Communications 2014
2014 Appointments and Positions
CCFS web resources provide information on background, research and downloadable files of the Annual Report and Research Highlights.
Links to the GEMOC website ( provide past GEMOC Annual Reports, updated details on its methods, new analytical advances and software updates (GLITTER), activities of research teams within GEMOC, synthesised summaries of selected research outcomes and items for secondary school resources.
Links to the CET (Centre for Exploration Targeting) website ( provide access to wider information about CET activities beyond its involvement in CCFS and especially the wide base of end-user interaction.
Links to The Institute for Geoscience Research (TiGer) website ( provide information about their facilities, participants and research activities.
Strong industry interaction in CCFS in 2014 ranged from presentations to specific industry groups in their offices to numerous formal and informal workshops at CET and GEMOC, and invited and plenary presentations at peak industry symposia, workshops and conferences nationally and internationally.
CCFS publications for 2014 are given in Appendix 5
The 151 CCFS publications that were published in 2014 are mainly in high-impact international journals (Thomson ISI).
- UHNAI-Nordic Winter School “Water and the Evolution of Life in the Universe”, Hawaii, 1-14 January 2014
- IGG-CAS 2014 Annual Meeting, 16-17 January 2014
- Biennial meeting of the Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology (SGTSG), Thredbo NSW, 2-8 February 2014
- Workshop on “Advanced development on in situ & WR high-precision elemental and isotopic analyses, Academia Sinica Taipei, Taiwan, 10-12 March 2014
- 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA, 17-21 March 2014
- UNCOVER Summit 2014 Adelaide Convention Centre, SA, Australia, 31 March - 02 April 2014
- International Workshop
on: Ophiolites, Mantle Processes and Related Ore Deposits, Beijing, 14-15 April 2014
- European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 02 May 2014
- 6th Orogenic Lherzolite Conference, Morocco, 4-15 May 2014
Sue O’Reilly, Professor Csaba Szabó (Eötvös University Budapest), Takako Satsukawa and Norm Pearson at the 6th Orogenic Lherzolite Conference.
- Biosignatures across space and time, Joint Meeting - Nordic Network of Astrobiology and the Centre of Geobiology, Bergen, Norway, 20-22 May 2014
- GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Fredericton, Canada, 21-23 May 2014
- XIX Geological Congress of Argentina, Córdoba, Argentina, 2-6 June 2014
- Goldschmidt 2014 Conference, Sacramento,
USA , 8-13 June 2014
- Sydney Space Society, NSW, Australia, June 16, 2014
- AESC Australian Earth Sciences Convention, Sustainable Australia, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 7-10 July 2014
- XXXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía, Granada, 2 July 2014
- Gondwana 15, Madrid, Spain, 14-18 July 2014
- AOGS 11th Annual Meeting, Royton Sapporo Hotel, Japan, 28 July to 1
August, 2014
- Australian Institute of Geoscientists Minerals Systems Workshop, Perth, Australia, 11 August 2014
- 12th International Platinum Symposium, Yekaterinburg, Urals, Russia, 11-14 August 2014
- Gordon Research Conference: Rock Deformation, Andover, New Haven, USA, 17-22
Aug, 2014
- Ninth International Mining Geology Conference, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 18-20 August 2014
- IMA 2014, Gauteng, South Africa, 1-5 September 2014
- 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Casablanca, Morocco, 8-12 September 2014
- 14th International Conference on Thermochronology, Chamonix, 8-14 September 2014
- Kimberley Diamond Symposium and Trade Show, The Big Hole, Kimberley, South Africa, 11-14 September 2014
- 2014 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan, 17-18 September 2014
- 2014 EMAS Regional Workshop, Leoben, Austria, 21-24 September 2014
- SEG 2014: Building Exploration Capability for the 21st Century, Keystone, CO, USA, 27-30 September 2014
SEISMIX 2014, 16th International Symposium on Multi-scale Seismic Imaging of the Earth’s crust and Upper Mantle, Castelldefels, Spain, 12-17 October 2014
- Nordic Supercontinent Workshop, Haraldvangen, Norway, 13-19 October 2014
- Dating Origin of Life: Present-Day Molecules and First Fossil Record, Göttingen, Germany, 16-18 October 2014
- GSA 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 19-22 October 2014
- Symposium on International Safeguards, IAEA, Vienna, 20-24 October 2014
- 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (24th Earth Sciences Meeting), Pau, France, 27-31 October 2014
- Archean Tectonics Debate and Symposium “Plumes or plates in the late Archaean: how far does uniformitarianism apply in Archaean tectonics?” CSIRO, Kensington, WA, Australia, 27-28 November 2014
- 1st Australian Workshop for EMC Geoscientists, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia, 1-2 December 2014
- AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 15-19 December 2014
CCFS presenters at the Archean Tectonics Debate and Symposium, November 2014.
Conference | Abstract |
IGG-CAS 2014 Annual Meeting, 16-17 January 2014 |
Seismic images of craton margins |
Workshop on “Advanced development on in situ & WR high-precision elemental and isotopic analyses”, Academia Sinica Taipei, Taiwan, 10-12 March 2014 |
Back to basics: quantitative elemental and isotope ratio analysis by laser ablation ICP-MS
Norman Pearson with some of the workshop’s participants. |
UNCOVER Summit 2014 Adelaide Convention Centre, SA, Australia, 31 March - 2 April 2014 |
Isotope geology through space and time: a tool for understanding crustal evolution. Case studies from the Yilgarn Craton and its margin |
International Workshop on: Ophiolites, Mantle Processes and Related Ore Deposits, Beijing, 14-15 April 2014 |
Transition-Zone mineral assemblages in peridotite massifs, Tibet: Implications for collision-zone dynamics and orogenic peridotites |
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 02 May 2014 |
Long hard road from Nuna to Rodinia |
The tectonics of exoplanets |
AESC Australian Earth Sciences Convention, Sustainable Australia, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 7-10 July 2014 |
Metal sources and transport mechanisms at crust-mantle boundary conditions: new search space for deep-seated magmatic mineral systems Formation of horizontally layered Archean crust: examples from the Pilbara, Kaapvaal, and Yilgarn Cratons Was the Early Earth Stagnant? Innovation in Australian geochronology and thermochronology |
Gordon Research Conference: Rock Deformation, Andover, New Haven, USA 17-22 August 2014 |
Strain heterogeneities and dynamic recrystallization in anisotropic materials: Insights from ice and ice mixture deformation experiments and modeling |
Ninth International Mining Geology Conference, Adelaide, SA, 18-20 August 2014 |
Mines versus mineralisation - Deposit quality, mineral exploration strategy and the role of ‘Boundary Spanners’ T.C. McCuaig, J.E. Vann and J.P. Sykes Keynote |
14th International Conference on Thermochronology, Chamonix, 8-14 September 2014 |
Earthquake seismology: Exploring the cratonic crust in Western Australia |
2014 EMAS regional Workshop, Leoben, Austria, 21-24 September 2014 |
In-situ quantitative determination of PGE concentrations in komatiitic chromites: application to nickel- sulphide targeting |
SEG 2014, Keystone, CO, USA, 27-30 September 2014 |
The mineral system concept: Key to exploration targeting under cover |
2014 GSWA Kimberley Workshop, 21 November 2014 |
The geochemical architecture of the Hart Dolerite at Speewah Dome, Western Australia |
Archean Tectonics debate and symposium, CSIRO, Kensington, WA, 27-28 November 2014 |
No plate tectonics in the Archaean? Internal seismic structure of the cratonic lithosphere |
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December 2014 |
Thermochemical structure and stratification of the Hudson Bay lithosphere, Northern Canada: Evidence from multi-observable probabilistic inversion |
A full list of abstract titles and authors for Conferences and Workshops attended is given in Appendix 6 and on the Abstracts page.
Conference | Role |
European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 2 May 2014 |
Session Co- Convenor: |
Goldschmidt 2014 Conference, Sacramento, USA, 8-13 June 2014 |
Theme co-coordinator: Session Co- Convenor: Session Co-convenors: |
AESC Australian Earth Sciences Convention, Sustainable Australia, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 7-10 July 2014 |
Theme Co-convenor: Session Co-convenors: Session Co-convenors: |
AOGS 11th Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, 28 July - 1 August, 2014 |
AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 15-19 December 2014 |
Session Co-convenors: |
Activity |
Details and Participant/s |
Date |
CET Seminar Series | Cam McCuaig | 2014 |
CCFS/EPS Seminar Series | Richard Flood | 2014 |
International Workshop on: Ophiolites, Mantle Processes and Related Ore Deposits, Beijing, China | Bill Griffin was a member of the scientific organising committee | 14-15 April 2014 |
TeamWA workshop: Iron Oxide Copper Gold IOCG deposits, Perth, WA, Australia | Cam McCuaig was part of the discussion panel | 29 May 2014 |
Australian Earth Science Convention, Newcastle, Post-conference workshop “Recent advances on the interpretation of the global multiple sulphur isotope record: implications for the evolution of the Early earth and a wide range of ore-forming processes” | Organised by Marco Fiorentini, Attended by more than 15 students and researchers | 29 May 2014 |
This workshop brought together the sulfur isotope community, including several global leaders in this discipline (Sue Golding, Boswell Wing) to present the latest advances in our understanding of the multiple sulfur isotope signature record and to identify the greatest knowledge gaps that should be addressed in the short term future. The debate focused on the processes that lead to genesis and preservation of mass independent sulfur isotope signatures in the global geological record. In the last two decades the discovery and measurement of non-mass dependent sulfur isotope signatures in sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks has permitted the formulation of new hypotheses on the evolution of the Early Earth. The precision of analytical techniques, both for whole-rock and in situ analysis of a wide range of S-bearing phases, including sulfides, sulfates and phosphates, have dramatically improved, yet our ability to interpret this data still lags. Sulfur is a crucial element that is involved in numerous biological processes and is a critical ligand that complexes, transports and concentrates a wide range of metals in hydrothermal fluids and silicate melts. As a result, sulfides play a key role in the formation of numerous world-class mineral systems, including gold, nickel, copper and the platinum group elements. However, even if the scientific community broadly agrees that sulfur most likely played a crucial role in the establishment of the first forms of proto-life, the relationship between the global sulfur cycle and the evolution of the biosphere-atmosphere-hydrosphere-lithosphere in the Early Earth is still a hot topic of debate. The entire day was a great success. | ||
CCFS Centre Research Meeting | CCFS MQ hosted the Centre-wide Research meeting | 3-4 July 2014 |
Short Course for Precambrian Centre in Beijing, China | Sue O’Reilly and Bill Griffin were appointed Short Course presenters for Geochemistry | September 2014 |
IUCES Summer School “Water in Geological Processes” at China University of Geosciences, Wuhan | Sue O’Reilly and Bill Griffin were presenters | 8-15 September 2014 |
Postgraduate Seminar Day | Organised by the MQ Department of EPS featuring presentations and posters from EPS and CCFS PhD students | 19-20 November 2014 |
Laser Ablation Split Stream Petrochronology Workshop | Hosted by CCFS CU node | 29 September -1 October 2014 |
Plumes or Plates in the Archean: How far does uniformitarianism apply in Archean tectonics? Archean Tectonics Debate and Symposium | Organised by Weronika Gorcsyk and Steve Barnes (CSIRO) Well attended with over 80 participants | 27-28 November 2014 |
Dr Weronika Gorcsyk and Dr Steve Barnes (CSIRO) organised a very well attended and exciting debate on Archean tectonics. It has long been debated how far back in Earth’s history plate tectonic processes have operated. Until the late 1980’s, many geologists considered that plate tectonic activity only operated in the past 1 Ga. Since then, new discoveries have pushed back the envelope to the early Archean. This is a matter of continued dispute and is currently unresolved. Understanding of dynamic Archean tectonics is critical for comprehending the evolution of the Australian continent, and processes that led to the formation of world-class gold and base metal provinces. Recent advances in geophysics, geochronology and geochemistry have opened up new ideas and interpretation of tectonic evolution in the Archean. These were discussed and debated during the two day event. | ||
CET Corporate Members Day | Organised by Cam McCuaig and Marco Fiorentini | 9 December 2014 |
1st Australian Workshop for Early and Mid-Career Geoscientists | Hosted at CCFS MQ node and sponsored by CCFS Organised by Juan Carlos Afonso, Fabiao Capitanio (Monash),Chris Clark, Heather Handley, Giampiero Iaffaldano (ANU), Stephan Thiel (U. Adelaide)Attended by ~85 participants | 1-2 December 2014 |
The workshop brought together Australian Early and Mid-Career Geoscientists (EMCG) working in universities, government institutions, and the industry sector to discuss current and future challenges and opportunities for EMCGs in Australia. The overarching goals of the workshop were to harness the potential of EMC geoscientists in Australia and to 1) Establish a national network of EMCGs to foster collaboration and provide support and guidance to ECRs. 2) Discuss the role of EMC geoscientists in contributing to the development of community-based research objectives that address current Australian needs (both industry and academic). 3) Discuss strategies for funding to improve geoscience research capacities in Australia. 4) Promote opportunities for recruitment support and advancement within Australia and abroad. 5) Discuss Mid- and long-term research strategies to maintain the productivity, originality and success of the Australian Geoscience community at the highest level. |
Activity |
Participant/s |
MQ Vice Chancellor's Citation for Excellence in Learning and Teaching | Kelsie Dadd |
The 2014 UWA Vice-Chancellor’s Mid-Career Research Award | Marco Fiorentini |
CET Science Day - Awarded Best student poster | Christopher Gonzalez |
Awarded the Clark Medal from the Royal Society of New South Wales | Bill Griffin |
Only Australian Geoscientists listed in Thomson-Reuters Highly-Cited Researchers, 2014: | Bill Griffin, Zheng-Xiang Li, Simon Wilde |
Tall Poppy Award | Heather Handley |
Visiting Professorship, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France | Cam McCuaig |
Nominated for UWA Vice-Chancellor’s Award in Research Mentorship | Cam McCuaig |
Nominated by UWA for the Western Australian Scientist of the Year Award | Cam McCuaig |
Awarded AESC student scholarships from GSA - NSW division | Nicole McGowan |
Elected to Australian Academy of Sciences Council | Sue O'Reilly |
2014 Macquarie University's 3MT (3 Minute thesis) - won Faculty competition and the People's Choice award in the University finalg | Irena Tretiakova |
Distinguished Professor Award recipient | Simon Turner |
2014-2018 - ARC Future Fellows | David Wacey and Xuan-Ce Wang |
2013 Curtin Early Career Research Highest Research Performance Index Award | Xuan-Ce Wang |
Geophysics Journal International: Outstanding Reviewers 2014 | Yingjie Yang |
Awarded 2015 Anton Hales Medal for research in earth sciences | Yingjie Yang ![]() |
Forum |
Participant/s |
Date |
Public lecture entitled “Archean komatiite volcanism and ore genesis controlled by the evolution of early continents”, held within the forum of the IS Grand Terre public monthly seminars at the University of Grenoble, France | Marco Fiorentini | January |
Lecture at UWA’s School of Earth and Environment’s “DEE-TALKS” about working in Canada’s Yukon Territory as an exploration geologist - “Fear and Loathing in the Land of the Midnight Sun” | David Stevenson | April |
Spoke at Women in Science careers night, Macquarie University | Kelsie Dadd | May |
Participated in My Science mentoring program at West Epping School | Kelsie Dadd | May |
Public lecture “Sulfur degassing and nickel-sulfide ore-forming process in Archean komatiite volcanoes”, UWA | Marco Fiorentini | May |
Australian Earth Sciences Convention, Newcastle, Public talk, Newcastle Museum: Van Kranendonk, M.J., “Making the sky blue: The early history of life and the rise of complex life” | Martin Van Kranendonk | July |
Australian Earth Sciences Convention, Newcastle, Organiser, Geological Society of Australia sponsored Public Forum on “Energy 2050: The Future of Energy in Australia” | Martin Van Kranendonk | July |
Participated in “Girls in Science Night" at Seaforth Public School aimed at enhancing science in education at the secondary level | Tracy Rushmer | August |
Public Lecture - Knox Grammar School, “The geologist” | Sandra Piazolo | September |
Invited talk at “Young Mineralogist Organisation” - “How mantle is attractive - The research life in France and Australia.” This talk was provided for young people interested in Earth Sciences. | Takako Satsukawa | September |
CET Member’s Day Presentation “Isotopic mapping and paleogeophysics” | Marco Fiorentini | December |
Geological Survey public outreach though numerous stakeholder meetings and direct public engagement | Chris Kirkland | 2014 |
Conference | Abstract |
Juan Carlos Afonso |
Co-editor of Special Volume: The lithosphere and beyond: a multidisciplinary spotlight. Lithos Special Issue 189, 15 February 2014 (with Professor Sue O’Reilly and Professor Bill Griffin) |
Chris Clark |
Invited Early-Mid career representative, Australian Academy of Science National Committee for Earth Sciences |
Ian Fitzsimons |
Fellow of the Geological Society, London |
Bill Griffin |
Co-editor of Special Volume: American Journal of Science Special Issue in Honour of Bor-Ming Jahn. In press. (with Chung S.L., Shellnutt, J.G. and Wang, K-L), 2014 |
Matt Kilburn |
Visiting Professorship, Technische Universität München Dec 2014 |
Yongjun Lu | Appointed Associate Editor for SEG 2016 Special Publication on Tethys |
Craig O'Neill |
International University Consortium in Earth Science (IUCES) MQ colleague |
Catherine McCammon | President, Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology section of the American Geophysical Union |
Cam McCuaig |
Invited member, Science Committee, UNCOVER |
Sue O’Reilly | Member of the ARC ERA Reference Working Group 2013-2014 Chair, Australian Academy of Sciences National Committee, Earth Sciences Member Executive Committee, UNCOVER national initiative (auspices of the Australian Academy of Sciences) Appointed member NSW Minerals Council Taskforce for the Minister for Resources and Energy (for the Hon Anthony Roberts MP, 2014) Member of the Academy of Sciences Working Party for the Chief Scientist on the Economic Value of STEM to Australia (2014) Member, 2015 ERA Research Evaluation Committee |
Tracy Rushmer |
Appointed member of the Program Advisory Committee - Australian Synchrotron |
Martin Van Kranendonk |
Chair of the Precambrian Subcommission of the International Commission on Stratigraphy |
Xuan-Ce Wang |
Appointed as an Adjunct Research Professor - Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences |

Acta Geologica Sinica |
Li |
Acta Geoscientia Sinica |
Li |
American Journal of Science |
Wilde |
Chemical Geology |
Wilde |
EGU Journal Solid Earth | Afonso, Schaefer |
Geology |
C. Clark |
Geological Society of America Bulletin |
Griffin, Li |
Geosphere |
Yuan |
GeoResJ | George, Jacob, Schaefer |
Gondwana Research |
Wilde |
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences |
Li, Wilde |
Journal of the Geological Society, London | C. Clark, Fitzsimons |
Journal of Jilin University – Earth Science |
Wilde |
Journal of Metamorphic Geology | Brown |
Journal of Petrology |
Turner |
Journal of Structural Geology |
Piazolo |
Lithos |
C.Clark, Foley, Griffin |
Mineralium Deposita | Fiorentini |
Ore Geology Reviews | Bagas |
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals | McCammon |
Precambrian Research |
Barley, Pisarevsky, Van Kranendonk |
Scientific Reports |
Jacob |
Activity |
Participant/s |
Date, Forum |
Web address |
Geotalk: The mantle and models and measurements, oh my! Talking geophysics with Juan Carlos Afonso |
Juan Carlos Afonso | 27/03/2014, GEOLOG (The Official Blog of the European Geosciences Union) | | |
Rocks get super-heated to 1000°C under new mountains | Chris Clark and Mike Brown | 20/11/2014, BBC | | |
QS World - Macquarie University was the only university to achieve two top five positions in philosophy and earth and marine sciences University Ranking by Subject - MQ with 2 x top 5 | MQ - EPS | 26/02/2014, The Australian | The Australian, Australia, by Julie Hare, Higher Education, p. 25 |
Mars prospectivity |
Marco Fiorentini | June Issue, CET Quarterly News | ||
Hottest lava eruption linked to growth of first continents |
Marco Fiorentini | 24/06/2014, UWA media release | | |
Hydrothermal remobilisation of nickel-sulfide systems |
Marco Fiorentini | September Issue, CET Quarterly News | ||
Frontiers in Mineral Exploration |
Marco Fiorentini, Raphael Baumgartner, Davd Wacey | 7/11/2014, UWA media release | | |
De gisements de metaux sur Mars |
Marco Fiorentini | 11/11/2014, IRD media release | | |
Red rovers meet the ultimate outback challenge |
Simon George | 8/09/2014, The Age | | |
Finding the world's oldest fossils the Flinders Ranges |
Simon George | 9/09/2014, 639 ABC North and West | | |
Four of our best make World’s Most Influential Minds list |
Bill Griffin, Simon Wilde, Zheng-Xiang Li | 14/07/2014, This Week at Macquarie | | |
Young tall-poppy science awards for astronomer and volcanologist |
Heather Handley | 11/11/2014, MQ Newsroom | | |
Light and lava |
Heather Handley | 16/11/2014, This Week at Macquarie | | |
World's oldest rocks spark discussion on origin of life |
Craig O’Neill | 11 April 2013, ABC News in Science | | |
Expert reaction: Earthquake in California, Australian Science Media Centre |
Craig O'Neill | 25/08/2014, aus/SMC Australian Science Media Centre | | |
Promoting service and engagement |
Craig O'Neill | 16/11/2014, This Week at Macquarie | | |
Eminent geologist joins Australian Academy of Science Council |
Sue O'Reilly | 14/11/2014, MQ Newsroom | | |
Eminent geologist joins Australian Academy of Science Council |
Sue O'Reilly | 14/11/2014, Australian Academy of Science News | | |
Early start for plate tectonics |
Simon Turner | 14/01/2014, Chemistry World | | |
Study of Earth’s crust tells of first plate tectonics and life on Earth |
Simon Turner | 30/01/2014, MQ Newsroom | | |
Old rocks open new debate on life's origins |
Simon Turner | 4/02/2014, The Australian | | |
Earth’s crust tells a different story |
Simon Turner | 7/02/2014, Science Alert | | |
The Dawn of Plate Tectonics |
Simon Turner | 19/02/2014, Science Magazine - Latest News | | |
World’s oldest rocks spark discussion on origin of life |
Simon Turner | 21/02/2014, Iowa Now | | |
Analysis of rock sequences in Quebec and Japan -continental drift |
Simon Turner | 26/02/2014, 702 ABC Sydney | 702 ABC Sydney | |
Conditions for Creation |
Simon Turner, Tracy Rushmer and colleagues | 1/07/2014, Australasian Science | | |
Distinguished Professor Simon Turner |
Simon Turner | 24/10/2014, Research Impact MQ | | |
Filmed part of a documentary for PBS USA - on “The evolution of Minerals”, together with Professor Bob Hazen, Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Martin Van Kranendonk | to be aired in 2015, PBS USA | N/A to be aired in 2015 ![]() |
Academy awards recognise outstanding science researchers |
Yingjie Yang | 25/11/2014, MQ Newsroom | |
CCFS fosters links nationally and internationally through visits of collaborators to undertake defined short-term projects, or short-term visits to give lectures and seminar sessions. Formal collaborative arrangements are facilitated by partnerships in grants with reciprocal funding from international collaborators.
All Australian and international visitors are listed in Appendix 5.
They have participated in:
• collaborative research
• technology exchange
• seminars
• discussions and joint publications
• collaboration in postgraduate programs