Governance and management


Centre Director Professor Suzanne O’Reilly is supported by a Chief Operating Officer and a Business and Development Officer.  Professor O’Reilly provides scientific leadership and strategic direction for the Centre.  Node Directors administer the CU and UWA nodes and are responsible for providing leadership in their respective nodes, bringing together researchers to form a coherent team with a shared vision of the whole CoE’s aims and objectives.  The Geological Survey of Western Australia has a nominated representative.

Professor O’Reilly chairs an Executive Committee which guides the Advisory Board and Centre Director on the appropriateness of the research strategies, reports on progress in achieving aims as well as structure and general operating principles and identifies and protects the Centre IP.  A new Executive position of Centre Research Coordinator was introduced in 2013, taken on by the targeted MQ appointment of Professor Stephen Foley.

During the ARC funding period, the Advisory Board’s external membership comprised senior representatives from industry and other end-users such as Geoscience Australia. This model had proven highly productive during the lifetimes of the GEMOC.

The Science Advisory Committee had a rotating membership and provided valuable evaluations of the Centre’s research, in particular its research strategies, structure and outcomes.


Executive Committee


Advisory Board

Professor Suzanne Y. O’Reilly - Director
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Macquarie University
  Dr Ian Gould 
Former Chancellor
University of South Australia 
Honorary Professor William L. Griffin
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Macquarie University
  Dr Andy Barnicoat
Chief, Community Safety & Earth Monitoring Division
Geoscience Australia 
Associate Professor Craig O’Neill
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Macquarie University
  Dr Paul Heithersay
Chief Executive Olympic Dam Task Force, and Deputy Chief Executive, Resources & Energy Group, Department of State Development
Professor Simon Wilde - Node Director
Department of Applied Geology
Curtin University
  Dr Jon Hronsky
Western Mining Services
Professor Zheng-Xiang Li
Department of Applied Geology
Curtin University
  Dr Phil McFadden
Treasurer and Executive Committee, Fellow, Australian Academy of Science; driver of the UNCOVER initiative
Associate Professor Marco Fiorentini - Node director
School of Earth and Environment
University of Western Australia

Dr Roric Smith
Consulting Geologist
Evolution Mining

Associate Professor Matthew Kilburn
Deputy Director, Centre for Microscopy,
Characterisation and Analysis
University of Western Australia

Dr Campbell McCuaig  (Ex Officio)
Principal Geoscientist
Geoscience Centre of Excellence, BHP Billiton

Professor Stephen Foley - Research Coordinator  (Ex Officio)
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Macquarie University
  plus the Executive Committee 

Dr Ian Tyler  (Ex Officio)
Assistant Director Geoscience Mapping
Geological Survey of Western Australia