucet
GSA Ringwood Medal Lecture: Illuminating mantle metasomatism
S. Foley Keynote
Exploring the potentially early evolution of complex life
G.G. Soares and M.J. Van Kranendonk
Deep structures in the Pilbara Craton, WA, and their relationship to overlying deformation, mineralisation and kimberlite emplacement
L. Harris and Y.-J L
Detrital zircon age, oxygen and hafnium isotope systematics record rigid continents after 2.5 Ga
L. Iaccheri, A. Kemp and Edinburgh Ion Microprobe Facility (EIMF)
Long lived supercontinent Nuna - updated paleomagnetic constraints from Australia
U. Kirscher, R.N. Mitchell, Y. Liu, Z.X. Li, G.M. Cox and S. Pisarevsky
Shallow crustal structure of southeast Australia constrained by Rayleigh wave phase velocity and Z/H ratio
G. Li, H. Wu and Y. Yang
Decoding Earth’s rhythms: Modulation of supercontinent cycles by longer superocean cycles
Z.X. Li, R. Mitchell, C. Spencer, R. Ernst, S.A. Pisarevsky, U. Kircher and B. Murphy
Whole crustal structure revealed by the Perth Basin Seismic (PBS) Array
X. Lin, H. Yuan, M. Dentith, R.E. Murdie and K. Gessner
First Precambrian palaeomagnetic data from the Mawson Craton (East Antarctica) and tectonic implications
Y. Liu, Z.X. Li, S.A. Pisarevsky, U. Kirscher, R. Mitchell, J. Stark, C. Clark and M. Hand
Zircon composition as a fertility indicator of Archean granites
Y.-J. Lu, R.H. Smithies, M.T.D. Wingate, N. Evans, D. Champion and T.C. McCuaig
Whole Earth harmonics
R. Mitchel, U. Kirscher, G. Cox, R. Ernst, W. Collins, C. Spencer, S.A. Pisarevsky, L. Doucet and Z. Li
Australian space and planetary capabilities: Implications for Earth Sciences
C. O’Neill
Could meteorite bombardment have kick-started the plate tectonic machine?
C. O’Neill
Decadal Plan for Geoscience: Our planet, Australia’s future - A decade of transition in Geoscience
S.Y. O’Reilly Keynote
Development of the Global Paleomagnetic Database and new global paleogeographic animation for 2000-1600 Ma
S.A. Pisarevsky
Northeast-Australian collisional tectonics during the assembly of Nuna unravelled by multi-method petrochronology
A. Pourteau
Unravelling the structural and metamorphic evolution from MT-MP to LP-HT: A journey through the crust in the Georgetown Inlier (NE Australia)
S. Volante
Long-lived connection between the North China and North Australia cratons (NCC NAC) in the supercontinent Nuna: New palaeomagnetic constraints
C. Wang, Z. Li, P. Peng, S.A. Pisarevsky and Y. Liu
A global full-plate reconstruction model for the last 2.0 Ga
L. Wu, Z.X. Li and S.A. Pisarevsky
Insights into changes in crust formation processes at the Archean-Proterozoic Transition from receiver functions: Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia
H. Yuan, Y.-J. Lu, R.E. Murdie, M. Dentith, S.P. Johnson and K. Gessner
The effects of supercontinent size on the global mantle structures
N. Zhang, Z. Li and C. Huang
Fourth landing site workshop for the Mars 2020 rover mission, 16-18 October 2018, Glendale CA, USA
Origin and Significance of Opaline Silica Deposits at Columbia Hills
K.A. Campbell, T. Djokic,M.J. Van Kranendonk, S.W. Ruff, J.D. Farmer, C. Sriaporn, K.M. Handley, M. Millan, B. Teece and D.M. Guido
From Planetary Evolution to Potential Biosignatures: Achieving Mission Success with the Mars 2020 Rover and Instrument Suite at the Columbia Hills Site
S.W. Ruff, V. Hamilton, D. Rogers, C. Edwards, B. Horgan, and M. Van Kranendonk
A Mars 2020 Mission to Columbia Hills: Risk Minimization through Ground Truth
M.J. Van Kranendonk, S. Ruff, K.A. Campbell, and T. Djokic
Annual Meeting of Chinese Geoscience Union, Beijing, China, 19-23 October 2018
Joint inversion of surface waves and teleseismic body waves for sedimentary structures
Y. Yang, G. Li and F. Niu Invited
GSA Earth Sciences Student Symposium, Western Australia (GESSS-WA), Australia, 29 November 2018
Multiple sulfur isotopes as indelible tracers of ore-forming processes in magmatic and hydrothermal mineral systems
S. Caruso, M. Fiorentini and C. LaFlamme
Metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration in relation to mineralisation of the Harris Lake Shear Zone, Albany- Fraser orogen, Western Australia
J. Chard, C. Clark and C. Kirkland
Alkaline magmatism as a probe into the mantle under the Yilgarn Craton, WA
E. Choi, M. Fiorentini, A. Giuliani and S.F. Foley
Self organising maps - a case study of Broken Hill
T. Gillfeather-Clark and L. Smith
New insights on porphyry-copper deposit fertility indicators: unfolding the adakitic signature in Patagonia
G.J. Henriquez, R.R. Loucks, M.L. Fiorentini and C.M. Allen
Hyperspectral detection for zoned mineral footprint around undercover sediment-hosted polymetallic Abra
H. Lampinen, C. Laukamp, S. Occhipinti and L. Hardy
Palaeomagnetism of a ca. 2.62 Ga dyke swarm in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, and palaeogeographic implications
Y. Liu, Z.-X. Li, S.A. Pisarevsky, U. Kirscher and R.N. Mitchell
The origin of Cuyania revealed by Hf isotopes of zircon
E.L. Martin, W. Collins and C.J. Spencer
A thermochronological history of Lindås Nappe amphibolites based on combined microstructural and geochemical analysis of rutile
J. Moore, A. Beinlich, J. Porter, C. Talavera, J. Berndt, S. Piazolo, H. Austrheim and A. Putnis
Major shoreline retreat in the wake of Snowball Earth
A.R. Nordsvan, R.N. Mitchell, U. Kirscher and M. Barham
Permian magmatism related to porphyry and epithermal mineralisation in a Permian metallogenic belt, Cordillera Frontal, Argentina
G. Poole, S. Hagemann, A. Kemp, M. Fiorentini, E. Zappettini, H. Jeon, I. Williams and N. Rubinstein
Deformation and retrogression initiated by hydration along pre-existing fabrics: Using monazite and apatite to track and time geological events
A.M. Prent, A. Beinlich, T. Raimondo, C. Kirkland, N. Evans and A. Putnis
Growth of continental crust at island arcs revealed by high-precision geochronology
J.E. Stirling, S.W. Denyszyn, R.R. Loucks, A.I.S. Kemp, M.L. Fiorentini and J. Hammerli
Building the geological framework of the Kanowna Belle deposit for a methodical sulphur isotope application
D. Sugiono, N. Thébaud, C.K. LaFlamme, M.L. Fiorentini and J. Rogers
Trace element composition of sub-micrometre monazite inclusions in ultra-high temperature metamorphic rutile
R. Verberne, S.M. Reddy, D.W. Saxey, D. Fougerouse, W.D.A. Rickard and C. Clark
Unravelling the structural and metamorphic evolution of the Georgetown Inlier (NE Australia)
A. Volante, W.J. Collins, A. Pourteau, A. Nordsvan, E. Blereau, Z.-X. Li and J. Li
Sulphur sources and magmatic sulphide mineralisation in the Fraser Zone: Insights from mineral prospects
A.T. Walker, K.A. Evans, C.L. Kirkland, L. Martin, O.C. Kiddie and C.C. Spaggiari
GSA Earth Sciences Student Symposium, Sydney, Australia (GESSS-NSW), 3-4 December 2018
Evolution of the Jericho kimberlite constrained by olivine macrocrysts
S. Greene
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Washington DC, USA,10-14 December 2018
Parallel MCMC multi-algorithm strategies for the thermochemical structure of lithosphere
I. Fomin, J.C. Afonso and M. Sambridge
Spatial variations in crustal structure and shear wave velocity across the Canning Basin, NW Australia K. Gessner, R. Murdie, H. Yuan and L. Zhao
Long lived supercontinent Nuna - updated paleomagnetic constraints from Australia
U. Kirscher, R.N. Mitchell, Y. Liu, Z.X. Li, G.M. Cox, A. Nordsvan, C. Wang and S. Pisarevsky
Paleomagnetism of a ca. 2.62 Ga dyke swarm in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, and paleogeographic implications
Y. Liu, Z.X. Li, S.A. Pisarevsky, U. Kirscher and R. Mitchell
Sensitivity kernels for multi-component ambient noise empirical Green’s functions based on adjoint method
Q. Liu, K. Wang and Y. Yang
Did Earth’s first supercontinent form the inner core?
R.N. Mitchell, G.M. Cox, J.G. O’Rourke, Z.-X. Li, C.J. Spencer, U. Kirscher, N. Zhang, J.B. Murphy, A. Nordsvan and P.D. Asimow
Major shoreline retreat following Snowball Earth
A. Nordsvan, R. Mitchell, U. Kirscher and M. Barham
A multiphase multicomponent reactive transport formalism for disequilibrium melt-rock processes and geochemical geodynamics
A. Oliveira, J.C. Afonso and R. Tilhac
Global applicability of ultramafic serpentinization and carbonation magnetic mapping
P.N. Pruett, M. Tominaga, N. Francis R. Vento, E. Ortiz, J.A. Greene, A. Beinlich, E.A. Lima, B.P. Weiss and P.N. Fulton
The composition of the melts in the incipient melt regime
Z. Pintér, S.F. Foley, G.M. Yaxley and T. Rushmer
Development of the Global Paleomagnetic Database and new global paleogeographic animation for the last 2 Gy
S.A. Pisarevsky, Z.X. Li and L. Wu
Evidence for a 1.24-1.21 Ga large igneous province in the North China Craton
C. Wang, Z. Li, P. Peng, S.A. Pisarevsky and Y. Liu
Crustal radial anisotropy of Southern California revealed by multi-component ambient noise adjoint tomography
K. Wang, Q. Liu and Y. Yang
Insights into changes in crust formation mechanisms across the Archean-Proterozoic Transition: Receiver function observations in the Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia
H. Yuan, R.E. Murdie, M. Dentith, S.P. Johnson, K. Gessner and Y. Lu
Crustal and uppermost mantle structure of the alpine region unraveled by transdimensional inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion data
L. Zhao, H. Yuan, M.G. Malusa, G. Lu, A. Paul, Y. Lu and T. Bodin
National MT Workshop and AusLAMP SA Release Day, Adelaide, Australia, 5 December 2018
Continental architecture: The geosystem-mineral system connection
G. Begg, W. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Developing meaningful interpretations for MT models: Current state of play
K. Selway Invited
XLIX (49) Tectonic meeting, Tectonics of modern and ancient oceans and their margins, Москва, Russia, January 31- 4 February 2017
Results of a study of detrital zircons from the Bakal and Shalinskoi suites of the typical Riphean section (Bashkir uplift, the southern Urals) using the TerraneChron® method
T.V. Romanyuk, N.B. Kuznetsov, V.M. Gorozhanin, E.N. Gorozhanina, E.A. Belousova and E.S. Pyzhova (in Russian)
Granitoids Through Time, Monash University, Australia, 2 February 2017
Post-collisional, Late Neoproterozoic, high-Ba-Sr granitic magmatism from the Dom Feliciano Belt and its cratonic foreland, Uruguay
P. Lara, P. Oyhantcabal and K. Dadd
The 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, 20-24 March 2017
The hunt for shocked zircon in the Jack Hills: 21,000 and counting
M.A. Cox, A.J. Cavosie, S.M. Reddy, P.A. Bland, J.W. Valley
3rd Deep Carbon Observatory International Science Meeting, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, 23-25 March 2017
Insights into diamond formation from polycrystalline diamond aggregates
D. Jacob, R.A. Stern, S. Piazolo, J. Chapman and J. Czas
Conference of the Israeli Geology Society, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel, 21 March 2017
The hibonite-grossite-vanadium assemblage in Mt Carmel corundum: extreme desilication and reduction in a volcanic plumbing system
W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, J.X. Huang, V. Toledo and S.Y. O’Reilly
The Mt. Carmel birdshot assemblage: Immiscibility of metal, metal-oxide and silicate melts during basalt-methane interaction in a volcanic plumbing system
W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, J.X. Huang, V. Toledo and S.Y. O’Reilly
Moissanite (SiC) in Mt Carmel pyroclastics and alluvial deposits: Super-reduced conditions in volcanic systems
J.-X. Huang, W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, V. Toledo and S.Y. O’Reilly
International Symposium on Zircon Geochronology and Crustal Evolution, Kunming, China, 12-20 April 2017
Can too much information spoil a good story?
S.A. Wilde Keynote
TARGET 2017: Innovating Now for Our Future, Perth, Western Australia, 19-21 April 2017
Rutile as an indicator mineral in gold exploration
A. Agangi, S.M. Reddy, D. Plavsa, D. Fougerouse, C. Clark, M. Robert and T.E. Johnson
Structural controls on the localization of Au and Ni deposits in the Halls Creek Orogen, insight from geodynamic numerical modeling and geophysical interpretation
F. Kohanpour, M.D. Lindsay, W. Gorczyk and S. Occhipinti
Fingerprinting ore forming processes with sulfur isotopes: craton to camp scale
C. LaFlamme, M. Fiorentini, V. Selvaraja and S. Caruso
Ground truthing remote sensing maps – mineralogical composition of regolith and its implications to hydrothermal alteration
H. Lampinen, C. Laukamp, S. Occhipinti, V. Metelka and S. Spinks
Recent advances and potential leads in lithogeochemical exploration for magmatic nickel sulphide deposits
M. Le Vaillant, M.L. Fiorentini and S.J. Barnes
Terrane-scale porphyry Cu fertility in the Lhasa terrane, southern Tibet
Y-J. Lu, Z.Q. Hou, Z.M. Yang, L.A. Parra-Avila, M. Fiorentini, T.C. McCuaig and R. Loucks
Methods of targeting across all scales – what important elements to consider? Controls and genesis of high-grade ore-shoots at Callie world-class gold deposit, Northern Territory, Australia The future(s) of minerals exploration Tracing sulfur-sources in the Agnew gold camp: an illustration of Archean orogenic gold deposits diversity
T.C. McCuaig Keynote
L. Petrella, N. Thébaud, C. LaFlamme and S. Occhipinti
J.P. Sykes, A. Trench and T.C. McCuaig
N. Thébaud, D. Sugiono, C. LaFlamme, F. Voute, J. Miller and M. FiorentiniEuropean Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017
Linking geodynamics and geophysical inversion with multiobservable probabilistic tomography
J.C. Afonso, N. Rawlinson, Y. Yang, S. Zlotnik and O. Ortega
Preservation of a 2.4 Ga ecosystem in the Kazput formation of the Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
E.V. Barlow and M.J. Van Kranendonk
Ubiquity and diversity of nodular and digitate micro-stromatolites in New Zealand’s siliceous hot springs: relevance for Mars biosignature exploration
K.A. Campbell, K.M. Handley, C. Sriaporn, S.W. Ruff, M.J. Van Kranendonk, D.M. Guido and T. Djokic
The behaviour of monazite at high temperature and high stress in the lower crust
C. Clark, R. Taylor, T. Erickson, S. Reddy, D. Fougerouse, I. Fitzsimons and M. Hand
Redistribution of iron and titanium in subduction zones: insights from high-pressure serpentinites
R. Crossley, K. Evans, S. Reddy and G. Lester
An origin of life in terrestrial fresh water hydrothermal pools
B.F. Damer, D.W. Deamer, M.J. Van Kranendonk and T. Djokic
Exceptional Preservation of Biosignatures in c. 3.48 Ga Terrestrial Hot Spring Deposits, Pilbara, Western Australia
T. Djokic, M.J. Van Kranendonk, K.A. Campbell and M.R. Walter
Astrobiology ‘Down Under’: A comprehensive virtual field trip of the c. 3.48 Ga Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
T. Djokic, M.J. Van Kranendonk, C. Oliver, S. Guan and A. Ong
Rehydration reactions and microstructure development in lower crustal granulites from the Bergen Arcs, Norway
T. Erickson, S. Reddy, C. Clark, M. Hand, K. Bhowany and A. Prent
The topography of the Iberian Peninsula from coupled geophysical-petrological inversion of multiple data sets
J. Fullea, A. Negredo, M. Charco, I. Palomeras, A. Villaseñor and J.C. Afonso
Continental geodynamics and mineral exploration-the Western Australian perspective
K. Gessner, R. Murdie, H. Yuan, L. Brisbout, C. Sippl, I. Tyler, C. Kirkland, M. Wingate, S. Johnson, C. Spaggiari, H. Smithies, Y. Lu, C. Gonzalez, M. Jessell, E.-J. Holden, W. Gorczyk and S. Occhipinti
Peering into the deep: Illuminating the crustal evolution of the Eucla basement and its relationship to the Albany-Fraser Orogen of southwest Australia
M. Hartnady, C. Kirkland, C. Clark, C. Spaggiari and H. Smithies
Keep it real and visual: Dissecting social media engagement and its potential to influence trust in space science
Y.L. Hwong, C.A. Oliver and M.J. Van Kranendonk
Long term evolution of Earth’s magnetic field strength: Supercontinent cycles and nucleation of the inner core
U. Kirscher, R.N. Mitchell, G. Cox, P. Asimow, N. Zhang and Z.-X. Li Highlight
Ignimbrites of Armenia – Paleomagnetic constraints on flow direction and stratigraphy of pyroclastic activity of Mount Aragats
U. Kirscher, K. Meliksetian, H. Gevorgyan, G. Navasardyan and V. Bachtadse
The importance of the Gurian stage: magnetostratigraphic correlation of the Calabrian in the southern Caucasus and its paleoclimatic implications
U. Kirscher, O. Oms, A.A. Bruch, I. Shatilova, G. Chochishvili and V. Bachtadse
Tracing Archean sulfur across stitched lithospheric blocks
C. LaFlamme, M. Fiorentini, M. Lindsay, B. Wing, V. Selvaraja, S. Occhipinti, S. Johnson and H. Thi Bui
Tracing sulfur across lithospheric boundaries
C. LaFlamme, M. Fiorentini and B. Wing Invited
Numerical Modelling of Multi-Phase Multi-Component Reactive Transport in the Earth’s Interior
B. Oliveira, J.C. Afonso, S. Zlotnik and R. Tilhac
Model order reduction for the fast solution of 3D Stokes problems and its application in geophysical inversion
O. Ortega Gelabert, S. Zlotnik, J.C. Afonso and P. Díez
How ‘cyclic’ is the Supercontinental Cycle
S.A. Pisarevsky
Mechanism and duration of plutonic processes in oceanic crust: the example of the South Rallier du Baty intrusive complex, Kerguelen Archipelago
L. Ponthus, D. Guillaume, M. de Saint Blanquat, M. le Romancer, N. Pearson, M. Grégoire and S.Y. O’Reilly
Nano is the next big thing: Revealing geochemical processes with atom probe microscopy
S. Reddy, D. Saxey, W. Rickard, D. Fougerouse, E. Peterman, A. van Riessen and T. Johnson
Thermochronology across tectonic contacts in southwest Turkey defines extensional South Menderes Monocline
U. Ring, S. Thomson and K. Gessner
Very broad band seismic constraints on the LAB and lithospheric layering in the north American Craton
B. Romanowicz, H. Yuan, P. Clouzet, M. Caló, C. Roy, T. Bodin and S. Maurya
Unravelling the complexities of a high-grade Paleoarchean terrane: Saglek Block, Labrador, Canada
A. Salacinska, M. Kusiak, D. Dunkley, M. Whitehouse and S. Wilde
Crustal structure of a Proterozoic craton boundary: east Albany-Fraser Orogen, Western Australia, imaged with passive seismic and gravity
C. Sippl, L. Brisbout, C. Spaggiari, K. Gessner, H. Tkalcic, B. Kennett and R. Murdie
Seismic structure of a late-Archean microcontinent in the middle of the Western Australian Craton
H. Yuan, S. Johnson, M. Dentith, R. Murdie, K. Gessner, F. Korhonen and T. Bodin
Geochemical, zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic study on metabasalt in the Cathaysia Block: Implications of Paleozoic migmatization of Precambrian crustal and mantle materials in South China
W. Zeng, H. Zhou, Z.-X. Li, I.C.W. Fitzsimons, Z. Zhong, H. Xiang, R. Liu and S. Jin
Astrobiology Science Convention (Abscicon), Mesa, USA, 24-28 April 2017
Preservation of a 2.4 Ga ecosystem in the Kazput Formation of the Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
E.V. Barlow and M.J. Van Kranendonk
AIG Workshop, Perth, WA, 2 May 2017
Crustal structure of the Capricorn Orogen inferred from passive source seismology
H. Yuan
Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics, Inverness, Scotland, 30 April - 7 May 2017
Recognition of melt flux through shear zones
N.R. Daczko, S. Piazolo, D. Da Silva, U. Meek, C. Stuart and H. Ghatak
Melt flux through the root of a magmatic arc under static versus dynamic conditions
N.R. Daczko, S. Piazolo, C.A. Stuart and U. Meek
Flow behaviour of the middle and lower crust: Insights from field observations and numerical modelling
R. Gardner, S. Piazolo and N. Daczko
Patterns of strain localization in heterogeneous, polycrystalline rocks – a numerical perspective
R. Gardner, S. Piazolo and N. Daczko
Microstructural indicators of channelled melt flow through the lower crust
U. Meek, N. Daczko and S. Piazolo
Earthquakes at depth: Insights from high resolution orientation and chemical analysis
S. Piazolo, P. Trimby, N.R. Daczko and C. Kong
Deformation-resembling microstructure created by fluid-mediated dissolution-precipitation reactions
L. Spruzeniece, S. Piazolo and H.E. Maynard-Casely
EMAS-15 / IUMAS-7, Konstanz, Germany, 7-11 May 2017
Integration of Electron Backscatter Diffraction, Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction and Atom Probe Microscopy: A superior workflow for nanoscale geochemistry
S.M. Reddy, D.W. Saxey, W.D.A. Rickard, D. Fougerouse and A. van Riessen
High-resolution imaging, EBSD analysis and isotope mapping of experimentally produced micro and nanocrystalline geological materials
L. Spruzeniece, S. Piazolo, M.R. Kilburn and A. Putnis
JPGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan, 20-25 May 2017
South China in the assembled Gondwana
W. Yao, Z.X. Li, W.X. Li and X.H. Li Invited
GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 21-23 May 2017
Post-accretionary uplift of the Meguma Terrane relative to the Avalon Terrane in the Canadian Appalachians
D.B. Archibald, J.B. Murphy, N.S. Antigonish, F. Jourdan and S.M. Reddy
2017 GSA Cordilleran Section Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 23-25 May 2017
The influence of hydrous melting on the electrical conductivity in feldspar labradorite
G.M. Amulele, S.M. Clark and A.W. Lanati
2017 Interior of the Earth, Gordon Research Conference, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA, 4-9 June 2017
The long legacy of deep mantle processes
C. O’Neill Keynote
FUTORES II (Future Understanding of Tectonics, Ores, Resources, Environment and Sustainability) Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 4-7 June 2017
Atmospheric sulfur in the orogenic gold deposits of the Archean Yilgarn Craton
V. Selvaraja, S. Caruso, M.L. Fiorentini and C.K. LaFlamme
Metallogeny of the Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia
S.P. Johnson, I.O.H. Fielding, B. Rasmussen, J. Zi, J.R. Muhling, M.T.D. Wingate and S. Sheppard Invited
The effect of magmatic oxidation state, hydration state and temperature on incorporation of cerium in zircon: bad news for Ce-in-zircon oxybarometry
R.R. Loucks, M.L. Fiorentini and B.D. Rohrlach
Calibration of a new magmatic oxybarometer using uranium, cerium and titanium in zircon as a pathfinder to Cu-fertile arc igneous complexes
R.R. Loucks and M.L. Fiorentini
ARCF Project Workshop, Perth, Australia, 7 June 2017
Nanoscale characterisation of trace element mobility: implications for rutile as a pathfinder mineral
R. Verberne, S. Reddy, D. Saxey, W. Rickard, D. Fougerouse, D. Plavsa and A. Agangi
Rodinia 2017: Supercontinent Cycles and Global Geodynamics, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 11-14 June 2017
A full-plate global reconstruction of the Neoproterozoic: An essential step in quantifying ancient geodynamics
A.S. Collins, A.S. Merdith, S.A. Pisarevsky, S. Williams and D.R. Müller Keynote
The Derim Derim Event of Northern Australia - Geochemical characterisation and impact on hydrocarbon development
G.M. Cox, J. Foden, A.S. Collins, U. Kirscher and R.N. Mitchell
Does the Earth have a fundamental frequency?
G.M. Cox, R.N. Mitchell, A.S. Collins, D. Hasterok and J. Foden
Precambrian mantle plume centres and breakup margins identified using the large igneous province record
R.E. Ernst, Z.-X. Li and S.A. Pisarevsky Keynote
Gulf of Nuna: Mesoproterozoic hydrocarbon burial during supercontinent Breakup
U. Kirscher, R. Mitchell, G.C. Cox, W. Yao, C.J. Spencer and M. Kunzmann
Decoding Earth’s rhythm: Modulation of supercontinent cycles by longer superocean cycles
Z.-X. Li, R.N. Mitchell, C.J. Spencer, R. Ernst, S.A. Pisarevsky and B. Murphy
Palaeomagnetism of the Boonadgin Dyke Suite, Yilgarn Craton: Implications for the assembly of the Western Australian Craton and possible connection with India
Y. Liu, Z.-X. Li, S. Pisarevsky, U. Kirscher, R. Mitchell and C. Stark
Evaluation of full-plate reconstructions of the Neoproterozoic using Hf isotopes in zircon
E.L. Martin, W.J. Collins, A.S. Collins and C.J. Spencer
Girdle Earth: The snowball Earth arc magmatism system
R.N. Mitchell, C.J. Spencer, T.D. Raub, G. Cox, E. Martin, U. Kirscher, J.B. Murphy, S. Pisarevsky, A. Collins, W. Collins and Z.-X. Li
Laurentian crust in NE Australia: A critical tie-point during the assembly of the supercontinent Nuna
A.R. Nordsvan, B.J. Collins, Z.-X. Li, C.J. Spencer, A. Pourteau, I. Withnall, P.G. Betts and S. Volante
New progress and constraints on supercontinent reconstructions
S. Pisarevsky Keynote
Tectonic evolution of NE Australia during the assembly of supercontinent Nuna: a multi-disciplinary reappraisal
A. Pourteau, S. Volante, A. Nordsvan, J. Li, Z.X. Li and W.J. Collins
A multi-scale structural and metamorphic study of the Georgetown Inlier, NE Queensland –– Implications for the assembly of the supercontinent Nuna
S. Volante, A. Porteau, W.J. Collins, Z.X. Li, I. Withnall and A. Nordsvan
Long-travelled sediments from India to Australia in the assembled Gondwana
W. Yao, Z.X. Li and E. Martin
Ca. 750–720 Ma tectonic transition recorded in the Bemarivo terrane balances the global plate kinematic budget during Rodinia break-up
J.-L. Zhou, R. Tucker, Z.-X. Li, G.-Q. Tang, L.-G. Wu and X.-H. Li
ECROFI 2017, Nancy, France, 23-29 June 2017
Silicate melt inclusions recording metasomatism in an upper mantle lherzolite xenolith from the northern Pannonian Basin
N. Liptai, M. Berkesi, L. Patko, L.E. Aradi, R. Kaldos, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson and C. Szabo
Tracking wehrlitization process using silicate melt inclusions in upper mantle xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
L. Patkó, L.E. Aradi, N. Liptai, M. Berkesi, R.J. Bodnar, E. Sendula, R. Klébesz and C. Szabó
5th Australian Atom Probe Workshop, Magnetic Island, Australia, 27-30 June 2017
Trace element nanocluster in natural rutile (TiO2) and their geological significance
R. Verberne, S. Reddy, D. Saxey, W. Rickard, D. Fougerouse, D. Plavsa and A. Agangi
Shock Metamorphism in Terrestrial and Extra-Terrestrial Rocks Workshop, Perth, Australia, 26 June - 2 July 2017
Nanoscale trace element analysis of shocked zircon using FIB-ToF-SIMS and atom probe microscopy
W.D.A. Rickard, S.M. Reddy, S.D. Montalvo, D.W. Saxey, D. Fougerouse and A.J. Cavosie
6th Augen Conference, Sydney University, 5-6 August 2017
Meeting tomorrow’s needs: The national decadal plan for Earth Sciences, and implementing it in the classroom
C. O’Neill Plenary
IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly, Portland, Oregon, USA, 14-18 August 2017
The remnant Paleoproterozoic Hart-Carson LIP of north Western Australia
K. Orth, J. Hollis, C. Phillips and M.T.D. Wingate
Goldschmidt 2017 Conference, Paris, France, 13-18 August 2017
Changes in clinopyroxene crystal structure and chemistry as functions of pressure, temperature, and dissolved H2O concentrations in coexisting basanitic melts: implications for thermobarometry and the compositions of near-solidus mantle melts
J. Adam, R. Oberti, F. Camara, T. Green and T. Rushmer
Reappraisal of MORB redox state using both Fe and S speciation
O. Alard, C. Baudouin, M. Chassé, F. Parat, M. Muñoz, H. Nguyen and H. Ananuer
Origin of zircons from the Kondyor Platinum-Bearing Massif (Russia): Evidence from U-Pb and Hf-O isotopic data
I. Badanina, E. Belousova, K. Malitch, W. Griffin and L. Martin
The role of sulfides in the fractionation of highly siderophile and chalcophile elements during the formation of shergottite meteorites
R.J. Baumgartner, M.L. Fiorentini, J.-P. Lorand, D. Baratoux, F. Zaccarini, L. Ferriere and S. Kerim
Halogen and Cl Isotope compositions of martian phosphates: implications for surface chemistry and bulk Mars
J. Bellucci, M. Whitehouse, T. John, A. Nemchin and J. Snape
U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic systems in zircon within Ediacaran – Paibian Granitoid “Taourirt” ring-complexes (Silet Terrane, Tuareg Shield, Algeria, West Africa): Implications for tectonic setting and regional correlation
B. Bonin, A. Azzouni-Sekkal, P. Bowden, E. Belousova, Y. Greau, W.L. Griffin and F. Bechiri-Benmerzoug
Scandium speciation in a world-class lateritic deposit
M. Chassé, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and G. Calas
Occurrence of Ge-bearing accessory minerals within the Variscan Pb-Zn deposits of the Bossost Dome, French Pyrenean Axial Zone
A. Cugerone, B. Cenki-Tok, A. Chauvet, E. Le Goff, L. Bailly, O. Alard, E. Oliot and M. Alard
Re-Os geochronology of sub-micrometre meteoritic alloys through atom probe microscopy
L. Daly, P.A. Bland, S. Tessalina, D.W. Saxey, S.M. Reddy, D. Fougerouse, W.D.A. Rickard, L.V. Forman, P.W. Trimby, L. Yang, A. La Fontaine, J. Cairney, S.P. Ringer and B.F. Schaefer
Eoarchean crust in the Napier Complex of East Antarctica: Isotopic insights from U-Pb-Hf in zircon
D. Dunkley, M. Kusiak, S.A. Wilde, A. Kemp and M. Whitehouse
New constraints on MARID- and PIC-Style mantle metasomatism and their relationship to continental alkaline magmatism
A. Fitzpayne, A. Giuliani, D. Phillips, J. Hergt and P. Janney
Partitioning of nitrogen during partial melting of phlogopite-rich metasomes
M.W. Förster, D. Prelević, S. Buhre and S. Foley
Zircon O-Li isotopic constraints on the origins of the Cretaceous Low-δ18O Nianzishan Granite, NE China
Y.-Y. Gao, W. Griffin, M.-F. Chu, S.Y. O’Reilly, N.J. Pearson, Q.-L. Li and X.-H. Li
Southwestern Africa on the burner: Pleistocene carbonatite volcanism linked to mantle upwelling in Angola
A. Giuliani, M. Campeny, V.S. Kamenetsky, R. Maas, J.C. Melgarejo, B.P.P. Kohn, E.L. Matchan, J. Mangas, A.O. Goncalves and J. Manuel
Recycling and growth of zircons in chromitites from the subcontinental lithospheric mantle
J.M. Gonzalez-Jimenez, C. Marchesi, W.L. Griffin, F. Gervilla, E. Belousova, C.J. Garrido, R. Romero, C. Talavera, M. Leisen, S.Y. O’Reilly and F. Barra
Recrystallisation and short-lived lattice disruptions along mantle fluid pathways
Y. Gréau, H. Henry, J.-X. Huang, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
CH4 interaction with basalt magma: Super-reducing conditions beneath Mt Carmel, Israel
W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, J. Huang, V. Toledo and S.Y. O’Reilly
The unexplored potential impact of pyroxenitic layering on upper mantle seismic properties
H. Henry, J.C. Afonso, T. Satsukawa, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, M.-A. Kaczmarek, R. Tilhac, M. Gregoire and G. Ceuleneer
Moissanite in volcanic systems: super-reduced conditions in the mantle
J. Huang, Q. Xiong, W. Griffin, L. Martin, V. Toledo and S.Y. O’Reilly
Insights into diamond formation from polycrystalline diamond aggregates
D. Jacob, R. Stern, J. Chapman and S. Piazolo
Zircon O isotope (18O/16O) single grain mapping using LG-SIMS
H. Jeon, M. Kilburn and L. Martin
Microstructural investigations of Ureilite Meteorite Sayh Al Uhaymir 559
M.-A. Kaczmarek, A. Bouvier, S. Shieh and T. Withers
Zircon below the micron scale: on the trail of errant elements
M.A. Kusiak Keynote
A monazite and zircon record of Neoarchean polymetamorphism in the Saglek Block of Labrador
M.A. Kusiak, D.J. Dunkley, S.A. Wilde, P. Konecny, A. Salacinska and M.J. Whitehouse
Tracing the final collision of accretionary orogens: Terminal magmatic activities in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB)
S. Li, S.-L. Chung, S. Wilde, B.-M. Jahn, W.-J. Xiao and T. Wang
Role of deep-Earth water cycling in Cretaceous magmatism in southeast China
Z. Li, X.-C. Wang, S.A. Wilde, L. Liu, W.-X. Li and X.M. Yang
Deformation and tectonic evolution of the upper mantle in the Northern Pannonian Basin
N. Liptai, K. Hidas, L. Patkó, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson and C. Szabó
Garnet pyroxenites in Southeastern Australia: Tracing deep lithospheric events
J.G. Lu, W.L. Griffin, Q. Xiong, S.Y. O’Reilly, J.-P. Zheng and N.J. Pearson
Evaluation of full-plate reconstructions of the Neoproterozoic using Hf isotopes in zircon
E.L. Martin, W.J. Collins, A.S. Collins and C.J. Spencer
Textural, chemical and isotopic record of fluid-rock interactions in lawsonite-eclogite from Port Macquarie (Australia)
L. Martin, A. Galtier, M. Kilburn and P. Guagliardo
Chronology of the lunar magma ocean A. Nemchin, J. Snape and M. Whitehouse Invited
Geodynamic processes during heroic collisions revealed from geochemical, microstructural and geodynamic information
S.Y. O’Reilly, W. Griffin, Q. Xiong, J.C. Afonso and T. Satsukawa
Numerical modelling of Multi-Phase Multi-Component Reactive Transport in the Earth’s interior
B. Oliveira, J.C. Afonso, S. Zlotnik and R. Tilhac
Model order reduction for the fast solution of 3D Stokes problems and its application in geophysical inversion
O. Ortega, Gelabert, S. Zlotnik, J.C. Afonso and P. Díez
Studying sub-crustal reflectors in SW-Spain with wide-angle profiles
I. Palomeras, P. Ayarza, R. Carbonell, J.C. Afonso and J. Diaz
The Paleoproterozoic Baoulé-Mossi domain, West African Craton: plate tectonics at 2.3-2.0 Ga?
L.A. Parra-Avila
Using U-Th-Pb monazite geochronology to constrain emplacement ages and melt production rates of leucocratic granites
A.M. Piechocka, C.J. Gregory, J.-W. Zi, S. Sheppard, M.T.D. Wingate and B. Rasmussen
Archean to Permian zircons in Cretaceous mantle-hosted ophiolitic chromitites from Eastern Cuba
J.A. Proenza, J.M. González-Jiménez, A. Garcia-Casco, E. Belousova, W.L. Griffin, C. Talavera, Y. Rojas-Agramonte, T. Aiglsperger, D. Navarro-Ciruana, N. Pujol, F. Gervilla, C. Lazaro and S.Y. O’Reilly
Atmospheric sulfur in the orogenic gold deposits of the Archean Yilgarn Craton
V. Selvaraja, S. Caruso, M. Fiorentini, C. LaFlamme and T-H. Bui
Amphibole as a proxy for the volatile content of the Archean mantle
G. Sessa, M. Tiepolo, M. Fiorentini, M. Moroni, E. Deloule, L. Ottolini, A. Langone and E. Ferrari
Tracing the sources of lunar volcanism with Pb isotopes J. Snape, A. Nemchin, J. Bellucci and M. Whitehouse Invited
Fluid Induced transition from banded kyanite- to bimineralic eclogite and implications for the evolution of cratons
H. Sommer, D. Jacob, R. Stern, D. Petts, D. Mattey and G. Pearson
Radiogenic isotope geochemistry of Cabo Ortegal Pyroxenites: Origin and age of a sub-arc mantle domain
R. Tilhac, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, G. Ceuleneer, B.F. Schaefer, H. Henry and M. Grégoire
Remnant ancient lithospheric fragments in Proterozoic Dunzhugur Ophiolites in Southern Siberia
K.-L. Wang, M.A. Gornova, V. Kovach, Z. Chu, V.A. Belyaev, K.-Y. Lin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Episodic subduction of Tethyan slabs recorded in a Tibetan Ophiolite
Q. Xiong, W.L. Griffin, J.-P. Zheng, N.J. Pearson and S.Y. O’Reilly
Ultrapotassic rocks and xenoliths from South Tibet: Contrasting styles of interaction between lithospheric mantle and asthenosphere during continental collision
B. Xu, W. Griffin, Q. Xiong, Z. Hou, S.Y. O’Reilly, Z. Guo, N.J. Pearson, Y. Gréau, Z.-M. Yang and Y. Zheng
Tracing an intraoceanic Paleozoic subduction zone in Western Junggar of China by geophysical imaging
Y. Xu, Y. Liu, S. Wu, B. Yang, S. Zhang, R. Huang, Y. Yang, Q. Wang and L. Zhu
3D crustal structure of the Tibetan Plateau revealed by ambient noise tomography: Implications for the deformation and growth of tibet
Y. Yang, C. Jiang and Y. Zheng
Crustal structure of the Capricorn Orogen of Western Australia – The role of a microcontinent during Paleoproterozoic dubduction and intra-cratonic crust reworking
H. Yuan, S. Johnson, M. Dentith, P. Varas, R. Murdie, K. Gessner and F. Korhonen
14th SGA Biennial Meeting, Quebec, 20-23 August 2017
Proterozoic West African gold: why ‘When’ leads to ‘Where’
A-S. André-Mayer, A. Eglinger, E. Le Mignot, A. Fontaine, L. Reisberg, C. Zimmerman, J. Miller, J. Jessell, T.C. McCuaig, N. Thebaud, Q. Masurel, E. Lebrun, L.A. Parra-Avila, D. Fougerouse, L. Siebenaller, S. Perrouty, D. Beziat, L. Baratoux, S. Salvi, Y. Bourassa and S. Naba
The bimodal fluid evolution of the Nimbus Zn-Ag deposit: an Archean VHMS with epithermal characteristics
S. Caruso, M.L Fiorentini, C. LaFlamme, S.P. Hollis, L.A.J. Martin, S.J. Barnes and D. Savard
Form and emplacement of chonoliths A.R. Cruden, S. Barnes, C. Magee, J. Van Otterloo, A. Bunger, M. Fiorentini and S. Micklethwaite
Zircon composition: indicator of fertile igneous rocks related to porphyry copper deposits
K. Hattori, J. Wang, R. Baumgartner, C. Kobylinski, S. Morfin and P. Shen
Gold metallogeny of Greenland J. Kolb, N. Thébaud, E. Lebrun, M. Fiorentini and T. Nielsen
Multiple sulfur isotopes monitor fluid evolution in MIF-S-bearing orogenic gold
C. LaFlamme, D. Sugiona, N. Thébaud, M. Fiorentini, S. Caruso, V. Selvaraja and F. Voute
Southern Mali crustal evolution, a geochemical and isotopic study and its implications for the petrogenesis and metallogenesis of the Rhyacian Baoulé-Mossi domain, southern West African Craton
L.A. Parra-Avila, M.L. Fiorentini and A. Eglinger
Controls on high-grade ore-shoots at Callie world-class gold deposit, Northern Territory, Australia
L. Petrella, N. Thébaud, C. LaFlamme, S. Occhipinti, S. Turner and S. Perazzao
The making of Archean orogenic gold deposits: tracing sulfur sources in the Agnew gold camp
N. Thébaud, D. Sugiono, C. LaFlamme, F. Voute and M. Fiorentini
12th International Eclogite Conference. High- and ultrahigh-pressure rocks - Keys to lithosphere dynamics through geologic time, Åre, Sweden, 26-29 August 2017
Major and trace element fluxes at carbonated metabasite-peridotite interface: insight from experimental modeling
A.L. Perchuk, V.O. Yupaskurt, W.L. Griffin, M.Yu. Shur and S.E.M. Gain
Peridotites and eclogites in the SCLM: The evolution of an understanding
W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly Keynote
Major and trace element fluxes at carbonated metabasite-peridotite interface: insight from experimental modeling
A.L. Perchuk, V.O. Yupaskurt, W.L. Griffin, M.Yu. Shur and S.E.M. Gain
Tectonostratigraphy, structure and petrology of the Averøy layered eclogite and relations to the Nordøyane UHP domain, W Norway
S. Auglænd, S., P. Robinson, P., S.A. McEnroe, M.P. Terry, N. Daczko, T.E. Krogh, T, S.L. Kamo and K. Hollocher
Modeling of Rare Earth Elements redistribution in HP/LT metamorphic rocks: Record of lawsonite, titanite and epidote breakdown by garnet
H. Ditterová, M. Konrad-Schmolke, L. Erpel and A. Pourteau
24th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Hyderabad, India, 21-28 September 2017
Determination of proton conduction in olivine and hydrogarnet
S.M.P.G.s. Kumara, S.M. Clark, R.A. Mole and N. de Souza
SIMS 21, 21st International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Krakow, Poland, 10-16 September 2017
Stable isotope labelling as a tool to investigate mineral-fluid interaction
M. Kilburn, M. Fiorentini, S. Piazolo and T. Rushmer
Comparative Tectonic Analysis of Melanges, Accretionary Orogens, and Arc-Continent Collisions Through Time, Wuhan, China, 16-21 September 2017
Permo-Triassic to Cretaceous Magmatism along the northern margin of the North China Craton: Implications for the junction of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
S.A. Wilde and M.L. Grant Invited
SEG 2017. Ore Deposits of Asia: China and Beyond, Beijing, China, 17-20 September 2017
Fe-Ti-V deposits of China and Russia: Tectonic setting, geochemistry and paleomagnetic data
N. Krivolutskaya, R. Veselovskiy, X. Song, L.-M. Chen, S.-Y. Yu, B. Gongalsky, E. Belousova, Y. Bychkova, K. Malitch and N. Svirskaya
Porphyry Cu fertility in the Lhasa Terrane, southern Tibet: Insights from terrane-scale whole-rock geochemistry and zircon trace element and Hf-O isotopes
Y-J. Lu, Z. Hou, Z. Yang, L.A. Parra-Avila, M. Fiorentini, T.C. McCuaig, R.R. Loucks
Zircon compositions as fertility indicator of Archean granites
Y-J. Lu and H. Smithies
Zircon characterization as a pathfinder for porphyry Cu deposits
L.A. Parra-Avila, M.L. Fiorentini, Y. Lu, R. Loucks and S. Garwin
Mass dependent fractionation in pyrite from the Golden Mile: Evidence for a mantle connection during gold mineralization
M.G. Rodriguez, S. Hagemann, C. LaFlamme and M. Fiorentini
Large copper and gold systems of Kazakhstan and Tienshan: Geodynamics and metallogeny revisited
R. Seltmann, A. Dolgopolova, D. Konopelko, R. Creaser, E. Belousova, A. Miroshnikova, A. Mizerny, M. Mizernaya, M. Kokkuzova and D. Makat
Ultrapotassic rocks and xenoliths from South Tibet: Contrasting styles of interaction between lithospheric mantle and asthenosphere during continental collision
B. Xu, W.L Griffin, Q. Xiong, Z.-Q. Hou, S. O’Reilly, Z. Guo, N. Pearson, Y. Gréau, Z.-M. Yang and Y.-C. Zheng
11th International Kimberlite Conference, Gaborone, Botswana, 18-22 September 2017
New constraints on the origin of carbonates in kimberlites using petrography, mineral chemistry and in situ stable isotope analysis
M. Castillo-Oliver, A. Giuliani, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, E. Thomassot and R.N. Drysdale
Metasomatic evolution of the SCLM beneath the Lunda Norte province (NE Angola)
M. Castillo-Oliver, W.L. Griffin, J.C. Melgarejo, S. Galí, N.J. Pearson, V. Pervov and S.Y. O’Reilly
Mineralogy, geochemistry, and petrogenesis of paleoproterozoic alkaline magmas in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
E. Choi, M.L. Fiorentini, A. Giuliani, A. Kemp, F. Pirajno and S. Foley
Melt evolution of the Finsch orangeite, South Africa
H. Farr, A. Giuliani and D. Phillips
New constraints on the origins of MARID and PIC rocks based on mineral and bulk-rock geochemical data: Implication for mantle metasomatism and alkaline magmatism
A. Fitzpayne, A. Giuliani, J. Hergt, D. Phillips and P. Janney
Multiple metasomatic events recorded in MARID xenoliths
A. Fitzpayne, A. Giuliani, D. Phillips, J. Hergt, J. Farquhar and R.N. Drysdale
The carbon cycle in the continental lithosphere and the generation of alkaline mafic melts in cratonic and rift regions
S.F. Foley and T.P. Fischer
Olivine zoning and the evolution of kimberlite systems
A. Giuliani, A. Soltys, E. Lim, H. Farr., D. Phillips, K. Goemann and W.L. Griffin Keynote
Tracing mantle metasomatism using combined stable (C, O, N) and radiogenic (Sr, Nd, Hf, Pb) isotope geochemistry: case studies from mantle xenoliths of the Kimberley kimberlites
A. Giuliani, D. Phillips, R. Maas, J.D. Woodhead, C. Harris, M.L. Fiorentini, J. Farquhar, E. Thomassot, C. Cheng and A. Fitzpayne
Complex zoning of olivine in archetypal kimberlites provides new insights into the evolution of kimberlite magmas
E. Lim, A. Giuliani and D. Phillips
A comparison of geochronology methods applied to kimberlites and related rocks from the Karelian Craton, Finland
D. Phillips, D. Zhong, E.L. Matchan, R. Maas, H. Farr, H. O’Brien and A. Giuliani
Primitive melt composition of the Bultfontein Kimberlite
A. Soltys, A. Giuliani and D. Phillips
Apatite from the Kimberley Kimberlites (South Africa): Petrography and mineral chemistry
A. Soltys, A. Giuliani and D. Phillips
Tracking continental-scale modification of the Earth’s mantle using Hf-isotopes in zircon megacrysts
J.D. Woodhead, J. Hergt, A. Giuliani, D. Phillips and R. Maas
Ilmenite as a recorder of the kimberlite history from mantle to surface: examples from Indian kimberlites
J. Xu, J.C. Melgarejo and M. Castillo-Oliver
Magma mingling at the Menominee pipe, USA? Contributions from texture and mineral chemistry
J. Xu, J.C. Melgarejo, L. Torró i Abat and M. Castillo-Oliver
Styles of alteration of Ti oxides of the kimberlite groundmass: implications on the petrogenesis and classification of kimberlites and similar rocks
J. Xu, J.C. Melgarejo and M. Castillo-Oliver
Ilmenite generations in a mixed orangeite-kimberlite from Banankoro, Guinea: implications for exploration
J. Xu, J.C. Melgarejo, M. Castillo-Oliver, L. Arqués and J. Santamaria
Exploration 17: Sixth Decennial International Conference on Mineral Exploration, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 21-25 October 2017
Exploration targeting
T.C. McCuaig and R.L. Sherlock Keynote
FAMOS (From Arc Magmas to Ores) Conference, University of Bristol, UK, 2 November 2017
Applications of zircon chemistry to mineral exploration
R. Loucks Invited
Third Lithosphere Dynamics Workshop, CET UWA, Perth, November 5-6 2017
From Archean craton to Tibet: application of isotopic mapping, whole-rock fertility indicator and zircon compositions to understanding lithospheric evolution and mineral systems
Y.-J. Lu
Deep mantle processes: rheology, mixing, and how it’s changed
C. O’Neill Invited
Finite-frequency P wave tomography of the upper mantle beneath Capricorn Orogen and adjacent areas
X.B. Xu, H.Y. Yuan
Bayesian transdimensional inversion for a probabilistic shear wave velocity model of the crust in the central West Australian Craton
H. Yuan and T. Bodin
Asian Orogeny and Continental Evolution: New Advances from Geologic, Geophysical and Geochemical Perspectives, Taipei, Taiwan, 6-12 November 2017
Extrusion-style growth of the Tibetan Plateau since 40 Ma: New insights from the Longmenshan Fault Zone
Z.-X. Li Keynote
How extensive are microcontinents within the Chinese segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt?
S.A. Wilde Keynote
Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology, The Geological Society of Australia, Denmark, WA, 8-12 November 2017
Emplacement mechanisms for small mafic-ultramafic intrusions hosting Ni-Cu sulfide ores: evidence from the Savannah (Sally Malay) deposit
S. Barnes, D. Mole, M. Le Vaillant and S. Denyszyn
Our blind side – Aligning structural geology, tectonics, and a whole of lithosphere reality
G. Begg, W. Griffin, S. O’Reilly and L. Natapov
Deep density structure of the Albany-Fraser Orogen and Yilgarn Craton margin from constrained 3D gravity modelling
L. Brisbout, R. Murdie and K. Gessner
Structural and fluid mechanical controls on the formation of Ni-Cu-PGE trapping chonoliths
A. Cruden, J. van Otterloo, S. Barnes, C. Magee, A. Bunger, S. Micklethwaite and M. Fiorentini
Melt flux through the root of a magmatic arc under static versus dynamic conditions
N. Daczko, S. Piazolo, C. Stuart and U. Meek
Patterns of strain localization in heterogeneous, polycrystalline rocks – a numerical perspective
R. Gardner, S. Piazolo and N. Daczko
Uncovering the Yilgarn Craton’s hidden crustal structure by integrating geochemistry and geophysics
K. Gessner, R.H. Smithies, Y. Lu, C. Kirkland and H. Yuan
Distinguishing hydration in shear zones by aqueous fluid versus silicate melt
H. Ghatak, N. Daczko, S. Piazolo and T. Raimondo
Reactivation of an Archean craton margin – Albany–Fraser Orogen numerical case study
W. Gorczyk and C. Spaggiari
Uncovering terra incognita: new insights into the evolution of Antarctica and constraints for ice sheet models
J. Halpin, J. Whittaker, N. Daczko, I. Fitzsimons, A. Reading, A. Maritati, T. Staal, S. Watson, J. Mulder, T. Noble, Z. Chase, S. Tooze and I. Sauermilch Keynote
Structural controls on Au and Ni mineralization in the Halls Creek Orogen, insight from geodynamic numerical modeling and geophysical interpretation
F. Kohanpour, Lindsay, M.D., W. Gorczyk and S. Occhipinti
Terrane-scale porphyry Cu fertility in the Lhasa terrane, southern Tibet
Y-J. Lu, Z.Q. Hou, Z.M. Yang, Z.M., L.A. Parra-Avila, M. Fiorentini, T.C. McCuaig and R. Loucks
An Australian source for Pacific-Gondwanan zircons: Implications for the assembly of northeastern Gondwana
E. Martin, W. Collins and C. Kirkland
Localisation of high strain and high temperature into the Chalba Shear Zone, Gascoyne Province
H. Meadows, S. Reddy, C. Clark, D. Plavsa and T. Johnson
Microstructural and microchemical evidence for deep crustal melt-rock interaction in mass transfer zones, Finero Complex, Ivrea Verbano Zone, Italy poster
J. Munnikhuis, N. Daczko and A. Langone
Multifractal topography: a case study of structurally-controlled landforms across the Menderes Massif, western Turkey
M. Munro, K. Gessner, A. Ord and B. Hobbs
Advances in geodynamic modelling
C. O’Neill Keynote
High-T, low-P c. 1.7 Ga tectonism in the West Australian Craton triggered by magma flux into the crust
A. Piechocka, F. Korhonen, C. Gregory, J.-W. Zi, S. Sheppard, S. Johnson, M. Wingate, I. Fitzsimons and B. Rasmussen
500 Ma of post-Mesoproterozoic intracontinental reactivation in the west Musgrave Province, Central Australia
R. Quentin de Gromard, H. Howard, C. Kirkland, R. Smithies, M. Wingate, F. Jourdan, B. McInnes, M. Danišík, N.J. Evans and B. McDonald
Variations in regional stresses, geometry and shape of low strength zones controls the periodic Alice Springs orogeny
D. Silva, S. Piazolo, N. Daczko, T. Raimondo and G. Houseman
The recognition of former melt flux through high-strain zones
C. Stuart, S. Piazolo and N. Daczko
The geometry of hydrothermal veins in the 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation, North Pole Dome, Western Australia
S. Tabiri, M.V. Kranendonk and P. Lennox
Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Georgetown Inlier, NE Australia and its implications for the assembly of the supercontinent Nuna
S. Volante, A. Pourteau, Z.-X. Li and W. Collins
Crustal structure of the Capricorn Orogen of Western Australia and its role in Paleoproterozoic craton assembly and reworking: a high-density passive seismic receiver function study
H. Yuan, S.P. Johnson, M. Dentith, P. Piña-Varas, R. Murdie, K. Gessner and F.J. Korhonen
Geological Society of Australia (GSA) Earth Science Student Symposium (GESSS)Sydney, Australia, 10 November 2017
Physical artefacts or biological structures: the difficulty in interpreting Precambrian fossils
E.V. Barlow and M.J. Van Kranendonk
The origin and mantle dynamics of Quaternary intra-plate volcanism in Northeast China from joint inversion of surface wave and body wave
Z. Guo, K. Wang, Y. Yang and Y.J. Chen
Silica phases and the effects of phase transformation on electrical conductivity – Just another mineral to test or a major player in the Earth’s field?
A.W. Lanati, G.M. Amulele and S.M. Clark
Hydrous melting of Labradorite: An electrical conductivity investigation
A.W. Lanati, G.M. Amulele and S.M. Clark
Time-frequency domain phase weighted stacking and its application to phase velocity extraction from ambient noise’s empirical Green’s functions
F. Niu, G. Li, Y. Yang and J. Xie
The composition of melts in the incipient melt regime
Z. Pintér, S. Foley, G.M. Yaxley and T. Rushmer
TIGeR Conference 2017, Timescales of Geological Processes, Curtin University, Perth, 13-15 September 2017
Gigayear periodicity of mantle circulation on Earth
W.J. Collins, E.L. Martin, R. Mitchell, C.J. Spencer and J.B. Murphy
Insights into sulphur cycling at subduction zones from in-situ isotopic analysis of sulphides in high-pressure serpentinites and ‘hybrid’ rocks from alpine Corsica
R.J. Crossley, K.A. Evans, H. Jeon and M.R. Kilburn
Melting Earth’s Ancient Mantle
N.J. Gardiner, T.E. Johnson, C.L. Kirkland and R.H. Smithies
Visualizing temporal and spatial patterns of U-Pb disturbance
C. Kirkland
Detrital zircon grain shape analysis in 3D and the effect on preservation bias (Murchison River, Western Australia)
V. Markwitz, C.L. Kirkland, K. Gessner, A. Mehnert and J. Shaw
Is true polar wander a thermometer?
R. Mitchell, J. Korenaga and B. Steinberger
Dating monazite to constrain emplacement ages and melt production rates of leucocratic granites
A.M. Piechocka, C.J. Gregory, J.-W. Zi, S. Sheppard, M.T.D. Wingate and B. Rasmussen
500 Ma of a magmatic intracontinental reactivation: a case study from the west Musgrave Province, central Australia
R. Quentin de Gromard, H. Howard, C. Kirkland, R. Smithies, M. Wingate, F. Jourdan, B. McInnes, M. Danišík, N.J. Evans and B. McDonald
Time-resolved, microstructurally-controlled, trace element mobility in deformed Witwatersrand pyrite
S.M. Reddy, D. Fougerouse, C.L. Kirkland, D.W. Saxey, W.D. Rickard and R.M. Hough
Dating basalts by pyroxene 40Ar/39Ar with implications for large igneous provinces and correlations of Precambrian basins
J.-W. Zi, F. Jourdan, X.-C. Wang, P.W. Haines, B. Rasmussen, G.P. Halverson and S. Sheppard
17th Australian Space Research Conference, Sydney, Australia, 15-17, November 2017
Hydrothermal systems, early life on Earth and implications for astrobiology
T. Djokic Plenary
CCFS Whole-of-Centre Meeting, Cairns, Australia, 27-29 November 2017
116 abstracts
The CCFS Whole-of-Centre Meeting Abstract Volume ISSN:2209-1351 (Online) is available for download
AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 11-15 December 2017
Extended Late-Cretaceous magnetostratigraphy of the James Ross Basin Island, Antarctica
T.M. Chaffee, R. Mitchell, S.P. Slotznick, J. Buz, J. Biasi, J. O’Rourke, F. Sousa, D. Flannery, R.R. Fu and J.L. Kirschvink
Looking for the edge: Does lateral change in azimuthal anisotropy mark the limit of the North American Craton?
X. Chen, V.L. Levin, Y. Li and H. Yuan
Numerical geodynamic modelling of slab derived carbonate melting at upper mantle condition
C. Gonzalez, W. Gorczyk and M. Fiorentini
Magma emplacement in 3D W. Gorczyk and K. Vogt
Water and metasomatism in the Slave cratonic lithosphere (Canada): an FTIR study
M. Kilgore, A.H. Peslier, A.D. Brandon, L.A. Schaffer, D.G. Pearson, S.Y. O’Reilly, M.G. Kopylova and W.L. Griffin
Palaeomagnetism of the Palaeoproterozoic Boonadgin Dyke Suite, Yilgarn Craton: Possible connection with India
Y. Liu, Z.-X. Li, S. Pisarevsky, U. Kirscher, R. Mitchell and J.C. Stark
Adjoint tomography of empirical Green’s functions from ambient noise in Southern California
K. Wang, Q. Liu, Y. Yang, P. Basini and C. Tape
Mountain building in central and western Tien Shan orogen: Insight from joint inversion of surface wave phase velocities and body wave travel times
S. Wu, Y. Yang and K. Wang
Franco-Australian Astrobiology and Exoplanet Workshop (FAAbExo), Canberra, Australia, 16-20 December 2017
Towards an understanding life on early Earth: microfossils from the c. 2.4 Ga Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
E.V. Barlow and M.J. Van Kranendonk
High-pressure silicate phases in exoplanets: Implications for dynamics and thermal evolution
C. O’Neill Invited
Annual Meeting of The Israel Geological Society (IGS), Eilat, Israel, 19-21 January 2016
Deep-Earth methane, mantle dynamics and mineral exploration: Insights from northern Israel, southern Tibet and Kamchatka
W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, D. Adams, V. Toledo, N.J. Pearson and S.Y. O’Reilly Plenary
Heaven on Earth: tistarite (Ti2O3) and other “nebular” phases in corundum aggregates from Mt. Carmel volcanic rocks W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, D. Adams, J.-X. Huang, M. Saunders, V. Toledo, N.J. Pearson and S.Y. O’Reilly
The role of the deep lithosphere in metallogeny S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin and N.J. Pearson Keynote
32nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 13-15 January 2016
From Nuna to Rodinia: Stenian-Tonian paleogeography
S.A. Pisarevsky Invited
5th Australasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network Meeting, Canberra, Australia, 28-29 January 2016
The free desktop software, Virtual Petrographic Microscope
N.R. Daczko
24th Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis (ACMM24) Melbourne, Australia, 1-4 February 2016
Stable isotope labelling with high-resolution imaging mass spectrometry
M. Kilburn, P. Guagliardo, H. Jiang, L. Martin and H. Jeon
GSWA Open Day 2016, Fremantle, Australia, 26 February 2016
Secular change in Archean crust formation recorded in Western Australia
H. Yuan Keynote
NAC+ 2016, The North Atlantic Craton and Surrounding Belts: A Craton-Specific Approach to Exploration Targeting, Edinburgh, UK, 21-23 March 2016
Cratonic structure and regional controls on mineral systems
G.C. Begg, J.M.A. Hronsky, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin and L. Natapov
Metallogeny of the North Atlantic Craton, Greenland
J. Kolb, B.M. Stensgaard and L. Bagas
47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 21-25 March 2016
Impact-driven tectonism during the Hadean
C. O’Neill, S. Marchi, S. Zhang and W. Bottke
European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016
Estimating uncertainties in complex joint inverse problems
J.C. Afonso Invited
Erosion and assimilation of substrate by martian low-viscosity lava flows: Implications for sulfur degassing and the genesis of orthomagmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide mineralisation
R. Baumgartner, D. Baratoux, F. Gaillard and M.L. Fiorentini
Simulation of substrate erosion and sulphate assimilation by Martian low-viscosity lava flows: Implications for the genesis of precious metal-rich sulphide mineralisation on Mars
R. Baumgartner, D. Baratoux, F. Gaillard and M.L. Fiorentini
Velocity gradients in the Earth’s upper mantle: Insights from higher mode surface waves
S. Fishwick, V. Maupin and J.C. Afonso
Lithospheric structure of the Iberian Peninsula from coupled geophysical-petrological inversion
J. Fullea, A. Negredo, M. Charco, I. Palomeras, A. Villaseñor and J.C. Afonso
Geophysical and geochemical nature of relaminated arc-derived lower crust underneath oceanic domain in southern Mongolia
A. Guy, K. Schulmann, V. Janoušek, P. Štípská, R. Armstrong, E. Belousova, A. Dolgopolova, R. Seltmann, O. Lexa, Y. Jiang and P. Hanžl
Multi-phase multi-component reactive flow in Geodynamics
B. Oliveira, J.C. Afonso and S. Zlotnik
Mapping reflections from the sub-crustal lithosphere of southwestern Spain I. Palomeras, P. Ayarza, R. Carbonell, S. Ehsan, J.C. Afonso and J. Diaz
New paleomagnetic data from 1.80-1.75 Ga mafic intrusions of Fennoscandia and Sarmatia: Implications for the late Paleoproterozoic paleogeography of Baltica and Laurentia
S.A. Pisarevsky, N.V. Lubnina, S.J. Sokolov and S.V. Bogdanova
17th International Seismix Symposium, Aviemore, Scotland, 15-20 May 2016
Multi-observable probabilistic tomography for the physical state of the Earth’s interior
J.C. Afonso Keynote
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe, Japan, 22-26 May 2016
Messengers from the deep: Fossil wadsleyite-chromite microstructures from the Mantle Transition Zone
T. Satsukawa, W.L. Griffin, S. Piazolo and S.Y. O’Reilly
Anisotropy and Dynamics of The Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 22-25 May 2016
Thermochemical tomography for the physical state of the Earth’s interior
J.C. Afonso Keynote
SEG Munich Technical Meeting, Munich, Germany, 1 June 2016
Zircon compositions as a pathfinder for porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au deposits
Y.J. Lu, R.R. Loucks, M.L. Fiorentini, T.C. McCuaig, N.J. Evans, Z.M. Yang, Z.Q. Hou, C.L. Kirkland, L.A. Parra-Avila and A. Kobussen.
Atmospheric sulfur in orogenic gold deposits
V. Selvaraja, M.L. Fiorentini and C. LaFlamme
GAC-MAC 2016, Margins Through Time, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, 1-3 June 2016
Can structurally controlled hot aqueous fluids produce the steep metamorphic field gradients found in HTLP regional aureoles? Evidence from Wongwibinda, NSW, Australia
K. Jessop, N.R. Daczko and S. Piazolo
Understanding Earth’s 4D supercycles through IGCP 648
Z.X. Li
Phanerozoic constraints on older plate motions and reconstructions
B. Eglington, D. Evans and Z.X. Li
Anomalous sulfur isotopes trace volatile transfer in arc magmas
V. Selvaraja, M.L. Fiorentini, C. LaFlamme, B.A. Wing and T.H. Bui
EMPG XV 15th International Symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, Zurich, Switzerland, 5-8 June 2016
Reaction experiments of glimmerite + harzburgite at 1-2 GPa and genesis of orogenic ultrapotassic magmas
M.W. Förster, D. Prelević, S. Buhre, H.R. Schmück, M. Veter, R. Mertz-Kraus, S. Foley and D.E. Jacob
Reaction experiments of glimmerite + harzburgite at 3-5 GPa and genesis of low-SiO2 ultrapotassic magmas
M.W. Förster, D. Prelević, S. Buhre, H.R. Schmück, M. Veter, S. Foley and D.E. Jacob
The generation of orogenic ultrapotassic magmas in newly formed lithosphere
Y. Wang, D. Prelević, S. Buhre and S. Foley
International Diamond School 2016, Edmonton, Canada, 8 June 2016
Trace element traverses across kimberlite olivine: A new tool to decipher the evolution of kimberlite magmas
A. Giuliani, A. Soltys, W.L. Griffin, S. Foley, D. Phillips and A. Greig Invited
Polar Symposium, Lublin, Poland, 8-11 June 2016
Petrographic description of gneisses from Saglek Block (Northern Labrador, Canada) as a basis for searching for the Archaean crust - preliminary data
A. Sałacińska, M.A. Kusiak, M.J. Whitehouse, D.J. Dunkley and S.A. Wilde
Gordon Research Conference, Geochemistry of Mineral Deposits, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 19-24 June 2016
Petrogenesis and mineralization of the Nimbus Ag-Zn-(Au) VHMS deposit, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia: Insights from multiple sulfur isotopes and trace elements analysis
S. Caruso, S.P. Hollis, M.L. Fiorentini, C. LaFlamme, L. Martin and P. Gillespie
Paulsens, an Archaean sediment hosted gold deposit
V. Selvaraja, M.L. Fiorentini, C. LaFlamme, B.A. Wing and H. Jeon
Comparing sulfur isotope systematics in modern and ancient hydrothermal systems: Evidence for laterally dominated fluid flow
C. LaFlamme, M.L. Fiorentini, S. Hollis and J. Bell
AESC 2016 - Australian Earth Sciences Convention - Uncover Earth’s Past to Discover Our Future, Adelaide Convention Centre, Australia, 26-30 June 2016
Towards simulation-based inversions of multiple geoscientific data for the physical state of the Earth’s interior
J.C. Afonso
Large scale reorganization within supercontinents - The Pangea Controversy
K. Aubele, U. Kirscher, V. Bachtadse, G. Muttoni, A. Ronchi and D.V. Kent
The answers are blowin’ in the wind: Ultra-distal airfall zircons, evidence of Cretaceous super-eruptions in eastern Gondwana
M. Barham, C. Kirkland, S. Reynolds, M. O’Leary, N. Evans, H. Allen, P. Haines, R. Hocking, B. McDonald, E. Belousova and J. Goodall
Reconstructing the record of Continental Flood Basalt (CFB) and Ocean Island Basalt (OIB) geochemistry: initial results from a data mining approach
G.M. Cox and Z.X. Li Invited
Seamount volcanism at Site U1431, South China Sea, International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 349
K. Dadd and A. Koppers
Relating seismicity to dike emplacement, and the conundrum of dyke-parallel faulting
G. Dering, S. Micklethwaite, A.R. Cruden, S.J. Barnes and M.L. Fiorentini
Paleoproterozoic subduction zones and their role in craton assembly in Western Australia
K. Gessner, H. Yuan, S.P. Johnson, M. Dentith and R.E. Murdie
Paleoproterozoic crust in the Glenburgh Terrane and its role in craton assembly in Western Australia
K. Gessner, H. Yuan,M.C. Dentith, S. Johnson and R. Murdie
The birth of a Proterozoic ocean; isotopic backtracking the WAC and the SAC
C.L. Kirkland, R.H. Smithies, C.V. Spaggiari, M.T.D. Wingate, N. Gardiner and E. Belousova
Evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in the Paleozoic - A subduction epicentre during the formation of Pangea
U. Kirscher and V. Bachtadse
Geodynamic numerical modelling for examining tectonic scenarios of the Halls Creek Orogen
F. Kohanpour, W. Gorczyk, M. Lindsay, S. Occhipinti and C. McCuaig
Relationship of geochemistry and mineralogy to parent lithology and the degree of weathering in regolith
H. Lampinen, C. Laukamp, S. Occhipinti and S. Spinks
Supercontinent-superplume coupling in Earth history: Toward a new tectonic paradigm
Z.X. Li
Plume and superplumes: their formation, nature and geodynamic roles
Z.X. Li Keynote
Palaeomagnetic investigation of mafic dykes in the southwestern Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Y. Liu, Z.X. Li, S. Pisarevsky and C. Stark
Identifying a magmatic source for the Pacific-Gondwana association: Zircon Hf evidence from the Paterson Orogen, Western Australia
E.L. Martin, W.J. Collins and C.L. Kirkland
Passive seismic studies show configuration of Paleoproterozoic subduction zones and their role in craton assembly in Western Australia
R. Murdie, H. Yuan, M. Dentith, S.P. Johnson and K. Gessner
Translating mineral systems analyses into a sensible workflow for ground selection and targeting
S. Occhipinti, M. Lindsay, A. Aitken, V. Metelka, C. McCuaig and I. Tyler
1800-900 Ma global paleogeography: new insights
S. Pisarevsky Invited
Trace element geochemistry of TiO2 polymorphs in igneous rocks: an example from the igneous Moorarie Supersuite, Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia
D. Plavsa, S. Reddy and A. Agangi
Duration of tectonic processes constrained by Lu-Hf garnet geochronology - Insights from HP/LT oceanic rocks (Halilbag and Barrovian-type mica-schist (Menderes Massif) A. Pourteau Keynote
Still oceans apart - probing the Eucla basement shows what separates the Albany-Fraser Orogen and the Gawler Craton
C.V. Spaggiari, H. Smithies, C.L. Kirkland, M.T.D. Wingate and R.N. England
The structural evolution and kinematics of the southern Tamworth Belt of the New England Orogen at Gundy, Rouchel Block, New South Wales
A. Takonis and M. Van Kranendonk
Magnetostratigraphy of late Devonian carbonates of Western Australia: Integrating reversal history with biostratigraphic and 13C records
E. Tohver, T. Playton, K. Hillbun, M. Yan, S. Pisarevsky, J. Hansma, B. Roelofs, K. Trinajstic, J.L. Kirschvink and P. Haines
A palaeoenvironmental proxy with more bite: assessing the applicability of O-isotopes in micromammal teeth
M. Wallwork, M. Barham, A. Blyth, L. Martin, M. Joachimski, N. Evans and B. McDonald
The Ediacaran-Silurian Nanhua foreland basin in South China: Response to the Gondwana assembly
W. Yao and Z.X. Li
Hainan Island (south China) in the Nuna breakup and Rodina assembly
W. Yao Z.X. Li and W.-X. Li
The Hainan flood basalts: a deep plume origin prompted by the encircled subductions at Southeast Asia
N. Zhang and Z.X. Li
26th Goldschmidt Conference, Yokohama, Japan, 26 June - 1 July 2016
Sulfur isotopic composition of the sub-continental lithosphere mantle
O. Alard, E. Thomassot, L. Martin, P. Cartigny and S.Y. O’Reilly
Low-Ni olivines in silicaundersaturated ultrapotassic igneous rocks as evidence for carbonate metasomatism in the mantle
E. Ammannati, D.E. Jacob, R. Avanzinelli, S.F. Foley and S. Conticelli
Pb isotope evolution in the Martian mantle
J. Belluccci, A. Nemchin, M. Whitehouse and J. Snape Invited
Insights into mantle geochemistry of Sc from the main carrier minerals
M. Chassé, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin and G. Calas
Mineralogical and geochemical mechanisms concentrating scandium in lateritic deposits
M. Chassé, H. Aral, S. van Huet, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, M. Gérard and G. Calas
In situ isotopic analysis of sulfides in high-pressure serpentinites
R. Crossley, K. Evans, H. Jeon, M. Kilburn, M. Roberts and S. Reddy
Visualizing He distribution in zircon by laser ablation noble gas mass-spectrometry: Implications for (U-Th)/He geochronology and thermochronology
M. DanišÍk, B.I.A. McInnes, B.J. McDonald, C.L. Kikland, N.J. Evans and T. Becker
A bigger tent for CAMP? Geochronology and geochemistry of mineralized lower-crustal intrusions in NW Italy
S. Denyszyn, M.L. Fiorentini and A. Davis
Monazite as a tectonic and shock deformation chronometer - Linking EBSD and U-Pb analyses
T. Erickson, N. Timms, S. Reddy, A. Cavosie, M. Pearce, C. Kirkland and E. Tohver
Invisible gold in arsenopyrite revealed by correlated atom probe microscopy, NanoSIMS and Maia Mapping
D. Fougerouse, S. Reddy, D. Saxey, W. Rickard, A. van Riessen and S. Micklethwaite
U-Pb dating of zircons from Paleozoic lamprophyric dykes of Western Sangilen (CAOB)
A. Gibsher, V. Malkovets, I. Tretiakova, E. Belousova, S. Rudnev, A. Gibsher, T. Tsujimori and R. Shelepaev
Decarbonation of subducting slabs: a petrological-thermomechanical modeling approach
C. Gonzalez, W. Gorczyk and T. Gerya
A secondary (PGE-Au) ± Ni-S-As-Sb-Pb mineralization in serpentinite shear zones from Central Chile
J.M. González-Jiménez, L.N.F. Garrido, R. Romero, E. Salazar, F. Barra, M. Reich, T. Satsukawa and V. Colás
Plume-lithosphere interaction through time
W. Gorczyk, D. Mole and S. Barnes
Integrated 2D and 3D geochemical modelling of the Sari Gunay epithermal gold deposit applied in complementary drilling
H.A. Haroni and O. Mahmoodi
Deep carbon: SiC in mantle- and mantle-generated rocks
J.-X. Huang, W.L. Griffin, L. Martin, V. Toledo and S.Y. O’Reilly
Detrital zircons record rigid continents after 2.5 Ga
L.M. Iaccheri and A.I.S. Kemp
Rapid crustal recycling in the New England Orogen, eastern Australia: Magma to mud to magma in < 20 Ma
H. Jeon, M. Kilburn and I. Williams
Impacts in the Lunar Highlands: Shocked zircon from Apollo 16
K. Joy, J. Snape, A. Nemchin, M. Whitehouse and V. Vishnyakov
Chemical variation and deformation of the upper mantle across an OCT
M.-A. Kaczmarek, S. Reddy and P. Vonlanthen
Stable isotope labelling as a tool to investigate mineral-fluid interaction
M. Kilburn, M.L. Fiorentini, S. Piazolo, T. Rushmer, S. Reddy, L. Martin and H. Jeon
NanoSIMS 207Pb/206Pb analysis of metallic Pb nanospheres in zircons
M. Kusiak, I. Lyon, R. Wirth, S. Wilde, M. Whitehouse, D. Dunkley, K. Moore and G. McMahon
Small-scale geochemical heterogeneity in the upper mantle of the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (N-Hungary - S-Slovakia)
N. Liptai, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson and C. Szabo
Upwelling of the SE Australian lithosphere: Thermo-tectonic evolution of garnet pyroxenite xenoliths from western Victoria
J.-G. Lu, Q. Xiong, W.L. Griffin, J.-X. Huang, S.Y. O’Reilly, T. Satsukawa, J.-P. Zheng and N. Pearson
Ar-Ar dating of K-richterite from the Bab’e Leto (An-134) kimberlite pipe, East Ukukit field, Siberian craton
V.G. Malkovets, D.S. Yudin, D.I. Rezvukhin, A.A. Gibsher, I.G. Tretiakova and T. Tsujimori
Evolution of the early continents and localisation of Ni-Cu-PGE systems
D. Mole, M.L. Fiorentini, C. Kirkland, S. Barnes, C. McCuaig, K. Cassidy, E. Belousova, S. Romano and M. Doublier Invited
Targeting the timing of zircon deformation with atom probe and correlative microscopy
S.M. Reddy, D.W. Saxey, W.D.A. Rickard, D. Fougerouse, R.J.M. Taylor and T.E. Johnson
Messengers from the deep: Fossil wadsleyite-chromite microstructures from the Mantle Transition Zone
T. Satsukawa, W.L. Griffin, S. Piazolo and S.Y. O’Reilly
Nanoscale analysis of zircon standards by atom probe microscopy
D. Saxey, S. Reddy, W. Rickard, D. Fougerouse and A. Van Riessen
High-Mg carbonatitic to water-silicic growth environments of cloudy diamonds from the Malobotuobia Kimberlite Field (Siberian Craton)
S. Skuzovatov, D. Zedgenizov, D. Howell and W.L. Griffin
The magmatic evolution of the Moon as recorded by Pb isotopes
J. Snape, A. Nemchin, J. Bellucci, M. Whitehouse, R. Tartèse, J. Barnes, M. Anand, I. Crawford and K. Joy
EIMF Sediment melt and the highest recorded δ18O in sub-Moho granitoids of the Oman-UAE Ophiolite
C.J. Spencer, T.D. Raub, A.J. Cavosie, J.D. Miller, H. Rollinson and H. Jeon
In situ SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of mafic dykes in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia and Bunger Hills, East Antarctica
J.C. Stark, X.-C. Wang, Z.-X. Li, B. Rasmussen, J.-W. Zi, C. Clark and M. Hand
Coastal hydrothermal field was hot spot for biotic diversity on the Paleoarchean Earth
K. Sugitani, K. Mimura, M. Takeuchi, T. Yamaguchi, K. Suzuki, R. Senda, Y. Asahara, S. Wallis and M.J. Van Kranendonk
Zircon breaking bad: Fingerprinting impact histories from ZrSiO4 and zirconia microstructures
N. Timms, A. Cavosie, T. Erickson, M. Pearce, S. Reddy, M. Schmieder, E. Tohver, M. Zanetti and A. Wittmann
Mosaic zircons indicators of a long-lived mantle pathway
I. Tretiakova, E. Belousova, V. Malkovets, W. Griffin and N. Pearson
Tourmaline-bearing crusts in the 3.48 Ga Dresser Formation: derivation and implications for the origin of life
M.J. Van Kranendonk, T. Ota, E. Nakamura and T. Djokic
Depleted SSZ type mantle peridotites in Proterozoic Eastern Sayan Ophiolites in Siberia
K.-L. Wang, Z. Chu, M.A. Gornova, V.A. Belyaev, K.Y Lin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Early-formed chemical heterogeneity recorded by 142Nd-143Nd in 3.8-3.0 Ga samples from the Archean Anshan Complex, North China Craton
X.-C. Wang, C.-F. Li, S. Wilde, X.-H. Li and Y.-F. Wang Invited
Melting of mixed continental crust and depleted peridotite: Potassium rich magmatism from a phlogopite-free source
Y. Wang, S.F. Foley and D. Prelević
Two types of chromitites in a Tibetan ophiolite produced by two-stage accretion of Tethyan Arc lithosphere
Q. Xiong, W.L. Griffin, J.-P. Zheng, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Australian Astrobiology Meeting, Perth, Australia, 10-12 July 2016
A ~2.4 billion year old microfossil community from the rise of atmospheric oxygen in the Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
E. Barlow and M.J. Van Kranendonk
Enhanced volcanogenic sulfur exhalation on Mars by the erosion and assimilation of sulfate-rich substrate during flow of lava
R. Baumgartner, D. Baratoux, F. Gaillard and M.L. Fiorentini
Organic contamination of 2.6Ga stromatolitic dolomites leading to false-positive biomarker results
R.P. Blake, M. Van Kranendonk, C. Peters and S.C. George
A terrestrial origin of life
B. Damer, M.J. Van Kranendonk, T. Djokic and D. Deamer Invited
Bringing astrobiology down to Earth: A 4D virtual field trip back in time 3.5 billion years to the oldest convincing evidence of life on Earth in the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
T. Djokic, M.J. Van Kranendonk, C. Oliver and S. Guan
Oil-bearing fluid inclusions and solid bitumens: Biogeochemical repositories of information about the Archean biosphere
S.C. George, C.A. Peters, S. Piazolo, T. Leefmann and A. Dutkiewicz
Transforming a face-to-face astrobiology course to fully online
C.A. Oliver, M. Van Kranendonk and T. Djokic
Origin of life in terrestrial hotsprings: New evidence from the oldest life on Earth, and implications for the search for life on Mars
M.J. Van Kranendonk, T. Djokic and K. Campbell
Workshop on the origin and evolution of plate tectonics, Monte Verità, Locarno, Switzerland, 17-22 July 2016
Impact-driven tectonism during the Hadean
C. O’Neill, S. Marchi, S. Zhang and W. Bottke
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 13th Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, 31 July - 5 August 2016
Towards joint tomography of broadband ambient noise data and teleseismic body waves
Y. Yang, K. Wang and S.-H. Hung
Paleoproterozoic subductions and their roles in craton assembly in Western Australia
H. Yuan, S. Johnson, M. Dentith, R. Murdie and K. Gessner Invited
7th International Dyke Conference (IDC7), Beijing, China, 18-20 August 2016
An elevated perspective: Dyke-related fracture networks analysed with UAV photogrammetry
G. Dering, S. Micklethwaite, S. Barnes, M.L. Fiorentini, S. Cruden and E. Tohver
Age and geochemical characteristics of major mafic dyke swarms in the southern part of the Siberian Craton
T.V. Donskaya, D.P. Gladkochub, R. Ernst, S.A. Pisarevsky, A.M. Mazukabzov, U. Söderlund, M.T.D. Wingate, M.A. Hamilton and E.I. Demonterova
Proterozoic dyke swarms of the Siberian Craton and their geodynamic implications
D.P. Gladkochub, T.V. Donskaya, R. Ernst, S.A. Pisarevsky, M.T.D. Wingate and U. Söderlund Invited
Late Paleoproterozoic paleogeography of Baltica and Laurentia: New paleomagnetic data from 1.80-1.75 Ga mafic intrusions of Fennoscandia and Sarmatia
N.V. Lubnina, S.A. Pisarevsky, S.V. Bogdanova and S.J. Sokolov
Paleomagnetic data and dyke swarms geometries - Important tools for Precambrian paleogeographic reconstructions
S.A. Pisarevsky Keynote
Updated digital map of mafic dyke swarms and large igneous provinces in Western Australia
M.T.D. Wingate and D. McB. Martin Invited
ASEG-PESA-AIG 2016 25thInternational Geophysical Conference and Exhibition in Adelaide, South Australia, August 21-24, 2016
Multi-observable thermochemical tomography: a new approach to an old problem
J.C. Afonso Keynote
Magnetic susceptibility of Edmund Basin, Capricorn Orogen, WA
H. Lampinen, S. Occhipinti, M. Lindsay and C. Laukamp
Numerical modelling of the Sydney Basin using temperature dependent thermal conductivity measurements
A. Lemenager, C. O’Neill and S. Zhang
Potential field studies along the 13GA-EG1 Eucla-Gawler deep crustal seismic reflection line
R.E. Murdie, H. Yuan, M. Dentith, S.P. Johnson and K. Gessner
Passive seismic studies show configuration of Paleoproterozoic subduction zones and their role in craton assembly in Western Australia
R.E. Murdie, L. Brisbout, J. Brett, C.V. Spaggiari, K. Gessner, R.A. Dutch, S. Thiel, T. Wise and M.J. Pawley
3D imaging of the Earth’s lithosphere using noise from ocean waves
Y. Yang, J. Xie and K. Zhao Keynote
European Microscopy Conference, Lyon, France, 28 August - 2 September 2016
New insights into the Precambrian fossil record using correlative electron and ion beam microscopy
D. Wacey, K. Eiloart, M. Saunders, P. Guagliardo and M. Kilburn
35th IGC - International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 27 August - 4 September 2016
The answers are blowin’ in the wind: ultra-distal airfall zircons, evidence of Cretaceous super-eruptions in eastern Gondwana
M. Barham, C. Kirkland, S. Reynolds., M. O’Leary, N. Evans, H. Allen, P. Haines, R. Hocking, B. McDonald, E. Belousova and J. Goodall
Diversification of early life: microfossils of the c. 2.4 Ga Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
E. Barlow and M.J. Van Kranendonk
Kimberlites from the Kundelungu Plateau (southeast D.R. Congo): Age determination, implications for regional tectonism and mineralization
J.M. Batumike, R.T. Lubala, M. Chabu, L. Ferriere, K. Kaseti, W.L. Griffin and E. Belousova
Stagnant-lid tectonics during the Archaean and delayed onset of plate tectonics
V. Debaille, C. O’Neill and A.D. Brandon
Visualising early life on Earth: Building a 4-Dimensional virtual field trip (VFT) of the 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation, North Pole Dome, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
T. Djokic, M.J. Van Kranendonk, C. Oliver and S. Guan
SIMS dating of the Neoarchean to Eoarchean Saglek block, Labrador
D.J. Dunkley, M.A. Kusiak, M.J. Whitehouse, A. Sańaci S.A. Wilde and R. Kielman
Dating orogenic gold mineralization at the Paulsens deposit, Western Australia
I. Fielding, S. Johnson, B. Rasmussen, J. Muhling, D. Dunkley, J. Zi, M.T.D. Wingate and S. Sheppard
Archean magmatism and crustal evolution in the northern Tarim Craton: Insights from zircon U-Pb-Hf-O isotopes and geochemistry of ~2.7 Ga orthogneiss and amphibolite in the Korla Complex
R.F. Ge, W.B. Zhu and S.A. Wilde
Trace element variations across olivine record the evolution of kimberlite melts: Case studies from the Kimberley kimberlites (South Africa).
A. Giuliani, A. Soltys, W.L. Griffin, S. Foley, V.S. Kamenetsky, D. Phillips, A. Greig and K. Goemann Keynote
Ordovician dioritic magmatism of the Donken area, far SE Laos: Implications for Gondwana evolution in SE Asia
C.J. Gardner, I.T. Graham, E. Belousova, W. Powell, G. Booth and R. Gardiner
Textures of sulphides, and association with gold mineralisation in the Beatons
C.J. Guldbrandsen, M.J. Van Kranendonk and I.T. Graham
Origin and genesis of alluvial sapphires from the Orosmayo region, Sierra de Rinconada, Jujuy Province, northwest Argentina
S.H. Harris, I.T. Graham, A. Lay, W. Powell, E. Belousova and E. Zappettini
An unusual ruby-sapphire transition in megacrystic corundum, New England gem field, New South Wales, eastern Australia
S.H. Harris, I.T. Graham, F.L. Sutherland, T. Coldham, W. Powell and E. Belousova
Mineral physics and surface observational constraints on the topographic uplift of the Southern African Plateau due to the African Superswell
A.G. Jones, J.C. Afonso and J. Fullea
Imaging the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath continents using mineral physics and surface observational constraints
A.G. Jones and J.C. Afonso
Self-consistent thermo-chemical modelling of the lithosphere beneath the West African Craton
A.G. Jones, F. Le Pape and J.C. Afonso
The sources of magmatic rocks matter of the Arctic Ocean and the Central Atlantic Ocean from isotopic geochemical data
A.A. Kremenetsky, Yu.A. Kostitsyn, N.A. Gromalova, S.G. Skolotnev, O.G. Shulyatin and E.A. Belousova
Igneous protoliths of the Uivak gneiss, Saglek block, northern Labrador
M.A. Kusiak, D.J. Dunkley, A. Sańaci, M.J. Whitehouse, S.A Wilde and A. Gawe
Geochronological implications of metallic Pb nanospheres in zircon exposed to high-grade metamorphism.
M.A. Kusiak, R. Wirth, S.A. Wilde, M.J. Whitehouse, D.J. Dunkley and I. Lyon
The life cycles of mantle plumes and superplumes: observations, modelling, and geodynamic implications
Z.X. Li and N. Zhang
Timing of the Siberian craton kimberlite magmatism: evidences from the U-Pb dating of kimberlitic zircon
V.G. Malkovets, E.A. Belousova, I.G. Tretiakova, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Geodynamic reconstruction and metallogeny of the Tien Shan, Uzbekistan
R. Seltmann, A. Dolgopolova, R. Armstrong, E. Belousova, D. Konopelko, V. Shatov, R. Khalmatov and R. Koneev
An early multicellular holozoan from the 1 Ga Torridon Group, Scotland
P. Strother, D. Wacey, M. Brasier and C. Wellman
Conditioned duality of the Earth system via the supercontinent cycle
M.J. Van Kranendonk and C.L. Kirkland
Remarkable preservation: metamorphic processes in the 3.5 Ga North Pole Dome, Pilbara Craton, Australia
M.J. Van Kranendonk
A volcanic plateau origin of the Barberton granitoid-greenstone terrain
M.J. Van Kranendonk
Ancient continents among the accretionary complexes of the Central Asia Orogenic Belt: In situ Os isotope evidence
K.-L. Wang, S.Y. O’Reilly, M.I. Kuzmin, V. Kovach, S. D’Ril, A. Vorontrov, V. Yarmolyuk, W.L. Griffin and N.J. Pearson
Global Seismic LAB measurements from full waveform tomography
H. Yuan and B. Romanowicz Invited
13th International Nickel-Copper-PGE Symposium, Fremantle, Australia, 5-9 September 2016
The first in situ minor and trace element analysis of sulfides in martian magmatic rocks - unravelling the hosts of (highly) siderophile and chalcophile elements in some shergottite meteorites
R. Baumgartner, M.L. Fiorentini, J-P. Lorand, D. Baratoux, F. Zaccarini, L. Ferriere, M. Prasek and K. Sener
The Fisher East nickel sulphide prospects
L.L. Burley, S.J. Barnes, M.L. Fiorentini, D.R. Mole and W. Belbin
Magmatic degassing of sulfide melt in komatiite: stratigraphy-controlled mineral assemblages, mineral chemistry and isotopic signatures in the Ni-PGE ores at Wannaway deposit, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia
S. Caruso, M. Moroni, M.L. Fiorentini, S. Barnes, B. Wing and L. Martin
Channelling magma flow in the crust to form magmatic ore deposits
A.R. Cruden, S.J. Barnes, J. van Otterloo, S. Micklethwaite, M.L. Fiorentini and A. Slim
Dyke tips and melt pathways: Insights from UAV Photogrammetry
G. Dering, S. Barnes, S. Micklethwaite, S. Cruden, M.L. Fiorentini and E. Tohver
Carbonatitic melt in deep seated mafic pipes physically entrains dense sulfide blebs during vertical magma flow
M.L. Fiorentini, M. Moroni, S. Caruso, G. Sessa, B. Godel, M. Anenburg and J. Mavrogenes
Ni-Cu-PGE ore deposition driven by metasomatic fluids and melt-rock reactions into the deep crust
G. Sessa, M. Moroni, S. Tumiati, S. Caruso and M.L. Fiorentini
SHRIMP Conference, Granada, Spain, 6-10 September 2016
SHRIMP dating of zircon and monazite from the Archean Saglek block, Labrador
D.J. Dunkley, M.A. Kusiak, A. Sałacińska, M.J. Whitehouse, S.A. Wilde and R. Kielman
Age complexity in the composite Uivak Gneiss of the Saglek Block, Labrador
A. Sałacińska, M.A. Kusiak, M.J. Whitehouse, D.J. Dunkley, S.A. Wilde and R. Kielman
2nd European Mineralogical Conference, EMC2016 “Minerals, Fluids and Rocks: Alphabet and Words Of Planet Earth”, Rimini, Italy, 11-15 September 2016
Geochemical evolution of PGM-bearing sulfides in low-mineralized rocks from the Yoko-Dovyren layered intrusion, Russia
A. Ariskin, L. Danyushevsky, G. Nikolaev, S. Gilbert, M.L. Fiorentini, E. Kislov and G. Barmina
The effect of composition on minor and trace elements in spinels: Insights from exsolved chromite
V. Colás, C.S. Tassara, J.A. Padrón Navarta, J.M. González Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, I. Isabel Fanlo, S.Y. O’Reilly, F. Gervilla, J.A. Proenza, N.J. Pearson, A. Camprubí and M.P. Escayola
The curious case of the impostor amphibole cumulates - identifying zones of significant mass transfer through the lower crust
N. Daczko, S. Piazolo, U. Meek, C.A. Stuart and V. Heath
Redistribution of trace elements in reactive abyssal mantle: A LA-ICPMS study of ODP Site 1274 peridotites (15° 20 FZ, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
M. Godard, O. Alard and Y. Gréau
Hot aqueous fluids: Are they the key to HTLP regional aureoles?
K. Jessop, N. Daczko and S. Piazolo
Geochemical evolution of the upper mantle beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (N-Hungary - S-Slovakia) as reconstructed from spinel peridotite xenoliths
N. Liptai, L. Patkó, I.J. Kovács, K. Hidas, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson and C. Szabó
Atoms on the move: Deformation-induced trace element redistribution in zircon revealed using atom probe tomography
S. Piazolo, A. La Fontaine, P. Trimby, S. Harley, L. Yang, R. Armstrong and J.M. Cairney
NH-bearing nanoinclusions in milky diamonds from Juina area Mato Grosso, Brazil
J. Rudloff-Grund, F.E. Brenker, K. Marquardt, D. Howell, S.Y. O’Reilly and F.V. Kaminsky
Amphibole as a proxy of the secular variations in primitive magmas
G. Sessa, M. Tiepolo, M. Moroni, M.L. Fiorentini, A. Langone, G. Giazzi, L. Krotz, E. Ferrari and R.R. Loucks
Intracontinental orogeny, central Australia: shear zone patterns and the role of fluids in lithospheric weakening
D. Silva, N. Daczko, S. Piazolo, R. Raimondo and A. Putnis
Symplectite formation in the presence of a reactive fluid: Insights from hydrothermal experiments
L. Spruzeniece, S. Piazolo, A. Putnis, N. Daczko and M.R. Kilburn
GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, 25-28 September 2016
Assessing trace element (dis)equilibrium and the application of single element thermometers in metamorphic rocks
A.M. Cruz-Uribe, M. Feinman, T. Zack and D.E. Jacob Invited
ID-TIMS U-Pb geochronology of lower crustal cumulate complexes in the Kohistan Terrane, NE Pakistan: Implications for island arc formation
J. Stirling, S. Denyszyn, M.L. Fiorentini and R. Loucks
SEG 2016 Tethyan Tectonics and Metallogeny, Çe Me, Turkey, 25-28 September 2016
Zircon compositions as a pathfinder for porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au systems
Y. Lu, R.R. Loucks, M.L. Fiorentini, T.C. McCuaig, N.J. Evans, Z. Yang, Z. Hou, C.L. Kirkland, L.A. Parra-Avila and A. Kobussen Keynote
TIGeR Conference, Rock Alteration in The Upper Crust: Element Mobility and Concentration, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 26-28 September 2016
Metal and sulfur cycles in the deep continental crust: Insights from the Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits of the Ivrea Zone (Italy)
M.L. Fiorentini, M. Locmelis, T. Rushmer, R. Arevalo Jr., J. Adam, S.W. Denyszyn and C. LaFlamme Invited
Anomalous sulfur isotope signatures preserved in the Proterozoic Capricorn Orogen: Linking fluid-driving tectonic processes and ore genesis at craton margins
C. LaFlamme, M.L. Fiorentini, M. Lindsay, B. Wing, V. Selvaraja, T.H. Bui, S. Occhipinti and S. Johnson
Chemical and thermal evolution of subduction zones: Insights from trace-element distribution and Lu-Hf geochronology in HP oceanic rocks, Halilbaği Complex (Central Anatolia)
A. Pourteau, L. Ebert, A. Schmidt, E.E. Scherer and R. Bast
16th Australian Space Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 26-28 September 2016
How does prolonged magma-ocean solidification affect lunar evolution
S. Zhang and C. O’Neill
ACTER 2016 Annual Field Symposium, Xi’an, China, 20-29 October 2016
Proterozoic tectonics of Hainan Island in supercontinent cycles
W. Yao, Z.X. Li, W.-X. Li and X.-H. Li
2016 International Conference on The Earth’s Deep Interior, Wuhan, China, 4-6 November 2016
Iron spin transitions in the Earth
S. Clark Invited
Corundum crystallization and ultra-low fO2 in a volcanic plumbing system: Mt Carmel area, Israel
W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, J-X. Huang, V. Toledo, N.J. Pearson and S.Y. O’Reilly Keynote
Extremely un-equilibrated intergrowth of SiC and oxidized phases in a Tibetan ophiolite preserved by rapid cooling
Q. Xiong, W.L. Griffin, J.-P. Zheng, J.-X. Huang, S.E.M. Gain, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
SSERVI Australia Workshop 2016, Perth, Australia, 9-11 November 2016
Global-scale evolving simulations of the post-magma ocean Earth through the Hadean
C. O’Neill
Activating the lower mantle: Viscosity by numerical analysis
J. Wasiliev, C. O’Neill and S. Zhang
Lunar post-magma-ocean overturn and crustal evolution
S. Zhang and C. O’Neill
Resources for the 21st Century Symposium, Research School of Earth Sciences (RSES), Canberra, Australia, 22-24 November 2016
Tracing metal and fluid sources in magmatic and hydrothermal systems
M.L. Fiorentini Keynote
Targeting new deposits: Margins, metasomatism and metallogeny
S.Y. O’Reilly Invited
TANG3O, Thermochronology and Noble Gas Geochronology and Geochemistry Organisation, Perth, Australia, 29-30 November 2016
The Hf isotope paradox applied to crustal evolution of the Early Earth
N.J. Gardiner, T. Johnson, C. Kirkland, A. Hickman, H. Smithies and E. Belousova
Cutting-edge SIMS capabilities at UWA’s Ion Probe Facility
M. Kilburn, L. Martin, H. Jeon and M. Roberts
CET-UWA 2016 Corporate Members Day, Perth, Australia, 7 December 2016
Understanding the Precambrian crust in the Capricorn region - some results from recent passive source deployments
H. Yuan, S.P. Johnson, M. Dentith, R. Murdie, K. Gessner, F. Korhonen and T. Bodin Invited
Greenland Day Conference, Perth, Australia, 9 December 2016
Timing and genesis of magmatism and Ni mineralisation in the Ammassalik Intrusive Complex (SE Greenland)
E. Lebrun, J. Kolb, M. Fiorentini, T. Arting, T. Kokfelt, A. Johannesen, N. Thébaud, C. LaFlamme, R. Doutre, L. Martin and R. Murphy
Gold mineralization in the Nuuk goldfields - first impressions
N. Thébaud
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 12-16 December 2016
Thermo-chemical structure of the North China Craton from multi-observable probabilistic inversion: extent and causes of cratonic lithosphere modification
J.C. Afonso, Z. Guo, M. Qashqai, Y. Yang and J. Chen
A high resolution magnetostratigraphic profile across the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Southern Sydney Basin, eastern Australia
M.E. Belica, E. Tohver, R. Nicoll, S.W Denyszyn, S. Pisarevsky and A.D. George
Sanukitoids record the onset of widespread Neoarchean supracrustal recycling
K. Bjorkman, T. Kemp, Y. Lu, T.C. McCuaig and P. Hollings
Melting mud in Earth’s mantle, evidence from sub-Moho S-type granites with extreme oxygen isotope signatures
A.J. Cavosie, C.J. Spencer, T.D. Raub, J.D. Miller, H. Rollinson and H. Jeon
Isotopic analysis of individual refractory metal nuggets using atom probe tomography
L. Daly, P. Bland, B.F. Schaefer, D.W Saxey, S. Reddy, D. Fougerouse, R.D.A. William, L.V. Forman, P. Trimby, A. La Fontaine, L. Yang, J. Cairney and S. Ringer
Relating seismicity to dike emplacement, and the conundrum of dyke-parallel faulting
G. Dering, S. Micklethwaite, S. Barnes, M. Fiorentini and S. Cruden
Microstrain and short-range ordering of Ca and Mg cations in pyrope-grossular garnet system
W. Du, S.M. Clark and D. Walker
A 2D petrological-thermomechanical study of a carbonate metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle with variable tectothermal ages
C.M. Gonzalez, W. Gorczyk and T. Gerya
Chemical disequilibria in the source of oceanic basalts: Insights from grain-scale models
C.J. Grose, P.D. Asimow, M. Gurnis and J.C. Afonso
Crustal radial anisotropy in Northeast China and its implication for the regional tectonic extension
Z. Guo, Y. Yang and Y.J. Chen
Layered crustal anisotropy in the NE Tibetan Plateau inferred from ambient noise tomography
C. Jiang, Y. Yang and Y. Zheng
Measurement of Rayleigh wave ellipticity and its application to the joint inversion of high-resolution S wave velocity structure beneath northeast China
G. Li, H. Chen, F. Niu, Z. Guo, Y. Yang and J. Xie
High resolution crustal and upper mantle velocity model of northern Ordos block from surface wave tomography: evidence for the on-going craton reactivation
S. Li, Z. Guo, Y.J. Chen and Y. Yang
Revisit the lunar mantle overturn with the Ilmenite rheology
H. Li and N. Zhang
Pb-Pb systematics of lunar rocks: differentiation, magmatic and impact history of the Moon
A. Nemchin, M. Whitehouse, M.D Norman, J. Snape, J.J. Bellucci and M. Grange Invited
Studying the sub-crustal reflectors in SW-Spain
I. Palomeras, P. Ayarza, R. Carbonell, S. Akhtar Ehsan, J.C. Afonso and J. Diaz
Continental growth along the Proto-Pacific margin of East Gondwana in Australia: Insights from seismic tomography
N. Rawlinson, S. Pilia, M. Salmon, Y. Yang and M.K. Young
Magma interaction in the root of an arc batholith
V. Robbins, T. Chapman, G.L. Clarke, N.R. Daczko and S. Piazolo
The formation of micro-diamonds in micro-cracks controlled by the C:O:H ratio of NAMS
H. Sommer, D.E. Jacob, K. Regenauer-Lieb and B. Gasharova
Geochronology of lower crustal cumulate ccomplexes in the Kohistan Terrane, North-East Pakistan: Implications for island arc formation?
J.E. Stirling, S.W. Denyszyn, R.R. Loucks and M.L. Fiorentini
Correction of phase velocity bias caused by strong directional noise sources in high-frequency ambient noise tomography: a case study in Karamay, China
K. Wang, Y. Luo and Y. Yang
Plate motion changes drive Eastern Indian Ocean microcontinent formation
J.M. Whittaker, S. Williams, J. Halpin, T. Wild, J. Stilwell, F. Jourdan and N.R. Daczko
On the accuracy of long-period Rayleigh waves extracted from ambient noise
Y. Yang, J. Xie and S. Ni
Crustal structure of the late-Archean to Proterozoic Glenburgh Terrane in the Western Australian Craton: roles of a micro-continent in craton formation and reworking
H. Yuan, S. Johnson, M.C. Dentith, R. Murdie, K. Gessner, F.J. Korhonen and T. Bodin Invited
Lithospheric layering in major continents: results using full waveform tomography
H. Yuan, P. Clouzet, B.A. Romanowicz and L. Zhao Invited
The Hainan Lone Plume prompted by encircling subduction zones around the South China Sea
N. Zhang and Z.X. Li Invited
Formation of mantle ‘Lone’ Plume in a global downwelling zone
N. Zhang and Z.X. Li
Palaeontology Association Annual Meeting, Lyon, France, 14-17 December 2016
A closer look at a possible stem group holozoan from the 1 Ga Torridon Group of northwest Scotland
D. Wacey, P. Strother, M. Brasier and C. Wellman
4th Australasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network (AUGEN) Meeting, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 12-13 January 2015
Using a Virtual Petrographic Microscope in undergraduate teaching
N.R. Daczko
ASEG-PESA 24th International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Perth, Australia, 15-18 February 2015
A major geophysical experiment in the Capricorn Orogeny, Western Australia
A. Aitken, S. Banasazczyk, M. Dentith, M. Lindsay, J. Shragge, P. Piña-Varas, D. Annetts, J. Austin, Y. Ley-Cooper, T. Monday, B. Kennett, R. Murdie and H. Yuan
Geoscience data integration: Insights into mapping lithospheric architecture
G.C. Begg, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O‘Reilly and L. Natapov Keynote
13thBiennial AMAS Symposium, Hobart, Australia, 11-13 February 2015
Quantitative microstructural analysis of geological materials: New views on glacier flow, meteorite impacts and deep mantle processes
S. Piazolo Invited
WA Geophysics Workshop, Perth, Australia, 18 February 2015
Large scale issues in the WA lithosphere
H. Yuan Invited
46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA, 16-20 March 2015
REE and Ti in lunar zircons reflect temperature and oxygen fugacity of lunar magmas?
M. Grange, A.A. Nemchin, M.J. Whitehouse and R.E. Merle
Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGG-CAS), Beijing, China, 30 March 2015
Seismic jigsaw of the Western Australian Craton and insights into early Archean crust formation tectonics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics
H. Yuan
European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April 2015
Decarbonation of subducting slabs: insight from thermomechanical-petrological numerical modeling
C.M. Gonzalez, W. Gorczyk and T. Gerya
Databases related to Large Igneous Provinces
R.E. Ernst and S.A. Pisarevsky
Age and paleomagnetism of the Precambrian Listvyanka dyke swarm (South Siberia): implications for Nuna and Rodinia
S.A. Pisarevsky, D.P. Gladkochub, R.E. Ernst, T.V. Donskaya, M. Hamilton, A.M. Mazukabzov, K. Konstantinov and A.M. Stanevich
Hydration through melt-rock interaction triggers local partial melting in the lower crust: Example from Fiordland, New Zealand
C. Stuart, S. Piazolo and N. Daczko
Multi-stage supra-subduction metasomatism in the Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain
R. Tilhac, S.Y. O‘Reilly, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson, G. Ceuleneer and M. Grégoire
Estimation of uncertainties in a 3D geological model of the Sandstone Greenstone Belt, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
F. Wellmann, R. Murdie and K. Gessner
2015 Joint Assembly: Canadian Cratons Through Time: 4.0 Ga of Chemical Evolution and Tectonism, Montreal, Canada, 3-6 May 2015
Using U-Pb, Lu-Hf and O Isotopes in zircons to unlock the crust-mantle evolution and relationships to mineral systems of the Marmion Terrane (3.02-2.68 Ga), Superior Province, Canada
K.E. Björkman, Y.J. Lu, T. C. McCuaig and P. Hollings
AGU-GAC-MAC Joint Assembly, Montreal, Canada, 3-7 May 2015
The Large Igneous Provinces Industry Consortium Project: Accomplishments and next stepsR.E. Ernst, W. Bleeker, U. Söderlund, M.A. Hamilton, K. Chamberlain, P.J. Sylvester, M.T.D. Wingate, S.A. Pisarevsky, B. Cousens, P.N. Hollings, A.C. Kerr and S.M. Jowitt
Supercontinent-superplume coupling in Earth history: toward a new tectonic paradigm
Z.X. Li
Paleoproterozoic paleogeographic reconstructions: Based on paleomagnetic data and lips barcode constraints.
S.A. Pisarevsky and R.E. Ernst
WA, Multiscale Seismic Workshop, ARRC, Perth, Australia, 19 May 2015
Passive seismic studies in the Capricorn orogen
H. Yuan Invited
Astrobiology Science Conference 2015, Habitability, Habitable Worlds and Life, Chicago, USA, 15-19 June 2015
The evidence for hydrothermal formation of talc-carbonate at Nili Fossae and implications for astrobiology on Mars
A.J. Brown, C. Viviano-Beck, J.L. Bishop, N.A. Cabrol, D. Anderson, P. Sobron, J.Moersch, M. Van Kranendonk and M.J. Russell
SIMS δ18O of stromatolitic cherts and sandstones in the 3.4 Ga Strelley Pool Formation: implications for PaleoArchean δ18O values
J.N. Cammack, M.J. Spicuzza, M.J. Van Kranendonk, A.H. Hickman, R. Kozdon, A.J. Cavosie and J.W. Valley
Microstructure-specific carbon isotopic signature of organic matter supports biologic origin in ~3.5 Ga cherts of the Pilbara Craton
N. Morag, K.H. Williford, K. Kitajima, P. Philippot, M.J. Van Kranendonk, K. Lepot and J.W. Valley
Early Archean carbonates on Early Earth - Microbial biosignature versus hydrothermal origin
J. Reitner, J.-P. Duda, N. Schäfer, M. Hoppert and M.J. Van Kranendonk
The elements of life at a 3.5 Ga subaerial hotspring: Evidence from the Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton, Australia
M.J. Van Kranendonk, T. Djokic, G. Poole and E. Nakamura
World Chinese Geoscience Conferences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 15-21 June 2015
Supercontinent-superplume coupling in Earth history: toward a new tectonic paradigm
Z.X. Li Invited
Inaugural Advanced Resource Characterisation Facility Conference, Perth, Australia, 18 June 2015
High-impact atom probe research: A case study on shocked zircon
S.M. Reddy Invited
The NRSP's geoscience atom probe: Context and future research
S.M. Reddy Invited
78th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Berkeley, CA, USA, 27-31 July 2015
Characterising the role of mineral orientation on IR microspectroscopy
G.K. Benedix, V.E. Hamilton and S.M. Reddy
New Pb-isotopic constraints on the age of the moon
J.F. Snape, A.A. Nemchin, J.J. Bellucci, M.J. Whitehouse, R. Tartese, J.J. Barnes, M. Anand, I.A. Crawford and K.H. Joy
Record of the early impact history of the Earth-Moon system: targeted geochronology of shocked zircon
N.E. Timms, S.M. Reddy, A.J. Cavosie, A.A. Nemchin, M.L. Grange and T.M. Erickson Invited
Microscopy and Microanalysis 2015, Portland, USA, 2-6 August 2015
Solving the controversy of Earth's oldest fossils using electron microscopy
D. Wacey, M. Saunders, C. Kong and M. Brasier
Saying goodbye to a 2D Earth, International Conference, Margaret River, WA, Australia, 2-7 August 2015
The future of 3D modeling in Geological Surveys
K. Gessner, R.E. Murdie, L. Brisbout, H. Yuan, and C. Sippl
A 3D fault model of the NW Yilgarn
R.E. Murdie, T. Ivanic, I. Zibra and K. Gessner
The Capricorn Orogen Passive Source Array
R.E. Murdie, H. Yuan, M. Denith, S. Johnson, J. Brett and K. Gessner
12th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), Singapore, 2-7 August 2015
The effect of crustal heterogeneities on the formation of Dabashan Orocline and the growth of the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from ambient noise tomography
C. Jiang, Y. Yang and Y. Zheng
Imaging lithospheric structures using broadband surface waves from ambient noise
Y. Yang
Heterogeneous crust in the Western Australian Craton: Seismic characteristics and tectonic implications
H. Yuan Invited
IGCP-649 Workshop on: Ophiolites and Related High-Pressure Rocks in the Qilian Mountains, Xining, China, 5-10 August 2015
Transition-zone mineral assemblages in peridotite massifs, Tibet: Implications for collision-zone dynamics and orogenic peridotites
W.L. Griffin, N.M. McGowan, J.M. Gonzalez-Jimenez, E.A. Belousova, D. Howell, J.C. Afonso, J.S. Yang, R. Shi, S.Y. O‘Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Ophiolitic chromitites originated from ancient SCLM
R.D. Shi, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O‘Reilly, Q.S. Huang, D.L. Liu, X.H. Gong, S.S. Cheng, K. Wu and G.D. Yi
Diamonds and highly reduced minerals from chromitite of the Ray-Iz Ophiolite of the Polar Urals: Deep origin of podiform chromitites and ophiolitic diamonds
J.S. Yang, R. Wirth, M. Wiedenbeck, W.L. Griffin, F.C. Meng, S.Y. Chen, W.J. Bai, X.X. Xu, A.B. Makeeve and N.I. Bryanchan Iiniova
2015 Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 16-21 August 2015
Crystal/melt partitioning of volatile and non-volatile elements during peridotite melting: Implications for mantle fractionation
J. Adam, M. Turner, E. Hauri and S. Turner
The genesis of silicic magmas in shallow crustal cold zones
J. Adam, S. Turner and T. Rushmer
Low-Ni olivine from silica-undersaturated ultrapotassic rocks as evidence for carbonate metasomatism in the mantle
E. Ammannati, D.E. Jacob, R. Avanzinelli, S.F. Foley and S. Conticelli
Mg and Fe isotope geochemistry of garnet peridotites from the Kaapvaal and Siberia Cratons
Y. An, F. Huang, J. Huang, W.L. Griffin and C. Liu
Magmatic controls on the genesis of Ni-Cu±(PGE) sulphide mineralisation on Mars R.J. Baumgartner, M.L. Fiorentini, D. Baratoux, S., Micklethwaite, A.K. Sener, J.P. Lorand and T.C. McCuaig
The impact of subducted slab components on back-arc melting C. Beier, S. Turner, M. Regelous and K. Haase
Towards a coherent radiogenic isotopic model for Mars J.J. Bellucci, A. Nemchin, M. Whitehouse and J. Snape
A cautionary tale on zircon ages from mafic-ultramafic rocks: a case example from ophiolites, SE Australia E. Belousova, J.-M. González-Jiménez, I. Graham, W. Griffin, S.Y. O‘Reilly and N. Pearson
Age and hafnium isotopic evolution of the Western Ethiopian Shield M. Blades, A. Collins, J. Foden, J. Payne, T. Alemu, G. Woldetinsae, C. Clark and R. Taylor
Geochronology of ex situ shocked zircons: Towards dating impacts A.J. Cavosie, S.M. Reddy, N.E. Timms, T.M. Erickson and M.R. Pincus Invited
Thermodynamic modelling of the mobility of minor and trace elements in metamorphosed chromites V. Colás, J.M. González-Jiménez, I. Fanlo, W.L. Griffin,F. Gervilla, S.Y. O‘Reilly, N.J. Pearson and T. Kerestedjian
Subducting the Mozambique Ocean: Cryogenian arc formation throughout the East African Orogen A.S. Collins, D. Archibald, M. Blades, F. Robinson, D. Plavsa, J. Foden, S. Pisarevsky, C. Clark and R. Taylor
Laser ablation in situ (U-Th-Sm)/He and U-Pb double dating of apatite M. Danišík, B. McDonald, N. Evans, B. McInnes, C. Kirkland and T. Becker
To subduct or not to subduct? That is the Archaean question… V. Debaille, C. O'Neill and A.D. Brandon Invited
Eclogite xeoliths with subducted oceanic crust signatures from the Wajrakarur Kimberlites, Southern India: evidences from trace element and O isotope geochemistry A. Dongre, D. Jacob, R. Stern and F. Viljoen
Geobiology of an exceptionally preserved Archean microbial mat facies (Strelley Pool Formation, Western Australia)
J.-P. Duda, V. Thiel, M. Blumenberg, D. Ionescu, N. Schäfer, M.J. VanKranendonk and J. Reitner
Iron-mineralized microfossils from the Great Oxygenation Event A. Fadel, K. Lepot, V. Busigny, A. Addad and M.J. Van Kranendonk
Magmatic processes at persistently active arc volcanoes C. Firth, S. Turner, M. Turner, S. Cronin and H. Handley
The important role of incipient melting in the compositional and petrological evolution of the mantle
S. Foley and G. Yaxley
From MARID to lamproite: melting phase relations of MARID-like xenoliths from Kimberley, South Africa
M.W. Förster, D. Prelevic, H.R. Schmück, S. Buhre S and D.E. Jacob
Timescales of magma transfer, degassing and crustal assimilation at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia
R. Gertisser, H. Handley, M. Reagan, K. Preece, K. Berlo, J. Barclay and R. Herd Invited
HP-HT metasomatic garnetite associated with lherzolite complexes in the Urals: An indicator of timing of mantle upwelling and exhumation I. Gottman, E. Pushkarev and E. Belousova
New insights into the lithospheric and deeper mantle
W.L. Griffin, J.C. Afonso, T. Satsukawa, N. McGowan, N. Pearson and S.Y. O‘Reilly Invited
Modeling microstructural disequilibria during generation of oceanic basalts
C. Grose and J.C. Afonso
Constraints from Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb-Os isotopes for enriched and depleted Hawaiian Plume components in the oldest Emperor Seamounts
K. Hoernle, B. Schaefer, M. Portnyagin, F. Hauff and R. Werner Invited
Mg isotopes in Roberts Victor xenolithic eclogites: no crustal origin
J.-X. Huang, W. Griffin, Y. Xiang, L. Xie, N. Pearson and S.Y. O‘Reilly
Nanostructure of Arctica islandica Shells: Implications for formation pathways
D. Jacob, R. Wirth, S. Piazolo and P. Trimby
LASS-ICPMS zircon geochronology: comparisons with SHRIMP
I. Jahn, C. Clark, S.M. Reddy, R. Taylor and A. Kylander-Clark
Metallic lead nanospheres discovered in ancient Antarctic zircons
M. Kusiak, D. Dunkley, M. Whitehouse, S. Wilde, R. Wirth and K. Marquardt Invited
Extrapolating regolith geochemical data for regional analysis of the critical layer using ASTER remote sensing data
H. Lampinen
Probing the record of mantle processes and crust-mantle interactions in minerals, rocks and their geochemical properties
N. Liptai
Geochemical signatures of spinel peridotite xenoliths from the northernmost locations of the Pannonian Basin
N. Liptai, S.Y. O‘Reilly, W. L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson and C. Szabó
Zircon multi-isotopic mapping: Imaging lithospheric architecture and continental crust evolution
Y. Lu, T. Kemp, T.C. McCuaig and Z. Hou
Composition and characterisation of chromites, alloys and sulphide inclusions from the Indo-Myanmar Ophiolite Belt of northeastern India
B. Maibam, S.F. Foley, D.E. Jacob, T.B. Singh, D. Ray and D. Panda
Integration of electron, laser and ion microprobe techniques to create an open source digital mineral library of Western Australia
B. McInnes, A. Brown, N. Evans, N. McNaughton and M. Wingate
The individuality of ascent paths in small volcanic systems: Small eruptive centres near Villarrica Volcano, Chile
L. McGee, E. Morgado, H. Handley, M. Turner, L.E. Lara, R. Brahm and M.A. Parada
Quantitative microstructural and trace element geochemical analysis of a mineralogically zoned vein
H. Meadows, S. Reddy, C. Clark and R. Taylor
In situ U-Pb zircon dating on metapelitic granulites of Beni Bousera (Betico-Rifean Belt, N Morocco)
M. Melchiorre, A. Álvarez-Valero, M. Fernàndez, J. Vergés, E. Belousova, A. El Maz and A. Moukadiri
Pro- and retrograde igneous activity during the Neoarchaean Skjoldungen Orogeny in the SE Greenland
T. Næraa, L. Bagas, J. Tusch, T.F. Kokfelt and C. Münker
The evolution of the Hadean Earth
C. O'Neill Keynote
Variations in intraplate melting regimes during Earth's Evolution
C. O'Neill and S. Zhang Invited
Cratons, metasomatism and metallogeny
S.Y. O‘Reilly, W. Griffiin, N. Pearson, G. Begg and J. Hronsky Invited
Zircon Hf- and O-Isotope constraints on the evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Baoulé-Mossi domain of the West African Craton
L.A. Parra, M.L. Fiorentini, E. Belousova, A.I.S. Kemp, J. Miller and T.C. McCuaig
U-Pb geochronology of zircon by femtosecond laser ablation
N. Pearson, W. Powell, Y. Gréau,R. Murphy, J. Payne, E. Belousova, W. Griffin and S.Y. O‘Reilly
Multidisciplinary study of a recent oceanic pluton: The syenitic complex of Rallier du Baty, Kerguelen (TAAF)
L. Ponthus, D. Guillaume, M. SaintBlanquat, M., Benoit, N. Pearson, M. Gregoire, S. Y. O‘Reilly and M. LeRomancer
Making new felsic crust in primitive arc settings: Contrasting case studies
T. Rushmer, S. Foley, R. Brens, J. Adam and S. Turner
Mantle wedge heterogeneties recorded by microstructural evolution
T. Satsukawa, T. Mizukami, T. Morishita, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O‘Reilly and K. Michibayashi
Os isotope evidence for a heterogeneous source for the world's largest phanerozoic volcanic event
B. Schaefer, K. Hoernle, I. Parkinson, R. Golowin, M. Portnyagin, S. Turner, F. Hauff and R. Werner
Analytical and experimental study of post-collisional volcanism in the Alpine-Himalayan belt
D. Prelević, H.R. Schmück, S. Buhre, Y. Wang and S. Foley
Linking mineralization, isotopic composition, chemical composition and pyrite textures in the Neoarchaean Paulsens Au deposit
V. Selvaraja, M. Fiorentini, C. LaFlamme, H. Jeon and B. Wing
Mass independent sulfur signature in Archean orogenic Au deposits
V. Selvaraja, M. Fiorentini, C. LaFlamme, B. Wing, T.H. Bui and I. Fielding
Manganese speciation in bivalve shell aragonite
A. Soldati, D.E. Jacob, P. Glatzel, J. Grattage and J. Geck
C-isotopes of diamonds in eclogites from the Nyurbinskaya Pipe, Yakutia: Evidence for metasomatic origin
Z. Spetsius, W. Griffin and S.Y. O‘Reilly
Rare earth element partition coefficients during high-grade metamorphism: Experiments, realities, and large datasets
R. Taylor, C. Clark, P. Kinny and A. Kylander-Clark
Metasomatized segregates of high-Ca boninites: Cabo Ortegal Pyroxenites
R. Tilhac, M. Grégoire, G. Ceuleneer, S.Y. O‘Reilly, W.L. Griffin and N.J. Pearson
Crustal evolution of the Markha Terrane, Siberian Craton: Evidence from U-Pb, Hf- and O-isotope data for zircons from the Nakyn Kimberlites
I. Tretiakova, E. Belousova, W. Griffin, V. Malkovets and N.J. Pearson
The Tonga-Kermadec arc - Lau back-arc: recent progress and future research directions
S. Turner Keynote
Maturity of Archean sandstones and ancient detrial zircons
J.W. Valley, M.J. Spicuzza, J.N. Cammack, K. Kitajima, N.T. Kita and M.J. VanKranendonk
Identifying the origin of olivines in ultramafic lamprophyres from Labrador, Canada, by minor and trace elements
M. Veter, S. Foley and D. Prelevic
Composition of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Khamar Daban Ridge, South Russian Siberia: Constraints from mantle xenoliths
K.L. Wang, S. D'rill, S.Y. O‘Reilly, M. Kuzmin, W.L. Griffin and N.J. Pearson
Lawsonite blueschists in recycled mélange involved in K-rich orogenic magmatism
Y. Wang, D. Prelević, S. Foley, S. Buhre and S. Galer
Estimating atmospheric lead concentrations and isotopic composition using two Lichen Genera over the past 120 years in Australia
L. Wu, M. Taylor, H. Handley and M. Wu
Two-layered Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithospheric mantle in a Tibetan ophiolite, China
Q. Xiong, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O‘Reilly, N.J. Pearson and J.P. Zheng
13th SGA Conference, Nancy, France, 24-27 August 2015
Linking crustal evolution to mineral systems using U-Pb geochronology in zircons from the Marmion Terrane (3.02-2.68 Ga), western Superior Craton, Canada
K.E. Björkman, T.C. McCuaig, Y. J. Lu, P. Hollings and G.P. Beakhouse
Sulfur cycle in the deep continental crust: insight from the Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits of the Ivrea Zone (Italy)
M. Fiorentini, G. Garuti, F. Zaccarini, P. Kolleger, L. Martin and J. Cliff
Magmatic controls on the genesis of Ni-Cu±(PGE) sulphide mineralisation on Mars
R.J. Baumgartner, M.L. Fiorentini, D. Baratoux, S. Micklethwaite, A.K. Sener, J.P. Lorand and T.C. McCuaig
Hypozonal orogenic gold mineralisation: a Precambrian mineral system
J. Kolb, A. Dziggel and L. Bagas
Fluid flow and rock permeability considerations for Au mineral systems: inputs from numerical simulations
J. Poh, N. Thébaud, M. Lindsay, M. Fiorentini, F. Wellmann and P. Rey
Sulfur sources in the Glenburgh Orogenic Gold Deposit
V. Selvaraja, M.L. Fiorentini, B. Wing, T.H. Bui, L. Roche, S. Occhipinti and J. Goldsworthy
Evolution of the Siberian Craton lithosphere: evidence from U-Pb and Hf isotope data for zircons from kimberlites
I. Tretiakova, E. Belousova, W. Griffin, N. Pearson, V. Malkovets and S. Kostrovitsky
2nd European Mantle Workshop, Wroclaw, Poland, 24-28 August 2015
Super-reducing conditions in the upper mantle beneath the lower Galilee (Israel)
W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, V. Toledo,D. Adams, S.Y. O‘Reilly, D.E. Jacob and N.J. Pearson
Constraints on the geochemical properties and processes of the upper mantle beneath the northernmost part of the Pannonian Basin
N. Liptai, S.Y. O‘Reilly, W. L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson and C. Szabó
Geodynamic and geophysical consequences of stealthy mantle metasomatism
S.Y. O‘Reilly, W.L. Griffin and N.J. Pearson Invited
Large Igneous Provinces, Mantle Plumes and Metallogeny in the Earth's History, Irkutsk-Listvyanka, Russia, 1-8 September 2015
Three stages of the intracontinental mafic magmatism in the south-eastern part of the Sharyzhalgai Inlier of the Siberian Cratonic basement
D.P. Gladkochub, T.V. Donskaya, R.E. Ernst, S.A. Pisarevsky and A.M. Mazukabzov
8th Hutton Symposium on Granites and Related Rocks, Florianópolis, Brazil, 20-25 September 2015
Post-collisional Late Neoproterozoic high Ba-Sr granitic magmatism of adakitic affinity from the Dom Feliciano belt and its cratonic foreland, Uruguay
P. Lara, P. Oyhantcabal and K.A. Dadd
Neoproterozoic and Late Paleozoic granitoids of Wrangel Island and Central Chukotka: Age, composition and setting in the structure of Arctic Region
M.V. Luchitskaya, S.D. Sokolov, S.A. Sergeev, A.B. Kotov, L.M. Natapov, E.A. Belousova and S.M. Katkov
Petrogenesis of the 2.09 Ga Laouni granitic magmatic granite basement (central Hoggar, southern Algeria): in-situ zircon U-Pb age and Nd-Hf isotopic constraints
N. Remaci-Benaouda, E. Belousova, Y. Greau, P. Bowden, J.Y. Cottin, D. Bouziani, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O‘Reilly
Six-stage Mesozoic granitoids in an Andean-type orogenic cycle in South China
K. Zhu, Z. Li, X. Xu, S.A. Wilde and H. Chen
First China-Russia International Meeting on the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and IGCP 592 Workshop, Beijing, China, 23-25 September 2015
The scenario of the Paleo-Asian Ocean development with focus on detrital zircon ages spectra in the Late Precambrian sediments of the Southern Siberian craton
D.P. Gladkochub, T.V. Donskaya, S. Zhang, K.-L. Wang, S.A. Pisarevsky, A.M. Stanevich, A.M. Mazukabzov and Z. Motova
TIGeR Conference, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 23-25 September 2015
Geologic applications for high-resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) to study fluid-rock interaction
H. Jeon, C. LaFlamme, L. Martin, M. Kilburn, J. Cliff and M. Fiorentini
The chemical signature of syn-deformational fluid-rock interaction: Nano - to microscale
S. Piazolo Invited
A shocking transformation: probing Precambrian reidite using state of-the-art micro- to sub-nanometer 3D imaging. Key issues in fluid-rock interaction: From the nano to the macroscale
S.M. Reddy, T.E. Johnson, W. Rickard, A. van Riessen, R.J.M. Taylor, D.W. Saxey, D. Fougerouse, S. Fischer, T.J. Prosa, D.A. Reinhard, K.P. Rice and Y. Chen
Hydration through melt-rock interaction triggers local partial melting in the lower crust: Example from Fiordland, New Zealand
C. Stuart, S. Piazolo and N. Daczko
SEG 2015: World-Class Ore Deposits: Discovery to Recovery, Hobart, Australia, 27-30 September 2015
Massive chalcopyrite mineralization at Red Bore, WA: The deep roots of a sea-floor hydrothermal system
A. Agangi, C. Vieru, S. Reddy, D. Plavsa and V. Selvaraja
Linking crustal growth to orogenic gold and Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization using U-Pb geochronology in zircons in the Marmion Terrane (3.0 Ga), Western Superior Craton, Canada
K. Bjorkman, Y. Lu and T. Campbell
Stratigraphy-controlled minero-chemical and isotopic imprints for primary sulfur degassing of lavas in komatiite-hosted Ni-PGE ores at Wannaway deposit, Western Australia
S. Caruso, M. Moroni, M.L. Fiorentini, S.J. Barnes, C. Carissa, B. Wing and J. Cliff
In search of high flux magma conduits: 3D photogrammetry, analyzing emplacement mechanisms of mafic intrusion networks
G. Dering, S. Micklethwaite, M. Fiorentini, S. Barnes and A. Cruden
The spatial and temporal significance of alteration associated with gold-bearing structures in the Greater Revenge Area, St. Ives, Western Australia
B.M. Duggan, T.C. McCuaig and J.M. Miller
High-K to shoshonitic magmatism across the northern Archean Kéména Man margin (Guinea): Implications for the late Eburnean orogenic gold mineralization
A. Eglinger, N. Thébaud, J. Davis, J. Miller, A. Zeh, T.C. McCuaig and E. Belousova
Sulfur and metal fertilization of the lower continental crust
M.L. Fiorentini, M. Locmelis, J. Adam, T.Rushmer, F. Zaccarini, G. Garuti, Z. Vukmanovic, S. Caruso, M. Moroni, S. Barnes, S. Reddy and B. Godel Invited
Postorogenic Paleoproterozoic mafic intrusions within the Rae Craton
C. LaFlamme, D. Lentz and C. McFarlane
Mapping mineral systems footprints THROUGH cover - linking remote and proximal surface geochemical and mineralogical data to bedrock geology
H. Lampinen, C. Laukamp, S. Halley, L. Hardy, S. Occhipinti, T.C. McCuaig and M. Fiorentini
Effects of hydrous alteration on the distribution of base metals and platinum group elements within the Kevitsa Magmatic Nickel Sulfide Deposit
M. Le Vaillant, S.J. Barnes, M.L. Fiorentini, F. Santaguida and T. Törmänen
High magmatic water content disproves genesis of post-collisional copper-ore-forming high Sr/Y magmas by dehydration melting of lower crust
Y.J. Lu, R.R. Loucks, M. L. Fiorentini, Z.M. Yang, Z.M. and Z.Q. Hou
Petrochemistry of the Ntaka Hill Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusion and implications for Ni-Cu mineralization
D.R. Mole, S.J. Barnes and M. Campbell
The Formation of the Ntaka Hill Ni-Cu Deposit: Plume magmas captured by an Island Arc
D.R. Mole, R. Taylor, P. Kinny and S.J. Barnes
Evidence for fluid- and gas-driven magmatic Ni-Fe-Cu-PGE-rich sulfide ore deposition associated with mantle metasomatism in the Valmaggia ultramafic pipe, Ivrea-Verbano, Italy
M. Moroni, M.L. Fiorentini, S. Caruso, M.L. Frezzotti and G. Sessa
Trace element variations in TiO2 due to polymorphism and age: Implications for rutile as a pathfinder mineral in complex terranes
D. Plavsa, S. Reddy, C. Clark and A. Kylander-Clark
Using TiO2 as pathfinder for mineralized ore systems: A combined EBSD and petrochronology approach
D.S. Plavsa, S. Reddy, C. Clark and A. Kylander-Clark
Crustal architecture and under cover exploration: The Granites-Tanami orogen example
D. Stevenson, L. Iaccheri, L. Bagas, C. McCuaig and A. Aitken
In situ sulfur isotopes from mineral systems in the Proterozoic Capricorn Orogen
S. Vikraman, C. LaFlamme, M. Fiorentini and H. Jeon
15th Australian Space Research Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 29 September - 1 October 2015
The role of core-differentiation in ejection of a Moon-forming disk
C. O'Neill and S. Zhang
Dating late thermal events on the Moon from the annealing of radiation damage in zircon
R.T. Pidgeon, R.E. Merle, M.L. Grange and A.A. Nemchin
Early Earth and the making of Mankind: Astrobiology in our own backyard
M.J. Van Kranendonk Plenary Speaker
Viscosity formulations and the effect of uncertain parameters
J. Wasiliev, C. O'Neill and S. Zhang
Thermal evolution of the Moon modelled by core-mantle coupling
S. Zhang and C. O'Neill
Geological Society of America Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 1-4 November 2015
Revisiting the impact chronology of the Moon: a terrestrial perspective on using ex situ shocked zircons to date meteorite impacts
A.J. Cavosie, T.E. Erickson, N.E. Timms, S.M. Reddy, C. Talavera, S.M. Montalvo, M.R. Pincus, R. Gibbon and D. Moser
Growth of continental lithosphere by accretion of arc terranes along the Laurentian margin throughout the Proterozoic: evidence from Hf isotopes
M.E. Holland, K.E. Karlstrom, M.F. Doe, T.A. Grambling, E.G. Gehrels, E. George, M. Pecha, W.L. Griffin, E. Belousova, G.C. Begg and C.A. Mako
Precambrian reidite unearthed
S.M. Reddy, T. Johnson, W. Rickard, A. van Riessen, S. Fischer, R. Taylor, T. Prosa, D. Reinhard, K. Rice and Y. Chen Invited
2nd Lithosphere Dynamics Workshop, Perth, Australia, 19-20 November 2015
Ruthenium in spinel from Chassignite and olivine-phyric Shergottite meteorites: constraints on the behaviour of platinum-group elements and sulphur in Martian magmatic systems
R.J. Baumgartner, M.L. Fiorentini, D. Baratoux, L. Ferrière, M. Locmelis and A.K. Sener
Cassiterite as a multiprocess recorder in Sn bearing systems
J. Bennett, A. Kemp, S.G. Hagemann and M. Fiorentini
Unravelling crustal growth and geodynamics in the Meso to Neoarchaean using U-Pb-O isotopes in zircons and stratigraphic reconstructions from the Marmion Terrane (3.0 Ga)
K.E. Björkman,T.C. McCuaig, Y. J. Lu, A.I.S. Kemp and P. Hollings
Crust-mantle interactions in hot orogens characterised by counterclockwise P-T-t paths and slow cooling
M. Brown Invited
Sulfur and metal fertilization of the lower continental crust
M. Fiorentini Invited
Evolution of the lithospheric mantle by melt/rock interaction and its effects on the composition of lithosphere-derived volcanic melts
S. Foley Invited
Constraints on kimberlite ascent mechanisms revealed by phlogopite compositions in kimberlites and mantle xenoliths
A. Giuliani Invited
in-situ U-Pb, O and Hf isotopic compositions of detrital zircons from the North Australian Craton
L.M. Iaccheri
Neutral-buoyancy rule over-ruled: Crustal underplating by buoyant magmas during orogeny
R. Loucks Invited
Secular change in Archean crust formation recorded in Western Australia
H. Yuan Invited
Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology (SGTSG) conference: Riding the Wave, Caloundra, Queensland, Australia, 22-27 November 2015
Arc root buoyancy: metastable igneous assemblages in deformed lower crust
T. Chapman, G.L. Clarke and N.R. Daczko
Undergraduate teaching with a Virtual Petrographic Microscope
N.R. Daczko
The Neoproterozoic East Gondwana suture: Reconciling geological and geophysical evidence
N.R. Daczko, J.A. Halpin, J.M. Whittaker and I.C.W. Fitzsimons
Does microstructure matter? Investigating the effect of spatial distribution of viscosity on bulk strength and strain localisation
R.L. Gardner, S. Piazolo, L. Evans and N.R. Daczko
Microcontinents offshore Western Australia: insights into the make-up and break-up of East Gondwana
J.A. Halpin, N.R. Daczko, J.M. Whittaker, S.E. Williams, R.L. Gardner, M.E. Kobler and P.G. Quilty
A new map of the Wongwibinda Metamorphic Complex: its relationship to other HTLP complexes of the New England Orogen
K. Jessop, N.R. Daczko and S. Piazolo
Steep metamorphic field gradients in HTLP regional aureoles
K. Jessop, N.R. Daczko and S. Piazolo
Supercontinent-superplume coupling and a new global geodynamic working model
Z.X. Li
GSWA 2015 Annual Lectures, Perth, Australia, 3 December 2015
Inferring past and current tectonic activities using Earthquake seismology
H. Yuan Invited
Greenland Day Conference, Perth, Australia, 9 December 2015
Nickel-sulfide ore forming processes in the deep continental crust, Thrym Complex, southeastern Greenland
M. Fiorentini
C. Kirkland The Paleoproterozoic Karrat Group and Rinkian Belt: geology, Black Angel Zn-Pb deposit and other mineralization styles
J. Kolb
59th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association, Cardiff, UK, 14-17 December 2015
Solving the controversy of Earth's oldest fossils using electron microscopy
D. Wacey, M. Saunders, C. Kong and M. Brasier
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 14-18 December 2015
Multi-observable thermochemical tomography of the lithosphere and upper mantle
J.C. Afonso, Y. Yang, N. Rawlinson, A. Jones, J. Fullea and M. Qashqai
Erosion and assimilation of substrate by Martian low-viscosity lava flows: implications for sulphur degassing and the genesis of orthomagmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulphide mineralisation
R. Baumgartner, D. Baratoux, F. Gaillard and M.L. Fiorentini
Imaging anisotropic layering with Bayesian Inversion of multiple data types
T. Bodin, J. Leiva, B. Romanowicz, V. Maupin and H. Yuan
Were Amazonia and Baltica connected in Nuna and Rodinia?
S.V. Bogdanova and S.A. Pisarevsky
A Sm-Nd eclogite and U-Pb detrital zircon study of a probable Baltic HP-UHP metamorphic terrane in the Greenland Caledonides
H. Brueckner, E. Belousova, L. Medaris, S. Johnston, W. Griffin, E. Hartz, S. Hemming and R. Bubbico
Constraints on biogenic emplacement of crystalline calcium carbonate and dolomite
B. Colas, S.M. Clark and D.E. Jacob
Paleoproterozoic collisional structures in the Hudson Bay lithosphere constrained by multi-observable probabilistic inversion
F. Darbyshire, J.C. Afonso and R. Porritt
Supercontinent cyclicity: Relevant data, constraints, limitations and aspects requiring particular attention
B. Eglington, D.A.D. Evans, S. Pehrsson and Z.X. Li
The Capricorn Orogen Passive Source Array (COPA) in Western Australia
K. Gessner, H. Yuan, R. Murdie, M.l. Dentith, S. Johnson and J. Brett
REE chemistry of MORB and OIB explained by microchemical disequilibrium melting models
C. Grose and J. Afonso
Tasmania in Nuna: Witness to a ~1.4 Ga East Antarctica-Laurentia connection
J. Halpin, J. Mulder and N.R. Daczko
Extreme variability of deformation mechanisms at tiny scale in natural peridotite: the effect of phase distribution and mineral reactions
M.A. Kaczmarek, S. Reddy and P. VonlanthenLittle and large: Implications for preservation of radiogenic-Pb in titanite. An example from the Albany-Fraser Orogen, Australia: Resolving process through Geochronology: New techniques, applications, and interpretations
C.L. Kirkland
Anomalous sulfur isotope signatures preserved in the Proterozoic rock record: insight into the link between fluid-driving tectonic processes and ore genesis at cratonic margins
C. LaFlamme, M.L. Fiorentini, S. Johnson, B. Wing, H. Jeon and S. Occhipinti
Using multiple sulfur isotope signatures to delineate terrane boundaries and investigate crustal formation mechanisms during the Paleoproterozoic
C. LaFlamme, M. Fiorentini, B. Wing and H. Jeon
First row transition metals in olivine - Petrogenetic tracers for the evolution of mantle-derived magmas
M. Locmelis, R. Jr. Arevalo, I.S. Puchtel, S.J. Barnes and M.L. Fiorentini
How Earth works 100 years after Wegener's continental drift theory and IGCP 648
Z.X. Li, D.A.D. Evans, S. Zhong and B. Eglington
New Insight into the crustal structures of SE Australian continent from a combined study of ambient noise tomography and gravity modelling
C.X. Jiang, Y.J. Yang and N. Rawlinson
Petrologically-constrained thermo-chemical modelling of cratonic upper mantle consistent with elevation, geoid, surface heat flow, seismic surface waves and MT data
A. Jones and J. Afonso Invited
Extreme variability of deformation mechanisms at tiny scale in natural peridotite: the effect of phase distribution and mineral reactions
M.A. Kaczmarek, S.M. Reddy and P. Vonlanthen
Morphological characteristics of detrital zircon grains from source to sink (Western Australia); Geochemistry of sediments and sediment recycling and implications for crust and mantle evolution over Earth history
V. Markwitz and C.L. Kirkland
Tracking CO2 geosequestration using downhole gravity gradiometry, Otway Basin, Victoria, Australia
S. Matthews and C. O'Neill
The oxidation state of iron in chromite as a record of deep Earth processes
N.M. McGowan, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson, S.Y. O‘Reilly,S.M. Clark, J. Roque-Rosell, M.A. Marcus and C.A. McCammon
Multi-phase multi-component reactive flow in geodynamics
B. Oliveira, J.C. Afonso and S. Zlotnik
An early, transient, impact-driven tectonic regime in the Hadean
C. O‘Neill, S. Marchi and S. Zhang Invited
Mapping sub-crustal reflectors in southwestern Spain
I. Palomeras, P. Ayarza, R. Carbonell, S. Ehsan, J. Afonso and J. Diaz Cusi
Mesoproterozoic - Tonian paleogeography: new insights
S.A. Pisarevsky
Why lithospheric extension separated the Aegean from Turkey
T. Ring, K. Gessner, S. Thomson and V. Markwitz
Os isotope evidence for a differentiated plume head reservoir for the Ontong Java Nui source
B. Schaefer, K. Hoernle, I. Parkinson, R. Golowin, M. Portnyagin, S. Turner and R. Werner
The formation of micro diamonds in dislocation creep controlled by the C:O:H ratio of NAMS
H. Sommer, K. Regenauer-Lieb, D. Jacob and B. Gasharova
Rare earth element partition coefficients during high-grade metamorphism: experiments, realities, and large datasets
R. Taylor, C. Clark, A. Kylander-Clark and B. Hacker
Thermophysical structure of the crust beneath the US Intermountain West from Multi-Observable Probabilistic Inversion
M.T. Qashqai, J.C. Afonso, Y. Yang and D. Schutt
Viscosity formulations and the effect of uncertain parameters
J. Wasiliev and C. O'Neill
Interactions among mid-ocean ridges, plumes and Large Igneous Provinces
J. Whittaker, J. Afonso, S. Masterton, D. Müller, P. Wessel, S. Williams and M. Seton Invited
Unraveling the unusual morphology of the Cretaceous Dirck Hartog extinct mid-ocean ridge
S. Watson, J. Whittaker, J. Halpin, S. Williams, L. Milan, N. Daczko and D. Wyman
Density effects of shallow structures on the crustal shear wavespeeds in surface wave tomography
G. Xing, M. Chen, F. Niu and Y. Yang
Unraveling overtone interferences in Love-wave phase velocity measurements by array-based, radon transform
Y. Yang and Y. Luo
Integrated in situ U-Pb age and Hf-O analyses of zircon from the Northern Yangtze Block: New insights into the Neoproterozoic Low-δ18O Magmas in the South China Block
Y.N. Yang, X.C. Wang, Q.L. Li and X.H. Li
South China connected to north India in Gondwana: sedimentary basin and detrital provenance analyses
W. Yao, Z.X. Li, W.X. Li, X.H. Lia and J.H. Yang
Secular change in Archean crust formation recorded in Western Australia
H. Yuan
Broadband finite frequency ambient noise tomography
K. Zhao, Y. Yang, Y. Luo and J. Xie
A reduced basis approach for implementing thermodynamic phase-equilibria information in geophysical and geodynamic studies
S. Zlotnik, J. Afonso and P. Diez
UHNAI-Nordic Winter School “Water and the Evolution of Life in the Universe”, Hawaii, 1-14 January 2014
Diverse life in a volcanic-hydrothermal environment at the c. 3.5 Ga North Pole Dome, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
T. Djokic and M.J. Van Kranendonk
IGG-CAS 2014 Annual Meeting,16-17 January 2014
Seismic images of craton margins and adjacent orogens and tectonic implications
H. Yuan Invited
Upper mantle structure of Northeastern North America using full waveform inversion
H. Yuan
Biennial Meeting of the Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology (SGTSG), Thredbo, NSW, Australia, 2-8 February 2014
Tectonic evolution of the Early Mesoproterozoic Mount Painter Province, South Australia
R. Armit, P. Betts, B. Schaefer, M. Pankhurst and D. Giles
Pump up the Volume… and the Grade: Fault valving behaviour and the development of Au-Cu mineralisation in the Telfer resource, Paterson Orogen, WA
G. Batt, J. Miller and C. McCuaig
Magma dynamics and metamorphic reaction history of lower-crustal plutons, Western Fiordland Orthogneiss, NZ
T. Chapman, G. Clarke, N. Daczko and S. Piazolo
The influence of phase distribution and grain size on the localization of strain in polyphase rocks
D. Czaplinska and S. Piazolo
Rheological contrast controlling the development of paired shear zones, Fiordland, New Zealand
N. Daczko, J. Smith, S. Piazolo and L. Evans
A crustal section through Archean gneiss dome-greenstone architecture: example from the Southern Cross Domain, Yilgarn Craton
M. Doublier, N. Thébaud, K. Gessner, M. Wingate, D. Mole, S. Romano and C. Kirkland
The effect of viscosity on the formation of boudins: comparison of simulation results with field data from Fiordland, New Zealand
R. Gardner
Interpretation of magnetic and gravity data along seismic reflection surveys in the Southern Carnarvon Basin and Northwest Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
K. Gessner, T. Jones, J. Goodwin, L. Gallardo, P. Milligan, J. Brett and R. Murdie
The opening of the South China Sea: was it driven by Pacific subduction or by India-Eurasia collision?
Z.-X. Li
A Neoproterozoic big twist within Australia: Rodinia, snowball Earth, and mineral deposits
Z.-X. Li and D. Evans
Deformation in an Open System: Fluid assisted brittle-viscous deformation coupled with volume change in a greenschist facies shear zone (Wyangala, Australia)
L. Spruzeniece, S. Piazolo and N. Daczko
How does melt move through the lower crust? New insight from diffuse porous melt flow resulting in metasomatism and hydration of a two-pyroxene-hornblende granite
C. Stuart, S. Piazolo and N. Daczko
Workshop on “Advanced development on in situ & WR high-precision elemental and isotopic analyses, Taipei, Taiwan, 10-12 March 2014
Back to basics: quantitative elemental and isotope ratio analysis by laser ablation ICP-MS
N. Pearson Keynote
45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA, 17-21 March 2014
A unique differentiation history of Mars preserved in Martian meteorite NWA7533
J.J. Bellucci, A.A. Nemchin, and M.J. Whitehouse
Delayed onset of plate tectonics on Earth and implications for the Martian mantle
V. Debaille, C. O’Neill, A.D. Brandon, P. Haenecour, Q.-Z. Yin, N. Mattielli and A.H. Treiman
Oxygen isotope compositions and Ti and REE concentrations of zircon from Martian meteorite NWA 7533
A.A. Nemchin, M. Humayun, M.J. Whitehouse, R.H. Hewins, J.-P. Lorand, A. Kennedy, M.L. Grange, B. Zanda, C. Fieni, S. Pont and D. Deldicque
UNCOVER Summit 2014 Adelaide Convention Centre, SA, Australia, 31 March - 2 April 2014
TerraneChron®: remote sensing with detrital samples
E. Belousova, W. Griffin, N. Pearson, S. O’Reilly and Y. Greau
Archean SCLM: what do we (think we) know?
W.L. Griffin
Isotope geology through space and time: a tool for understanding crustal evolution. Case studies from the Yilgarn Craton and its margin
C.L. Kirkland Keynote
Greenfield identification: big picture matters
Z.-X. Li
A national trajectory for geoscience research in Australia and some historical perspectives towards UNCOVER
S.Y. O’Reilly Keynote
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 02 May 2014
Inward stepping intraplate activity: An example from the Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia
A. Aitken, S. Johnson, F. Korhonen, M. Dentith, A. Joly, I. Tyler, and T.C. McCuaig
Osmium isotope systematics of Os-rich alloys and Ru-Os sulfides from oceanic mantle: evidence from Proterozoic and Paleozoic ophiolite-type complexes
I.Y. Badanina, K.N. Malitch, E.A. Belousova, R.A. Lord, T.C. Meisel, V.V. Murzin and N.J. Pearson
What does the deep crustal structure of the Yilgarn Craton tell us about Mesoarchean Dynamics?
K. Gessner, C. Kirkland and I. Zibra
Cross-gradient joint inversion of gravity and aeromagnetic data in mineralized northern Menderes Massif, Turkey
K. Gessner, L. Gallardo, F. Wedin and K. Sener
Cenozoic denudation of the Menderes Massif and its geodynamic framework: slab tear or not?
K. Gessner, L. Gallardo, V. Markwitz, U. Ring and S.N. Thomson
Ancient Pb and Ti mobilization revealed by Scanning Ion Imaging
M.A. Kusiak, M.J. Whitehouse and S.A. Wilde
Radiogenic and stable isotope study of the Dyumptaley and Binyuda ultramafic-mafic intrusions and associated Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ores (Russian Arctic)
K. Malich, I. Badanina, E. Belousova, N. Pearson, A. Romanov and S. Sluzhenikin
Is there really carbon in the detrital zircons from Jack Hills, Western Australia?
M. Menneken, T. Geisler, A.A. Nemchin, K. Pollok, M. Whitehouse, R. Pidgeon and S. Wilde
3D Fault Network of the Murchison Domain, Yilgarn Craton
R. Murdie and K. Gessner
Long hard road from Nuna to Rodinia
S.A. Pisarevsky Invited
New insights into the late Paleozoic evolution of the New England Orogen (eastern Australia) in view of the recent paleomagnetic data
S.A. Pisarevsky, G. Rosenbaum, U. Shaanan and D. Hoy
Experimental studies on TTGs the Nuvvuagittuq Complex, Quebec, Canada: Implications for early crustal recycling and Archaean granitoids
T. Rushmer and J. Adam
Three-dimensional crustal structure of a craton rim: Preliminary results from passive seismic imaging of the eastern Albany-Fraser Orogen, Western Australia
C. Sippl, H. Tkalcic, B.L.N. Kennett, C.V. Spaggiari and K. Gessner
Heading down early on? Start of subduction on Earth
S. Turner, T. Rushmer, M. Reagan and J.-F. Moyen
International Workshop on: Ophiolites, Mantle Processes and Related Ore Deposits, Beijing, China, 14-15 April 2014
Transition-Zone mineral assemblages in peridotite massifs, Tibet: Implications for collision-zone dynamics and orogenic peridotites
W.L. Griffin Invited
6th Orogenic Lherzolite Conference, Morocco, 4-15 May 2014
Major and trace element geochemistry, origin and timing of sulfide formation in ultramafic xenoliths from the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (northern Hungary - southern Slovakia)
L.E. Aradi, C. Szabó, J.-M. González-Jiménez, S.Y. O’Reilly and W.L. Griffin
Transition-Zone mineral assemblages in peridotite massifs, Tibet: Implications for collision-zone dynamics and orogenic peridotites
W.L. Griffin, N.M. McGowan, D. Howell, J.M. Gonzalez-Jimenez, E. Belousova, J.C. Afonso, J.S. Yang, R. Shi, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Updating metasomatism concepts: Stealth, densification, and geophysical consequences
S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin and N.J. Pearson
Fluid-induced deformation in chromite during metamorphism
T. Satsukawa, J.-M. González-Jiménez, V. Colás, W.L. Griffin, S. Piazolo, S.Y. O’Reilly, F. Gervilla and I. Fanlo
History of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Carpathian-Pannonian region
C. Szabó, L.E. Aradi, J.M. González-Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and K. Hattori
Diamonds and highly reduced minerals from chromitite of the Ray-Iz ophiolite of the Polar Urals: deep origin of podiform chromitites and ophiolitic diamonds
J.S. Yang, F.C. Meng, S.Y. Chen, W.J. Bai, X.Z. Xu, Z.M. Zhang, P. T. Robinson, Y. Dilek, W.L. Griffin, A. B. Makeeyev, and N.I. Bryanchaninova
Transition between two supercontinents in late Mesoproterozoic: paleomagnetic approach
S.A. Pisarevsky
Biosignatures across space and time. Joint Meeting - Nordic Network of Astrobiology and the Centre of Geobiology, Bergen, Norway, 20-22 May 2014
Early life on Earth: Possible metabolic pathways in the c. 3.5Ga Dresser Formation, North Pole Dome, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
T. Djokic and M.J. Van Kranendonk
GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Fredericton, Canada, 21-23 May 2014
Formation of mantle plumes and superplumes: Driven by subduction?
Z.X. Li, S. Zhong and X.C. Wang
SS25. Mineral systems: beyond source, transport and trap
D. Huston, C. McCuaig and R. Blewett
XIX Geological Congress of Argentina, Córdoba, Argentina, 2-6 June 2014
U-Pb age of detrital zircon from Candon Williams, northeast Chubut Province, Patagonia: implication for the provenance of the Chubut Group sedimentary sequences
L.E. Navarro, E. Belousova, M.V. Guler and R. Astini
Goldschmidt 2014 Conference, Sacramento, USA, 8-13 June 2014
Ediacaran granites in the Tuareg Shield, West Africa: Alkalinity and end-Gondwanan assembly
P. Bowden, J.-Y. Cottin, E. Belousova, Y. Gréau, W. Griffin, S. O’Reilly, A. Azzouni-Sekkal, N. Remaci-Benouda and F. Bechiri-Benmerzoug
Taking fingerprints of metamorphism in chromite using minor and trace elements
V. Colás, J.M. González-Jiménez, I. Fanlo, W.L. Griffin, F. Gervilla, S.Y. O’Reilly, N.J. Pearson and T. Kerestedjian
Is there a secular change in supercontinent assemblies?
K.C. Condie, S.A. Pisarevsky and J. Korenaga
Biogeochemical influences on uranium speciation in the Mulga Rock Sedimentary Uranium Ore Deposit, Western Australia
S. Cumberland, C. Jaraula, K. Grice, G. Douglas, K. Evans, C. McCuaig, L. Schwark, R. Curtain, S. Rubanov, M. de Jonge, D. Howard and J. Moreau
New evidence for ~4.45 Ga terrestrial crust from zircon xenocrysts in Ordovician ignimbrite in the North Qinling Orogenic Belt, China
C. Diwu, Y. Sun and S.A. Wilde
Sediment-eclogite fluid exchanges during subduction in the Tavsanli zone, Turkey
L. Gauthiez-Putallaz, D. Rubatto, J. Hermann, L. Martin, K.F. Fornash and D.L. Whitney
PGE remobilisation during metamorphism of chromitites in Central Chile
J.M. González-Jiménez, F. Barra, M. Reich, E. Hernandez, F. Gervilla, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Re-Os isotopic constraints on the evolution of Bangong-Nujiang Tethyan oceanic mantle
Q.-S. Huang, R.-D. Shi, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and D.-L. Liu
Radiolytic alteration of biopolymers in the Mulga Rock Uranium Deposit
C.M. Jaraula, L. Schwark, X. Moreau, W. Pickel, L. Bagas and K. Grice
Ru-Os-Ir alloys and Ru-Os sulfides from oceanic mantle: Evidence for robustness of Os-Isotope system
K. Malich, I. Badanina, E. Belousova, R. Lord, T. Meisel, V. Murzin and N. Pearson
Tibetan chromitites: Digging in the slab graveyard
N. McGowan, W. Griffin, J.-M. González-Jiménez, E. Belousova, J.C. Afonso, R. Shi, C. McCammon, N. Pearson and S.Y. O’Reilly
The Neoarchaean Skjoldungen Orogeny - A continent-continent collision orogeny?
T. Næraa, T.F. Kokfelt, L. Bagas and K. Thrane
Global magmatism and changing tectonics at the Archean-Proterozoic boundary: Insights from O isotopes in zircon
J. Payne, K. Barovich, N. Pearson and M. Hand
Laser ablation of zircon and implications for U-Pb geochronology
N. Pearson, W. Powell, J. Payne, R. Murphy, E. Belousova, W. Griffin and S. O’Reilly
Organics in orogenic gold systems: Characterisation of organic matter associated with gold (Au) deposits
A. Robert, H. Grotheer, R. Lockhart, P. Greenwood, C. McCuaig, C. Jaraula, K. Grice, L. Bagas and L. Schwark
100 Ma magmatism in the Jiamusi Block, NE China: An indication for lithospheric extension driven by Paleo-Pacific roll-back
M. Sun, H. Chen and S. Wilde
Time-Space relationships of ore-related igneous activity: Lishui Basin, middle and lower Yangtze River
L. Wang, J. Huang and W.L. Griffin
Proterozoic Mantle Lithosphere beneath the Khanka Massif in Far East Russia: In situ Re-Os Evidence
K.-L. Wang, V. Prikhodko, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, N. Pearson, V. Kovach, Y. Iizuka and Y.-H. Chien
Long link of Cathaysia Block of South China with East Gondwana
J.-H. Yu, L. Wang, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin and Q. Liu
Sydney Space Society, Australia, 16 June, 2014
The tectonics of exoplanets
C. O’Neill Invited
AESC Australian Earth Sciences Convention, Sustainable Australia, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 7-10 July 2014
Accretion of andesitic crust along a high-temperature oceanic detachment fault in the Oman Ophiolite (Bahla Massif)
B. Abily, G. Ceuleneer, M. Python, M. Grégoire, M. Benoit and D. Baratoux
Archean andesites in the East Yilgarn Large Igneous Province, Australia: The case for their origin by plume/crust interaction
S. Barnes, M.J. Van Kranendonk, D. Mole and C. Isaac
The enigma of crustal zircons in upper mantle rocks: Insights from U-Pb ages, Hf-O-isotopes and trace- element signatures (Tumut Region, SE Australia)
E. Belousova, J.M. González Jiménez, I. Graham, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Exploration of Miocene biomarkers in cored sedimentary rocks from IODP expedition 317, Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
S. Bratenkov and S.C. George
A Mesoarchean terrane boundary in the Southern Pilbara Craton?
A. Coates and M.V. Kranendonk
K-Ar dating of fault gouge and slickensides to resolve the precise ages of low-grade basin inversion and coaxial events deforming Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks
H. Cutten, H. Zwingmann, M. Wingate and S. Johnson
Geochemistry and source of ash layers in Bering Sea sediment at IODP site 323-U1341
K. Dadd
The rise and fall of life in the ca 3.5Ga Dresser Formation, North Pole Dome, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
T. Djokic, M.J. Van Kranendonk and M.R. Walter
Metal sources and transport mechanisms at crust-mantle boundary conditions: new search space for deep-seated magmatic mineral systems
M.L. Fiorentini, M. Locmelis, T. Rushmer, J. Adam and S. Turner Keynote
Subduction refertilisation of orogenic lithosphere detected by trace elements in olivine
S.F. Foley, D. Prelevic and D.E. Jacob
Using synchrotron X-ray microtomography to image structure and porosity in sheared Neoarchean granite, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
K. Gessner, I. Zibra, J. Liu, M. Paesold, V. Toy, X. Xiao, K. Regenauer-Lieb and L. Menegon
Innovation in Australian geochronology and thermochronology
A. Gleadow, B. McInnes and N. Pearson Keynote
Diamond fluids at work - nanoscale insights from polycrystalline diamond aggregates
W.L. Griffin, D.E. Jacob, D. Howell, S. Piazolo, M. Kilburn and R. Wirth
Zircon U-Pb-Hf-O isotope evidence suggests that Mesoarchean crust formation dominated early growth of the North Australian Craton
J.A Hollis, J.A Whelan, L.M. Glass, C.J. Carson, N. Kositcin, R.A. Armstrong, G.M. Yaxley, J.D. Woodhead and J. Cliff
Basin formation by orogenic collapse: zircon U-Pb-Hf isotope evidence from the Kimberley and Speewah Groups, Northern Australia
J.A Hollis, A.I Kemp, I.M Tyler, C.L. Kirkland, M.T.D Wingate, C. Phillips, S. Sheppard, E. Belousova and Y. Gréau
Rapid advance from hydrous to biotite-dehydration melting of a metasedimentary source in the formation of the Jiufeng Pluton, Southern China: A result of basaltic underplating during slab foundering?
H.-Q. Huang, X.-H. Li, Z.-X. Li and W.-X. Li
Geochemical characterisation of granitic rocks in the Granites-Tanami Orogen
L.M Iaccheri and L. Bagas
3D crustal structure in North Tibet from ambient noise tomography: Implications for the growth of the Tibetan Plateau
C. Jiang, Y. Yang and Y. Zheng
Growing ancient Australia: Hafnium and neodymium isotope constraints from the Yilgarn and Pilbara Cratons
A. Kemp, J. Vervoort, A. Hickman, H. Smithies, S. Wyche, M.T.D. Wingate and C. Kirkland
What does the deep crustal structure of the Yilgarn Craton tell us about Mesoarchean geodynamics?
K. Gessner, C. Kirkland and I. Zibra
Geochronology and lithostratigraphy of a major Birimian sedimentary basin: insight into the tectonostratigraphic evolution and gold mineralisation controls of the Siguiri Basin, Guinea (West Africa)
E. Lebrun, N. Thébaud, J. Miller and T.C. McCuaig
Zircon multi-isotopic mapping - a potentially robust pathfinder to large-scale targeting for gold mineral systems
Y.-J. Lu, T.C. McCuaig, A.I.S. Kemp, K. Bjorkman, J. Cliff and P. Hollings
Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Sadiola Gold Camp, Mali, West Africa: Defining the framework of a world-class gold province
Q. Masurel, N. Thébaud, J. Miller and T.C. McCuaig
Tracking of CO2 geosequestration using downhole gravity gradiometry, Otway Basin, Vic
S. Matthews, C. O’Neill, M. Lackie and N. Fraser
Paleoproterozoic sedimentation and contemporary basin tectonics in the Lower Wyloo Group, Western Australia
R. Mazumder and M.J. Van Kranendonk
Tibetan chromitites: to the transition zone and back?
N. McGowan, W. Griffin, J.-M. González-Jiménez, E. Belousova, J.C. Afonso, N. Pearson, S. O’Reilly,
C. McCammon and R. Shi
Organic matter in orogenic gold (Au) systems
A. Mirasol-Robert, C. Jaraula, C. McCuaig, L. Bagas, H. Grotheer, P. Greenwood, L. Schwark and K. Grice
Is there a window for plate tectonics in terrestrial planet evolution?
C. O’Neill, A. Lenardic, S. Zhang and J. Wasiliev
Was the early Earth stagnant?
C. O’Neill and V. Debaille Invited
Modelling planetary interiors in aspect: Viscosity, volatiles and varying mass
C. O’Neill, S. Zhang and J. Wasiliev
Archean lithospheric mantle: The fount of all ores?
S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, G. Begg, N.J. Pearson and J.M.A. Hronsky
Changes in global magmatism and the limitations of Hf-O isotope data in zircon
J. Payne, N.J. Pearson, K.M. Barovich and M. Hand
Building national infrastructure using TerraneChron® and lithosphere mapping
N.J. Pearson, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, E. Belousova and G. Begg
Filling the gap: The tectonic significance of the Ayr Conglomerate in the New England Orogen
B. Phu and M.J. Van Kranendonk
Towards a better understanding of the rheology of seprentine bearing rocks in subducting slabs
S. Ramzan, T. Rushmer, S. Piazolo and C. O’Neill
How to make subduction zones weak: Understanding the rheology of serpentine in subducting slabs
S. Ramzan, T. Rushmer, S. Piazolo and C. O’Neill
3D crustal architecture of the East Albany-Fraser Orogen in Western Australia from passive seismic data
C. Sippl, H. Tkalčić, B.L.N. Kennett, C.V. Spaggiari and K. Gessner
Tectonic links between Proterozoic sedimentary cycles, basin formation and magmatism in the Albany- Fraser Orogen, Western Australia
C.V. Spaggiari, C.L. Kirkland, H. Smithies, M.T.D. Wingate and I.M Tyler
How deformation affects reaction rates: new insights from phase transformation experiments in the
KBR-KCL-H2O system
L. Spruzeniece, S. Piazolo and S. Joyce
The Granites-Tanami Orogen subsurface geometry as revealed by an integrated potential field geophysical and geological study
D. Stevenson, L. Bagas and A. Aitken
How melt moves through the crust: evidence for reactive diffuse porous melt flow under static conditions in the hot lower continental crust
C. Stuart, S. Piazolo and N. Daczko
Formation and alteration history of detrital chromites from Jack Hills sediments, Western Australia
S. Tessalina, I. Puchtel, W. Griffin, A. Nemchin and V. Kamenetsky
How mantle heterogeneities control supra-subduction metasomatism: constraints from the Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain
R. Tilhac, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson, M. Grégoire, D. Guillaume and G. Ceuleneer
Zircons from Yakutian kimberlites reveal Archean crust under the Eastern Siberian Craton
I. Tretiakova, E. Belousova, V. Malkovets and W.L. Griffin
An event horizon in the Sydney Basin: Passage of a forebulge?
M.J. Van Kranendonk, D. Flannery and R. Mazumder
A thriving Proterozoic biosphere at the rise of atmospheric oxygen: Evidence from the c. 2.3 Ga Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
M.J. Van Kranendonk, E. Barlow, M.R. Walter and J.W. Schopf
Formation of horizontally layered Archean crust: examples from the Pilbara, Kaapvaal, and Yilgarn Cratons
M.J. Van Kranendonk Keynote
Lawsonite acts as a trace element sponge in subduction zones of the Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic Belt: Evidence from Tavşanlı Blueschist (Turkey)
Y. Wang, D. Prelević and S. Foley
Sulfur dioxide degassing during Archean komatiite volcanism
B. Wing, C. Isaac, E. Griffiths and M. Fiorentini
The evolution of early Mars: Does mobile-lid exist in its early age?
S. Zhang and C. O’Neill
XXXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía, Granada, 2 July 2014
Inherited mantle and crustal zircons in mantle chromitites (E Cuba): Implications for the evolution of oceanic lithosphere
J.A. Proenza, J.M. González-Jiménez, A. García-Casco, E. Belousova, W.L Griffin, F. Gervilla,
Y. Rojas- Agramonte, D. Navarro-Ciruana, S.Y. O’Reilly, C. Talavera and D. Jacob
Gondwana 15, Madrid, Spain, 14-18 July 2014
What drives the formation of mantle plumes and superplumes?
Z.X. Li., S. Zhong and X.C. Wang
New paleomagnetic data from the Late Paleozoic New England Orogen (East Australia) and developed kinematic model of its evolution
S.A. Pisarevsky, G. Rosenbaum, U. Shaanan and D. Hoy
Post-collisional Early Ordovician magmatism in the Central Iberian Zone: evidence from zircon Hf isotopes in metagranitic orthogneisses from the Spanish Central System
C. Villaseca, E. Merino Martínez, D. Orejana, T. Andersen and E. Belousova
The collision of South China with NW India to join Gondwanaland in the Cambrian: results of foreland basin sedimentology and provenance analyses
W. Yao, Z.X. Li, W.X. Li, X.H. Li and J.H. Yang
AOGS 11th Annual Meeting, Royton Sapporo Hotel, Japan, 28 July - 1 August, 2014
The 3D crustal structure in north Tibet revealed by ambient noise tomography: implications for the growth of the Tibetan Plateau
Y. Yang, C. Jiang and Y. Zheng
Application of long period surface waves from ambient noise in regional surface wave tomography: Verification and a case study in W. USA
Y. Yang
Australian Institute of Geoscientists Minerals Systems Workshop, Perth, 11 August 2014
The mineral system concept: the key to exploration targeting
T.C McCuaig and J.M.A. Hronsky
12th International Platinum Symposium, Yekaterinburg, Urals, Russia, 11-14 August 2014
Mineral chemistry and isotopic composition of ophiolitic Os-rich alloys and Ru-Os sulfides: Synthesis of new data
I.Y. Badanina, K.N. Malitch, R.A. Lord, E.A. Belousova, W.L. Griffin, T.C. Meisel, V.V. Murzin, N.J. Pearson and S.Y. O’Reilly
Insights into ore genesis of zoned Uralian-type massifs using Osmium isotopes: Evidence from laurite and Os-rich alloys from the Nizhniy Tagil Massif, Middle Urals, Russia
I.Y. Badanina, K.N. Malitch, E.A. Belousova and V.V. Khiller
Crust-mantle interaction in the Tumut region of the Lachlan Fold Belt, southeastern Australia: A synthesis of new isotopic information (Re-Os, U-Pb, Lu-Hf and O)
E. Belousova, J.M. Gonzáles-Jiménez, I. Graham, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, and N.J. Pearson
Tranzition-zone mineral assemblages in “ophiolitic” chromitites: implications for collision-zone dynamics and orogenic peridotites
W.L. Griffin, N.M. McGowan, J.M. Gonzalez-Jimenez, E.A. Belousova, D. Howell, J.C. Afonso, J.S. Yang,
R. Shi, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Platinum group minerals in ophiolitic chromitites of Timor Lester
A. Lay, I. Graham, D. Cohen, J.M. Gonzáles-Jiménez, K. Privat, E. Belousova and S.-J. Barnes
Closed-system behaviour of the Re-Os isotope system in primary and secondary PGM assemblages: Evidence from the Nurali Ultramafic Complex (Southern Urals, Russia)
K.N. Malitch, E.V. Anikina, I.Yu Badanina, E.A. Belousova, W.L. Griffin, V.V. Khiller, N.J. Pearson, E.V. Pushkarev and S.Y. O’Reilly
Nd-Sr-Hf-S-Cu isotope systematics of ore-bearing ultramafic-mafic intrusions from Polar Siberia (Russia): Genetic constraints and implications for exploration
K.N. Malitch, I.Y. Badanina, E.A. Belousova, W.L. Griffin, R.M. Latypov, A.P. Romanov and S.F. Sluzhenikin
Source of platinum-group minerals (PGM) from pyrope-garnet rich placer deposit, Bohemian Massif: Results from mineralogical and Re-Os geochronological studies
J. Pašava, J. Malec, W.L. Griffin and J.-M. Gonzáles-Jiménez
Mineralogy, geochemistry and in situ Re -Os dating of sulfides from megacrystalline pyrope peridotites from the Udachnaya Pipe, Siberian Craton
I.G. Tretiakova and V.G. Malkovets, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson, L.N. Pokhilenko, N.P. Pokhilenko, S.I. Kostrovitsky and V.S. Sobolev
Diamonds and highly reduced minerals in ophiolitic mantle rocks and chromitites
J.S. Yang, X.X. Zhang, X.Z. Xu, Z.M. Zhang, Z. Huang, P.T. Robinson, Y. Dilek, and W.L. Griffin
Gordon Research Conference: Rock Deformation, Andover, New Haven, USA 17-22 Aug, 2014
The effect of second phases on the rheology of polycrystalline material: experiments with pure and “dirty” D2O ice
D. Czaplinska
Numerical simulation of pinch and swell structures: Lessons for field interpretation
R. Gardner
Strain heterogeneities and dynamic recrystallization in anisotropic materials: Insights from ice and ice mixture deformation experiments and modeling
S. PiazoloKeynote
Ninth International Mining Geology Conference, Adelaide, SA, 18-20 August 2014
Mines versus mineralisation - Deposit quality, mineral exploration strategy and the role of ‘Boundary Spanners’
T.C. McCuaig J.E. Vann and J.P. Sykes Keynote
21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association 2014, Gauteng, South Africa, 1-5 September 2014
Insights into the mantle structure beneath the Lunda Norte kimberlitic province (NE Angola): petrography and palaeothermobarometry of fresh mantle xenoliths
M. Castillo-Oliver, S. Galí, J.C. Melgarejo, V. Pervov and W. Griffin
In situ trace-element geochemistry and U-Pb dating on perovskite from kimberlites of the Lundas Norte province (NE Angola): petrogenetic and tectonic implications
M. Castillo-Oliver, S. Galí, J.C. Melgarejo, V. Zinchenko, E. Belusova and W.L. Griffin
Pink colour in Type I diamonds: is deformation twinning the cause?
D. Howell, D. Fisher, S. Piazolo, W. Griffin and S. Sibley
Water contents of Roberts Victor eclogites: primary vs metasomatic controls
J. Huang, W. Griffin, Q. Xia, P. Li, Y. Greau, N. Pearson and S. O’Reilly
Mineralogy and geochemistry of megacrystalline pyrope peridotites from the Udachnaya pipe, Siberian Craton
V. Malkovets, L. Pokhilenko, N. Pokhilenko, T. Ota, E. Nakamura and W. Griffin
Understanding δ15N variations in the mantle using internal variabilities in natural diamonds
R. Southworth, S. Mikhail, D. Howell, A. Verchovsky, F. Brenker and A. Jones
Metasomatic diamonds in eclogite xenoliths from Yakutian kimberlites: implications for diamond-grade estimation
Z. Spetsius, W. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and I. Bogush
Morphology and microstructures of chromite crystals from the Merensky Reef: implications for inclusion entrapment
Z. Vukmanovic, S. Barnes, S. Reddy, B. Godel and M. Fiorentini
14th International Conference on Thermochronology, Chamonix, 8-14 September 2014
Constraining the vertical tectonic movements in southern South China by multi-system geo-/thermochronology
N. Tao, Z.X. Li, M. Danišík, N.J. Evans, G.E. Batt, W. Li, C. Pang, F. Jourdan and Y. Xu
Earthquake seismology: Exploring the cratonic crust in Western Australia
H. Yuan Invited
77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Casablanca, Morocco, 8-12 September 2014
A complex thermal history of the Southern Highlands preserved in Martian meteorite NWA7533 and its pairs
J.J. Bellucci, A. Nemchin and M.J. Whitehouse
A new perspective on the Pb isotopic composition of Mars
R.B. Kielman, A.A. Nemchin, M.J. Whitehouse, J.J., Bellucci, J.F. Snape and F. Thiessen
Pyrite tracks late hydrothermal alteration in Martian regolith breccia NWA 7533
J.-P. Lorand, R.H. Hewins, L. Remusat, B. Zanda, S. Pont, M. Humayun, A. Nemchin, M. Grange, A. Kennedy and C. Göpel
Do lunar impact breccias date basin forming events?
F. Thiessen, A.A. Nemchin, M.J. Whitehouse, J.J. Bellucci, J.F. Snape, R.B. Kielman and R.E. Merle
Decomposition of zircon in Mistastin Lake impact melt glass: an integrated SIMS, Hyperspectral-CL, Raman and EPMA study
M. Zanetti, A. Wittmann, A. Nemchin, P. Carpenter, E. P. Vicenzi and B. Jolliff
Kimberley diamond symposium and trade show, The Big Hole, Kimberley, South Africa, 11-14 September 2014
Xenolithic eclogites from Roberts Victor, South Africa: A metasomatic model
J. Huang, Y. Gréau, W.L. Griffin, N. Pearson and S.Y. O’Reilly
2014 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences, Kumamoto, Japan, 17-18 September 2014
Chemical homogenization by fluid-induced deformation in chromitites during metamorphism
T. Satsukawa, S. Piazolo, V. Colás, J.M. González-Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, F. Gervilla and I. Fanlo
Terminal events in the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
S.A. Wilde
2014 EMAS regional Workshop, Leoben, Austria, 21-24 September 2014
In situ quantitative determination of PGE concentrations in komatiitic chromites: application to nickel- sulphide targeting
M.L. Fiorentini Invited
SEG 2014: Building Exploration Capability for the 21st Century, Keystone, CO, USA, 27-30 September 2014
Gravity and magnetic investigation of 3D basement structure within Siguiri Basin (Guinea, West Africa): Implications for gold deposit distribution
J. Markov, Aitken A., Dentith, M., Jessell, M. and Miller, J.
The mineral system concept: Key to exploration targeting under cover
T.C. McCuaig and J.M.A. Hronsky Invited
The Granites-Tanami Orogen subsurface geometry as revealed by an integrated potential field geophysical and geological study
D. Stevenson, L. Bagas and A. Aitken
SEISMIX 2014, 16th Int. Symposium on Multi-scale Seismic Imaging of the Earth’s crust and Upper Mantle, Castelldefels, Spain,
12-17 October 2014
Seismic interpretation of the Cue-Weld range area, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
O. Ahmadi, H. Koyi, C. Juhlin and K. Gessner
Nordic Supercontinent Workshop, Haraldvangen, Norway, 13-19 October 2014
Precambrian Continents and Terranes for GPLATES
S.A. Pisarevsky
IAGA Global Paleomagnetic Database
S.A. Pisarevsky
Rodinia: Status and Challenges
S.A. Pisarevsky
Dating Origin of Life: Present-Day Molecules and First Fossil Record, Göttingen, Germany,
16-18 October 2014
Biogeochemical characterization of Paleoarchaean Rocks from the Pilbara Craton (Western Australia)
J.-P. Duda, J. Reitner, M. Blumenberg, D. Ionescu, N. Schäfer, V. Thiel and M. Van Kranendonk
Early Archean carbonates on early Earth - microbial biosignature versus hydrothermal origin
J. Reitner, J.-P. Duda, F. Wilsky, N. Schäfer, M.J. Van Kranendonk, M. Hoppert, F. Wilsky and B. Bent
A planetary driver of environmental, atmospheric and biological change through the Precambrian
M.J. Van Kranendonk
GSA 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 19-22 October 2014
Reidite and shock-twinned zircon in polymict breccia from the Ordovician Rock Elm Impact Structure, USA
A. Avosie, T.M. Erockson, and N. Timms
Rheological contrast controlling the development of paired shear zones, Fiordland, New Zealand
N.R. Daczko, J. Smith, S. Piazolo and L. Evans
Symposium on International Safeguards, IAEA, Vienna, 20-24 October 2014
Novel mass spectrometric techniques for the rapid characterization and fingerprinting of nuclear fuel materials
J. Cliff, J. Denman, L. Martin, and M. Kilburn
24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (24th Earth Sciences Meeting), Pau, France, 27-31 October 2014
Petrology and geochemistry of mantle xenoliths of the Neogene-Quaternary Middle Atlas Volcanic Field (Morocco)
B. Arnoux, B. Abily, M. Benoit, N. Youbi, F. Ait-Hamouh, M. Grégoire, A. Idris and M.A. Boumehdi
Les roches crustales profondes de l’Archipel de Kerguelen (Sud de l’Océan Indien)
J. Chevet, M. Grégoire, S.Y. O’Reilly, M.-C. Gerbe, G. Delpech, B. Moine, D. Guillaume, W. Griffin and J.Y. Cottin
Upper mantle structure of Northeastern North America using full waveform inversion
H. Yuan
Petrology and geochemistry of mantle xenoliths of the Neogene-Quaternary Middle Atlas Volcanic Field (Morocco)
B. Arnoux, B. Abily, M. Benoit, N. Youbi, F. Ait-Hamouh, M. Grégoire, A. Idris and M.A. Boumehdi
2014 GSWA Kimberley Workshp, Perth, 21 November 2014
The geochemical architecture of the Hart Dolerite at Speewah Dome, Western Australia
M.L. Fiorentini Invited
Archean Tectonics debate and symposium “Plumes or plates in the late Archaean: how far does uniformitarianism apply in Archaean tectonics?” CSIRO, Kensington, WA, 27-28 November 2014
No plate tectonics in the Archaean?
C. O’Neill Invited
Archean tectonics and the tyranny of “too few constraints”
M.J. Van Kranendonk
Internal seismic structure of the cratonic lithosphere
H. Yuan Invited
1st Australian Workshop for EMC Geoscientists, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia, 1-2 December 2014
Present and future of UNCOVER and the Geosciences in the context of the Australian Academy of Sciences
S.Y. O’Reilly
AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 15-19 December 2014
Multi-observable probabilistic tomography reveals the thermochemical structure of Central-Western US
J.C. Afonso, Y. Yang, N. Rawlinson, D. Schutt, A. Jones and J. Fullea
Trace elements in olivine in Italian potassic volcanic rocks distinguish between mantle metasomatism by carbonatitic and silicate melts
E. Ammannati, D.E. Jacob, R. Avanzinelli, S.F. Foley and S. Conticelli
Magmatic controls on the genesis of Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide mineralisation on Mars
R.J. Baumgartner, M. Fiorentini, D. Baratoux, S. Micklethwaite, K. Sener and C. McCuaig
The genesis of the Dunite Transition Zone in the Oman Ophiolite: new insights from Major and Rare Earth Elements
M. Benoit, M. Theveny, M. Claverie, M. Rospabé, B. Abily and G. Ceuleneer
Looking up from the base of a thickened arc - Evaluating eclogite fractionation depths
T. Chapman, G.L. Clarke, and N.R Daczko
Thermochemical structure and stratification of the Hudson Bay lithosphere, Northern Canada: Evidence from multi-observable probabilistic inversion
F.A. Darbyshire and J.C. Afonso Invited
Magmatic processes and systems deduced from single crystals
J. Davidson, R.C. Bezard, D.J. Morgan and C. Ginibre
The complex history of Alarcon Rise Mid-Ocean Ridge rhyolite revealed through mineral chemistry
B.M. Dreyer, R.A. Portner, D.A. Clague, N.R. Daczko, P. Castillo and I.N. Bindeman
Temporal distribution of mantle-derived potassic rocks and carbonatites linked to stabilization of mantle lithosphere and redox states during subduction
S.F. Foley
Towards coupled modeling of grain-scale non-equilibrium thermodynamics and mantle-scale geodynamics
C.J. Grose and J.C. Afonso
Crustal and uppermantle structure of Northeast China from ambient noise and teleseismic earthquake rayleigh wave tomography
Z. Guo, Y.J. Chen, Y. Yang, and J.C. Afonso
The importance of redox reactions in fluid transport systems in the Earth’s deep mantle: Evidence from nano-inclusions
D.E. Jacob, R. Wirth and L. Dobrzhinetskaya
On the formation of the Dabashan Orocline, Central China: Evidence from seismic ambient noise tomography
C. Jiang, Y. Yang and Y. Zheng
Life with and life without plate tectonics
A. Lenardic, T. Hoeink, M. Jellinek, C.L. Johnson, N.B. Cowan, R. Pierrehumbert, V. Stamenkovic, C. O’Neill and
R. Dasgupta
Supercontinent break-up: Causes and consequences
Z.-X. Li
On the limitations of interstation distances in ambient noise tomography
Y. Luo and Y. Yang
Accounting for propagation outside of the model boundaries in regional full waveform inversion based on adjoint methods
Y. Masson, C. Pierre, B.A. Romanowicz, S.W. French and H. Yuan
Water in the cratonic mantle: Insights from FTIR Data on Lac de Gras Xenoliths (Slave Craton, Canada)
A.H. Peslier, A.D. Brandon, L.A. Schaffer, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, R.V. Morris, T.G. Graff and D.G. Agresti
Stress heterogeneities in anisotropic materials - their effect on dislocation fields and post-deformational recrystallization: Insights from combined experiments and numerical simulations of polycrystalline ice
S. Piazolo, M. Montagnat, V. Borthwick, L. Evans, A. Griera, F. Grennerat, H. Moulinec and J. Wheeler
Lessons from Dynamic Heds: Diagonite microstructures suggest solid-state deformation, annealing and incipient differentiation
S. Piazolo, T. Rushmer and V. Luzin
Anisotropic shear velocity models of the North American upper mantle based on waveform inversion and numerical wavefield computations
C. Pierre, Y. Masson, B.A. Romanowicz, S.W. French and H. Yuan
Deformation of the deep crust: Insights from physiochemical characteristics of deformation microstructures of plagioclase and quartz in gneiss from the Salt Mylonite Zone, Western Gneiss Region, Norway
R.N. Renedo, S. Piazolo, D.L. Whitney and C.P. Teyssier
High pressure experimental study of eclogite with varying H2O contents
A. Rosenthal, D.J. Frost, S. Petitgirard, G.M. Yaxley, A. Berry, A.B. Woodland, Z. Pinter, P. Vasilyev, D.A. Ionov,
D.E. Jacob, G.D. Pearson, I. Kovacs and A. Padron-Navarta
Chemical homogenization by fluid-present deformation in chromitites: An example from Golyamo Kamenyane chromitites, SE Bulgaria
T. Satsukawa, S. Piazolo, J.-M. González-Jiménez, V. Colás, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, F. Gervilla and I. Fanlo
Feg-EPMA and nanosims profiles of zoned crystals for diffusion chronometry
K. Saunders, B. Buse, M. Kilburn, S. Kearns and J.D. Blundy
A Br isotopic study of Australian Arid Playa Lakes and halophyte vegetation as a monitor of Br transport
B.F. Schaefer
Crustal and lithospheric structure of the Albany-Fraser Orogen, Western Australia, from passive-source seismology
C. Sippl, H. Tkalcic, B.L.N. Kennett, C.V. Spaggiari and K. Gessner
Fluid-induced transition from Kyanite- to bimineralic Eclogite: A petrological, geochemical and mass balance approach to mantle eclogites
H. Sommer, D.E. Jacob, G.D. Pearson and R.A. Stern
Fluid-controlled fabric development across a brittle-ductile shear zone: an example from a Wyangala Batholith, Australia
L. Spruzeniece and S. Piazolo
Sink or Swim? The role of intracrustal differentiation in the generation of compositional diversity and crustal delamination in the Archean
J.A. VanTongeren, C.T. Herzberg, B. Kaus, T.E. Johnson and M. Brown
Lawsonite blueschists in recycled mélange involved in K-rich orogenic magmatism
Y. Wang, D. Prelevic, S.F. Foley, S. Buhre and S.J.G. Galer
High-resolution ambient noise adjoint tomography of the crust and upper mantle beneath the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau
G. Xing, F. Niu, M. Chen and Y. Yang
Genesis of diamond-bearing and diamond-free podiform chromitites in the Luobusa Ophiolite, Tibet
J. Yang, F. Xiong, X. Xu, T. Robinson, Y. Dilek and W.L. Griffin
Imaging upper mantle structures in regional, continental and global scales using long-period surface waves (50-300 sec) from ambient noise
Y. Yang and J. Xie
Crustal composition of the Western Australian craton and implications for craton formation tectonics
H. Yuan
Rayleigh wave and shear wave tomography of Northeastern China: Results coconstrained by multiple datasets
T. Zhou, J. Chen, J. Han, Y. Tian, M. Wu, Y. Yang and J. Ning
Granulites & Granulites 2013, Hyderabad, India, 16-20 January 2013
The Pan-African granulites of Madagascar and southern India
I.C.W. Fitzsimons, C. Clark, A. Collins and R. Taylor
Generating TTGs in Nuvvuagittuq Fold Belt: implications for the origin of the Earth’s early continental crust
T. Rushmer Keynote
Implications of Late Archean magmatism and almost coeval high-grade metamorphism in the North China Craton at the Archean/Proterozoic boundary
S.A. Wilde Keynote
37th Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting, Wagga Wagga NSW, Australia, 5-8 February 2013
Polyamorphism: Fact or Fiction?
S. Clark Invited
44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Texas, 18-22 March 2013
What Lunar Zircon Ages Can Tell?
M.L. Grange, A.A. Nemchin, R.T. Pidgeon, R.E. Merle and N.E. Timms
Stratigraphy of the Fra Mauro Formation Defined by U-Pb Zircon Ages of Breccia Samples from Apollo 14 Landing Site
R.E. Merle, A.A. Nemchin, M.L. Grange and M.J. Whitehouse
Constraining the Flux of Impactors Postdating Heavy Bombardment Using U-Pb Ages of Impact Glasses
A.A. Nemchin, M.L. Norman, R.A. Zeigler and M.L. Grange
1950 Ma Annealing of Radiation Damage in a Complex Zircon from an Apollo 15 Breccia
R.T. Pidgeon, M.L. Grange and A.A. Nemchin
Applications of electron backscatter diffraction to lunar and other extraterrestrial samples
N.E. Timms, S.M. Reddy, A.A. Nemchin, M.L. Grange, R.T. Pidgeon, P.A. Bland, G. Benedix, K.A. Dyl, M.-A. Kaczmarek and F. Jourdan
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2013
What lies beneath: Unveiling the fine-scale 3D compositional and thermal structure of the lithosphere and upper mantle
J.C. Afonso Keynote
Evaluating the extent of microbial mediation in volcanic glass alteration by nanoSIMS: Insights from recent and Archean metabasaltic pillow lavas
N. McLoughlin, E.G. Grosch, D. Wacey, M.R. Kilburn, I.H. Thorseth and R.B. Pedersen
Structure of the New England Orocline (eastern Australia): evidence from magnetic fabrics
T. Mochales, G. Rosenbaum, S.A. Pisarevsky and F. Speranza
U-Pb geochronology and paleomagnetism of the Neoproterozoic St Simeon dolerite dykes, Quebec: an eastern Laurentian perspective of Ediacaran Rodinia breakup
S.A. Pisarevsky, J.B. Murphy, M. Hamilton, U. Söderlund and J. Hodych
Lithospheric mantle heterogeneities within the Tibetan Plateau: Results from a geophysical-petrological approach
L. Tunini, I. Jimenez-Munt, M. Fernandez and J.C. Afonso
The post-collisional stage of the Yenisey Ridge orogeny (Siberia): geological, geochemical, geochronological and paleomagnetic data
V.A. Vernikovsky, A.E. Vernikovskaya, A.Y. Kazansky, N.Y. Matushkin, D.V. Metelkin, I.V. Veyalko, Z.-X. Li, M.T.D. Wingate and S. Wilde
International Workshop in Advanced EBSD Techniques, Wollongong, 3 May 2013
EBSD and Numerical Modelling: Current Status, Challenges and Opportunities
S. Piazolo Invited
5th International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, Sydney, 5-10 May 2013
Numerical modelling of textures and recrystallization microstructures in ice with insights from in-situ deformation experiments
L. Evans, S. Piazolo, A. Giera, M. Peternell and C.J.L. Wilson
Dynamic recrystallization at high Th: New insights from in situ neutron diffraction and see-through experiments of polycrystalline ice
S. Piazolo, C. Wilson, V. Luzin, C. Brouzet and M. Peternell
Effect of temperature on the development of microstructures during and after deformation: In-situ experiments and EBSD, Burgers vector and time lapse analysis
S. Piazolo, J. Wheeler and M.R. Drury
The distinction of grain microstructures formed by triple junction kinetics and grain boundary kinetics: Insights from in situ and ex situ experiments in aluminium
S. Piazolo, V.G. Sursaeva and L. Evans
Deformation and recrystallization processes in polycrystalline diamond aggregates: Monitors of mantle processes
S. Piazolo, E. Rubanova, W. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Deformation and recrystallization of ice using in situ experiments
C. Wilson, S. Piazolo, M. Peternell and V. Luzin
Rodinia 2013: Supercontinent Cycles and Geodynamics Symposium, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 20-24 May 2013
Proterozoic Baltica: major stages of block reorganization and supercontinent reconstruction
S.V. Bogdanova, N.V. Lubnina and S.A. Pisarevsky Keynote
Petrology and geochemistry of Proterozoic mafic intrusions in the southern part of the Siberian craton and Proterozoic supercontinents
T.V. Donskaya, D.P. Gladkochub, A.M. Mazukabzov, M.N. Shokhonova and S.A. Pisarevsky
When Siberia broke up from Rodinia? Evidence from detrital zircon geochronology
D.P. Gladkochub, S.A. Pisarevsky, A.M. Stanevich, T.V. Donskaya and A.M. Mazukabzov
New U-Pb age data on detrital zircons from Upper Ediacaran sandstones, south-east White-Sea region: Implications for tectonic models for the Late Ediacaran evolution of the north-eastern margin of the East-European Craton
N.B. Kuznetsov, A.S. Alexeev, E.A. Belousova and T.V. Romanyuk
Neoproterozoic glaciations in a revised global palaeogeography from the breakup of Rodinia to the assembly of Gondwanaland
Z.X. Li, D.A.D. Evans and G.P. Halverson
Australia’s 40° twist during Rodinia breakup and a revised Neoproterozoic global palaeogeography
Z.X. Li and D.A.D. Evans Keynote
Pre-Rodinian supercontinents: how “super” were they?
S.A. Pisarevsky Keynote
FUTORES Noel White Symposium, Townsville, Queensland, 2-5 June 2013
Intra-plate tectonics and melting processes
W. Gorczyk and K. Vogt
Genesis of porphyry Cu deposits in collisional orogens
Y.-J. Lu, R.R. Loucks and M.L. Fiorentini
Multiscale structural controls on mineral systems
T.C. McCuaig
YOM Seismic and MT Workshop, GSWA, June 2013
Numerical modelling of the west Musgrave Province
W. Gorczyk and H. Smithies
MPE2013 Workshop - Recycling Rocks: Understanding Sustainability in a Dynamic Earth, Melbourne, Australia, 5-16 July, 2013
In-situ studies of granular materials under deformation
S. Clark, T. Rushmer, B. Colas, R.L.L. Jones and D.Y. Parkinson Invited
Coupling global systems in geodynamic earth models
C. O’Neill Invited
GSA Biennial Conference of the Specialist Group in Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology, Mission Beach, Queensland, July 14-19 2013
Melting mantle migmatites
S.F. Foley
76th Annual Meeting Of The Meteoritical Society, Edmonton, Canada, 29 July -2 August 2013
Petrology of NWA 7533: Formation by Impacts on Ancient Martian Crust
R.H. Hewins, B. Zanda, M. Humayun, J.-P. Lorand, D. Deldicque, S. Pont, C. Fieni, A. Nemchin, M. Grange, A. Kennedy, C. Göpel and E. Lewin
The Age and Composition of the Martian Crust from NWA 7533
M. Humayun, A. Nemchin, M. Grange, A. Kennedy, B. Zanda, R.H. Hewins, J.-P. Lorand, C. Göpel, E. Lewin, S. Pont and D. Deldicque
U-Pb Ages and Compositions of Apollo 14 Regolith Glasses
M.D. Norman, A.A. Nemchin, M.L. Grange, R.A. Zeigler, M.J. Whitehouse, J.R. Muhling and R.E. Merle
12th SGA Biennial Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, 12-15 August 2013
Compositional diversity in chromitites from Eastern Rhodopes (SE Bulgaria): petrogenesis and tectonic implications
V. Colas, I. Fanlo, F. Gervilla, J.M. Gonzalez-Jimenez and T. Kerestedjian
Multistage mineralization of the giant Obuasi gold deposit, Ghana
D. Fougerouse, S. Micklethwaite, J. Miller, T.C. McCuaig and S. Ulrich
Sulfur degassing and nickel sulfide ore forming process in Archean komatiite volcanoes
C. Isaac, M.L. Fiorentini and B. Wing
The chromite-bearing ultramafic-mafic complexes of the Vizcaíno Peninsula (Baja California Sur, Mexico), revisited for platinum-group minerals
L.A. Jimenez-Galindo, J.M. Gonzalez-Jimenez, A. Camprubi, M. Martini, E. Centeno-Garcia, J.A. Proenza, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Ore dating by Shrimp II proxy analyses, Fe-Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide deposits, Ivrea Verbano Zone, Northern Italy
P. Kollegger, M.L. Fiorentini, F. Zaccarini, G. Garuti and O.A.R. Thalhammer
Potential role of a buoyant CO2 vapour phase in the formation of the Mount Isa copper ore deposit
M. Kühn and K. Gessner
Hydrothermal footprints around magmatic nickel-sulfide deposits: a case study at the Miitel deposit, Yilgarn craton, Western Australia
M. Le Vaillant, M.L. Fiorentini, J. Miller, S.J. Barnes and D. Paterson
Structural framework and evolution of the world class Siguiri orogenic gold district (Guinea, West Africa)
E. Lebrun, J. Miller, N. Thébaud, T.C. McCuaig and S. Ulrich
Geology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Twin Bonanza intrusion-related gold deposit: Implications for a post-collisional lithospheric mantle source for the Granites-Tanami gold province, North Australian Craton
B. Li, L. Bagas and T.C. McCuaig
Zircon multi-isotopic mapping in Wabigoon Subprovince, western Superior Craton: Implications for lithospheric architecture and controls on orogenic gold mineral systems
Y.-J. Lu, T.C. McCuaig, P. Hollings, K. Ketchum, R. Kerrich, M. Smyk, J. Cliff and L. Bagas
Genesis of fertile hydrous adakite-like melts in post-subduction porphyry Cu systems of Tibet
Y.-J. Lu, R.R. Loucks and M.L. Fiorentini
Structural setting and mineralisation of the carbonate hosted Sadiola gold deposit, Mali, West Africa
Q. Masurel, J. Miller, N. Thébaud, T.C. McCuaig and S. Ulrich
The orogenic gold mineral system
T.C. McCuaig and J.M.A. Hronsky Keynote
Intra-cratonic architecture and the localisation of mineral systems
D. Mole, M. Fiorentini, N. Thébaud, T.C. McCuaig, K. Cassidy, C. Kirkland, S. Romano, M. Doublier, E. Belousova and S. Barnes
Crust-mantle interaction and genesis of the Kidston goldrich breccias pipe deposit in north-east Australia: U–Pb, Hf and Os isotope evidence
V. Murgulov, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Age constraints on host rocks for gold mineralisation in the Ashanti Belt, Ghana
L.A. Parra, M.L. Fiorentini, J. Miller, T.C. McCuaig, Y. Bourassa and S. Perrouty
The orogenic and not so orogenic gold deposits of the Agnew Gold Camp (Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia)
N. Thébaud, J. Miller, T.C. McCuaig, L. Fisher and I. Sonntag
Origin of Bushveld magmas via new constraints from Pb-Hf zircon systematic
M. Yudovskaya, J. Kinnaird, E. Belousova, N. Pearson, J. Kramers and D. Kuzmin
Platinum group elements and Re minerals in the magmatic Ni-Fe-Cu sulfide deposits of the Ivrea Verbano Zone (Italy)
F. Zaccarini, G. Garuti, P. Kollegger, O.A.R. Thalhammer and M. Fiorentini
Goldschmidt 2013 Conference, Florence, Italy, 25-30 August 2013
Crystal/melt partitioning of volatiles during near-solidus melting of peridotite
J. Adam, M. Turner, E. Hauri and S. Turner
Multi-observable thermochemical tomography: A new framework in integrated studies of the lithosphere
J.C. Afonso, J. Fullea, J. Connolly, N. Rawlinson, Y. Yang and A.G. Jones Invited
Trace elements in olivine characterize the mantle source of subduction related potassic magmas
E. Ammannati, S.F. Foley, R. Avanzinelli, D.E. Jacob and S. Conticelli
Time-related changes in the Si-isotopic composition of Palaeo- to Mesoarchaean granitoids
K. Abraham, S.F. Foley, A. Hofmann, D. Cardinal, L. André
Ancient fragments in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
L.E. Aradi, C. Szabó, J.-M. González-Jiménez, W. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and K. Hattori
U-Pb and Hf isotope characteristics of zircon from chromitites at Finero
I.Yu. Badanina, K.N. Malitch and E.A. Belousova
Archean andesites as products of plume/crust interaction?
S.J. Barnes, C. Isaac and M.L. Fiorentini
Ore deposits and lithosphere evolution in the early Earth
G.C. Begg, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and J.M.A. Hronsky Keynote
New insights into the history of an ophiolite from zircons
E.A. Belousova, J.M. González-Jiménez, I.T. Graham, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Assimilation of sediments embedded in the oceanic arc crust: myth or reality?
R. Bezard, J.P. Davidson, S. Turner, C.G. Macpherson, J.M. Lindsay and A.J. Boyce
Zircon from Mesoarchean enderbites of Volgo-Uralia: U-Pb age, REE, Hf and O-isotope compositions
S.V. Bogdanova, E.A. Belousova, B. De Waele and A.V. Postnikov
Lithium isotopic composition of the Tonga-Kermadec arc and its constraints on subduction recycling
R. Brens Jr., X.-M. Liu, R. Rudnick, S. Turner and T. Rushmer
Evidence of sulfur degassing in komatiite-hosted Ni-PGE ores
S. Caruso, M. Moroni, C. Isaac, M.L. Fiorentini, S.J. Barnes, B. Wing and J. Cliff
U-Pb geochronology and source constraints for late S-type Variscan magmatism related to Sn-W metallogeny: The Logrosán granite pluton (Central Iberian Zone)
E. Chicharro, C. Villaseca, P. Valverde-Vaquero, E. Belousova and J.A. López-García
The Gangdese batholith, southern Tibet is the largest of the Transhimalayan batholiths produced by the Neo-Tethyan subduction
M.-F. Chu, S.-L. Chung, X.-H. Li, H.-Y. Lee and S.Y. O’Reilly
Garnet, zircon and monazite as monitors of high-temperature metamorphic events: How useful are they?
C. Clark
16O1H signal as an indication of metamict O-contamination in zircon
J. Cliff, R.T. Pidgeon and A.A. Nemchin
Trace-element fingerprints of chromites link ultramafic massifs of the Bulgarian Rhodopes
V. Colas, J.M. González-Jiménez, I. Fanlo, W.L. Griffin, F. Gervilla, S.Y. O’Reilly, N.J. Pearson and T. Kerestedjian
Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotope mapping of Tien Shan in Uzbekistan
A. Dolgopolova, R. Seltmann, R. Armstrong, E. Belousova, R. Pankhurst, D. Konopelko and R. Koneev
A comparison of shocked zircon and quartz from the Reis impact structure, Germany
T.M. Erickson, S.M. Reddy, N.E. Timms and A.A. Nemchin
Li isotopes in zircon: Effects of Li substitution and kinetic fractionation
Y.-Y. Gao, X.-H. Li, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Constraining the nature of the western Azores mantle source using Pb-Hf-Os isotope systematics
F.S. Genske, C. Beier, S.P. Turner, A. Stracke and K.M. Haase
On the origins of Platinum-Group Minerals in ophiolitic chromitites
F. Gervilla, W.L. Griffin, J.M. González-Jiménez, J.A. Proenza, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Direct observations of structures developed on fluorite surfaces after contact with an aqueous solution
J.R.A. Godinho, C.V. Putnis and S. Piazolo
Neo-Archean domains in the Mediterranean and their implications
J.M. González-Jiménez, C. Villaseca, W.L. Griffin, E. Belousova, Z. Konc, E. Ancochea, S.Y. O’Reilly, N.J. Pearson, C.J. Garrido and F. Gervilla
Intra-Plate tectonics and magmatisim as a consequence of mantle lithosphere delamination
W. Gorczyk, K. Vogt, K. and B. Hobbs
A Second Lunar Magma Ocean?
M. Grange and A. Nemchin
Going up or going down? Diamonds and Super-Reducing UHP assemblages in ophiolitic mantle
W.L. Griffin, J.S. Yang, P. Robinson, D. Howell, R.D. Shi, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
“Garnet signature” systematics and the structure of oceanic lithosphere
C.J. Grose and J.C. Afonso
Along-arc geochemical and isotopic variations in Javanese volcanic rocks: ‘Crustal’ versus ‘source’ contamination at the Sunda arc, Indonesia
H. Handley, J. Blichert-Toft, S. Turner, C. Macpherson and R. Gertisser
Nitrogen isotope systematics and origins of mixed-habit diamonds
D. Howell, R.A. Stern, W.L. Griffin, R. Southworth, S. Mikhail, T. Stachel, A.B. Verchovsky, A.P. Jones, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Unmasking enigmatic xenolithic eclogites: Progressive metasomatism on a key Roberts Victor sample
J.-X. Huang, W.L. Griffin, Y. Greau, N.J. Pearson and S.Y. O’Reilly
Deformation mechanisms in Martian Shergottites
M.-A. Kaczmarek, M. Grange, S.M. Reddy and A. Nemchin
High-resolution imaging and quantification of Au in sulphide minerals using NanoSIMS
M.R. Kilburn and R. Liu
Ancient mobilisation of radiogenic Pb and Ti during high-grade metamorphism
M.A. Kusiak, M.J. Whitehouse, S.A. Wilde, D.J. Dunkley, A.A. Nemchin, R. Wirth and K. Marquardt
Mass Transfer of Fluids and Metals in the Deep Earth
M. Locmelis, M.L. Fiorentini, T. Rushmer, J. Adam, F. Zaccarini, G. Garuti, M. Turner and S. Turner
Distinctive Composition and Genesis of Copper Ore-forming Arc Magmas
R.R. Loucks
Speciation and thermodynamic properties of palladium chloride and bisulfide complexes: insights from experiments and ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations
Y. Mei, T.M. Seward, J. Brugger, S.J. Barnes and M.L. Fiorentini
Crustal sources of peraluminous granites: the Montes de Toledo batholith, Iberian Hercynian Belt
E. Merino, C. Villaseca, C. Pérez-Soba, D. Orejana, E. Belousova and T. Andersen
Rates of Natural silica precipitation through time
R. Merle, A. Nemchin, S. Simons, F. Tomaschek and T. Geisler
Trace-element fingerprints of chromites and sulfides from the Archean Nuggihalli greenstone belt, western Dharwar craton, India
R. Mukherjee, S.K. Mondal, J.M. González-Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson and S.Y. O’Reilly
Stabilising a craton: The 3.1 Ga Mpuluzi batholith (Swaziland / RSA)
R.C. Murphy, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson and S.Y. O’Reilly
Fractionation of 238U/235U by reduction during low T uranium mineralisation processes
M.J. Murphy, C.H. Stirling, A. Kaltenbach, S.P. Turner and B.F. Schaefer
Crustal recycling during the Neoarchaean; SE Greenland
T. Næraa and L. Bagas
Zircon U-Pb-ages, Hf isotope and trace element composition in the evolution of the IVAC Complex (Urals, Russia)
I.L. Nedosekova, E.A. Belousova, B.V. Belyatsky and N. Pearson
What does Hadean mantle mixing tell us about Hadean geodynamics?
C. O’Neill, V. Debaille and W.L. Griffin
Archean lithospheric mantle: The fount of all ores?
S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, G.C. Begg, N.J. Pearson and J.M.A. Hronsky Invited
The Thrym Complex of southeastern Greenland: Evolution of Ni-Cu-Sulfide mineralization in the lower crust
J. Owen, L. Bagas, J. Kolb, M.L. Fiorentini, B.M. Stensgaard and N. Thébaud
Mafic potassic volcanics from the Altiplano, South America: indication of a dynamic A-type magma source under construction?
M.J. Pankhurst, B.F. Schaefer and S.P. Turner
New Zircon U-Pb and Hf-isotope data of the Birimian Terrane of the West African craton
L.A. Parra, M.L. Fiorentini, E. Belousova, A.I.S. Kemp, J. Miller, T.C. McCuaig and N. Said
A forward modelling approach to understanding continental growth
J.L. Payne, K.M. Barovich, N.J. Pearson and M. Hand
The hole story about laser ablation ICP-MS
N.J. Pearson, W.J. Powell, K.J. Grant, J.L. Payne, R.C. Murphy, E. Belousova, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly Invited
On the hunt for a Gondwanan suture zone in South India
D. Plavsa, A.S. Collins, J.F. Foden, C. Clark and M. Santosh
Os-isotope constraints on the dynamics of orogenic mantle: the case of central Balkans
D. Prelevic, G. Brugmann, M. Barth, M. Bozovic, V. Cvetkovic and S.F. Foley
Growth medium and carbon source of unusual rounded diamonds from alluvial placers of the North-East of Siberian Platform
A.L. Ragozin, V.S. Shatsky, D.A. Zedgenizov and W.L. Griffin
Origin of Earth’s Earliest Continental Crust: A Combination of Partial Melting and Fractional Crystallization?
T. Rushmer and J. Adam
Heterogeneity of the uppermost mantle in back-arc settings: Insights from trace-element compositions and water contents in Japanese peridotite xenoliths
T. Satsukawa, M. Godard, S. Demouchy and K. Michibayashi
Mobility of Au in the mantle
J.E. Saunders, N.J. Pearson, S.Y. O’Reilly and W.L. Griffin
A Pilot Br Isotopic Study of Arid Playa Lakes and Ordinary Chondrites
B.F. Schaefer
Geodynamic constraints on the recycling of ancient SCLM and genesis of Tibetan diamondiferous ophiolites
R.D. Shi, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, X.R. Zhang, Q.S. Huang, X.H. Gong and L. Ding
Timing of ultra-high temperature (UHT) metamorphism and formation of incipient charnockites in the Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB), southern India
R. Taylor, C. Clark and I.C.W. Fitzsimons
Extremely young melt infiltration of the continental lithospheric mantle
S. Turner and M. Turner
Recycling of water between the mantle and crust/hydrosphere
M. Turner, S. Turner, T. Ireland and J. Adam
Tomography at Single-Atom Scale of 207Pb and 206Pb in a 4374 Ma Zircon
J.W. Valley, T. Ushikubo, A.J. Cavosie, D.A. Reinhard, D. F. Lawrence, I. Martin, D.J. Larson, P.H. Clifton, T.F. Kelly, S.A. Wilde, D.E. Moser and M.J. Spicuzza
Microstructural control on trace element diffusion in pyrrhotite from komatiite hosted massive Ni sulphides, Yilgarn Craton
Z. Vukmanovic, S.M. Reddy, B. Godel, S.J. Barnes, M.L. Fiorentini and S.-J. Barnes
Geochemistry and nano-structure of putative filamentous microbes from the 3.24 Ga Sulfur Springs Group, Pilbara, Western Australia
D. Wacey, M. Saunders, M.R. Kilburn, J.B. Cliff, C. Kong and M.E. Barley
Geochemical fingerprints in Siberian mantle xenoliths reveal progressive erosion of an Archean lithospheric root
K.-L. Wang, Y.-H. Chien, M.I. Kuzmin, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, A. Vorontsov and N.J. Pearson
Lawsonite as a potential repository of Th and REE in subduction zones: Blueschists from Tavsanlı (Turkey)
Y. Wang, D. Prelevic, S. Foley, S. Buhre, T. Johnson and T. Häger
Diamond-forming fluids: The trace-element perspective
Y. Weiss, W.L. Griffin and O. Navon
Delamination of the North China Craton: A widespread phenomenon or a one-off situation?
S.A. Wilde
Multistage refertilization of an Archean peridotite massif, N. Qaidam orogen (NE Tibet, China)
Q. Xiong, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson and J.-P. Zheng
Parental growth media of Siberian diamonds – Relation to kimberlites
D.A. Zedgenizov, A.L. Ragozini, V.S. Shatsky and W.L. Griffin
Building Strong Continents, Metamorphic Studies Group, University of Portsmouth, UK, 2-4 September 2013
Crustal recycling during the Neoarchaean; SE Greenland
T. Næraa and L. Bagas
The Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference, York, UK, 3-6 September 2013
Electron microscopy reveals unique microfossil preservation in 1 billion-year-old lakes
M. Saunders, C. Kong, S. Menon and D. Wacey
6th International Symposium on Hydrocarbon Accumulation Mechanisms and Petroleum Resources Evaluation, Beijing, PR China, 26-28 September 2013
Re-Os dating of the Shengli River marine oil shale, North Tibet: A development method for direct dating crude oil.
X.-C. Wang and J. Li Invited
19th International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics, Leuven, Belgium, 16-18 September 2013
Microstructural evolution of polycrystalline ice using in situ deformation experiments and FAME
M. Peternell, C.J.L. Wilson, M. Dierckx, D.M. Hammes and S. Piazolo Keynote
Dynamics of ice mass deformation: Linking processes to rheology, texture and microstructure
S. Piazolo, C.J.L. Wilson, V. Luzin, C. Brouzet and M. Peternell
Melt migration in the lower crust by melt induced fracturing and reaction: insights from field studies combined with numerical modelling
S. Piazolo, D. Koehn, A. Vass and N. Daczko
The role of reaction progression and annealing on shear localization: Initiation of paired shear zones in the lower crust of Fiordland, New Zealand
S. Piazolo, J. Smith, N. Daczko
Rheology of Dirty Ice: First Results and Future Perspectives
S. Piazolo, C.J.L. Wilson, V. Luzin, C. Brouzet and M. Peternell Invited
Natural constraints on the dynamics of the uppermost mantle evolution during the initial stage of back-arc spreading
T. Satsukawa, T. Mizukami and T. Morishita
13th Australian Space Science Conference, Sydney, 30 September - 2 October 2013
The tectonics of exoplanets
C. O’Neill Keynote
Venusian Admittance and Correlation: Clues to Topographic Compensation Mechanisms and Mantle Dynamics
E. Schinella and C. O’Neill
International Meeting on Precambrian Evolution and Deep Exploration of the Continental Lithosphere, Beijing, PR China, 6-9 October 2013
The World Turns Over: Hadean – Archean crust-mantle evolution
W.L. Griffin, E. Belousova, V. Malkovets, Z. Spetsius, S.Y. O’Reilly, N.J. Pearson and others Keynote
Spurious ages and ancient mobilisation of radiogenic Pb and Ti in zircons from the Napier Complex, Antarctica
M. Kusiak, M.J. Whitehouse, S.A. Wilde, D.J. Dunkley, A. Nemchin, R. Wirth and K. Marquardt
Was Earth stagnant in the Hadean?
C. O’Neill, V. Debaille and W.L. Griffin
A saga of crust-mantle relationships and evolution since Archean times: Geophysical and geochemical evidence tracked in mantle xenoliths from Arctic Norway and Cape Verde (Atlantic Ocean)
S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson and G. Begg Keynote
Thirty years of progress in Precambrian paleomagnetism and continental reconstructions
S. Pisarevsky Invited
What do we really know about conditions in the Hadean?
S. Wilde
The GSA 125th Anniversary Annual Meeting and Expo, Denver, Colorado, USA, 27-30 October 2013
Solving CCW granulite–UHT metamorphism: a model for the tectonic evolution of the Eastern Ghats Province, India–Rayner Province, East Antarctica
M. Brown, C. Clark and F.J. Korhonen
Peridotite-pyroxenite relationships in orogenic peridotites from Liverpool Land, Eastern Greenland caledonides: chemical metasomatism or mechanical mixing?
H. Brueckner, L.G. Medaris Jr., W.L. Griffin, S.M. Johnston, R. Bubbico and E.H. Hartz
Establishing peak temperature in UHT metamorphic terranes
C. Clark, M. Brown, F.J. Korhonen and R. Taylor
Multiple melting events in polycyclic high-T terranes defined using geochemically constrained dating of zircon and monazite
N.M. Kelly, J.A. Matthews, A.R.C. Kylander-Clark, A.E. Koenig, S.L. Harley and C. Clark
Is plate tectonics a phase in the evolution of Earth-like planets?
C. O’Neill Invited
Development of regional stratigraphic frameworks and geological implications in Upper Devonian carbonates using integrated chronostratigraphy, Canning Basin, Western Australia
T.E. Playton, D.A. Katz, K. Hillbun, E. Tohver, R. Hocking, P. Haines, K. Trinajstic, P. Montgomery, J. Hansma and S.A. Pisarevsky
Rare earth element behavior in orthopyroxene, zircon and garnet during UHT metamorphism
R. Taylor, C. Clarke and I.C.W. Fitzsimons
ICE Microstructure, Rheology and Physical Properties, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ, 29-30 October 2013
Dynamics of ice mass deformation: Linking processes to rheology, texture and microstructure
S. Piazolo, C.J.L. Wilson, V. Luzin, C. Brouzet and M. Peternell
Numerical simulation of ice processes
S. Piazolo Invited
Rheology of Dirty Ice: First Results and Future Perspectives
S. Piazolo, C.J.L. Wilson, V. Luzin, C. Brouzet and M. Peternell Invited
IGCP581 4th Annual Meeting, Hanoi, Vietnam, 10-15 November 2013
A thermochronological record of vertical tectonic movements in southern South China since the Mesozoic
N. Tao., Z.-X. Li, M. Danišík, N.J. Evans, Y.G. Xu, W.X. Li and C.J. Pang
South China’s connection with North India in Gondwanaland – Basin and detrital provenance analyses
W.H. Yao, Z.-X. Li, W.X. Li, X.H. Li and J.H. Yang
Swiss Geosciences Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, 15-16 November 2013
Deformation mechanisms in Martian meteorites
M.-A. Kaczmarek, M. Grange, S. Reddy and A. Nemchin
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 9-13 December 2013
The compositions of hydrous fluids in equilibrium with the Peridotitic Mantle
J. Adam, M. Locmelis, M. Fiorentini and T.A. Rushmer
Multi-observable thermochemical tomography of the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the Western/Central US
J.C. Afonso, Y. Yang, N. Rawlinson, D. Schutt, J. Fullea and A.G. Jones
Lower crustal assimilation in oceanic arcs: insights from an osmium isotopic study of the Lesser Antilles
R.C. Bezard, B.F. Schaefer, S. Turner, J. Davidson and D.S. Selby
Constructing a starting 3D shear velocity model with sharp interfaces for SEM-based upper mantle tomography in North America
M. Calo, T. Bodin, H. Yuan, B.A. Romanowicz, C.S. Larmat and M. Maceira
Decarbonation and carbonation processes in the slab and mantle wedge – insights from thermomechanical modeling
C.M. Gonzalez, W. Gorczyk, J.A. Connolly, T. Gerya, B.E. Hobbs and A. Ord
Majorite Garnet and Lithosphere Evolution: Kaapvaal Craton
W.L. Griffin, S. Tessalina and S.Y. O’Reilly Invited
Garnet Signatures in Geophysical and Geochemical Observations: Insights into the Thermo-Petrological Structure of Oceanic Upper Mantle
C.J. Grose and J.C. Afonso
Molecular marker and stable carbon isotope analyses of carbonaceous Ambassador uranium ores of Mulga Rock in Western Australia
C. Jaraula, L. Schwark, X. Moreau, K. Grice and L. Bagas
The crustal structure in north Tibet revealed by joint inversion of receiver functions and ambient noise tomography: implications for the growth of the Tibetan Plateau
C. Jiang, Y. Yang and Y. Zheng
Fluid percolation within an ocean-continent transition
M.-A. Kaczmarek and S.M. Reddy
Isotropic and anisotropic shear velocity model of the NA upper mantle using EarthScope data
J. Leiva, P. Clouzet, S.W. French, H. Yuan and B.A. Romanowicz
Upper Mantle Texture Patterns In Eastern North America From Seismic Anisotropy And Global Mantle Flow Calculations
V.L. Levin, R. Moucha and H. Yuan
The effect of grain boundary sliding on the rheology of polymineralic rocks: Nature and numerical experiments
J.M. Nevitt, S. Piazolo, L. Evans and V.G. Toy
Was the Hadean Earth stagnant? Constraints from dynamic mixing models
C. O’Neill, V. Debaille and W.L. Griffin
Geochemical Evolution of cratonic lithospheric mantle: A 3.6 Ga story of persistence and transformation
S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin and N.J. Pearson Invited
Developing and testing models for creep of polycrystalline ice: new laboratory approaches
D.J. Prior, T.E. Caswell, W.B. Durham, N. Golding, D.L. Goldsby, K. Lilly, S. Piazolo, M. Seidemann, M. Vaughan and C. Wilson
Source stacking for numerical wavefield computations: application to continental and global scale seismic mantle tomography
B.A. Romanowicz, S.W. French, F. Rickers and H. Yuan
Chondrules as Natural Analogs for Metal Segregation: Analyses from 3D Synchrotron Imaging
T.A. Rushmer, S.M. Clark and D. Parkinson
An N-TIMS Br Isotopic Study of Australian Playa Lakes
B.F. Schaefer
From Gabbro to Granulite to Kyanite- and bimineralic Eclogite: A petrological, geochemical and mass balance approach to mantle eclogites
H. Sommer and D. Jacob
Looking at the roots of the highest mountains: the lithospheric structure of the Himalaya-Tibet and the Zagros orogens. Results from a geophysical-petrological study
L. Tunini, I. Jimenez-Munt, M. Fernandez, A. Villasenor, J.C. Afonso and J. Verges
Mantle flow, volatiles, slab-surface temperatures and melting dynamics in the north Tonga Arc – Lau Backarc Basin
S. Turner, J. Caulfield, R.J. Arculus, C.W. Dale, F.E. Jenner, J.A. Pearce, C. Macpherson and H.K. Handley
Interactions among plumes, mantle circulation and mid-ocean ridges
J.M. Whittaker, S. Williams, S.M. Masterton, J.C. Afonso, M. Seton, T.C. Landgrebe, M.F. Coffin and D. Müller
Modelling terrestrial planet evolution with practical mineral physics and mantle-core coupling
S. Zhang and C. O’Neill
Imaging lithosphere structures using long period surface waves from ambient noise: a case study in western USA
Y. Yang
The collision of South China with NW India to join Gondwanaland in the Cambrian: Provenance constraints from foreland basins
W. Yao, Z.-X. Li, W. Li, X.-H. Li and J. Yang
Azimuthal anisotropy layering in the Pacific upper mantle
H. Yuan, S.W. French and B.A. Romanowicz
Evidence for large sulfur isotope fractionation in carbonate hosted Neoarchean pyrites
I. Zhelezinskaia, A.J. Kaufman, J. Farquhar and J. Cliff
Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology bi-annual conference, Waratah Bay, Victoria, 29 January - 4 February 2012
The relationship between microstructure, metasomatism and hydrogen incorporation in deformed mantle olivine
E. Gray, S. Reddy, K.E. Evans, N.E. Timms and B. McInnes
The role of serpentinisation in fault stress and long-term deformation in the Java-Sumatra subduction system
C. O’Neill and J.C. Afonso
Serpentinite deformation in subducting plates and implications for seismic anisotropy in supra subduction zone environments: Cause and effects of deformation in the lithosphere
S. Reddy, J. Bridges, M.-A. Kaczmarek, C. Clark and D. Healy
Deformation of the lithosphere by impact events: what we can learn from zircon microstructure
N. Timms, S. Reddy, D. Healy, A. Nemchin, M. Grange, R. Pidgeon and R. Hart
22nd Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis (ACMM 22), - ACMM 22 / APMC 10 / ICONN 2012, Perth, Australia, 5-9 February 2012
Practical isotope ratio analysis using SIMS
J.B. Cliff Invited
The understanding of mantle shearing with EBSD
M.-A. Kaczmarek
Chemical and isotopic imaging at the sub-micron scale with NanoSIMS
M.R. Kilburn Invited
Assessment of electron backscatter diffraction as a radiation damage probe
N.E. Timms, M.L. Grange, A.A. Nemchin, T. Geisler-Wierwille, S.M. Reddy, R.T. Pidgeon and R. Hart
Scanning ion imaging - an underutilised yet potent tool in SIMS U-Pb zircon geochronology
M. Whitehouse, C. Fedo, M. Kusiak and A. Nemchin Invited
Unravelling Early Earth Evolution through Microanalysis of Zircon
S. Wilde Invited
The 10th International Kimberlite Conference, Bangalore, India, 6-11 February
Petrological inferences for the role of exsolution in upper mantle: evidence from the Yakutian Kimberlite xenoliths
T.A. Alifirova, L.N. Pokhilenko, V.G. Malkovets and W.L. Griffin
Petrology, bulk-rock geochemistry, indicator mineral composition, and zircon U-PB geochronology of the end-Cretaceous diamondiferous Mainpur Orangeites, Bastar Craton, central India
N.V. Chalapathi Rao, B. Lehmann, E. Belousova, D. Frei and D. Mainkar
Petrogenesis of composite xenoliths from alkaline basalts (west Sangilen, Russia)
A.A. Gibsher, V.G. Malkovets, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Pyrope garnet from the El Kseibat area, Algeria and lithosphere beneath the north-eastern part of the West African Craton
M. Kahoui, Y. Mahdjoub, M. Chabane, E. Belousova, W.L. Griffin and F.V. Kaminsky
Late metasomatic addition of garnet to the SCLM: Os-isotope evidence
V.G. Malkovets, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson, D.I. Rezvukhin, S.Y. O’Reilly, N.P. Pokhilenko, V.K. Garanin, Z.V. Spetsius and K.D. Litasov
Lithosphere mantle structure beneath the Nakyn Kimberlite Field, Yakutia
V.G. Malkovets, W.L. Griffin, N.P. Pokhilenko, S.Y. O’Reilly, A.I. Dak, A.V. Tolstov, I.V. Serov, I.S. Bazhan and D.V. Kuzmin
Tables vs. benches: Trace elements in fibrous diamonds
O. Navon, W.L. Griffin and Y. Weiss
Mineral inclusions in pyropes from some kimberlite pipes of Yakutia
D.I. Rezvukhin, V.G. Malkovets, A.A. Gibsher, D.V. Kuzmin, W.L. Griffin, N.P. Pokhilenko and S.Y. O’Reilly
Heterogeneous mantle beneath Lunda area in Angola
S.E. Robles-Cruz, S. Galía, M. Escayola and J.C. Melgarejoa
Geochemistry and microstructure of diamondites
E.V. Rubanova, W.L. Griffin, S. Piazolo, S.Y. O’Reilly, T. Stachel, R. Stern and A.C. Birnie
High-Mg carbonatitic HDFS, kimberlites and the SCLM
Y. Weiss, W.L. Griffin, D.R. Bell and O. Navon
Fluid microinclusions in monocrystalline diamonds
Y. Weiss, I. Kiflawi, W.L. Griffin and O. Navon
GSWA Open Day, Fremantle, 23 Feb 2012
A multi-isotopic approach to the crustal evolution of the west Musgrave Province
C.L. Kirkland, R.H. Smithies, A. Woodhouse, M.T.D. Wingate, M.H. Howard, J. Cliff and E.A. Belousova
108th Annual GSA meeting, Cordillera Section, Querétaro, Mexico, 29-31 March 2012
Metallogenic and tectonomagmatic evolution of Mexico during the Mesozoic: a review and new insights
A. Camprubí, M. Martini, J.M. González-Jiménez, E. González-Partida, J.A. Proenza, E. Centeno-García, E. Fitz-Díaz, M. Valencia-Moreno, A. Izaguirre and A. Iriondo
A Mesozoic back-arc in the Guerrero Composite Terrane (Mexico): evidence from trace elements and Re-Os isotopes in podiform chromitites from Loma Baya
J.M. González-Jiménez, A. Camprubí, W.L. Griffin, E. Centeno-García, S.Y. O’Reilly, M. Martini, J.A. Proenza and N.J. Pearson
Joint 5th MSCC & 3rd CEMC 2012, Miskolc, Hungary, 19–21 April 2012
Distribution of platinum-group elements in upper mantle xenoliths from the Carpathian-Pannonian region
L. Aradi, K. Hattori, W. Griffin, S. O’Reilly, A. Szabó and Cs. Szabó
New U–Pb dating and Hf-isotope composition of the Gornjane Granitoids (South Carpathians, east Serbia)
N. Vaskovi, E. Belousova, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, D. Srekovi-Batoanin, G. Christofides and A. Coroneos
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22-27 April 2012
The compositional and thermal structure of the lithosphere from thermodynamically-constrained multi-observable probabilistic inversion
J.C. Afonso, J. Fullea, Y. Yang, A.G. Jones, W.L. Griffin, J.A.D. Connolly, S.Y. O’Reilly and S. Lebedev Keynote
Petro-geochemical constraints for origin of pyroxenites xenoliths associated with mantle peridotites from Adrar N’ajjer caenozoic volcanics (NE Ahaggar, Algerian Sahara)
F. Ait-Hamou, R. Laloui, M. Gregoire, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, G. Ceuleneer and H. Afafiz
Li isotopic constraints from the Erro-Tobbio serpentinites on Alpine subduction processes
M.-F. Chu, M. Scambelluri, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
A 1-Ga history of melting in the western Mediterranean Subcontinetal Lithospheric Mantle recorded in chromitites from the Ojén Ultramafic Massif (SW Spain)
J.M. González-Jiménez, C. Marchesi, W.L. Griffin, R. Gutiérrez-Narbona, J.-P. Lorand, S.Y. O’Reilly, C.J. Garrido, F. Gervilla and N.J. Pearson
40Ar/39Ar dating of unusual minerals (tourmaline, K-richterite, yimengite, wadeite and priderite) and applicability to the geological record
F. Jourdan, E. Thern, S.A. Wilde and L. Frewer
Carbon flux from plants to soil microbes is highly sensitive to nitrogen addition and biochar amendment
C. Kaiser, Z.M. Solaiman, M.R. Kilburn, P.L. Clode, L. Fuchslueger, M. Koranda and D.V. Murphy
Provenance and evolution of the western Mediterranean lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern Betics (S. Spain): insights from in-situ analyses of Os isotopes and platinum-group elements in sulphides from the Tallante mantle xenoliths
Z. Konc, C. Marchesi, C.J. Garrido, J.M. González-Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, O. Alard, K. Hidas, S.Y. O’Reilly and N. Pearson
The Seismic Structure of the Mantle Wedge under Cascade Volcanoes, Northwestern U.S.A.
A. Levander, K. Liu, R. Porritt, R. Allen and Y. Yang
Zircon and baddeleyite from the economic ultramafic-mafic Noril’sk-1 intrusion (Russia): Hf-isotope constraints on source composition
K.N. Malitch, E.A. Belousova, I.Y. Badanina and W.L. Griffin
Paleomagnetism of the 1210 Ma Gnowangerup-Fraser dyke swarm, Western Australia
S.A. Pisarevsky, Z. X. Li, M.T.D. Wingate and E. Tohver
New geochronological ages (U-Pb/Lu-Hf) from high-pressure rocks of the Escambray terrane and Santa Clara serpentinite mélange, central Cuba. Regional correlations and geodynamic implications
Y. Rojas-Agramonte, A. García-Casco, A. Kröner, D. Herwartz, A. Ibis Despaigne and S. Wilde
Two types of Archean continental crust: plume and plate tectonics on early Earth
M.J. Van Kranendonk Eminent speaker
The stepwise growth of tectonic plates across Earth’s evolving supercontinent cycle
M.J. Van Kranendonk and C.L. Kirkland
Scandem 2012 Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Soc., Bergen, Norway, 12-15 June 2012
Electron Microscopy of Early Cellular Life
D. Wacey, N. McLoughlin, M. Saunders and M. Brasier
12th International Ni-Cu-(PGE) Symposium, Guiyang, China, 16-17 June 2012
Use and Calibration of portable X-Ray fluorescence analyzers: case studies from komatiite-hosted nickel-sulfide deposits of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
M. Le Vaillant, M.L. Fiorentini, L. Fisher, S.J. Barnes and S. Caruso
Microstructural control on trace element distribution in komatiite hosted Ni sulphide deposits, Yilgarn Craton (Western Australia)
Z. Vukmanović, S.J. Barnes, S.M. Reddy and M.L. Fiorentini
Workshop: The Role of Metasomatism in Geological Processes, Montreal, Canada, 23 June 2012
Mantle Metasomatism: Characteristics, scale and distribution, and geodynamic significance
S.Y. O’Reilly and W.L. Griffin Invited
22nd Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Montréal, Canada, June 24-29 2012
Links between tectonics and life, 4.0 to 2.3 Ga and the rise of oxygen
M.E. Barley
The early formation of the continental crust: constraints from zircon Hf-isotope data
E.A. Belousova, W.L. Griffin, Y.A. Kostitsyn, N.J. Pearson, G. Begg and S.Y. O’Reilly
How does the continental crust get really hot?
C. Clark, I.C.W. Fitzsimons and D. Healy
Igneous and metamorphic garnet-clinopyroxene assemblages in eclogite and granulite, Breaksea Orthogneiss, New Zealand: major and rare earth element characteristics
G.L. Clarke, N.R. Daczko and D. Miescher
O isotopes in the Azores: mantle melting versus AFC
F.S. Genske, C. Beier, S. Krumm, K.M. Haase and S.P. Turner
Apollo 15 zircons reveal age of young impact
M.L. Grange, A.A. Nemchin, R.T. Pidgeon and C. Meyer
The end of the Hadean: The world turns over
W.L. Griffin, V. Malkovets, E.A. Belousova, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
LA-ICP-MS analysis on spinel from chromitites of different tectonic settings: their contrasted minor- and trace-elements compositions
J.M. González-Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, M. Locmelis, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Magmatic degassing in contrasting volcanic systems of the Vanuatu arc: constraints from uranium-series isotopes
H. Handley, S. Turner, M. Reagan, G. Girard and S. Cronin
PGE abundances in upper mantle xenoliths from the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
K. Hattori, C. Szabo, W. Griffin, S. O’Reilly and L. Elod Aradi
High-resolution chemostratigraphy of the 2.46 Ga Joffre banded iron formation, Western Australia: implications for the hydrosphere-atmosphere-lithosphere in the early Palaeoproterozoic
R. Haugaard, E. Pecoits, S.V. Lalonde, N. Aubet, M.J. Van Kranendonk and K.O. Konhauser
Trace element partitioning in mixed-habit diamonds
D. Howell, W.L. Griffin, W. Powell, P. Wieland, N. Pearson and S.Y. O’Reilly
A Tertiary record of Australian plate motion from ages of diamondiferous alkalic intrusions
B. McInnes, N. Evans, F. Jourdan, B. McDonald, J. Gorter, C. Mayers and S. Wilde
Microstructures in lunar zircon: key to interpretation of U-Pb ages
A.A. Nemchin, M.L. Grange, N.E. Timms and R.T. Pidgeon
Development and application of LA-ICP-MS in the geosciences: past, present and future
N.J. Pearson, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly Keynote
The geochemical features of the garnets from peridotites of Udachnaya pipe (Yakutia)
L. Pokhilenko, V. Malkovets, A. Agashev and W. Griffin
Origin of silicic magmas in the primitive, intra-oceanic Tongan arc
T. Rushmer, S. Turner, J. Caulfield, M. Turner, S. Cronin and I.E. Smith
Recycling of ancient SCLM constraints on the genesis of the Tethys ophiolitic podiform chromitites in Tibet
R. Shi, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, Q.S. Huang, X.R. Zhang and L. Ding
Mantle flow, slab-surface temperatures and melting dynamics in the north Tonga arc–Lau Basin
S. Turner, J. Caulfield, R. Arculus, C. Dale, N. Keller, J. Pearce and C. Macpherson
Implications of unsupported radiogenic Pb in ancient zircon
M. Whitehouse, M. Kusiak and A. Nemchin
What can zircon really tell us about Earth’s earliest crustal evolution?
M. Whitehouse and A. Nemchin Keynote
Pre-Late Heavy Bombardment terrestrial crust: review of the zircon evidence for its nature and origin
S.A. Wilde Invited
Sr isotopic composition of pore water of shelf cores from IODP Expedition 317: Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
T. Yoshimura, H. Kawahata, M. Tanimizu, S.C. George, J.S. Lipp and G.E. Claypool
XXXII Reunión SEM, Bilbao, Spain, 27-30 June 2012
Factors controlling chromite alteration: Example from Kosturino, SE Bulgaria
V. Colás, F. Gervilla, I. Fanlo, T. Kerestedjian, I. Sergeeva, J.M. González-Jiménez and E. Arranz
Back-arc origin for chromitites of the Dobromirtsi Ultramafic Massif
J.M. González-Jiménez, V. Colás, I. Sergeeva, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, F. Gervilla, T. Kerestedjian, I. Fanlo, M. Locmelis, N. Pearson and E. Belousova
Geochemistry of Mineral Deposits, Gordon Conference, New Hampshire, USA, 15-20 July 2012
Preliminary Craton wide geochronology and geochemistry of the Leo Man shield, West Africa
L.A. Parra, D.R. Mole, N. Said, T.C. McCuaig and M.L. Fiorentini
Lithosphere architecture and the role of the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle in mineral deposits
N. Pearson
34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, 5-10 August 2012
Crustal structure of a latest Mesoproterozoic intracontinental rift— the Ngaangatyarra Rift (Giles Event), central Australia
A.R.A. Aitken, R.H. Smithies, M.C. Dentith, A. Joly, H.M. Howard, S. Evans, T.C. McCuaig and I.M. Tyler
The Australian Seismometers in Schools project: educating students in earth shaking science
N. Balfour, M. Sambridge and C. O’Neill
The first multiple sulphur isotope evidence for a 2.9 Ga Mesoarchean sulphate reservoir linked to a major volcanic even
M. Barley, S. Golding and M. Fiorentini
The lithosphere, geodynamics and Archean mineral systems
G.C. Begg, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and L. Natapov
Zircon Hf-isotope record for the evolution of the Continental crust since 4.5 Ga
E. Belousova, W.L. Griffin, Y. Kostitsyn, G. Begg and S.Y. O’Reilly Invited
Tectonic mode switches at the Australian Mesoproterozoic Boundary — tectonic events at the same scale lengths as modern tectonic systems
P. Betts, R. Armit, J. Stewart and B. Schaefer
UHT metamorphism in Peninsular India: a consequence of anomalous enrichment in heat producing elements?
C. Clark, F. Korhonen, R. Taylor, M. Hand and A. Collins
Igneous and metamorphic garnet-clinopyroxene assemblages in eclogite and granulite, Breaksea Orthogneiss, New Zealand: major and rare earth element characteristics
G. Clarke, N. Daczko and D. Miescher
LA-ICP-MS analysis on chromite: a guide for the geodynamic setting of formation of ultramafic massifs in the Bulgarian Rhodopes
V. Colás, J.M. González-Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, M. Locmelis, F. Gervilla, S.Y. O’Reilly, N.J. Pearson, I. Fanlo, T.N. Kerestedjian and I. Sergeeva
Earth’s changing thermal regime between 3 and 2.5 Ga: a primary control of planetary evolution?
K. Condie and C. O’Neill
Integrating geophysics with mapping — defining a new volcano-sedimentary belt, Mali, West Africa
J. Davis, J. Miller, T.C. McCuaig, L. Parra, N. Said, J. Tunjic and E. Baltis
Full-waveform synthetic seismograms for evaluating seismic proxies for the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary
D. Eaton, C. Hogan, J.C. Afonso and J. Tromp
Dating the geological history of the northwestern North American Plate: Re-Os isotopic analyses of sulfides from western Yukon ultramafic complexes
M.P. Escayola, J.M. González-Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, J. Proenza, N. Pearce, D. Murphy, C. van Staal and S.Y. O’Reilly
Banded iron formation to iron ore: implications for the evolution of Earth environments
K.A. Evans, T.C. McCuaig, D. Leach, T. Angerer and S.G. Hagemann
A record of life in changing Neoarchean environments of the Fortescue Group, Pilbara region, Western Australia
D. Flannery, Y. Hoshino, M. Walter, M. Van Kranendonk and S. George
Low-18O Suzhou A-type granite revisited: Uranium influences in-situ zircon Oxygen-isotope Analyses
Y.-Y. Gao, X.-H. Li and S.Y. O’Reilly
Biomarkers in offshore Canterbury Basin sediments, New Zealand: organic matter input and thermal maturity
S.C. George, E. Teague, J.S. Lipp, T. Yoshimura and G.E. Claypool
Os isotopes in mantle-derived minerals: what can they really tell us?
J.M. González-Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, N.J. Pearson, F. Gervilla and C. Marchesi
Topographic response to development of Rayleigh-Taylor instability at the base of the mantle lithosphere
W. Gorczyk, B. Hobbs, K. Gessner, A. Ord, T. Gerya and R. Korsch
Intra-plate melt intrusion as a consequence of Rayleigh-Taylor instability
W. Gorczyk, K. Vogt, T. Gerya and B. Hobbs
New REE data from Apollo 14 and 17 zircons
M. Grange, A. Nemchin and M. Whitehouse
The end of the Hadean: a global revolution
W.L. Griffin, V. Malkovets, E.A. Belousova, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Late Devonian carbonate magnetostratigraphy from the south Oscar Range, Lennard Shelf, Western Australia
J. Hansma, E. Tohver, M. Yan, K. Trijnastic, T. Playton, S.A. Pisarevsky, J.L Kirschvink, K. Hillbun, D.P. Ward, P.W. Haines and R. Hocking
Investigating the syngeneity and paleobiology of hydrocarbon biomarkers in the Fortescue Group at 2.7–2.8 Ga
Y. Hoshino, D. Flannery, M. Walter and S. George
Trace element partitioning in mixed-habit diamonds
D. Howell, W. Griffin, W. Powell, P. Wieland, N. Pearson and S. O’Reilly
Multi-stage origin of Roberts Victor eclogites: progressive metasomatism
J.-X. Huang, W.L. Griffin, Y. Gréau, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Formation of Jurassic high-K granitoids in the Nanling Range of southern China by reworking of supracrustal rocks by mantle-derived magmas
H.-Q. Huang, X.-H. Li, Z.-X. Li and W.-X. Li
Placement of the Guadalupian-Lopingian (Capitanian-Wuchiapingian) boundary in the Permian of eastern Australia
M.H. Huyskens, J. Crowley, R.S. Nicoll and I. Metcalfe
Multiple sulphur isotopes record degassing in komatiite hosted nickel systems during Emplacement
C. Isaac, B. Wing and M. Fiorentini
Distribution of sulfur reservoirs through the Archean in the North Eastern Goldfields, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia and their significance for nickel sulfide formation in komatiites
C. Isaac, M. Fiorentini, B. Wing, S. Golding and M. Barley
Late Archean crustal accretion patterns and continental growth in the Eastern Dharwar Craton: constraints from SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages and whole rock geochemistry
M. Jayananda, M.A. Kusiak, K. Sekhamo, S.A. Wilde and R.V. Gireesh
An experimental investigation of primitive magmas from the Kermadec Arc
A. Jennings, T. Rushmer, J. Adam and S. Turner
High-resolution lithosphere structure beneath the North China Craton from teleseismic Rayleigh wave tomography
M. Jiang, Y. Ai, L. Chen and Y. Yang
4D integrative-approach for target generation in the west Musgrave Province
A. Joly, A. Aitken, M. Dentith, A. Porwal, H. Smithies, S. Evans, I. Tyler and C. McCuaig
Emplacement of ophiolite in Papua New Guinea: new field data
L. Jonda, M.A. Kaczmarek, H. Davies and F. Boudier
Two collisions, two sutures: punctuated pre-1950 Ma assembly of the West Australian Craton during the Ophthalmian and Glenburgh Orogenies
S.P. Johnson, S. Sheppard, A.M. Thorne, B. Rasmussen, M.T.D. Wingate, C.L. Kirkland, J.R. Muhling, I.R. Fletcher and E. Belousova
Synchronicity between the Kalkarindji large igneous province and the Early-Middle Cambrian Extinction
F. Jourdan, K. Hodges, B. Sell, U. Schaltegger, M. Wingate, L. Evins, U. Söderlund, P. Haines and D. Phillips
The Marum Ophiolite Complex (Papua New Guinea): the origin of depleted peridotite
M.-A. Kaczmarek, L. Jonda, H. Davies and F. Boudier
Mantle deformation during rifting in East Africa (Marsabit – Kenya)
M.-A. Kaczmarek and S.M. Reddy
Late Permian-Early Triassic palynology of the Bowen and Sydney basins: more CA-IDTIMS isotopic ages
T.E. Kelly, D. Mantle, C.B. Foster, R.S. Nicoll, I. Metcalfe, J. Crowley and R. Mundil
Long-lived ultrahigh temperature (UHT) metamorphism in the Eastern Ghats orogenic belt (India): constraints from zircon and monazite geochronology
F.J. Korhonen, C. Clark, M. Brown and S. Bhattacharya
Provenance and formation model of Ti-Zr placers of Murray basin (southeastern Australia) from SHRIMP data on dating recrystallization crystalsA. Kremenetskiy and E. Belousova
Ion imaging of Pb isotopes illuminates complexity of zircon geochronology
M.A. Kusiak, M.J. Whitehouse, S.A. Wilde and A.A. Nemchin
Late Neoproterozoic granitoid magmatism in the southernmost section of the Dom Feliciano Belt, Uruguay
P. Lara, P. Oyhantcabal and K. Dadd
Crustal and upper mantle velocity structure in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau
H. Li, Y. Yang, Z. Huang, M. Gong, X. Li, Y. Shen, D. Shi, E. Sandvol and A. Li
Geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Triassic granitoids from Beishan, NW China
S. Li, T. Wang, S.A. Wilde, Y. Tong and D. Hang
Coupled supercontinent-superplume cycles and the geodynamic driving force: an overview
Z.-X. Li
Large-scale and rapid vertical continental movements due to the eclogisation of a flat-subducted oceanic plateau in Mesozoic south China
Z.-X. Li, C. Pang, G.E. Batt, W.-X. Li and Y. Xu
Quantifying spatial relationships between gold mineralisation and relevant control factors, St Ives Goldfield, Western Australia
Y. Liu, Z.-X. Li, G. West, C. Laukamp and S. Gardoll
Laser ablation ICP-MS analysis of ruthenium in chromite — a new tool in the exploration for komatiite-hosted nickel-sulphide deposits
M. Locmelis, M.L. Fiorentini, S.J. Barnes and N.J. Pearson
Geochemical, Sr-Nd-Pb, and zircon Hf-O isotopes of Cenozoic K-adakitic and shoshonitic granitoid rocks in Western Yunnan, SW China: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications
Y.J. Lu, T.C. McCuaig, R. Kerrich and Z.Q. Hou
Managing uncertainty in exploration targeting
T.C. McCuaig, A. Porwal, A. Joly and A. Ford
Cratonic source codes: a new tool in Archean plate reconstructions?
N. McNaughton, D. Srinivasa Sarma, M. Ram Mohan, I. Fletcher, C. Gregory, B. Krapez, B. Rasmussen and S. Wilde
Occurrence of inherited supra-subduction zone mantle in the oceanic lithosphere as inferred from mantle xenoliths from Dragon Seamount (southern Tore-Madeira Rise)
R. Merle, M.A. Kaczmarek, E. Tronche and J. Girardeau
Unravelling New England Orogen by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility studies
T. Mochales, G. Rosenbaum, F. Speranza and S. Pisarevsky
Nickel mineral systems within an evolving Archean craton
D.R. Mole, M.L. Fiorentini, N. Thebaud, T.C. McCuaig, K.F. Cassidy, C.L. Kirkland, S. Romano, M. Doublier, E.A. Belousova and S.J. Barnes
Wordian (Middle Permian) U-Pb CA-IDTIMS isotopic ages from the Lightjack Formation, Canning Basin, Western Australia
A.J. Mory, J. Crowley, R.S. Nicoll, I. Metcalfe, D. Mantle, R. Mundil and J. Backhouse
Il’meno-Vishnevogorsky Alkaline Complex (IVAC) from Urals, Russia: age, sources and origin
I. Nedosekova, E. Belousova and B. Belyatsky
U-Pb systematics of glass beads from lunar soils
A. Nemchin, M. Grange, M. Whitehouse and M. Norman
Using high precision CA-IDTIMS zircon age determinations to interpret correlation and depositional rates in Permian coal sediments of the Sydney, Gunnedah and Bowen basins
R.S. Nicoll, I. Metcalfe, J. Crowley, M. Ives and J.R. Laurie
A 4.2 billion year old impact basin on the Moon
M. Norman and A. Nemchin
Deep Earth recycling in the Hadean
C. O’Neill Keynote
Plate tectonics: a phase a planet goes through?
C. O’Neill
Tracking coupling and decoupling during lithosphere evolution with geochemistry and geochronology: a case history from arctic Norway
S. O’Reilly, W. Griffin, N. Nikolic and N. Pearson Invited
Sedimentary facies analysis of a latest Triassic to early Jurassic shallow marine deltaic succession in northern Guangdong Province, south China: consequence of eclogisation and foundering of a flat-slab?
C. Pang, Z.-X. Li and Y. Xu
Advances in in-situ Re-Os isotope ratio measurements by LA-MC-ICP-MS
N. Pearson, W. Griffin and S. O’Reilly
Comparative early history of the Moon and the Earth: zircon geochronological evidence
R. Pidgeon, A. Nemchin, M. Grange and C. Meyer
India in Nuna – possibilities and problems
S. Pisarevsky and Z.-X. Li
Calibration of a Sydney Gunnedah Basin thermal model and insights into the Bowen Basin
S. Quenette, L. Moresi, C. Danis and C. O’Neill
Do externally-derived fluids influence the large-scale reactivation of continental interiors?
T. Raimondo, C. Clark, M. Hand, J. Cliff and R. Anczkiewicz
Zircon deformation and its affect on chronometry, thermometry and fluid-rock interaction
S.M. Reddy and N.E. Timms Keynote
Mantle wedge olivine or subducting slab serpentinite: what is responsible for supra-subduction zone seismic anisotropy?
S.M. Reddy, E. Gray, J. Bridges, D. Healy and M.A. Kaczmarek Keynote
Geochemistry of diamondiferous eclogites from Udachnaya Pipe, Siberia
E.V. Rubanova, W.L. Griffin, Z.V. Spetsius, S.Y. O’Reilly, N.J. Pearson, R. Stern, T. Stachel and J. Cliff
Geochemistry and microstructure of diamondites
E.V. Rubanova, W.L. Griffin, S. Piazolo, S.Y. O’Reilly, N.J. Pearson, R. Stern, T. Stachel and J. Cliff
When a bolide hits a world class Pb/Zn deposit: new insights into the Lawn Hill impact structure
J.A. Salisbury, A.G. Tomkins and B.F. Schaefer
U-Pb ages and Hf-isotope systematics of detrital zircons from the Gadag Greenstone Belt: implications for the Archaean crustal growth processes in the western Dharwar Craton, India
D.S. Sarma, N. McNaughton, E. Belousova, M. Ram Mohan and I. Fletcher
Gold mobility in the mantle: constraints from sulfides in variably metasomatised peridotites
J.E. Saunders, N.J. Pearson, S.Y. O’Reilly and W.L. Griffin
Constraining deformational processes on Venus from rheology and lithospheric structure
E. Schinella, C. O’Neill and J.C. Afonso
Detrital zircon record of Cretaceous sedimentary basins on the Jiamusi Block and Sikhote-Alin accretionary complex, NE China
M.-D. Sun, H.-L. Chen, S.A. Wilde, Z.-X. Li, F.-Q. Zhang and M.-N. A Invited
SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronological, geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic study of a mid-Cretaceous bimodal composite dyke complex in the Jiamusi Block, NE China, and its geodynamic implication
M.-D. Sun, H.-L. Chen, F.-Q. Zhang, S.A. Wilde, C.-W. Dong and S.-F. Yang
Constraining paleo-latitudes of rocks from Christmas Island
R. Taneja, C. O’Neill, P. Schmidt and T. Rushmer
Timing of ultra-high temperature (UHT) metamorphism from zircon, monazite and garnet in Kerala, southern India
R. Taylor, C. Clark, S.L. Harley and I.C.W. Fitzsimons
Origin of depleted mantle xenoliths from South Africa
S. Tessalina, W. Griffin and S. O’Reilly
Deformation of the lithosphere by impact events: what we can learn from zircon microstructure
N.E. Timms, S.M. Reddy, D. Healy, A.A. Nemchin, M.L. Grange, R.T. Pidgeon and R. Hart
Deep structures of the Alpine-Himalaya collision in the Zagros Mountains and Tibetan Plateau: a combined geophysical and petrological study
L. Tunini, I. Jiménez-Munt, M. Fernàndez, J. Vergés and J.C. Afonso
Coal degradation in anaerobic sediments associated with acid mine drainage
J. van Holst, D.J. Midgley, L. Stalker, M. Gillings and S.C. George
Earth’s evolving supercontinent cycle: a planetary driver of environmental change
M.J. Van Kranendonk and C.L. Kirkland
3 Ga onset of the supercontinent cycle and modern-style subduction and hydrological weathering
M.J. Van Kranendonk, S.B. Shirey, S.H. Richardson, C.L. Kirkland, R. Hugh Smithies and J. Cliff
A 2.3 Ga sulfuretum at the GOE: microfossil and organic geochemistry evidence from the Turee Creek Group, WA
M.J. Van Kranendonk, J.W. Schopf, K. Grice, M. Walter, A. Pages, A.B. Kudryavtsev, V.A. Gallardo, C. Espinoza, I. Melendez and A. Lepland
Appraisal of prospects for buried commercial placers of Ti-Zr placer provinces in Australia and Russia on the basis of reconstruction of the system: bedrock – intermediate collector – Ti-Zr sands
L.I. Veremeeva, E.A. Belousova, N.A. Gromalova and I.M. Kulikova
Metamorphic microstructures in komatiite hosted-Ni sulphides from the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Z. Vukmanovic, S.J. Barnes, S.M. Reddy, M.L. Fiorentini and B. Godel
A long-lived UHT Grenvillian belt in central Australia
A.K. Walsh, D.E. Kelsey, M. Hand, R. Hugh Smithies, C.L. Kirkland and C. Clark
Early crustal evolution in the western Yangtze block: evidence from U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes on detrital zircons from sedimentary rocks
L. Wang, J. Yu, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Detailed geochronological traverse along the Jack Hills Metasedimentary Belt, Western Australia
Q. Wang and S.A. Wilde
A mantle hydrated by stagnated Pacific slab that produced intraplate continental flood basalts in northeastern China
X.-C. Wang, Z.-X. Li, Q.-L. Li and X.-H. Li
CET exploration simulator: a training tool for mineral exploration decision making
J.C. Wong, E.-J. Holden, P. Kovesi and T.C. McCuaig
Protoliths and ~440-Ma ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism of eclogite and gneiss in the north Qaidam orogen, NE Tibet: implications for deep subduction of the Qaidam Basin
Q. Xiong, J. Zheng, S.Y. O’Reilly and W.L. Griffin
Destruction timing of the North China Craton
J.-H. Yang, F.-Y. Wu, R. Zhu, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin and S.A. Wilde Invited
The structure of the crust and uppermost mantle in China from ambient noise tomography
Y. Yang, Y. Zheng, L. Zhou, W. Shen, J. Xie and M.H. Ritzwoller
Post-kinematic lithospheric delamination of the Wuyi-Yunkai orogen in south China: evidence from ca. 435 Ma high-Mg basalts
W.-H. Yao, Z.-X. Li, W.-X. Li, X.-C. Wang, X.-H. Li and J.-H. Yang
Long-time linking of Cathaysia Block, south China with East Gondwanaland from Paleoproterozoic to early Paleozoic
J.-H. Yu, S.Y. O’Reilly, L. Wang, W.L. Griffin and Q. Liu
Pangea assembly and breakup control long-wavelength mantle structure evolution
N. Zhang, S. Zhong, W. Leng and Z.-X. Li
Pre-Rodinia supercontinent Nuna shaping up: a global synthesis with new paleomagnetic results from north China
S. Zhang, Z.-X. Li, D.A.D. Evans, H. Wi, H. Li and J. Dong
Zircon U-Pb study of the Heilongjiang complex in the NE China: evidence and tectonic implications
X.-Z. Zhang, L.-L. Zhao, J.-B. Zhou and S.A. Wilde
Zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope study of the Neoproterozoic Haizhou Group in the Sulu Orogen: provenance and tectonic implications
J.-B. Zhou, X.-Z. Zhang, S.A. Wilde and H. Chen
Meteoritical Society Annual meeting, Cairns Australia, 12-17 August 2012
Microstructural analysis of troilite in IAB iron meteorites
G.K. Benedix, M.-A. Kaczmarek and S. Reddy
How to preserve a chemically heterogeneous martian mantle? A plate tectonics point of view
V. Debaille, C. O’Neill, A.D. Brandon, P. Haenecour, Q.-Z. Yin, N. Mattielli and A.H. Treiman
Preferred mineral orientations in martian shergottites: magmatism or shock?
M.-A. Kaczmarek, M. Grange, S. Reddy and A. Nemchin
Comparison of zircon U-Pb ages of Apollo 14 breccias
R.E. Merle, M.L. Grange, A.A. Nemchin, M.J. Whitehouse and R.T. Pidgeon
Prolonged early bombardment of the inner solar system from ages of lunar samples
M.D. Norman and A.A. Nemchin
The development of lunar zircon/apatite U-Pb geochronology at Curtin University
R.T. Pidgeon, A.A. Nemchin and M.L. Grange
Br isotope signatures in Ordinary Chondites
B.F. Schaefer
Unravelling the impact history of the Moon using deformed zircon
N.E. Timms, S.M. Reddy, M.L. Grange, A.A. Nemchin, R.T. Pidgeon and D. Healy
Impact-driven disequilibrium melting and melt migration: implications for rapid planetesimal core formation
A.G. Tomkins, R.F. Weinberg, B.F. Schaefer and A. Langendam
The 13th International Conference on Thermochronology, Guilin, China, 24-28 August 2012
Post-UHP exhumation history of the Sulu Orogenic Belt, eastern China: evidence from integrated thermochronology
L. Liu, Z.X. Li, M. Danišík, S. Li, N.J. Evans and X. Liu
Thermochronological record of central and southern South China since the Mesozoic
N. Tao, Z.X. Li, M. Danišík, N.J. Evans, Y.G. Xu, C.J. Pang, W.X. Li and D.H. Liu
The First European Mineralogical Conference (EMC2012) - Planet Earth from Core to Surface, Frankfurt, Germany, 2-6 September 2012
Clues for unravelling metamorphic alteration on Kosturino (SE Bulgaria) chromitites
F. Gervilla, V. Colás, I. Fanlo, T. Kerestedjian, I. Sergeeva, J.M. González-Jiménez and E. Arranz
Tracking the evolution of the convecting mantle in ophiolites: the case of the Dobromirtsi Ultramafic Massif, Central Rhodope, Bulgaria
J.M. González-Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, E. Belousova, M. Locmelis, F. Gervilla, S.Y. O’Reilly, T.N. Kerestedjian, I. Sergeeva, N.J. Pearson, V. Colás and I. Fanlo
AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Fueling the Future, Singapore, 16-19 September 2012
Source rock mapping using fluid inclusion geochemistry in the offshore Perth Basin
H. Volk, R. Kempton, S. Gong, M. Ahmed, S.C. George, C.J. Boreham and E. Grosjean
SEG 2012, Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Lima, Peru 23-26 September 2012
Nickel mineral systems within an evolving Archean Craton
D.R. Mole, M. Fiorentini, N. Thebaud, C. McCuaig, K.F. Cassidy, C.L. Kirkland, S.S. Romano, M.P. Doublier, E.A. Belousova and S.J. Barnes
Supercontinent Symposium 2012, Helsinki, Finland, 25-28 September 2012
LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from sediments of the southern part of the Siberian craton: constraints for Precambrian supercontinents
D. Gladkochub, G. Nicoll, S. Zhang, A. Stanevich, S. Pisarevsky, A. Mazukabzov and T. Donskaya
New palaeomagnetic and geochronological data from the Ropruchey sill (Karelia, Russia): implications for late Palaeoproterozoic palaeogeography
N.V. Lubnina, S.A. Pisarevsky, U. Söderlund, M. Nilsson, S.J. Sokolov, A.N. Khramov, A.G. Iosifidi, R. Ernst, M.A. Romanovskaya and B.N. Pisakin
Mesoproterozoic supercontinent - paleomagnetic synthesis and geological constraints.
S.A. Pisarevsky Keynote
ESCA-2012 International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region, Izmir, Turkey, 1-5 October 2012
Dating the geological history of the northwestern North American plate: Re-Os isotopic analyses of sulfides from western Yukon ultramafic complexes
M.P. Escayola, J.M. González-Jiménez, W. Griffin, J. Proenza, N. Pearce, D. Murphy, C. van Stall and S.Y. O’Reilly
Lithospheric mapping, metallogenesis and the evolution of continents
W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, G. Begg, E.A. Belousova and N.J. Pearson Keynote
The use of trace elements and Os isotopes in chromite deposits to understand the origin and evolution of old upper mantle fragments within young ophiolites
J.M. González-Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Ancient mantle domains stranded in ocean lithosphere add complexity to understanding Tethyan ophiolites
S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin and N.J. Pearson
Geochemistry and Ore Deposit Models Seminar, University of Oulu, Finland, 17-18 October 2012
Multiple sulfur isotopes as an indicator of sulfur source in Ni-Cu sulfide deposits
E. Hanski and M. Fiorentini Keynote
GSA Annual Meeting, Charlotte, USA, 4-7 November, 2012
Phase equilibria modeling integrated with geochronology in highly residual UHT granulites from the Eastern Ghats Province, India
M. Brown, F.J. Korhonen and C. Clark
A microbial ecosystem in an ancient sabkha of the 3.49 ga Pilbara, Western Australia, and comparison with Mesoarchean, Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic examples
N. Noffke, D. Christian, D. Wacey and R.M. Hazen
17th Australian Organic Geochemistry Conference, Macquarie University, Sydney, 2-5 December 2012
The organic geochemistry of the Mesoproterozoic Velkerri Formation and investigations into syngenicity and indigeneity of hydrocarbons using slice experiments
E.N. Flannery and S.C. George
An exciting future for biomarker geochemistry in very old rocks: single oil inclusion analysis by TOF-SIMS
S.C. George, S. Siljeström, H. Volk, A. Dutkiewicz, J. Lausmaa, P. Sjövall and T. Hode
Flash pyrolysis GCMS analysis of fluid inclusions
P.F. Greenwood., Z. Zhirong, K. Liu, K. Grice, S.C. George, L. Fisher and R. Hough
Investigating the Syngeneity and the Palaeobiology of Hydrocarbon Biomarkers in the Fortescue Group at
2.7-2.8 Ga
Y. Hoshino, D. Flannery, M.R. Walter and S.C. George
Application of a linear transfer model for the estimation of the hydrocarbon concentration in the seawater of Antarctica following a fuel spill
K. Kotzakoulakis and S.C. George
Sr isotopic composition of pore water of shelf cores from IODP Expedition 317: Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
T. Yoshimura, H. Kawahata, M. Tanimizu, S.C. George, J.S. Lipp and G.E. Claypool
American Geophysical Union’s 45th Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 3–7 December 2012
Liquidus and sub-liquidus phase equilibria for an Archaean tonalite: matching experimental data to models of TTG genesis
J. Adam, T.A. Rushmer and J. O’Neil
Towards multi-observable thermochemical tomography of the lithosphere and sublithospheric upper mantle
J.C. Afonso, J. Fullea, Y. Yang, N. Rawlinson, A.G. Jones and J.A. Connolly
The first year of the Australian Seismometers in Schools Network: Inspiring Students to follow careers in science by participating in a national science experience
N. Balfour, M. Sambridge and C. O’Neill
Exploration of the Lesser Antilles arc signature in St Lucia using a multiscale analytical approach
R.C. Bezard, J.P. Davidson, S. Turner and J.M. Lindsay
Using experimental petrology to constrain genesis of wet, silicic magmas in the Tonga-Kermadec island arc
R. Brens, T.A. Rushmer, S. Turner and J. Adam
A new high-pressure research facility at the Australian Synchrotron
S. Clark, T.A. Rushmer, C. Glover, S. Turner, R. Garrett and Y. Wang
Incorporation of crust at the Lesser Antilles arc
J.P. Davidson and R.C. Bezard invited
Dome and Keel dynamics in the hot Archean lithosphere: a numerical approach
G. Duclaux, N. Thebaud, K. Gessner and M. Doublier
Lawsonite Veins in Eclogite and Bluschist as Recorders of Subduction Fluids
K.F. Fornash, L. Gauthiez-Putallaz, D.L. Whitney and L. Martin
Intra-cratonic melting as a result of delamination of mantle lithosphere - insight from numerical modelling
W. Gorczyk, K. Vogt, T. Gerya and B.E. Hobbs
Petrology of Oceanic Lithosphere from Thermodynamic Models: Implications for Geophysical Observations and Geodynamics
C.J. Grose and J.C. Afonso
Along-arc geochemical and isotopic variations in Javanese volcanic rocks: ‘crustal’ versus ‘source’ contamination at the Sunda arc, Indonesia
H. Handley, J. Blichert-Toft, S. Turner and C.G. Macpherson
The opening of the South China Sea: Driven by Pacific subduction, or by India-Eurasia collision?
Z.-X. Li Invited
No crustal material flow through the northeast corner of the Tibetan Plateau into the Ordos basin
H. Li, Y. Yang, Z. Huang, M. Gong, X. Li, Y. Shen, D. Shi, E.A. Sandvol and A. Li
Metal transport between the upper mantle and the lower crust
M. Locmelis, J. Adam, F. Zaccarini, M.L. Fiorentini, T. Rushmer, G. Garuti, S. Turner, P. Kollegger and E. Davies
Crustal radial anisotropy in the Dabie orogenic belt from ambient noise tomography
Y. Luo, Y. Xu and Y. Yang
Evaluating the earliest traces of Archean sub-seafloor life by NanoSIMS
N. McLaughlin, E.G. Grosch, M. Kilburn and D. Wacey
Two styles of lithosphere stabilisation as recorded by post orogenic A-type magmas from each side of the Tasman Line, Australia
M.J. Pankhurst, B.F. Schaefer and S. Turner
Crustal anisotropy in Eastern Tibet
M.H. Ritzwoller, J. Xie, W. Shen, P.H. Molnar, Y. Yang, L. Zhou and Y. Zheng
Core formation in Planetesimals: Textural analyses from 3D synchrotron imaging and complex systems modeling
T.A. Rushmer, A. Tordesillas, D.M. Walker, D.Y. Parkinson and S.M. Clark
The uppermost mantle evolution during back-arc spreading: Microstructural and petrological characteristics of Ichinomegata peridotite xenoliths in the back-arc region of Japan Islands
T. Satsukawa, K. Michibayashi, G. Marguerite and S. Demouchy
Origin of seamount volcanism in northeast Indian Ocean with emphasis on Christmas Island
R. Taneja, C. O’Neil, T.A. Rushmer; F. Jourdan, J. Blichert-Toft, S. Turner and M.A. Lackie
Recycling of water within the mantle: New insights from pyroxene water data
M.B. Turner, S. Turner, T.R. Ireland, J. Adam, G.M. Yogodzinsk, D.L. Blatter and M.R. Perfit
Extremely young metasomatism of the continental lithospheric mantle
S. Turner and M.B. Turner
Imaging crustal anisotropy in eastern Tibet and South China using ambient noise and earthquake data
J. Xie, W. Shen, M.H. Ritzwoller, Y. Yang, L. Zhou and Y. Zheng
Applications of long period surface wave dispersion measurements from ambient noise in regional surface wave tomography
Y. Yang
The crustal and upper mantle structure of the Tien Shan Orogen and surroundings from ambient noise and earthquake tomography
Y. Zheng, Y. Yang, W. Shen, M.H. Ritzwoller and X. Xiong
4th Greenland Day Workshop, Perth, Western Australia, 4 December 2012
Proterozoic deposits in Australia and Greenland
L. Bagas, J. Kolb, M. Fiorentini, B.M. Stensgaard and J. Owen
The potential for nickel mineralization in entire Greenland
M. Fiorentini, B.M. Stensgaard, J. Kolb and L. Bagas
A joint CET-GEUS-BMP research project: Nickel mineral systems in Archaean ultramafic rocks in South-East Greenland
M. Fiorentini, L. Bagas, J. Owen, B. Lally, B.M. Steensgaard, J. Kolb and N. Thebaud
Comparison between endowed terranes in Greenland and Australia
J. Kolb, L. Bagas, M. Fiorentini and B.M. Steensgaard
Introduction to 4 billion years of geological history of Greenland and data
J. Kolb, L. Bagas, B.M. Stensgaard and S. Piazolo
Kimberlites from D.R. Congo: mantle structure and diamond potential
J.M. Batumike, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Relations between East African (740-600 Ma) and Kuunga (570-530 Ma) orogenies in NE Mozambique
B. Bingen, G. Viola, I.H.C. Henderson, E.A. Belousova, A.K. Engvik and M. Smethurst
The early evolution of Earth’s atmosphere, links to tectonics and life
M. Barley Invited
Structure of the lithosphere in Central Europe based on the CELEBRATION 2000 experiment and integrated modeling
Z. Alasonati-Tasarova, M. Bielik, J. Fullea, H-J. Götze and J.C. Afonso
Integrated interpretation and targeting under cover
T.C. McCuaig Invited
Exploration Targeting in a Business Context
T.C. McCuaig and J.M.A. Hronsky Keynote
Managing success - Strategies for keeping the leadership edge: Exploration Targeting
T.C. McCuaig Invited
Tectonic modes and atmospheric Argon on Venus and Earth
T. Höink, C. O’Neill and A. Lenardic
From mantle instabilities to fault scarps: structural controls on geothermal systems in the Menderes Massif, western Turkey
K. Gessner and V. Markwitz
Characterization of fault damage zones in the North Perth Basin
H. Olierook, N.E. Timms, P.J. Hamilton and S.M. Reddy
Paleogeography of the Early Earth and paleomagnetic data
S.A. Pisarevsky
Neoproterozoic paleogeography: paleomagnetic perspective
S.A. Pisarevsky Invited
Neoproterozoic sedimentation and orogenesis in NE Laurentia
P. Cawood, R. Strachan and S.A. Pisarevsky
Analysis of single Precambrian oil-bearing fluid inclusions as a way of constraining evolution of eukaryotes
S. Siljeström, J. Lausmaa, H. Volk, S.C. George, P. Sjövall, A. Dutkiewicz and T. Hode
A 3D multi-observable probabilistic inversion method for the compositional and thermal structure of the lithosphere and sublithospheric upper mantle
J.C. Afonso, Y. Yang, J. Fullea, S. Lebedev and S. Zlotnik
The lithosphere-sublithospheric upper mantle system beneath the Atlantic-Mediterranean Transition Region: advances and limitations from recent multidisciplinary approaches
J.C. Afonso, J. Fullea, M. Fernández, J. Vergés and H. Zeyen Invited
Decoupled crust-mantle accommodation of Africa-Eurasia convergence in the NW-Moroccan margin
M. Fernàndez, I. Jiménez-Munt, J. Vergés, D. Garcia-Castellanos, J. Fullea, M. Pérez-Gussinyé and J.C. Afonso
Imaging the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary of southern Africa integrating elevation, surface heat flow, magnetotelluric and petrological data
J. Fullea, M. Muller, A. Jones, J.C. Afonso and S. Zlotnik
Alteration mechanism of chromite in podiform chromitites from two metamorphosed ophiolitic complexes: Golyamo Kamenyane (Bulgaria) and Tapo (Peru)
F. Gervilla, I. Fanlo, T. Kerestedjian, R.Castroviejo, J.M. González-Jiménez, J.A. Padron and J.F. Feliciano-Rodriques Keynote
Lu-Hf evolution patterns and implications for palaeotectonic settings
C. Kirkland, S. Daly, S. Johnson and E. Belousova
Geophysical-petrological modelling of the lithosphere beneath the Cantabrian Mountains and North-Iberian margin: mantle wedge hydration triggered by eclogitization reactions?
D. Pedreira, J.A. Pulgar and J.C. Afonso
Unravelling the first 500 million years of Earth historyS.A. Wilde Invited
Stylolites; Their origin and impact on reservoir qualityJ. Hamilton, S. Reddy, H. Olierook and N. Timms
Fluids in diamonds: samples from the deep lithosphere
W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly Invited
Tracking Earth’s plumbing system in time and space: an interdisciplinary strategy towards understanding Earth’s evolution
S.Y. O’Reilly Invited
The effect of D” and post-perovskite on the dynamics of plumes
C. O’Neill and T. Jones Invited
Evaluating the validity of 2D experiments: New insights from 3D XRD analysis during in situ heating of rocksalt
S. Piazolo, V. Borthwick and S. Schmidt
Direct evidence for the nature and timing of sub-arc mantle metasomatism
S. Turner, J. Caulfield, M. Turner, P. van Keken, R. Maury, M. Sandiford and G. Prouteau Invited
Paleomagnetic constraints for the building blocks of NunaS.A. Pisarevsky, D.P. Gladkochub and T.V. Donskaya
Deep and ancient lithosphere rules supreme: a 3.6 Ga story of persistence, transformation, dispersal and re-assembly
S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, M. Zhang, N.J. Pearson, J. Zheng, X. Xu, J. Yu and J.-H. Yang Keynote
Coupling, decoupling and metasomatism: Crust-mantle relationships beneath NW Spitsbergen
W.L. Griffin, N. Nikolic, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson Invited
Tracking cratonic mantle evolution using highly siderophile elements in mantle sulfides
M. Zhang, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, K.-L. Wang and J. Hronsky
Making, keeping and potentially losing cratonic lithosphere
A. Lenardic, C.M. Cooper, C.J. O’Neill, L. Moresi, C. Sandu, C.T. Lee and A. Levander
Continental accretion and reworking beneath the North China Craton: Evidence from deep-seated xenoliths
J. Zheng, W.L. Griffin, C. Yu, S.Y. O’Reilly, H. Tang, Q. Ma, Q. Xiong and M. Zhang Invited
SCLM of the Siberian Craton and subduction
Z.V. Spetsius, L.A. Taylor, W.L. Griffin and O.V. Tarskhix
Phanerozoic crustal growth: Sorting out facts from fiction
S.A. Wilde Keynote
Multiple sulphur isotopes in magmatic systemsM.L. Fiorentini Invited
Mineral system deposition and timing: Constraints from quantitative microanalysis
S. Reddy Keynote
Integrating in-situ experiments with numerical simulationsS. Piazolo Invited
Reassessment of isobaric and molecular interferences in LA-MC-ICP-MS Hf isotope analysisJ.L. Payne, N.J. Pearson, K. Grant, M. Hand and G.P. Halverson
Microstructural control on pentlandite exsolutions from monosulphide solid solution in komatiite hosted Ni sulphides from the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Z. Vukmanovic, S.J. Barnes, S.M. Reddy and M.L. Fiorentini
Compositional variations in the mantle, and their velocity and density effectsD. Schutt, J.C. Afonso and C. Lesher
U-Pb ages and Hf systematic of Detrital zircon from quartzite of Mesoproterozoic Gulliksenfjellet Formation (SW-Svalbard)
N. Kuznetsov, J. Majka, A. Ladenberger, L. Natapov and E. Belousova
The high-pressure pseudobasement of the Northern Caucasus Fore Range
M.L. Somin, A.N. Konilov, L.M. Natapov, E.A. Belousova, V.A. Kamzolkin and K.A. Dokukina
New biomarker results from the 2.7 Ga Tumbiana Formation, Pilbara region
S.C. George, J. M. Coffey and M.R Walter
Contingent events leading to an oxygenated environment
M.J. van Kranendonk Keynote
Precambrian supercontinents and paleomagnetic data, or how “super” are supercontinents?S.A. Pisarevsky Invited
Unravelling the driving forces behind recent changes in the eruptive behaviour of Merapi Volcano, Indonesia
R. Gertisser, J. Barclay, K. Berlo, H. Handley, R. Herd, K. Preece and M. Reagan
Relationship between mantle events and crustal magmatism in northeast Australia: evidence from in situ sulfide and zircon isotope data
V. Murgulov, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Growth and Recrystallization of Diamond in the Upper Mantle
E. Rubanova, S. Piazolo, W. Griffin and S. O’Reilly
3D isotropic and anisotropic structures of crust and uppermost mantle in Tibet and surrounding regions from ambient noise tomography
Y. Yang, Y. Zheng and M. Ritzwoller
The structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the western US revealed by ambient noise and earthquake tomography
Y. Yang, W. Shen and M. Ritzwoller
Timing of opening and subduction of the paleo-Tethys at Jinshajiang (SW China): perspectives from zircon U-Pb and Hf-O systematics of ophiolitic plagiogranitesJ.W. Zi, P.A. Cawood, W.M. Fan, E. Tohver and T.C. McCuaig
Recycled meta-igneous crustal sources for S- and I-type Variscan granitoids from the Spanish Central System batholith: constraints from Hf isotope zircon composition
C. Villaseca, D. Orejana and E.A. Belousova
New biomarker results from the 2.7 Ga Tumbiana Formation, Pilbara regionS.C. George, J. M. Coffey and M.R Walter
The evolution of prograde-type orogenic peridotites from Liverpool Land, a HP terrane in the eastern Greenland CaledonidesR. Bubbico, H.K. Brueckner, E.H. Hartz, S.M. Johnston and W.L. Griffin
Decompression melting of composite mafic-felsic crust (Archean Belomorian eclogite province, Gridino area, Russia)
K. Dokukina, A. Konilov, L. Natapov and E. Belousova
Metasomatic hide and seek: The origins of Roberts Victor eclogites
W.L. Griffin, J. Huang, Y. Gréau, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
High-pressure (eclogite facies) complex of the Northern Caucasus
A. Konilov, M. Somin, L. Natapov, E. Belousova, A. Kröner, V. Kamzolkin, K. Dokukina and A. Mukhanova
Involvement of heterogeneous crustal sources in the generation of granitoid rocks in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Evidence from zircon ages and Hf isotopes
A. Kröner, E. Belousova, R. Seltmann, J. Wong, E. Hegner, K. Cai, R. Armstrong, A. Dolgopolova, M. Sun and D. Liu
Hadean greenstones and the origin of the Earth’s early continental crustJ. Adam, T. Rushmer, J. O’Neil and D. Francis
The first multiple sulfur isotope evidence for a 2.9 Ga Mesoarchean sulfate reservoir
M. Barley, S.E. Golding, G.J. Heggie and M.L. Fiorentini
Chalcophile elements in magmas and magmatic sulfide deposits: Can we see the mantle signals?
S.J. Barnes, M.L. Fiorentini and W.D. Maier
Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotope systematics of the Oyu Tolgoi Cu-Au deposit (Mongolia)
A. Dolgopolova, R. Seltmann, R. Armstrong, E. Belousova and R. Pankhurst
Evidence of water degassing in Archean komatiites
M.L. Fiorentini, S.W. Beresford, W.E. Stone and E. Deloule
Plume-ridge interaction: constraints on melting dynamics from the Azores and Iceland
F.S. Genske, C. Beier, S.P. Turner, K.M. Haase and B.F. Schaefer
Geodynamic implications of >1 Ga Re-Os model ages in PGM from the Dobromirtsi Ultramafic Massif, Central Rhodope, Bulgaria
J.M. González-Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, F. Gervilla, T. Kerestedjian, S.Y O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Deciphering mafic and felsic lunar magmatic events: Insight from zircon
M.L. Grange, A.A. Nemchin, N. Timms, R.T. Pidgeon and C. Meyer
Ore deposits and the SCLM
W.L Griffin, G. Begg, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson Keynote
Insights into the Galápagos plume from Uranium-series isotopes of recently erupted basalts
H.K. Handley, K. Berlo, C. Beier, S. Turner and A.E. Sy
Mixed-habit diamonds: Evidence of a specific mantle fluid chemistry?
D. Howel, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, C. O’Neill, N. Pearson, S. Piazolo, T. Stachel, R. Stern and L. Nasdala
Fluid microinclusions in octahedral diamonds
I. Kiflawi, Y. Weiss, W.L. Griffin and O. Navon
Late metasomatic addition of garnet to the SCLM: Os-isotope evidence
V.G. Malkovets, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson, D.I. Rezvukhin, S.Y. O’Reilly, N.P. Pokhilenko, V.K. Garanin, Z.V. Spetsius and K.D. Litasov
Monogenetic, but not monotonous: basaltic eruptions in the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
L.E. McGee, I.E.M. Smith, M.-A. Millet, C. Beier, J.M. Lindsay and H.K. Handley
Long-distance transport of north Gondwana Cambro-Ordovician sandstones: Evidence from detrital zircon Hf isotopic composition
N. Morag, D. Avigad, A. Gerdes, E. Belousova and Y. Harlavan
U-Series disequilibrium in groundwater as a vector for U mineralisation
M.J. Murphy, A. Dosseto, S.P. Turner and B.F. Schaefer
“Table” vs “Bench”: trace elements in fibrous diamonds
O. Navon, W. L. Griffin and Y. Weiss
The punctuated evolution of the Earth: Geodynamic constraints and model predictions.
C. O’Neill, A. Lenardic and K. Condie
Coupling, decoupling and metasomatism: a saga of crust-mantle relationships beneath NW Spitsbergen (Arctic Norway)
S.Y. O’Reilly, N. Nikolic, W.L Griffin and N.J. Pearson
Matrix effects and Hf isotope analysis of zircon by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS
N.J. Pearson, J.L. Payne and K.J. Grant
The legacy of plastic deformation and pre-existing microstructures during olivine serpentinization
O. Plümper, H. Austrheim, S. Piazolo and H. Jung
A complex network analysis of growth and mixing dynamics in natural metal-silicate systems
T. Rushmer, A. Tordesillas and D.M. Walker
Gold mobility in the mantle: Constraints from sulfides in pyroxenites and lherzolites
J.E.J. Saunders, N.J. Pearson and S.Y. O’Reilly
A new Br isotope analytical protocol: constraints on the global Br cycle
B.F. Schaefer
Deep crust of the Siberian craton: evidence from xenoliths
V.S. Shatsky, V.G. Malkovets, L. Buzlukova, W.L. Griffin, E.A. Belousova and S.Y. O’Reilly
3 Ga onset of the supercontinent cycle: SCLM and crustal evidence
S.B. Shirey, S.H. Richardson and M.J. van Kranendonk
Zircon from kimberlites of the Nyurbinskaya pipe as indicator of kimberlite emplacement and Lithosphere evolution
Z.V. Spetsius, E.A. Belousova, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and A.S. Ivanov
Evolution of andesite magma systems; Egmont Volcano, New Zealand
R.B. Stewart, A.V Zernack, M.B. Turner, R.C. Price, I.E.M. Smith and S.J. Cronin
Direct evidence for the nature and timing of sub-arc mantle metasomatism
S. Turner, J. Caulfield, M. Turner, P. Van Keken, R. Maury, M. Sandiford and G. Proteau Invited
Geology, age and origin of the oldest terrestrial rocks and minerals
M.J. van Kranendonk Keynote
Freeze-fry cycles in the Paleoproterozoic Turee Creek Group of Western Australia
M.J. van Kranendonk, A. Lepland and K.E. Yamaguchi
Origin of isotopically heavy Fe in pyrite from 2.75 Ga Wilgie Mia BIF, Western Australia
M.J. van Kranendonk and M.J. Whitehouse
Os isotopes in sulfides from xenoliths of the Campos de Calatrava Volcanic Field, Central Spain
C. Villaseca, J.M González-Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, E. Ancochea, F. Gervilla, S.Y O’Reilly, N.J. Pearson and E. Belousova
Primordial ages of lithospheric mantle vs ancient relicts in the asthenospheric mantle: in situ Os perspective
K.-L. Wang, S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson, V. Kovach and V. Yarmolyuk
High-Mg carbonatitic HDFs, kimberlites and the SCLM
Y. Weiss, W.L. Griffin, D.R. Bell and O. Navon
Transitional oxygenation recorded in the Paleoproterozoic Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
K.H. Williford, M.J. van Kranendonk, T. Ushikubo, R. Kozdon and J.W. Valley
Formation of the oldest rocks in the Cathaysia Block, Southern China
J.-H. Yu, S.Y. O’Reilly, L. Wang and W.L. Griffin
Water contents in the Cenozoic subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Cathaysia block, SE China
Y. Yu, X.S. Xu, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly
Evidence for evolution of growth media in superdeep diamonds from Sao-Luis (Brasil)
D.A. Zedgenizov, A.L. Ragozin, V.S. Shatsky, H. Kagi, S. Odake, W.L. Griffin D. Araujo and O.P. Yuryeva
3D mineral map of Australia
T. Cudahy, M. Caccetta, J. Chia, R. Fraser, K. Gessner, M. Haest, I. Lau, C. Laukamp, C. Ong and A. Rodger
Compaction related microstructure in chromitites from the Merensky Reef, Bushveld Complex, South AfricaZ. Vukmanovic, S.M. Reddy, S.J. Barnes, B. Godel and M.L. Fiorentini
Hf isotopes in zircons from the CAOB: Crustal evolution history and tectonic significanceE. Belousova, R. Seltmann, W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly Invited
Tectonic evolution of the CAOB in NE China
S.A. Wilde and J.-B. Zhou Invited
Is the Menderes Massif in Turkey one big Neogene shear zone?K. Gessner, V. Markwitz, L.A. Gallardo and U. Ring
High temperature deformation in magmatic chromites from the Merensky Reef (Bushveld Complex, South Africa)Z. Vukmanovic, S.J. Barnes, S.M. Reddy, B. Godel and M.L. Fiorentini
3D structural model of Southwest Turkey reveals lithosphere-scale control on hydrothermal fluid flow
K. Gessner, L.A. Gallardo and L.A. Markwitz
Mapping the intra-cratonic framework of an Archean Craton: implications for camp-scale mineralization
D.R. Mole, M.L. Fiorentini, N. Thebaud, T.C. McCuaig, K.F. Cassidy, C.L. Kirkland, M.T.D. Wingate, S.S. Romano, M.P. Doublier, E.A. Belousova and S. Barnes
Komatiite volcanism: Lithospheric controls on the Earth’s hottest melts and implications for associated Ni-Cu-PGE deposits
D.R. Mole, M.L. Fiorentini, N. Thebaud, T.C. McCuaig, K.F. Cassidy, C.L. Kirkland, M.T.D. Wingate, S.S. Romano, M.P. Doublier, E.A. Belousova and S. Barnes
Discriminación de cromititas ofiolíticas a partir de elementos menores y trazas: un estudio mediante LA-ICPMSJ. A. Proenza, M. Escayola, J.M. González-Jiménez and S. Jackson
Re-Os isotope evidences of multiple melting event in the Ojén Ultramafic Massif
J.M. González-Jiménez, R. Gutiérrez-Narbona, W.L. Griffin, F. Gervilla, S.Y. O’Reilly, N.J. Pearson and J.P. Lorand
Chemistry at the sub-µm scale with NanoSIMSM. Kilburn Invited
A >1300 km-long Late Pan-African Khondalite Belt along the southern margin of the CAOBS.A. Wilde and J.-B. Zhou Invited
A chronostratigraphic division of the Precambrian: possibilities and challengesM.J. van Kranendonk Invited
Siberia and Baltica in Nuna and RodiniaS.A. Pisarevsky, D.P. Gladkochub and T.V. Donskaya
A Precambrian continental margin arc in the southern Thomson Orogen, eastern Australia: implications for the evolution of Gondwana
R.A. Glen, A. Saeed, E. Belousova and W.L. Griffin
Identification of optimal conditions for komatiite-hosted nickel sulfide formation: non-mass dependent S isotopes from various reservoirs of the north Eastern Goldfields, Western AustraliaC. Isaac, M. Barley, M.L. Fiorentini and S. Golding
New types of porphyry Cu (Au-Mo) mineral systems of Eastern Tibetan Plateau in western Yunnan: compositional characteristics, sources, and exploration implications for continental collision metallogeny
Y.J. Lu, C.T. McCuaig, R. Kerrich, C.J.R. Hart, P.A. Cawood, A.I.S. Kemp, Z.X. Li and Z.Q. Hou
Origin of Ferrian Chromite in metamorphosed podiform chromitites: a two-stage process
F. Gervilla, I. Fanlo, T. Kerestedjian, R. Castroviejo, J.A. Padrón, J.F. Rodrigues and J.M. González-Jiménez
Chromite deposits at Loma Baya: petrogenesis and clues for the origin of the coastal Guerrero Composite Terrane in Mexico
J.M. González-Jiménez, J.A. Proenza, A. Camprubí, E. Centeno-García, E. González-Partida, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly and N.J. Pearson
Re-Os systematics in chromite deposits from the Bulgarian Rhodopes: preliminary results
J.M. González-Jiménez, W.L. Griffin, T. Kerestedjian, F. Gervilla, S. Y. O'Reilly, J.A. Proenza and N.J. Pearson
Lithospheric controls on mineral systems
D. Mole, M. Fiorentini, N. Thebaud, C. McCuaig, K. Cassidy, C. Kirkland, S. Romano, M. Doublier, E. Belousova and S. Barnes
4D imaging of an Archean craton: Implications for the localisation of komatiite-hosted nickel camps
D. Mole, M. Fiorentini, N. Thebaud, C. McCuaig, K. Cassidy, C. Kirkland, S. Romano, M. Doublier, E. Belousova and S. Barnes
New types of porphyry Cu (Au-Mo) mineral systems of Eastern Tibetan Plateau in western Yunnan: compositional characteristics, sources, and exploration implications for continental collision metallogeny
Y.-J. Lu, T. C. McCuaig, R. Kerrich, C.J.R. Hart, P. Cawood, A.I.S. Kemp, Z.-X Li and Z.-Q. Hou
Constraining weathering processes on Venus from particle size distributions and Magellan Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)E. Schinella and C. O’Neill
Two contrasting Phanerozoic orogenic systems on Earth revealed by Hf isotope data from zirconW.J. Collins, E.A. Belousova, A.I.S. Kemp and J.B. Murphy
Tectonic controls on magmatic-hydrothermal gold mineralization in the magmatic arcs of SE Asia and the SW Pacific
M. Barley
Romance in Geology: The marriage and breakup of continentsM.J. van Kranendonk Invited
Hafnium isotope results from Wadi Allaqi, EgyptK. Ali, S.A. Wilde and R.J. Stern
Strain heterogeneities and recrystallization in polycrystalline materials: Characterization and InterpretationS. Piazolo Invited
Application of U-series isotopes in understanding sandstone-hosted uranium mineralisation in the Frome Embayment, South AustraliaM.J. Murphy, A. Dosseto, B.F. Schaefer, S.P. Turner and N.J. Pearson
The distribution of intraplate volcanism and controls on the generation of intraplate magmatism
J. Adam, T.A. Rushmer and I.E. Smith
Ubiquitous old depleted mantle in the Oceanic mantle
O. Alard Invited
3D multi-observable probabilistic inversion for the compositional and thermal structure of the lithosphere and sublithospheric upper mantle
J.C. Afonso, J. Fullea, Y. Yang, W.L. Griffin, A.G. Jones, J. Connolly, S. Lebedev and S.Y. O’Reilly
The subductability of the continental lithosphere: results from coupled thermodynamic-thermomechanical numerical modeling
J.C. Afonso and S. Zlotnik Invited
The Australian Seismometers in Schools Project: Building relationships between scientists, schools and local enthusiasts
N. Balfour, M. Sambridge and C. O’Neill
Links between tectonics and life in the Archean to early Paleoproterozoic
M. Barley
Water behaviour during mantle melt percolation-reaction: a case study from the Borée peridotite xenoliths (Massif Central, France)
J. Chaufaud, O. Alard, S. Demouchy, J.-M. Dautria and S.Y. O’Reilly
Dy/Dy*; a tool for resolving petrogenetic processes from REE data
J.P. Davidson, S. Turner and T. Plank
Reappraisal of magma genesis under the Kamchatka arc with uranium-series isotopes
A. Dosseto and S. Turner Invited
SimLAB: Evaluating geophysical proxies for the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary
W.S. Eaton, C.M. Hogan, J.C. Afonso A.G. Jones, J. Tromp, M.S. Miller and T.W. Becker
Petrogenetic constraints on the origin and evolution of the volcanic rocks on Solander Island, New Zealan
F.V. Foley, N.J. Pearson, T.A. Rushmer, J. Adam and S. Turner
Source symmetry in the Azores mantle plume: new constraints from Li-B-O isotopes
F.S. Genske, C. Beier, S. Turner and B.F. Schaefer
Uranium-series isotopic constraints on recent changes in the eruptive behaviour of Merapi Volcano, Java, Indonesia
R. Gertisser, H.K. Handley, M.K. Reagan, K. Berlo, J. Barclay, K. Preece and R. Herd
Redistribution of trace elements during refertilization of oceanic mantle: A LA-HR-ICPMS study of ODP Site 1274 peridotites
M. Godard, O. Alard and Y. Gréau
Uranium-series disequilibria in Vanuatu arc volcanic rocks: constraints on pre-eruptive processes in contrasting volcanic systems
H.K. Handley, S. Turner, M.K. Reagan, G. Girard, S.J. Cronin and C. Firth
Imaging 3D crustal and upper mantle structures of the Dabie orogenic belt using ambient noise and teleseismic surface wave data
Y. Luo, Y. Yang and Y. Xu
Lithospheric controls on Earth evolution
D.R. Mole, M.L. Fiorentini, N. Thebaud, T.C. McCuaig, K.F. Cassidy, C.L. Kirkland and E.A. Belousova
A window of opportunity for plate tectonics in evolution of Earth-like planets?
C. O’Neill
Systematic and extreme rare earth element variation within a single zircon population; implications for granite redox state and petrogenesis
M.J. Pankhurst, B. Schaefer and S. Turner
Underworld and multi-basin heat flow
S.M. Quenette, C. O’Neill, L.N. Moresi, C.R. Danis and J. Mansour
Crustal and uppermost mantle anisotropy in the western US and China inferred from surface wave dispersion
M.H. Ritzwoller, F.-C. Lin, W. Shen, J. Xie, Y. Yang, Y. Zheng and Z.L. Quan Invited
Lithospheric modeling over Atla Regio, Venus
E. Schinella, J.C. Afonso and C. O’Neill
Compositional variations in the mantle and their velocity and density effects
D. Schutt, J.C. Afonso and C. Lesher
The effect of grain orientation on SIMS U-Pb analysis of rutile
R.Taylor, C. Clark and S. Reddy
Estimating variations of H2O in andesitic magmas – implications to eruption variability and associated hazards
M.B Turner, S. Turner, J. Adam and H.S. O’Neill
Azimuthal anisotropy within the crust and uppermost mantle of southeastern China from both ambient noise and teleseismic earthquake Rayleigh wave tomography
J. Xie, Z.L. Quan, F.-C. Lin, W. Shen, Y. Zheng, Y. Yang and M.H. Ritzwoller
A synoptic view of the distribution and connectivity of the mid-crustal low velocity zone beneath Tibet
Y. Yang, Y. Zheng, Z. Xie and M.H. Ritzwoller
Surface wave tomography on large-scale seismic arrays combining ambient noise and teleseismic earthquake data
Y. Yang, M.H. Ritzwoller, W. Shen, Y. Zheng and Z.L. Quan Invited
Ambient noise tomography of East China
Y. Zheng, W. Shen, Z.L. Quan, Y. Yang and M.H. Ritzwoller