Financial accounting for allocated funds is carried out at each node.  MQ is responsible for the final reporting to ARC through the DVC Research, and is audited through the Macquarie University process.

Strategy for CCFS funding leverage

ARC anticipates that Centres of Excellence will develop a profile of basic and strategic research outcomes that provides an attractor for leveraging resources.  Active strategies within CCFS include:

  • Collaborative project building with industry partners 

  • Technology development to deliver new and improved methodologies and tools for enhanced research collaboration and for the exploration industry 
  • Diversification of the funding portfolio to include other Government schemes, industry and participation in international research programs
  • Applications to relevant ARC funding schemes for projects not funded from the ARC CCFS allocation, but aligned with CCFS goals
  • Applications to funding schemes for matching funds for new infrastucture purchases and partner co-investment
  • Providing input into future NCRIS (especially AuScope) policies, using CCFS research concentration and leading directions to inform national priorities


CoE CCF  2,004

Discovery (including Fellowships), Linkage (Project and International)

LIEF   409
Other Commonwealth/International    
NCRIS   55
GSWA  256


Industry and Commercialisation    
Collaborative research projects and commercial contracts (e.g. GLITTER) via Access MQ 234
Industry contributions to ARC Linkage and internal collaborative research projects   1,608
Internal from Collaborating Universities  
Internal Capital Equipment  232
Research Fellowships  116
Matching to other commonwealth/state  50
Matching to ARC schemes  1.758
Research grants   126
Postgraduate awards (MQ)  918
Postgraduate research grants 3
Infrastructure (RIBG) 33
Interest 37
Other  30
Total 10,896

Note: This is an unaudited summary of 2012 income. A full, audited statement of detailed expenditure and income is prepared by Macquarie University. No in-kind support is included here.