Communications 2016
CCFS web resources provide information on background, research and downloadable files of the Annual Report and Research Highlights.
Links to the GEMOC website ( provide past GEMOC Annual Reports, updated details on its methods, new analytical advances and software updates (GLITTER), activities of research teams within GEMOC, synthesised summaries of selected research outcomes and items for secondary school resources.
Links to the CET (Centre for Exploration Targeting) website ( provide access to wider information about CET activities beyond its involvement in CCFS and especially the wide base of end-user interaction.
Links to The Institute for Geoscience Research (TiGer) website ( provide information about their facilities, participants and research activities.
Strong industry interaction in CCFS in 2016 ranged from presentations to specific industry groups in their offices to numerous formal and informal workshops at CET and GEMOC, and invited and plenary presentations at peak industry symposia, workshops and conferences nationally and internationally.
CCFS publications for 2016 are given in Appendix 5
The 165 CCFS publications that were published in 2016 are dominantly in high-impact international journals (Thomson ISI); the remainder are in outlets targeted to specific stakeholders (e.g., Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, Economic Geology).
CCFS has a LinkedIn Group – Join the conversation at
CCFS Investigators, associated staff, early-career researchers and postgraduates had a high profile at 41 peak geophysical, metallogenic, geodynamic and geochemical conferences as convenors, invited speakers, or presenters, with 222 presentations including:
• Annual Meeting of The Israel Geological Society (IGS), Eilat, Israel, 19-21 January 2016
• 32nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 13-15 January 2016
• 5th Australasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network Meeting, Canberra, Australia, 28-29 January 2016
• 24th Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis (ACMM24) Melbourne, Australia, 1-4 February 2016
• GSWA Open Day 2016, Fremantle, Australia, 26 February 2016
• NAC+ 2016, The North Atlantic Craton and Surrounding Belts: A Craton-Specific Approach to Exploration Targeting, Edinburgh, UK, 21-23 March 2016
• 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 21-25 March 2016
• European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016
• 17th International Seismix Symposium, Aviemore, Scotland, 15-20 May 2016
• Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe, Japan, 22-26 May 2016
• Anisotropy and Dynamics of The Lithosphere- Asthenosphere System Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 22-25 May 2016
• SEG Munich Technical Meeting, Munich, Germany, 1 June 2016
• GAC-MAC 2016, Margins Through Time, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, 1-3 June 2016
• EMPG XV Fifteenth International Symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, Zurich, Switzerland, 5-8 June 2016
• International Diamond School 2016, Edmondton, Canada, 8 June 2016
• Polar Symposium, Lubin, Poland, 8-11 June 2016
• Gordon Research Conference, Geochemistry of Mineral Deposits, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 19-24 June 2016
• AESC 2016 – Australian Earth Sciences Convention – Uncover Earth’s Past to Discover Our Future, Adelaide Convention Centre, Australia, 26-30 June 2016
Qing Xiong with his poster at the 26th Goldschmidt Conference.
• 26th Goldschmidt Conference, Yokohama, Japan, 26 June – 1 July 2016
• Australian Astrobiology Meeting, Perth, Australia, 10-12 July 2016
• Workshop on the Origin and Evolution of Plate Tectonics, Monte Veritá, Locarno, Switzerland, 17-22 July 2016
• Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 13th Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, 31 July – 5 August 2016
• 7th International Dyke Conference (IDC7), Beijing, China, 18-20 August 2016
• ASEG-PESA-AIG 2016 25th International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition in Adelaide, South Australia, August 21-24, 2016
• European Microscopy Conference, Lyon, France, 28 August- 2 September 2016
Zheng-Xiang Li (second from right) and fellow delegates at the 35th IGC, Capetown.
• 35th IGC, International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 27 August – 4 September 2016
• 13th International Nickel-Copper-PGE Symposium, Fremantle, Australia, 5-9 September 2016
• 2nd European Mineralogical Conference, EMC2016 Minerals, Fluids and Rocks: Alphabet and Words of Planet Earth, Palacongressi of Rimini, Italy, 11-15 September 2016
• GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, 25-28 September 2016
• SEG 2016 Tethyan Tectonics and Metallogeny, Çeşme, Turkey, 25-28 September 2016
• TIGeR Conference, Rock Alteration in The Upper Crust: Element Mobility and Concentration, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 26-28 September 2016
• 16th Australian Space Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 26-28 September 2016
• ACTER 2016 Annual Field Symposium, Xi’an, China, 20-29 October 2016
• 2016 International Conference on The Earth’s Deep Interior, Wuhan, China, 4-6 November 2016
• SSERVI Australia Workshop 2016, Perth, Australia, 9-11 November 2016
• Resources for the 21st Century Symposium, Research School of Earth Sciences (RSES), Canberra, Australia, 22-24 November 2016
• TANG3O, Thermochronology and Noble Gas Geochronology and Geochemistry Organisation, Perth, Australia,29-30 November 2016
• CET-UWA 2016 Corporation Members Day, Perth, Australia, 7 December 2016
• Greenland Day Conference, Perth, Australia, 9 December 2016
• AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 12-16 December 2016
• Palaeontology Association Annual Meeting, Lyon, France, 14-17 December 2016
Annual Meeting of The Israel Geological Society (IGS), Eilat, Israel, 19-21 January 2016 |
Deep-Earth methane, mantle dynamics and mineral exploration: insights from northern Israel, southern Tibet and Kamchatka W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, D. Adams, V. Toledo, N.J. Pearson and S.Y. O'Reilly Plenary ![]() The role of the deep lithosphere in metallogeny S.Y. O’Reilly, W.L. Griffin and N.J. Pearson Keynote |
32nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 13-15 January 2016 |
From Nuna to Rodinia: Stenian-Tonian paleogeography S.A. Pisarevsky Invited |
GSWA Open Day 2016, Fremantle, Australia, 26 February 2016 |
Secular change in Archean crust formation recorded in Western Australia H. Yuan Keynote |
EGU, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016 |
Uncertainty quantification in complex joint inversion problems J.C. Afonso Invited |
17th International Seismix Symposium, Aviemore, Scotland, 15-20 May 2016 |
Multi-observable probabilistic tomography for the physical state of the Earth’s interior J.C. Afonso Keynote |
Anisotropy and Dynamics of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 22-25 May 2016 |
Thermochemical tomography for the physical state of the Earth’s interior J.C. Afonso Keynote |
International Diamond School 2016, Edmondton, Canada, 8 June 2016 |
Trace element traverses across kimberlite olivine: A new tool to decipher the evolution of kimberlite magmas A. Giuliani, A. Soltys, W.L. Griffin, S. Foley, D. Phillips and A. Greig Invited |
AESC 2016 – Australian Earth Sciences Convention – Uncover Earth’s Past to Discover Our Future, Adelaide Convention Centre, Australia, 26-30 June 2016 |
Plume and superplumes: their formation, nature and geodynamic roles Z.X. Li Keynote 1800-900 Ma global paleogeography: new insights S. Pisarevsky Invited Duration of tectonic processes constrained by Lu-Hf garnet geochronology – Insights from HP/LT oceanic rocks (Halilbağı Complex) and Barrovian-type mica-schist (Menderes Massif) A. Pourteau Keynote Pb isotope evolution in the Martian mantle J. Belluccci, A. Nemchin, M. Whitehouse and J. Snape Invited |
26th Goldschmidt Conference, Yokohama, Japan, 26 June – 1 July 2016 |
Pb isotope evolution in the Martian mantle J. Belluccci, A. Nemchin, M. Whitehouse and J. Snape Invited Evolution of the early continents and localisation of Ni-Cu-Pge systems D. Mole, M.L. Fiorentini, C. Kirkland, S. Barnes, C. McCuaig, K. Cassidy, E. Belousova, S. Romano and M. Doublier Invited Early-formed chemical heterogeneity recorded by 142Nd-143Nd in 3.8-3.0 Ga samples from the Archean Anshan Complex, North China Craton X.-C. Wang, C.-F. Li, S. Wilde, X.-H. Li and Y.-F. Wang Invited |
Australian Astrobiology Meeting, Perth, Australia, 10-12 July 2016 |
A terrestrial origin of life B. Damer, M.J. Van Kranendonk, T. Djokic and D. Deamer Invited |
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 13th Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, 31 July – 5 August 2016 |
Paleoproterozoic subductions and their roles in craton assembly in Western Australia H. Yuan, S. Johnson, M. Dentith, R. Murdie and K. Gessner Invited |
7th International Dyke Conference (IDC7), Beijing, China, 18-20 August 2016 |
Proterozoic dyke swarms of the Siberian Craton and their geodynamic implications D.P. Gladkochub, T.V. Donskaya, R. Ernst, S.A. Pisarevsky , M.T.D. Wingate and U. Söderlund Invited Paleomagnetic data and dyke swarms geometries – Important tools for Precambrian paleogeographic reconstructions S.A Pisarevsky Keynote Updated digital map of mafic dyke swarms and large igneous provinces in Western Australia M.T.D. Wingate, and D. McB. Martin Invited |
ASEG-PESA-AIG 2016, Adelaide, South Australia, August 21-24, 2016 |
Multi-observable thermochemical tomography: a new approach to an old problem J.C. Afonso Keynote 3D imaging of the Earth’s lithosphere using noise from ocean waves Y. Yang, J. Xie and K. Zhao Keynote |
35th IGC, Cape Town, South Africa, 27 August – 4 September 2016 |
Trace element variations across olivine record the evolution of kimberlite melts: Case studies from the Kimberley kimberlites (South Africa) A. Giuliani, A. Soltys, W.L. Griffin, S. Foley, V.S. Kamenetsky, D. Phillips, A. Greig and K. Goemann Keynote Global Seismic LAB measurements from full waveform tomography H. Yuan and B. Romanowicz Invited |
GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, 25-28 September 2016 |
Assessing trace element (dis)equilibrium and the application of single element thermometers in metamorphic rocks A.M. Cruz-Uribe, M. Feinman, T. Zack, and D.E. Jacob Invited |
SEG 2016, Çeşme, Turkey, 25-28 September 2016 |
Zircon compositions as a pathfinder for porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au systems Y. Lu, R.R. Loucks, M.L. Fiorentini, T.C. McCuaig, N.J. Evans, Z. Yang, Z. Hou, C.L. Kirkland, L.A. Parra-Avila and A. Kobussen Keynote |
TIGeR Conference, Perth, Australia, 26-28 September 2016 |
Metal and sulfur cycles in the deep continental crust: Insights from the Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits of the Ivrea Zone (Italy) M.L. Fiorentini, M. Locmelis, T. Rushmer, R. Arevalo Jr., J. Adam, S.W. Denyszyn, and C. LaFlamme Invited |
2016 International Conference on the Earth’s Deep Interior, Wuhan, China, 4-6 November 2016 |
Iron spin transitions in the Earth S. Clark Invited Corundum crystallization and ultra-low fO2 in a volcanic plumbing system: Mt Carmel area, Israel W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, J-X. Huang, V. Toledo, N.J. Pearson and S.Y. O’Reilly Keynote |
Resources for the 21st Century Symposium, RSES, Canberra, Australia, 22-24 November 2016 |
Tracing metal and fluid sources in magmatic and hydrothermal systems M.L. Fiorentini Keynote Targeting new deposits: Margins, metasomatism and metallogeny S.Y. O’Reilly Invited |
CET-UWA 2016 Corporation Members Day, Perth, Australia, 7 December 2016 |
Understanding the Precambrian crust in the Capricorn region – some results from recent passive source deployments H. Yuan, S.P. Johnson, M. Dentith, R. Murdie, K. Gessner, F. Korhonen and T. Bodin Invited |
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 12-16 December 2016 |
Pb-Pb systematics of lunar rocks: Differentiation, magmatic and impact history of the Moon A. Nemchin, M. Whitehouse, M.D Norman, J. Snape, J.J. Bellucci and M. Grange Invited Crustal structure of the late-Archean to Proterozoic Glenburgh Terrane in the Western Australian Craton: roles of a micro-continent in craton formation and reworking H. Yuan, S. Johnson, M.C. Dentith, R. Murdie, K. Gessner, F.J. Korhonen and T. Bodin Invited Lithospheric layering in major continents: results using full waveform tomography H. Yuan, P. Clouzet, B.A Romanowicz and L. Zhao Invited The Hainan Lone Plume prompted by encircling subduction zones around the South China Sea N. Zhang and Z.X. Li Invited
A full list of abstract titles and authors for Conferences and Workshops attended is given in Appendix 6 and on the Abstracts page.
Conference | Role |
5th Australasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network Meeting, Canberra, Australia, 28-29 January 2016 | Co-Organiser:
Nathan Daczko
GAC-MAC 2016, Margins Through Time, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, 1-3 June 2016 |
Member of Organising and Scientific Committee: Zheng-Xiang Li – Special Session 2 (SS2): “Northwest Laurentia's Neighbours in Proterozoic Supercontinents: Cratonic Identifications and Their Geodynamic Implications”
AESC 2016 – Australian Earth Sciences Convention – Uncover Earth’s Past to Discover Our Future, Adelaide Convention Centre, Australia, 26-30 June 2016 |
Sub Theme Chair: Kelsie Dadd – Theme: “Earth’s Environment – Past to Present” – Sub Theme: “Scientific Results of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP)” Sub Theme Co-Chairs: Juan Carlos Afonso and Louis Moresi – Theme: “Deep Earth Geodynamics” – Sub Theme: “Linking Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection to Surface Processes” Sub Theme Chair: Chris Kirkland – Theme: “Tectonics of the Planet” – Sub Theme: “Proterozoic Orogens Welding the West, North and South Australian Cratons” Sub Theme Co-Convenor: Zheng-Xiang Li – Theme: “Tectonics of the Planet” – Sub Theme: “Supercontinent Cycles and Global Geodynamics” Sub Theme Chair: Ross Mitchell – Theme: “Tectonics of the Planet” – Sub Theme: “Supercontinent Cycles and Global Geodynamics” Symposium Co-Chair: Juan Carlos Afonso – “Early to Mid Career Researchers Symposium”
26th Goldschmidt Conference, Yokohama, Japan, 26 June – 1 July 2016 |
Session Co-Convenor: William Griffin – Session 09a: “Sustainable Resourcing of Ore Deposits Related to Ultramafic-Mafic Magmas”
The 4th Conference on Earth System Science, Shanghai, China, 4-6 July 2016 |
Symposium Co-Convenor: Zheng-Xiang Li – “Eastern Eurasian Tectonics, Evolution of the Western Pacific, and Ocean-Continent Collision Processes”
Australian Astrobiology Meeting, Perth, Australia, 10-12 July 2016 |
Organising Committee/Scientific Committee: Martin Van Kranendonk – “Eastern Eurasian Tectonics, Evolution of the Western Pacific, and Ocean-Continent Collision Processes” Session Chair: Simon George – Session 7: “Early Life 2”
AOGS 13th Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, 31 July – 5 August 2016 |
Primary Session Convenor: Huaiyu Yuan – Session SE06: “Across-scale And Multi-discipline Studying of Continental Lithosphere”
7th International Dyke Conference (IDC7), Beijing, China, 18-20 August 2016 |
Members of Organising committee: Sergei Pisarevsky Michael Wingate ![]() International Steering Committee Member, Session Convenor: Steven Denyszyn – Session: “Remote Sensing of Dykes” Session Chair: Michael Wingate – Session 4: “Geochronology of dyke swarms”
35th IGC, Cape Town, South Africa, 27 August – 4 September 2016 |
Symposium Co-convenor: Zheng-Xiang Li – Theme: “Supercontinent Cycles and Global Geodynamics (IGCP 648)” Theme Champion: Simon Wilde – Theme: “Geochronology” Session Convenor: Simon Wilde – Session: “Hadean and Archaean Earth”
13th International Nickel-Copper-PGE Symposium, Fremantle, Australia, 5-9 September 2016 |
Organising Committee: Marco Fiorentini
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 12-16 December 2016 |
Session Co-Convenor and Co-Chair: Craig O’Neill – Session T53C: “Secular Change in Earth Processes: Shifting Uniformitarianism II”
Activity |
Details and Participant/s |
Date |
CET Seminar Series | Cam McCuaig | 2016 |
CCFS/EPS Seminar Series | CCFS/EPS MQ, organised by Stefan Loehr | 2016 |
A Short Course in Numerical Geodynamic Modelling | Co-instructors Weronica Gorczyk and Christopher Gonzalez, hosted by UWA | 6-8 June 2016 |
EPS HDR Conference Day | Organised by MQ EPS and CCFS MQ PhD studentsfeaturing presentations and posters from EPS and CCFS MQ PhD students | 15 June 2016 |
Goldschmidt 2016 Workshop – Atom Probe Microscopy for Geoscientists | Workshop Co Leader Steven Reddy | 25-26 June 2016 |
Gold workshop at The Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany | Speaker – Stefano Caruso | 28 June 2016 |
UNCOVER Isotope geology: a window into crustal evolution, fertility and the geodynamics of Earth | Co-organiser – Chris Kirkland | 1 July 2016 |
Pilbara Craton field trip – Australia Astrobiology Meeting, Perth, Australia | Organiser – Martin Van Kranendonk, Co-Field Trip Leaders Martin Van Kranendonk and Tara Djokic | 13-17 July 2016 |
CCFS Short Course on Snowball Earth | Instructor – Professor Paul Hoffman (Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. Organised by Zheng-Xiang Li, Hosted by Curtin. Lectures were live streamed and made available here:![]() |
15 July 2016 |
Workshop for early and mid-career geoscientists, ASEG-PESA-AIG 2016 | Convenor – Juan Carlos Afonso | 1 August 2016 |
MetSoc 2016 Workshop – Microstructure and geochronology of shocked accessory minerals | Co-Converor – Timmons Erickson | 7 August 2016 |
CNRS Forsterite Master Class – Structural Geology, France | Presenter – Nicolas Thébaud | 5-7 October 2016 |
West African Metallogeny Workshop, Ouagadougou, Burkina Fasso | Presenter – Nicolas Thébaud | 17-22 October 2016 |
ACTER 2016 Field Symposium/Workshop – Orogenesis during Supercontinent Cycles | Event Co-organiser – Zheng-Xiang Li | 20-29 October 2016 |
EPS HDR Conference Day, MQ | Organised by MQ EPS and CCFS MQ PhD studentsfeaturing presentations and posters from EPS and CCFS MQ PhD students | 16 November 2016 |
CCFS sponsored shortcourse: Raman, Luminescence Spectroscopy and Imaging in the Earth and Planetary Sciences | Instructor – Professor Lutz Nasdala (Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, University of Vienna, Austria). Organised by Dorrit Jacob, hosted by Macquarie University. See photo p. 108. | 28 November-1 December 2016 |
CET-UWA 2016 Members’ Day | Presenters included – Weronika Gorczyk, Huaiyu Yuan | 7 December 2016 |
Participant |
Activity |
Juan Carlos Afonso | ![]() |
Bill Griffin | Recognised by Clarivate Analytics (previously Thomson Reuters) as a Highly-Cited Researcher 2016
Citation Milestone – Google Scholar named him as one of Australias’ most highly cited researchers when his H-Index passed 100 |
David Wacey | ![]() |
Elena Belousova | ![]() Presented with the 2016 Nancy Millis Medal for Women in Science at the Shine Dome, ACT in May 2016 (pictured centre) |
Andrea Giuliani, Montgarri Castillo-Oliver | Received a European Commission, Europlanet 2020 Research Award
Robert Loucks | Awarded the A.B. Edwards Medal of Geological Society of Australia (Presented June 2016 GSA Meeting) Received the Stillwell Award of Geological Society of Australia (Presented June 2016 GSA Meeting) |
Simon Wilde | Recognised by Clarivate Analytics (previously Thomson Reuters) as a Highly-Cited Researcher 2016
Sue O’Reilly | ![]() Became a 2016 Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia for “significant service to the Earth Sciences as an academic and researcher, to tertiary education and to scientific associations”. The Award was presented by his Excellency General, The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret’d). Recognised by Thomson-Reuters as a Highly-Cited Researcher |
Zheng-Xiang Li | Received the Geological Society of Australia S.W. Carey Medal, 2016
Recognised by Thomson-Reuters as a Highly-Cited Researcher |
Ian Fitzsimons |
Fellow of the Geological Society, London Fellow of the Mineralogical Society Keynote Speaker for SEG 2016: Tethyan Tectonics and Metallogeny |
Marco Fiorentini |
Appointed Associate Editor Mineralium Deposita |
Weronika Gorczyk |
Appointed as committee member of Geoconferences WA |
Bill Griffin |
Co-Convenor for Session 09a Sustainable Resourcing of Ore Deposits Related to Ultramafic-Mafic Magmas at Goldschmidt 2016 at Yokohama, Japan Appointed Co-Editor with Sisir Mondal of a book to be published by Elsevier in 2017 titled “Processes and ore deposits of ultramafic-mafic magmas through space and time” |
Yongjun Lu |
Appointed Associate Editor for SEG 2016 Special Publication on Tethys Appointed Councillor for Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) in 2016-2019 |
Craig O’Neill |
Member of the Australian Academy of Science National Committee for Earth Sciences |
Sue O’Reilly |
Member Executive Committee, UNCOVER national initiative (Auspices of the Australian Academy of Science) Chair, Academy of Science National Committee for Earth Sciences, and Decadal Plan preparation Elected Member of Council, Australian Academy of Science ( (With Professor Peter Koopman) set up an Equity and Diversity Reference Group at the request of the Council of the Australian Academy of Science. Sue O’Reilly is Deputy Chair of that group for 2017 Invited Convenor – Lithosphere evolution during subduction and collision session, Goldschmidt 2017 Member of the Order of Australia (2016) |
Acta Geologica Sinica | Li |
Acta Geoscientia Sinica | Li |
American Journal of Science | Wilde |
American Mineralogist | Piazolo |
Chemical Geology | Wilde |
Cogent Geosciences | O'Neill, Moressi |
EGU Journal Solid Earth | Afonso, Schaefer |
Exploration Geophysics | Yang |
Geology | Wacey |
Geodynamics & Tectonophysics | Pisarevsky |
Geology | C. Clark |
Geological Society of America Bulletin | Griffin, Li |
Geosphere | Yuan |
GeoResJ | George, Jacob, Schaefer |
Journal of Earth Sciences | Griffin |
Journal of the Geological Society, London | C. Clark, Fitzsimons |
Journal of Jilin University – Earth Science | Wilde |
Journal of Metamorphic Geology | Brown |
Journal of Petrology | Turner |
Journal of Structural Geology | Piazolo |
Lithos | C. Clark, Foley, Griffin |
Mineralium Deposita | Fiorentini |
Nature Science Reports | Wacey |
Ore Geology Reviews | Bagas |
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals | McCammon |
Precambrian Research | Barley, Pisarevsky, Van Kranendonk |
Scientific Reports< | Piazolo |
Forum |
Participant/s |
Date |
Public lectures – Nancy, Barcelona, Frankfurt, Brussels | Andrea Giuliani | 2016 |
Public lectures – McGill University, University of New Brunswick, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Technical University of Munich, Northern Star Resources, BHPB iron ore | Crystal LaFlamme | 2016 |
Numerous government briefings | Chris Kirkland | 2016 |
Feature presenter – TV documentary “The Living Universe” ABC television | Martin Van Kranendonk | 2016 |
Public lecture to the Western Australian Chinese Scientists Association (WACSA) on “How the Earth Engine Works – from the Crust to the Core” | Zheng-Xiang Li | 20 January 2016 |
Presenter – GSWA 2016 Open Day Lectures | Huaiyu Yuan | 26 February 2016 |
Public lecture – Australian National University – RSES Seminars “Atoms on the move: deformation-induced trace element redistribution in zircon” | Sandra Piazolo | 10 March 2016 |
Talk – Science at the Shine Dome 2016 – “Evolution of Earth’s crust through the prism of zircon crystals” | Elena Belousova | 25 May 2016 |
Public lecture – University of Adelaide – “Seismic structure of the Paleoproterozoic Gascoyne Province: roles of a micro-continent in craton amalgamation and reworking processes” | Huaiyu Yuan | 3 June 2016 |
Public lecture “Alfred Wegener and modern plate tectonics” Goethe Society, WA, Australia | Uwe Kirscher | 6 June 2016 |
Chief Scientist briefing (NRIS) | Matthew Kilburn | 20 July 2016 |
Public lecture – iVEC-Pawsey Supercomputing Open Day | Gregory Dering | 20 August 2016 |
Feature presenter – IMAX documentary film, “Earth Story” | Martin Van Kranendonk | 18 August – 30 September 2016 |
Public lecture – CMCA Geoscience industry open house | Matthew Kilburn | 17 November 2016 |
Public lecture – Geological Survey of Western Australia annual lecture series | Gregory Dering | 23 November 2016 |
Address – Australian Academy of Science Decadal Plan for Earth Science – Town Hall Meeting, ANU, 23 Nov 2016 | Sue O’Reilly | 23 November 2016 |
Talk – Greenland Day, Perth – “Reconnaissance-scale geodynamic understanding of basement-cover relationships linked to mineral systems targeting in North-West Greenland” | Crystal LaFlamme | 9 December 2016 |
Talk to high school students – “Tectonics, geodynamics, and the life of geoscience researchers” | Zheng-Xiang Li | 12 December 2016 |
Activity | Participant/s | Date, Forum | Web address |
Heaven on Earth... | Bll Griffin | 26/1/2016, YouTube video, Shefa Yamim | |
The role of the deep lithosphere in metallogeny | Sue O’Reilly | 1/2/2016, YouTube video | |
Defining mineral system footprints in the Edmund Basin of the Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia | Heta Lampinen | 18/2/2016, ASDInc. | |
PhD student gets some help to detect mineral system footprints | Heta Lampinen | 19/2/2016, CET News and Events | |
Australian university confirms Israeli rare mineral discovery | Bill Griffin | 21/2/2016, J-Wire | |
Kosciuszko explained: mystery of the Snowy Mountains solved | Craig O’Neill | 14/4/2016, Sydney Morning Herald | |
Kosciuszko explained: mystery of the Snowy Mountains solved | Craig O’Neill | 14/4/2016, The Age | |
Kosciuszko explained: mystery of the Snowy Mountains solved | Craig O’Neill | 14/4/2016, Canberra Times | |
Kosciuszko explained: mystery of the Snowy Mountains solved | Craig O’Neill | 14/4/2016, WA Today | |
Plate tectonics just a stage in Earth’s life cycle; Simulation shows crust to stop shifting in 5 billion years | Craig O’Neill | 31/05/2016, Science News | |
Asteroids delivered bulk of the Moon’s water, study finds | Craig O’Neill | 1/6/2016, ABC Online |’s-water/7463102 |
Asteroids delivered bulk of the Moon’s water, study finds | Craig O’Neill | 1/6/2016, ABC Radio Australia | |
Queen’s Birthday Honours 2016: the full list | Sue O’Reilly | 13/6/2016, Sydney Morning Herald | |
Queen’s Birthday Honours 2016: the full list | Sue O’Reilly | 13/6/2016, The Age | |
Queen’s Birthday Honours List: Ros Packer tops list of Aussies awarded a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) | Sue O’Reilly | 13/6/2016, The Daily Telegraph | |
Queen’s Birthday Honours | Sue O’Reilly | 15/6/2016, Northern District Times | Print only |
Sue O’Reilly rocks! | Sue O’Reilly | 20/6/2016, This Week, Macquarie University | |
Modern-day regional mapping training in the Aussie Outback | Heta Lampinen | 22/6/2016, CET News and Events | |
Does a planet need plate tectonics to develop life? | Craig O’Neill | 29/6/2016, The Conversation | |
Does a planet need plate tectonics to develop life? | Craig O’Neill | 29/6/2016, IFLScience | |
Does a planet need plate tectonics to develop life? | Craig O’Neill | 29/6/2016, Australasian Science | |
Does a planet need plate tectonics to develop life? | Craig O’Neill | 29/6/2016, Australasian Science | |
Does a planet need plate tectonics to develop life? | Craig O’Neill | 29/6/2016, Phys Org | |
Does a planet need plate tectonics to develop life? | Craig O’Neill | 4/7/2016, Cosmos | |
World’s oldest gem leading us to hidden treasures | Elena Belousova | 4/7/2016, Stories of Australian Science | |
Study Says Earth’s Plate Tectonics May Be Just a Phase | Craig O’Neill | 8/7/2016, Smithsonian magazine | |
Old planets always get too hot or cold for life in the end | Craig O’Neill | 27/7/2016, New Scientist | |
Old planets always get too hot or cold for life in the end | Craig O’Neill | 27/7/2016, New Sceintist | |
Top geologist: Israel has major deposits of precious stones | Bill Griffin | 1/8/2016, Globes | |
What 3.7-billion-year-old fossils mean for life on Mars | Craig O’Neill | 1/9/2016, Cosmos Magazine | |
Journal of Geophysical Research - Editorial Highlight | Juan Carlos Afonso, Yingjie Yang | 1/10/2016, AGU Publications | |
Professional fossil hunter discovers fossilised dinosaur brain tissue, scientists say | David Wacey | 28/10/16, ABC radio | |
Macquarie Earth Sciences researcher awarded prestigious Medal | Juan Carlos Afonso | 18/11/2016, Macquarie University News | |
Macquarie Earth Sciences researcher awarded prestigious Medal (Macquarie University) | Juan Carlos Afonso | 18/11/2016, News | |
Prestigious Earth Sciences medal for Macquarie researcher | Juan Carlos Afonso | 21/11/2016, This Week, Macquarie University | |
Macquarie Earth Sciences researcher awarded prestigious Medal | Juan Carlos Afonso | 23/11/2016, Foreign Affairs | |
SEG Students Head to the Kimberleys | Heta Lampinen, Constanza Jara, | 29/11/2016, CET News and Events | |
Australian Academy of Science 201 Awardees - Early career honorifics - 2017 Anton Hales Medal | Juan Carlos Afonso | 18/11/2016, Australian Academy of Science | |
Geoscience really rocks | Juan Carlos Afonso | 07/12/2016, Rouse Hill Times | Print only |
DMP tests earthquake recording site in Broome | Klaus Gessner, Huaiyu Yuan, Liang Zhao | 22/12/2016, WA Department of Mines and Petrolium | |
First discovery of a fossilised dinosaur brain | David Wacey | 27/10/2016, Official Guiness Records Magazine | |
716. D.E. Jacob, S. Piazolo, A. Schreiber and P. Trimby 2016. Redox-freezing and nucleation of diamond via magnetite formation in the Earth’s mantle. Nature Communications, 7, 11891.
Activity | Date, Forum | Web address |
Ultra-thin slices of diamonds reveal geological processes | 21/6/2016, EurekAlert! | |
How to build a diamond factory | 22/6/2016, Cosmos | |
Ultra-thin slices of diamonds reveal geological processes | 22/6/2016, Health Medicine Network | |
Geology: Sulphides may be a diamond’s best friend | 22/6/2016, Nature Asia | |
895. Barham, M., Kirkland, C.L., Reynolds, S., O’Leary, M.J., Evans, N.J., Allen, H., Haines, P.W., Hocking, R.M., McDonald, B.J., Belousova, E. and Goodall J. 2016. The answers are blowin’ in the wind: Ultra-distal ashfall zircons, indicators of Cretaceous super-eruptions in eastern Gondwana. Geology, 44, 643-646.
837. Nutman, A.P., Bennett, V.C., Friend, C.R.L., Van Kranendonk, M.J. and Chivas, A.R. 2016. Rapid emergence of life shown by discovery of 3,700-million-year-old microbial structures. Nature, 535-538.
Activity | Date, Forum | Web address |
World’s oldest fossils unveil life 3.7 billion years ago (etc) | 31/8/16 – 5/9/16, various | Featured in 231 news outlets world wide |
CCFS fosters links nationally and internationally through visits of collaborators to undertake defined short-term projects, or short-term visits to give lectures and seminar sessions. Formal collaborative arrangements are facilitated by partnerships in grants with reciprocal funding from international collaborators.
All Australian and international visitors are listed in Appendix 7.

They have participated in collaborative research, technology exchange, seminars, discussions and joint publications, collaboration in postgraduate programs.
CCFS provides funds to intetnational visitors who will add value to CCFS programs and contribute to the high visibility of research in the Centre. Recipients of 2016 CCFS Visiting Researcher Funds were:
Mr Alexis Geisler (pictured right) is an intern (MSc student) from Ecole Normale Superieure, France. Alexis visited CCFS from March to July 2016 to work on samples from Heard Island and use the MQ Geochemical Analysis Unit.
Dr Maibam Bidyananda Manipur from the University of India visited CCFS from June-July 2016 to collaborate on the Indo-Myanmar Ophiolite Belt.

Miss Zakie Kazemi (pictured left), is an exchange PhD student working on the “Petrology, geochemistry and tectonic model of Late Cretaceous volcanism” from Shahrood University of Technology, Iran. Zakie visited CCFS from August 2016 until March 2017, working with CCFS staff, using the MQ Geoanalytical facilities and treating everyone to her wonderful Iranian cooking.

Professor Paul Hoffman (pictured right), visited Curtin in July 2016 to present a CCFS sponsored short course on Snowball Earth. The series of seminars covered a range of aspects of the global climatic phenomenon known as snowball earth. The topics included geology, climate dynamics and geobiology (and everything in between) during two possible global glaciations. The event was extremely popular, with more than 80 delegates, along with a number of others who watched the event via a live webcast.
Dr Robert Loucks visited CET UWA from September to October 2016 to work on research related to CCFS Flagship Program 2 with Marco Fiorentini. During his stay he derived the thermodynamic formalism and compiled a dataset to calibrate a new zircon oxybarometer. See Research Highlight Cerium in zircon - serial tracking of mantle controls
Professor John Wheeler from Liverpool University, UK, visited in May to collaborate on work relating to diffusion creep and grain coarsening and developing an integrated model. Professor Wheeler’s expertise in diffusion creep modelling and deformation mechanisms in medium to high grade rocks made him an invaluable visitor, collaborating and interacting with Sandra Piazolo and Sandra’s research group as well as the MQ geophysics group.

Professor Richard Ernst (pictured left) from Carleton University, visited in August 2016 to work on research related to CCFS Flagship Program 6 and interact with Professor Zheng-Xiang Li's Earth Dynamics Research Group (http://geodynamics. Dr Ernst’s visit helped to provide constraints from the recently updated LIP record for supercontinent cycles and global Geodynamics.
Dr Stephan Wolf from the Institue for Glass and Ceramics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, visited CCFS MQ in September 2016, to collaborate on biomimetic materials from metastable precursors in the CaCO3 system.