Kim Jessop
PhD Student Contact DetailsAustralian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems (CCFS), GEMOC Office : E7A 419
![]() with Keelen Mailman, Mt Tabor Station Qld |
Topic: The Role of Fluids in High-Temperature Low-Pressure Metamorphism
Supervisors: Nathan Daczko and Sandra Piazolo
The Wongwibinda Metamorphic Complex, located approximately 45km NE of Armidale in northern NSW, is the project area for testing the role of fluids in the creation of ‘regional metamorphic aureoles’. Detailed field mapping has shown that previously identified potential fluid pathways are in fact deep-sea silica horizons, possibly of exhalative origin, dragged up into the accretionary prism. Work is now focussing on the highest grade migmatite zones where cupolas of two-mica granite are exposed.

⇐ Migmatites
Kim graduated with a BSc from the University of Newcastle NSW and spent over 15 years as a geologist in Australia, the UK and southern Africa. Personal circumstances dictated a change in direction and she spent the following two decades in the IT and environment industries working in mid to senior management roles. In 2006 she returned to geology to find that many advances had been made in the subject over the intervening years.
In 2008, Kim commenced study at Macquarie for a Master of Geoscience degree and chose to study the Buckland Tertiary basalt province in central Queensland for her research project. She commenced full-time study for a PhD immediately following completion of the Masters degree.
In addition to a Master of Geoscience, Kim holds a Master of Local Government and Environmental Law and a postgraduate Diploma of Applied Economics, all from Macquarie University.