Shahid Ramzan
PhD Student Contact DetailsShahid Ramzan
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Thesis title:
The effective strength of oceanic plate bounding faults
Principal Supervisor: Dr Craig O’Neill
Associate Supervisor: Dr Sandra Piazolo
I am working towards my PhD in Geodynamics, aiming to develop robust rheological models to predict the long-term geodynamic response of oceanic faults. This will result in combining the weakening mechanisms which are dependent on strain accumulation, strain rate, and alteration processes. My project is classified into the following three major parts:
1) Constrain the serpentinization of plate-bounding oceanic faults, via combined geophysical, petrological and geodynamic modelling.
2) Incorporate these derived alteration patterns and their associated rheological laws into geodetically constrained geodynamic models to understand the way alteration processes impinge on the behaviour of oceanic faults.
3) Apply this combined, iterative approach to a number of sample sites around the Australian plate to understand the propagation of stresses into the interior of the plate and the detailed microdynamics of Australia’s tectonic boundaries.
Research Interests
Fault strength of plate boundaries around Australia
Deformation mechanisms in both crustal and mantle lithologies
Active tectonics
Conference Abstracts
Yule, J.D., McBurnett, P., Ramzan, S., Sieh, K., Comparing the Size and Frequency of Ruptures of the San Andreas fault system at the Burro Flats, Millard Canyon, and Cabazon Paleoseismic Sites (2012 SCEC Annual Meeting abstract)
Heermance, R., Yule, J.D., McBurnett, P., Ramzan, S., Geologically determined uplift rates through the central San Gorgonio Pass" (2012 SCEC Annual Meeting abstract)
Ramzan, S., Yule, J.D., Paleoseismic Investigation of the San Gorgonio Pass Fault Zone near Cabazon, California (2011 SCEC Annual Meeting abstract)
Yule, J.D., McBurnett, P., Ramzan, S., Long Return Periods for Earthquakes in San Gorgonio Pass and Implications for Large Ruptures of the San Andreas Fault in Southern California (American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, #T33F-05)
Yule, J.D., McBurnett, P., Ramzan, S., Paleoseismology and Slip Rate of the San Gorgonio Pass Fault Zone: Testing the Likelihood of through Going San Andreas Rupture (2010 SCEC Annual Meeting abstract)
Meigs, A., Yule, J. D., Madden, C., Yeats, R., Hussain, A., Akhtar, S. S., Latif, A., Waliullah, A., Ashraf, M., Ramzan, S., Dasti,N, Earthquake surface rupture of the Salt Range Thrust at the Himalayan Thrust Front in Pakistan. (American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, #T33F-05)
Meigs, A., Madden, C., Yule, J.D., Gavillot, Y., Hebeler, A., Hussain, A., Bhat, M.I., Kaussar, A.B., Malik, M., Ramzan, S., Sayab, M. and Yeats, R., 2010, Distributed deformation, distributed earthquakes in the northwest Himalaya, in Leech, M.L., and others, eds., Proceedings for the 25th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2010-1099.
Doug Yule , C. Madden , Andrew Meigs , A. Hussain , A. B. Kausar , S. Ramzan, Can megathrust-type earthquakes happen in the northwest Himalaya? (Indo-Asia Continental collision workshop organized by NSF USA in Islamabad, Pakistan May 10 – 11, 2010)
I received my M.S from Department of Geology, California State University Northridge (CSUN), USA, in 2012. I have also earned my B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in geology from University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. My M.Sc. thesis at CSUN focuses on the paleoseismology of the San Gorgonio Pass Fault zone (San Andreas fault system) near Cabazon, California with Dr J. Douglas Yule.
Apart from my work life, I have interests in a number of outdoor activities which include hiking, mountain biking, taking part in adventures and of course, enjoying the beautiful combinations of oceans and forests around Sydney.