Communications 2017


Conferences and workshops





CCFS web resources provide information on background, research and downloadable files of the Annual Report and Research Highlights. 

Links to the GEMOC website ( provide past GEMOC Annual Reports, updated details on its methods, new analytical advances and software updates (GLITTER), activities of research teams within GEMOC, synthesised summaries of selected research outcomes and items for secondary school resources. 

Links to the CET (Centre for Exploration Targeting) website ( provide access to wider information about CET activities beyond its involvement in CCFS and especially the wide base of end-user interaction.

Links to The Institute for Geoscience Research (TiGer) website ( provide information about their facilities, participants and research activities. 

Strong industry interaction in CCFS in 2017 ranged from presentations to specific industry groups in their offices to numerous formal and informal workshops at CET and GEMOC, and invited and plenary presentations at peak industry symposia, workshops and conferences nationally and internationally.

CCFS publications for 2017 are given in Appendix 5

The 183 CCFS publications that were published in 2017 are dominantly in high-impact international journals (Thomson ISI); the remainder are in outlets targeted to specific stakeholders (e.g., Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, Economic Geology).

CCFS has a LinkedIn Group – Join the conversation at



CCFS Investigators, associated staff, early-career researchers and postgraduates had a high profile at 43 peak geophysical, metallogenic, geodynamic and geochemical conferences as convenors, invited speakers, or presenters, with 343 presentations including:

•   XLIX (49) Tectonic meeting, Tectonics of modern and ancient oceans and their margins, Москва, Russia, January 31- 4 February 2017
•   Granitoids Through Time, Monash University, Australia, 2 February 2017
•   The 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, March 20-24 2017
•   Conference of the Israeli Geology Society, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel, 21 March 2017
•   3rd Deep Carbon Observatory International Science Meeting, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, 23-25 March 2017


Dorrit Jacob catching up with Steve Shirey (Carnegie Institution, Washington DC) at the Deep Carbon Observatory Meeting in Scotland.

•   International Symposium on Zircon Geochronology and Crustal Evolution, Kunming, China, 12-20 April 2017
•   TARGET 2017: Innovating Now for Our Future, Perth, Western Australia, 19-21 April 2017
•   European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017
•   Astrobiology Science Convention (Abscicon), Mesa, USA, 24-28 April 2017
•   AIG Workshop, Perth, WA, 2 May 2017
•   Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics, Inverness, Scotland, 30 April - 7 May 2017
•   EMAS-15 / IUMAS-7, Konstanz, Germany, 7-11 May 2017
•   JPGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan, 20-25 May 2017
•   GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 21-23 May 2017
•   2017 GSA Cordilleran Section Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 23-25 May 2017
•   2017 Interior of the Earth, Gordon Research Conference, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA, 4-9 June 2017
•   FUTORES II (Future Understanding of Tectonics, Ores, Resources, Environment and Sustainability) Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 4-7 June 2017
•   ARCF Project Workshop, Perth, Australia, 7 June 2017
•   Rodinia 2017: Supercontinent Cycles and Global Geodynamics, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 11-14 June 2017
•   ECROFI 2017, Nancy, France, 23-29 June 2017
•   5th Australian Atom Probe Workshop, Magnetic Island, Australia, 27-30 June 2017
•   Shock Metamorphism in Terrestrial and Extra-Terrestrial Rocks Workshop, Perth, Australia, 26 June - 2 July 2017
•   6th Augen Conference, Sydney University, 5-6 August 2017
•   IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly, Portland, Oregon, USA, 14-18 August 2017
•   Goldschmidt 2017 Conference, Paris, France, 13-18 August 2017




CCFS participants cruising the Seine during the Goldschmidt Conference dinner in Paris.



Sue O'Reilly and Bill Griffin enjoying the celebrations at the 11th International Kinberlite Conference Dinner hwere they were honoured with a named Conference Proceedings volume(Photo:IKC).



Steve Foley joins in the traditional rendition of the "Garnet Nodules" Song (Photo:IKC).

•   14th SGA Biennial Meeting, Quebec, 20-23 August 2017
•   12th International Eclogite Conference - High- and ultrahigh- pressure rocks - Keys to lithosphere dynamics through geologic time, Åre, Sweden, 26-29 August 2017
•   24th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Hyderabad, India, 21-28 September 2017
•   SIMS 21, 21st International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Krakow, Poland, 10-16 September 2017
•   Comparative tectonic analysis of melanges, accretionary orogens, and arc-continent collisions through time; Wuhan, China; 16-21 September 2017
•   SEG 2017. Ore Deposits of Asia: China and Beyond, Beijing, China, 17-20 September 2017
•   11th International Kimberlite Conference, Gaborone, Botswana, 18-22 September 2017
•   Exploration 17: Sixth Decennial International Conference on Mineral Exploration, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 21-25 October 2017
•   FAMOS (From Arc Magmas to Ores) Conference, University of Bristol, UK, 2 November 2017
•   Third Lithosphere Dynamics Workshop, CET UWA, Perth, 5-6 November 2017
•   Asian Orogeny and Continental Evolution: New Advances from Geologic, Geophysical and Geochemical Perspectives, Taipei, Taiwan, 6-12 November 2017


CCFS PhD student Sarath Patabendigedara snaps a selfie at the 24th Congress and General Assembly of the IUCr in Hyderabad, India.

•   Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology, The Geological Society of Australia, Denmark, WA, 8-12 November 2017
•   Geological Society of Australia (GSA) Earth Science Student Symposium (GESSS), Sydney, Australia, 10 November 2017
•   TIGeR Conference 2017, Timescales of Geological Processes, Curtin University, Perth, 13-15 September 2017
•   17th Australian Space Research Conference, Sydney, Australia, 15-17 November 2017
•   CCFS Whole-of-Centre Meeting, Cairns, Australia, 27-29 November 2017
•   AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 11-15 December 2017
•   Franco-Australian Astrobiology and Exoplanet Workshop (FAAbExo), Canberra, Australia, 16-20 December 2017




International Symposium on Zircon Geochronology and Crustal Evolution, Kunming, China, 12-20 April 2017
Can too much information spoil a good story?
S.A. Wilde    Keynote

TARGET 2017: Innovating Now for Our Future, Perth, Western Australia, 19-21 April 2017
Methods of targeting across all scales – what important elements to consider?
T.C. McCuaig    Keynote

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017
Long term evolution of Earth’s magnetic field strength: Supercontinent cycles and nucleation of the inner core
U. Kirscher, R.N. Mitchell, G. Cox, P. Asimow, N. Zhang and Z.-X. Li    Highlight

Tracing sulfur across lithospheric boundaries
C. LaFlamme, M. Fiorentini and B. Wing    Invited

JPGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan, 20-25 May 2017
South China in the assembled Gondwana
W. Yao, Z.X. Li, W.X. Li and X.H. Li    Invited

2017 Interior of the Earth, Gordon Research Conference, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA, 4-9 June 2017
The long legacy of deep mantle processes
C. O’Neill    Keynote


FUTORES II (Future Understanding of Tectonics, Ores, Resources, Environment and Sustainability) Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 4-7 June 2017
Metallogeny of the Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia
S.P. Johnson, I.O.H. Fielding, B. Rasmussen, J. Zi, J.R. Muhling, M.T.D. Wingate and S. Sheppard    Invited



Rodinia 2017: Supercontinent Cycles and Global Geodynamics, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 11-14 June 2017
A full-plate global reconstruction of the Neoproterozoic: An essential step in quantifying ancient geodynamics
A.S. Collins, A.S. Merdith, S.A. Pisarevsky, S. Williams and D.R. Müller    Keynote

Precambrian mantle plume centres and breakup margins identified using the large igneous province record
R.E. Ernst, Z.-X. Li and S.A. Pisarevsky    Keynote

New Progress and Constraints on Supercontinent Reconstructions
S. Pisarevsky    Keynote

6th Augen Conference, Sydney University, 5-6 August 2017
Meeting tomorrow’s needs: The national decadal plan for Earth Sciences, and implementing it in the classroom
C. O’Neill    Plenary

Goldschmidt 2017 Conference, Paris, France, 13-18 August 2017
Zircon below the micron scale: on the trail of errant elements
M.A. Kusiak    Keynote

Chronology of the Lunar Magma Ocean
A. Nemchin , J. Snape and M. Whitehouse    Invited

Tracing the Sources of Lunar Volcanism with Pb Isotopes
J. Snape, A. Nemchin, J. Bellucci and M. Whitehouse    Invited

12th International Eclogite Conference - High- and ultrahigh-pressure rocks - Keys to lithosphere dynamics through geologic time, Åre, Sweden, 26-29 August 2017
Peridotites and eclogites in the SCLM: The evolution of an understanding
W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’Reilly    Keynote

Comparative Tectonic Analysis of Melanges, Accretionary Orogens, and Arc-Continent Collisions Through Time; Wuhan, China; 16-21 September 2017
Permo-Triassic to Cretaceous magmatism along the northern margin of the North China Craton: Implications for the junction of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
S.A. Wilde and M.L. Grant    Invited

11th International Kimberlite Conference, Gaborone, Botswana, 18-22 September 2017
Olivine zoning and the evolution of kimberlite systems
A. Giuliani , A. Soltys, E. Lim, H. Farr, D. Phillips, K. Goemann and W.L. Griffin    Keynote

Exploration 17: Sixth Decennial International Conference on Mineral Exploration, Toronto, Canada, 21-25 October 2017
Exploration targeting
T.C. McCuaig and R.L. Sherlock    Keynote

FAMOS (From Arc Magmas to Ores) Conference, University of Bristol, UK, 2 November 2017
Applications of zircon chemistry to mineral exploration
R. Loucks    Invited

Third Lithosphere Dynamics Workshop, CET UWA, Perth, November 5-6 2017
Deep mantle processes: rheology, mixing, and how it’s changed
C. O’Neill    Invited

Asian Orogeny and Continental Evolution: New Advances from Geologic, Geophysical and Geochemical Perspectives, Taipei, Taiwan, 6-12 November 2017
Extrusion-style growth of the Tibetan Plateau since 40 Ma: New insights from the Longmenshan Fault Zone
Z.-X. Li    Keynote

How extensive are Microcontinents within the Chinese segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt?
S.A. Wilde    Keynote

Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology, The Geological Society of Australia, Denmark, WA, 8-12 November 2017
Uncovering terra incognita: new insights into the evolution of Antarctica and constraints for ice sheet models
J. Halpin, J. Whittaker, N. Daczko, I. Fitzsimons, A. Reading, A. Maritati, T. Staal, S. Watson, J. Mulder, T. Noble, Z. Chase, S. Tooze and I. Sauermilch    Keynote

Advances in geodynamic modelling
C. O’Neill    Keynote

17th Australian Space Research Conference, Sydney, Australia, 15-17, November 2017
Hydrothermal systems, early life on Earth and implications for astrobiology
T. Djokic    Plenary

Franco-Australian Astrobiology and Exoplanet Workshop (FAAbExo), Canberra, Australia, 16-20 December 2017
High-pressure silicate phases in exoplanets: Implications for dynamics and thermal evolution
C. O’Neill    Invited



A full list of abstract titles and authors for Conferences and Workshops attended is given in Appendix 6 and on the Abstracts page. 



Conference Role
TARGET 2017: Innovating Now for Our Future, Perth, Western Australia, 19-21 April 2017

Yongjun Lu
Workshop Coordinator:
Crystal LaFlamme


European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017

Session Convenor / Co-Convenors:
Huaiyu Yuan / Chris Kirkland and Klaus Gessner - Session: SM4.6/GD2.6/GMPV6.5/TS9.5
“Advances in mapping the structure of cratons, craton margins, and craton boundaries (co-organised)”


Astrobiology Science Conference, Mesa, Arizona, 24-28 April

Session Co-Chair:
Martin Van Kranendonk - “Solar system sites: Mars: habitability and preservation potential of silica-producing hydrothermal systems”


Rodinia 2017: Supercontinent Cycles and Global Geodynamics, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 11-14 June 2017

Zheng-Xiang Li    CCFS Sponsored

Theme Co-Convenors:
Zheng-Xiang Li and Louis Moresi - Theme 5: “Supercontinent cycles and Geodynamics”
More info here


6th AUGEN Conference, Sydney University, 5-6 August, 2017

Organiser, Co-Chair:
Nathan Daczko


Goldschmidt 2017 Conference, Paris, France, 13-18 August 2017

Andrea Giuliani - Theme 05D: “The Geochemistry of Hotspots and Intraplate Magmas: Mantle Sources, Metasomatism, Magmatic Processes and Xenolith Cargoes”
Sue O’Reilly - Theme 05E: “Lithosphere Evolution During Subduction and Collision”


IAMG 2017 International Association of Mathematical Geology, 18th Annual Conference, Perth, Australia, 2-9 September 2017

Member, Scientific Committee:
Klaus Gessner


SIMS 21, 21st International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Krakow, Poland, 10-16 September 2017

Member, International Scientific Committee, Session Chair:
Matt Kilburn - Cosmo/Geo/Archeo


SEG 2017 Ore Deposits of Asia: China and Beyond, Beijing, China, 17-20 September 2017

Session Chair:
Yongjun Lu - “Mineral Deposits in Tibet”


11th International Kimberlite Conference, Gaborone, Botswana, 18-22 September 2017

Theme Co-Convenor:
Stephen Foley - Theme 4: “The Origin and Evolution of Kimberlites and Related Magmas”


Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology, The Geological Society of Australia, Denmark, WA, 8-12 November 2017

Member, Organising Committee:
Klaus Gessner


Geological Society of Australia (GSA) Earth Science Student Symposium (GESSS), Sydney, Australia, 10 November 2017

Treasurer and Mentor:
Anthony Lanati (pictured)
CCFS Sponsored: CCFS was a “Fire Opal Sponsor”


AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 11-15 December 2017

Session Co-Organiser:
Weronika Gorczyk - Session: T54A: “Beyond Rigid Plates: Investigating Mechanisms, Processes, and Products of Intraplate Deformation”





Details and Participant/s


CET Seminar Series CET UWA 2017
CCFS/EPS Seminar Series CCFS/EPS MQ, organised by Stefan Loehr 2017
IGCP 648 Database Workshop 1 Two-day IGCP 648 workshop. Zheng-Xiang Li - Organiser and co-conductor Beijing China See International Links 24 February 2017
How to publish your research CCFS co-sponsored visitor, Hadyn Williams Fellow Professor Brendan Murphy delivered the workshop organised by Zheng-Xiang Li. The workshop was well attended by 35 Early Career Researchers and PhD students 4 April 2017
Empowering the next generation of research leaders CCFS co-sponsored visitor, Hadyn Williams Fellow Professor Brendan Murphy delivered the workshop organised by Zheng-Xiang Li. The workshop was well attended by both Early Career Researchers and PhD students 4 May 2017
EPS HDR Conference Day Organised by the MQ EPS and CCFS PhD students, featuring presentations and posters from EPS and CCFS MQ PhD students 15 June 2017
IGCP 648 Database Workshop 2 Two-day IGCP 648 workshop. Zheng-Xiang Li - Organiser and co-conductor, Townsville, Australia 9-10 June 2017
5-Lecture Short-Course on “The Earth’s Dark Ages: The Hadean and Transition to the Archean” Presenter - Simon Wilde - Attended by 50 Staff and Higher Degree students, University of Novosibirsk 25 September - 23 October 2017
Links between magma chemistry and tectonic stress Presenter - Bob Loucks Rio Tinto Exploration, Reading, UK 17 October 2017
2017 ACTER Field Symposium The third annual ACTER field symposium was held throughout the Lachlan Fold Belt of regional New South Wales, Australia. The field trip and symposium was led by Prof Bill Collins of Curtin University. The event was well attended, with 42 staff and graduate students from both National and International Institutions. Organised by Zheng-Xiang Li. 23-29 October 2017
CCFS 3rd Lithosphere Dynamics Workshop Members of organising committee - Weronika Gorczyk and Klaus Gessner 5-6 November 2017
EPS HDR Conference Day, MQ Organised by the MQ EPS and CCFS PhD students, featuring presentations and posters from EPS and CCFS MQ PhD students 15 November 2017
Predictive Guides to Copper Discovery Organiser and presenter - Bob Loucks Rio Tinto Exploration, Reading, UK 21 November 2017
CET-UWA 2017 Members’ Day Presenters included - Crystal LaFlamme and Johannes Hammerli 5 December 2017
Predictive Guides to Copper Discovery Organiser and presenter - Bob Loucks BHP Exploration, Santiago, Chile 5-6 December 2017








Juan Carlos Afonso




Presented with the 2017 Anton Hales Medal for achievements “at the forefront of revolutionising the way that geoscientists interpret the signals they obtain from deep in the Earth by geophysical methods

Crystal LaFlamme, Marco Fiorentini, Matt Kilburn Received a Research Impact Award - UWA
Richard Glen, Elena Belousova, Bill Griffin Best Paper Award for 2016, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences

Zheng-Xiang Li Finalist for Scientist of the Year - WA 2017 Premier’s Science Awards
Bill Griffin Google Scholar #1 Australian geoscience researcher in 2017 (
Steve Foley Google Australian #734 cited scientist in Australia (all disciplines) 2017 (
Bill Griffin, Sue O’Reilly, Zheng-Xiang Li, Simon Wilde Recognised by Clarivate Analytics (previously Thomson Reuters) as Highly-Cited Researchers ( 2017
Bob Loucks Awarded the Benjamin Meaker Visiting Distinguished Professorship, University of Bristol
Sue O’Reilly and Bill Griffin Honoured by dedication of Conference Volumes for 11th International Kimberlite Conference

Sue O’Reilly Google Australian #2 cited geoscientist 2017 (

Order of Australia (OAM) “for significant service to the earth sciences as an academic and researcher, to tertiary education, and to scientific associations” (2016)

Nanjing CCFS collaborators Professors Zhou Xinmin, Xisheng Xu and Jinhai Yu State Natural Science Award (China) for “Studies on the Mesozoic granites and crustal evolution in the Cathaysia block”




Martin Van Kranendonk


Mars2020 Sample Return team member

Anthony Lanati
Elected as NSW Division Treasurer, Geological Society of Australia

Zheng-Xiang Li

Principal Project Leader - IGCP 648: Supercontinent Cycles and Global Geodynamics

Member of the Overseas Advisory Committee, China State Council

Sue O’Reilly
Project Leader – IGCP 622: Project “Orogenic architecture and crustal growth from accretion to collision”

Bill Griffin
Co-Editor with Sisir Mondal of “Processes and ore deposits of ultramafic-mafic magmas through space and time”, a book published by Elsevier in 2017

Andrea Giuliani
Guest Editor - Proceedings of the 11th International Kimberlite Conference (Mineralogy and Petrology special issue)

Yongjun Lu

Appointed Councillor for Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) in 2016-2019

Appointed Secretary of the 6th International Archean Symposium (6IAS), Perth 2020

Craig O’Neill
Member of the Australian Academy of Science National Committee for Earth Sciences

Sue O’Reilly

Member Executive Committee, UNCOVER national initiative (Auspices of the Australian Academy of Science)

Chair, Academy of Science National Committee for Earth Sciences, and Decadal Plan preparation Member of Council, Australian Academy of Science

Elected Member of Executive Committee, Australian Academy of Sciences from 2018

Co-Chair inaugural Australian Academy of Science Task Force for “Equity and Diversity” from 2017

Invited Convenor – Session 5e “Lithosphere evolution during subduction and collision”, Goldschmidt 2017

Invited Member, Scientific Committee for 3rd European Mantle Workshop (EMAW), Pavia, 2018 Australian Member, IUGG Nominations Committee




Acta Geologica Sinica Li
American Journal of Science Wilde
American Mineralogist Handley
Cogent Geosciences O'Neill, Moressi
Earth and Planetary Physics (EPP) Yang
Exploration Geophysics Selway, Yang
Geodynamics & Tectonophysics Pisarevsky
Geological Society of America Bulletin Griffin, Kirkland, Li
Geology C. Clark, Li, Van Kranendonk
Geophysical Journal International Afonso
Geological Society of America Bulletin Griffin, Kirkland, Li
Geosphere Yuan
GeoResJ George, Schaefer
Journal of Earth Sciences Li, Wang
Journal of Jilin University – Earth Science Wilde
Journal of Metamorphic Geology Brown, C.Clark
Journal of Petrology Turner
Lithos C. Clark, Foley, Griffin
Mineralium Deposita Fiorentini
Nature Science Reports Jacob
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals McCammon
Precambrian Research Pisarevsky, Van Kranendonk
Solid Earth (EGU) Afonso
Solid Earth Sciences Griffin
Tectonophysics Li



CCFS Flagship Program 4 on the Concert Hall Stage of the Sydney Opera House, August 2017 for a Q&A presentation as part of National Science Week. From left to right: MC Graham Phillips, Paul Davies, Abigail Allwood, Mitch Schulte, Martin Van Kranendonk. Photo: Prudence Upton (SOH). Martin Van Kranendonk and host, Armen Mulkidjanian (far left), in front of the main building of Moscow’s Lomonosov University campus.




Numerous (daily) government briefings / Industry briefings Chris Kirkland 2017
Filming for BBC Stargazing Live Martin Van Kranendonk 1 January 2017
Public lecture - "Investigating Earth’s Oldest Rock" University of Pinar Del Rio, Cuba Simon A Wilde 13 January 2017
Public lecture - “Direct dating hydrocarbon generation using multiple radiogenic isotope systems” Qingdao, China Xuan-Ce Wang 4 May 2017
Public lecture - 2017 Haydn Williams Fellowship Public Lecture: “Why leprechauns know how mountains form” CCFS co-sponsored visitor Brendan Murphy 4 May 2017
Public lecture - Talk - Science at the Shine Dome 2017 - Anton Hales medal Juan Carlos Afonso 24 May 2017
High School Visit - Teaching basic Astrobiology concepts Georgia Soares 28 June 2017
School visit - East Victoria Park Primary School - 5th and 6th grades - Teacher, Mr Ranford, and students excited to have their science lesson taught by real-life scientists Amaury Pourteau,Erin Martin, Sam Bain 9 July 2017
Panellist, Women on Mars event for female high school students - Sydney Opera House - Students heard from leading female scientists and participated in exciting scientific activities Tara Djokic 18 August 2017
Panellist, Life on Mars: The 2020 Rover Mission - Sydney Opera House, concert hall stage Martin Van Kranendonk 17 August 2017
MQ Open day Craig O’Neill 19 August 2017
High school outreach, Jakarta - years 8-12 Tara Djokic 1 September 2017
Public lecture in the Geology Department - Presidency University, Kolkata, India Hindol Ghatak 12 September 2017
ARC/STA Research Showcase event, Parliament House, Canberra - Networking with Parliamentarians and key staff - Jointly organised by ARC and Science and Technology Australia. Dorrit Jacob 7 September 2017
Public lecture - “Linking Deep-Earth Volatile Cycling with Geodynamics, Magmatism, and Surface Feedback - New perspectives on the evolution of the terrestrial silica reservoirs”, Nanjing, China Xuan-Ce Wang 16 Sept 2017
Public lecture - “Characterisation and Isotope Dating of Source Rocks and Hydrocarbon Generation for Exploration Targeting” Xi'an, China Xuan-Ce Wang 21 Sept 2017
Public lecture - Students, Russian Science Festival, Moscow Martin Van Kranendonk


Martin Van Kranendonk and host, Armen Mulkidjanian (far left), in front of the main building of Moscow’s Lomonosov University campus.
1 October 2017
High school outreach - Broken Hill - years 8-10 Tara Djokic 1 October 2017
Jinxiang Huang, Romain Tilhac, Montgarri Castillo-Oliver


CCFS sponsor booth manned by CCFS ECRs - Geological Society of Australia (GSA) Earth Science Student Symposium (GESSS), MQ, Sydney, Australia
10 November 2017
Years 8-12 talk for the Curious Minds program (Kelsie Dadd) Tara Djokic 1 December 2017
Visit to East Victoria Park Primary School (Photo below: Earth Dynamic Research Group) Amaury Pourteau, Erin Martin, Samuel Bain



Activity Participant/s Date, Forum Web address
Evidence falls into place for once and future supercontinents Zheng-Xiang Li 11/1/17, Science News
Paleomagnetic data hint at link from Earth’s core to continents Uwe Kirscher 15/6/17, Eos Earth & Space Science News
Podcast - Episode 57: South American copper & Earth’s evolution Nick Gardner 1/9/17, The Northern Miner
Zircons: How tiny crystals open a window into the early history of Earth Craig O’Neill 11/9/17, Cosmos Magazine
Prehistoric volcanoes to prospect for metals Stephen Foley 20/9/17, Stories of Australian Science
Huge space rocks could have helped start Earth’s plate tectonics Craig O’Neill 25/9/17, New Scientist
Did meteorites create the Earth’s tectonic plates? Craig O’Neill 26/9/17, Cosmos
Did giant meteorites activate our tectonic plates? Craig O’Neill 26/9/17, NZ Herald
New research illuminating the dark age of geology Craig O’Neill 28/9/17, 2SER Breakfast radio Interview
Astrobiology studies in the Hamersley Ranges look at early life on planet Earth - Interview with Susan Standen Georgia Soares 12/12/17, ABC Northwest Radio and ABC online
CCFS on The BIG Screen: Flagship Program 4 members shot interviews for AstroMedia and continued filming for December Media’s IMAX 3-D documentary “Earth Story” featuring CI Martin Van Kranendonk and UNSW PhD student Tara Djokic, due for release around the world in late in 2018. Filming roles also included a UNSW TV segment for the Life on Mars: The 2020 Rover Mission - Sydney Opera House, concert hall stage (see below).


Martin Van Kranendonk and Tara Djokic explain why research on ancient rocks with evidence of deposition in hot springs is important for the exploration of life on Mars.Watch here.


1075. Djokic, T., Van Kranendonk, M.J., Campbell, K.A., Walter, M.R. and Ward, C.R. 2017. Earliest signs of life on land preserved in ca. 3.5 ga hot spring deposits. Nature Communications, 8, 15263.

Activity Date, Forum Web address
World’s oldest fossils unveil life 3.7 billion years ago (etc) May 2017
One of the highest ranking papers on Almetrics, in any field. Featured in 134 news stories from 111 outlets. (

1003. O’Neill, C., Marchi, S., Zhang, S. and Bottke, W. 2017. Impact-driven subduction on the Hadean Earth. Nature Geoscience, 10, 793-797.

Activity Date, Forum Web address
Asteroid bombardment sent the Earth’s crust into meltdown 4 billion years ago 25/9/17, UK IBT
Asteroid impacts 4 billion years ago transformed the Earth’s crust and helped create its tectonic plates 25/9/17, Daily Mail
Did giant meteorites activate our tectonic plates? 25/9/17, New Zealand Herald
Huge space rocks could have helped start Earth’s plate tectonics 25/9/17, New Scientist
Meteorite impacts may have created Earth’s tectonic plates 25/9/17, Sign of the Times
Did meteorites create the Earth’s tectonic plates? 26/9/17, Cosmos Online
Earth’s earliest tectonics driven by impacts 26/9/17,
Asteroid bombardment sent the Earth’s crust into meltdown 4 billion years ago 26/9/17, YAHOO news
How did Earth form? Meteorite crashes helped planet support life 26/9/17, IBT
Large meteorite impacts drove plate-tectonic processes on the early Earth 26/9/17,
Удары астероидов породили движение материков 27/9/17,

996. Giuliani, A., Campeny, M., Kamenetsky, V.S., Afonso, J.C., Maas, R., Melgarejo, J.C., Kohn, B.P., Matchan, E.L., Mangas, J., Goncalves, A.O. and Manuel, J. 2017. Southwestern Africa on the burner: Pleistocene carbonatite volcanism linked to deep mantle upwelling in Angola. Geology, 45, 971-974.

Activity Date, Forum Web address
Burning questions remain after discovery of recent volcanic eruptions in Angola 22/11/17, Deep Carbon Observatory Newsletter

1046. Tassara, S., Gonzalez-Jimenez, J.M., Reich, M., Schilling, M.E., Morata, D., Begg, G., Saunders, E., Griffin, W.L., O’Reilly, S.Y., Gregory, M., Barra, F. and Corgne, A. 2017. Plume-subduction interaction forms large auriferous provinces. Nature Communications, 8, 843.

Activity Date, Forum Web address
Where does the gold discovered under South America come from? 29/11/17, Cooperativa
An international group of scientists reveals the mystery about the origin of gold 21/11/17, Science Newsline
An international group of scientists reveals the mystery about the origin of gold 21/11/17, EurekAlert!
An international group of scientists reveals the mystery about the origin of gold: it comes from the Earth’s mantle 16/11/17, AlphaGalileo
Geologia. O ouro das estrelas foi parar ao manto da Terra 9/12/17, Publico
L’or provient bien du magma de la Terre 8/12/17, Sciences et Avenir
Scientists have unravelled the mystery of where gold came from 22/11/17, International Business Times (UK)
Scientists reveal the mystery about the origin of gold 22/11/17,
Why is gold on Earth found in specific regions of the planet? 22/11/17, International Business Times
Origin of gold: precious metal comes from ancient chemical factory in deepest part of earth’s mantle 23/11/17, Yahoo! News
Revealed the mystery about the origin of gold 23/11/17, Eurasia Review
This new research gives new clues to the origin of gold 23/11/17, Newsweek




CCFS fosters links nationally and internationally through visits of collaborators to undertake defined short-term projects, or short-term visits to give lectures and seminar sessions. Formal collaborative arrangements are facilitated by partnerships in grants with reciprocal funding from international collaborators.

Australian and international visitors are listed in Appendix 7. They have participated in collaborative research, technology exchange, seminars, discussions and joint publications and collaboration in postgraduate programs. For More information see the section on International Links.