National Benefit

  • Scientific innovation relevant to National Priority Areas 

Research Priority 1: An Environmentally Sustainable Australia 

Goal 1: Water – a Critical Resource

Goal 2: Transforming existing industries

Goal 6: Developing Deep Earth Resources 

Research Priority 3: Frontier Technologies for Building and Transforming Australian Industries

Goal 1: Breakthrough Sciences 

Goal 2: Frontier Technologies

  • Enhanced international links
  • Excellence in training of our future generation of geoscientists
  • Enhanced industry links nationally and internationally
  • Improved exploration tools and strategies for Australian mineral exploration companies both on- and off-shore 
  • Technological innovation (scientific advances, intellectual property, commercialisation, value-added consulting services)
  • Implementation of significant parts of the UNCOVER intitiative set out in:  “Searching the deep earth: a vision for exploration geoscience in Australia” published by the Australian Academy of Science (2013;  CCFS addresses initiatives (ii) – (iii):  investigating Australia’s lithospheric architecture, 4D geodynamic and metallogenic evolution, and distal footprints of ore deposits.